Bergdahl smearer already had OTH discharge...

A guy in my battery was discharged with "other than honorable" because he had 5 kids and was only 23, no twins. His wife was falling apart and he wasn't in the military long enough for an honorable.

Who are you and what have you done with rdean?
Yes, it's totally Obama's fault The Onion stopped being funny years ago.

Yet you guys blame Bush still......

What's your point, other than you can't face up to reality?

Face it, Obama is president, not Bush.

It can take only a second to smash a car. Sometimes, the damage is so bad, it can't be fixed.

The damage is never so bad that it cannot be fixed, it can be so bad that it is simple less expensive to buy another car.
Somehow, I think that for the "Bergdahl is a Traