Bergdahl smearer already had OTH discharge...


Where any of the Bush releases of the caliber of the 5 "GENERALS" that were released back into combat?

When all you've got is photoshop.............................:eusa_whistle:

I imagine when you are a liberal ****, that's enough so that you DON'T have to read and answer a question under the picture... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Caliber of what?

You do realize none of the folks released were ever charged with anything, right?

And one of them? WORKED WITH THE CIA.
That was a stroke of genius.

When it happened, it was clear that the military loved it.

I can see why to this day, it still burns your ass.

Did the military love the 5000 dead, 32,000 wounded, and thousands with PTSD that followed the mission being "accomplished"?

Frankly, it was probably the dumbest thing Bush ever did. (And that's a high order, because there isn't much that retard did that wasn't pretty dumb.) He took a victory lap in a game that he hadn't won yet.

It was genius.

Dude, you and I both know it.

The dumbest thing Bush did was not fight back against all of the lies you libs pumped out on the airwaves for so many years.

He wasn't a political animal. He was the polar opposite of the POS in the Oval Office today, who doesn't take a dump without thinking how he could use it in a campaign speech.
That was a stroke of genius.

When it happened, it was clear that the military loved it.

I can see why to this day, it still burns your ass.

Did the military love the 5000 dead, 32,000 wounded, and thousands with PTSD that followed the mission being "accomplished"?

Frankly, it was probably the dumbest thing Bush ever did. (And that's a high order, because there isn't much that retard did that wasn't pretty dumb.) He took a victory lap in a game that he hadn't won yet.

It was genius.

Dude, you and I both know it.

The dumbest thing Bush did was not fight back against all of the lies you libs pumped out on the airwaves for so many years.

He wasn't a political animal. He was the polar opposite of the POS in the Oval Office today, who doesn't take a dump without thinking how he could use it in a campaign speech.

Maybe he shouldn't have pursued a career in politics, then. Maybe he should have stuck to running failed businesses and having his Daddy's friends bail him out.

What Got Bush into trouble was that when he declared "Mission Accomplished', nobody told the various factions in Iraq we spent the next 10 years fighting.

Oh, yeah. And no weapons of Mass destruction. Pixies snuck them into Russia or something.
Read the CBS report. That soldier's family has not demented the report.

Look up the word demented in the dictionary.
Your misuse of it could be the result of poor reading and writing skills and a very limited vocabulary. Try using The instead of That when starting your sentence.

Based on all of the above, I will not bother to read anything you write.

[MENTION=34694]usmcstinger[/MENTION] - I will respond personally to that one.

Indeed, the world "demented" looked strange. I speak a number of languages, one of which is German (actually, I speak German much more often than English these days) and was on the telephone with a client of mine when I wrote that posting and thought the german verb "dementieren" -and conjugated it for English (past tense) and didn't even notice that I did it. The word I was looking for in English would be "to deny" or, more simply, "deny". You can see the possible translations of that word here: Wörterbuch :: dementieren :: Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung

You can simply substitute "demented" with "denied" and you would then get the jist of the sentence.

Sorry for the confusion about that one word.

So, it had nothing to do with writing skills at all.

Now, as to the occasional error in grammar, spelling, punctuation, that can happen to any one of us. I do hope it didn't cause you too much discomfort. But actually, "That soldier's" is indeed correct English. I suppose I could have enhanced it with "That particular soldier's", for those who are somewhat lacking in overall understanding.

I will remember to be every bit as polite to you in the future as you were to me here.

Your non plausible excuses are laughable.
Excuses are the reasons we fail.
It was genius.

Dude, you and I both know it.

People at the time said it was a horrible image. And Bush's people almost immediately backtracked, blaming the banner on the Crew of the USS Lincoln.
Read the CBS report. That soldier's family has not demented the report.

Look up the word demented in the dictionary.
Your misuse of it could be the result of poor reading and writing skills and a very limited vocabulary. Try using The instead of That when starting your sentence.

Based on all of the above, I will not bother to read anything you write.

[MENTION=34694]usmcstinger[/MENTION] - I will respond personally to that one.

Indeed, the world "demented" looked strange. I speak a number of languages, one of which is German (actually, I speak German much more often than English these days) and was on the telephone with a client of mine when I wrote that posting and thought the german verb "dementieren" -and conjugated it for English (past tense) and didn't even notice that I did it. The word I was looking for in English would be "to deny" or, more simply, "deny". You can see the possible translations of that word here: Wörterbuch :: dementieren :: Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung

You can simply substitute "demented" with "denied" and you would then get the jist of the sentence.

Sorry for the confusion about that one word.

So, it had nothing to do with writing skills at all.

Now, as to the occasional error in grammar, spelling, punctuation, that can happen to any one of us. I do hope it didn't cause you too much discomfort. But actually, "That soldier's" is indeed correct English. I suppose I could have enhanced it with "That particular soldier's", for those who are somewhat lacking in overall understanding.

I will remember to be every bit as polite to you in the future as you were to me here.


i bet statist never comes back to this thread and admit how many times he was wrong....

right again....

poor stalker statist

If you are referring to me, I have a life in the real world and I work as well, and I come and go as I please on threads. You don't determine my timetable. I do.

I will deal with you later, to be sure.

oh my, i'm so scared have a life, yet all you can do is think about me and plan how you will deal with me later....:lol:

and i was right, you did not admit you were wrong you pathetic stalker
The NEWIST From the White House: Hagel, not Obama, made final decision to swap Bergdahl....How many times is the STORY going to Change?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:


Classified #Bergdahl briefing just finished. WH officials say Secy. Hagel made the final call on #Bergdahl swap.

Should the Dems lose the Senate in November, Obama will be a lame duck and high rankers will abandon ship. Hagel will fall on his sword for the Prez but no military officer with a lick of ambition will buck him, therefore no Bowe court martial.

The POTUS does not decide who gets court-martialed, or not.

Here, you can read up on how it works:

Courts-martial in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hagel will resign. The prez wants this big pile of shit swept under the rug. No military officer with a lick of ambition will buck him, therefore no Bowe court martial. :D
Somehow, I think that for the "Bergdahl is a Traitor" crowd, this is not going to go very well...

This dude:

former Army Sgt. Josh Korder (who served with Bergdahl), the one who railed on Bergdahl as a traitor, received an OTH discharge from the military.

Korder is the same guy who started the "6 guys died" lie that has since then been debunked.

OTH stands for "other than honorable"

MN Soldier Speaks Out Against Freed POW Bowe Bergdahl « CBS Minnesota

Korder did sign a nondisclosure agreement about this situation. His family told WCCO he knows the risk he’s taking by talking.

Korder was recently discharged, which was listed as “other than honorable.”

And BTW, who organized these Bergdahl critics?

Why, none other than former Bush administration official, then later, a Romney foreign policy advisor/strategist Richard Grennell. Yes, that Richard Grenell, whom Romney dropped like a hot potato when it came out that Grenell was gay and the religious Right went into holy holy spasms.

Cody Full, one of the soldiers quoted in the New York Times and other stories, tweeted yesterday about Grenell: “I want to thank @richardgrenell for helping get our platoon’s story out.” Grenell retweeted the tweet, calling Full a “true American hero.”

This is the definition of "other than honorable discharge"

Military Justice 101 - Part 3, Enlisted Administrative Separations

Under Other Than Honorable Conditions.

OTH Discharges are warranted when the reason for separation is based upon a pattern of behavior that constitutes a significant departure from the conduct expected of members of the Military Services, or when the reason for separation is based upon one or more acts or omissions that constitute a significant departure from the conduct expected of members of the Military Services. Examples of factors that may be considered include the use of force or violence to produce serious bodily injury or death, abuse of a special position of trust, disregard by a superior of customary superior-subordinate relationships, acts or omissions that endanger the security of the United States or the health and welfare of other members of the Military Services, and deliberate acts or omissions that seriously endanger the health and safety of other persons.

Persons awarded an OTH characterization of service: are not entitled to retain their uniforms or wear them home (although they may be furnished civilian clothing at a cost of not more than $50); must accept transportation in kind to their homes; are subject to recoupment of any reenlistment bonus they may have received; are not eligible for notice of discharge to employers (which may affect unemployment benefits); and, do not receive mileage fees from the place of discharge to their home of record.

It is generally believed that an OTH Discharge will render an individual ineligible for all VA Benefits. This is not necessarily so. The Department of Veterans Affairs will make its own determination with respect as to whether the OTH was based on conditions which would forfeit any or all VA benefits...


So, CNN decided to interview a dude who was already dishonorably discharged to speak about Bergdahl. Isn't that kind of like a whore being interviewed for celibacy advocacy?

Nosiree, nothing partisan about #Bergdahlghazi at all, folks. Nosiree.... :eusa_whistle:
Why don't you look up punishment for desertion during war. This guy could of got something as simple as a DUI or popped hot for marijuana on a piss test. Thats all it takes. But if your a flaming homosexual you can cry discrimination all day long. Nearly impossible to punish a gay or lesbian without discrimination charge being filed.

If you are referring to me, I have a life in the real world and I work as well
, and I come and go as I please on threads. You don't determine my timetable. I do.

I will deal with you later, to be sure.
It really shows in your post count! :rolleyes: :lol:

Nice to know you like to pay attention to me.
The post count is right there for anyone to see. Showed up about the same time frame I did.

Nope, you have no life. :lol:

If you are referring to me, I have a life in the real world and I work as well
, and I come and go as I please on threads. You don't determine my timetable. I do.

I will deal with you later, to be sure.
It really shows in your post count! :rolleyes: :lol:

Nice to know you like to pay attention to me.

With 67 POST per day, and half of them getting Rep playing Rep Frog, we ALL laugh at you...and you have the balls to complain about my 52 posts a day...almost all in the political forum, where a Rep means something! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
The Taliban should be known henceforth as "REAGAN'S RAIDERS".

You're not very bright are you:eusa_clap:

WHen they were killing Russians for trying to teach girls how to read, Ronald Reagan called them "Freedom Fighters".

When they were knocking down skyscrapers full of Wall Street looters, they called them "Terrorists".

Maybe it's time to stop sticking our dicks in the Hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung.
The Taliban should be known henceforth as "REAGAN'S RAIDERS".

You're not very bright are you:eusa_clap:

WHen they were killing Russians for trying to teach girls how to read, Ronald Reagan called them "Freedom Fighters".

When they were knocking down skyscrapers full of Wall Street looters, they called them "Terrorists".

Maybe it's time to stop sticking our dicks in the Hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung.

Didn't we work with Stalin during WW II....DUH!!!!!

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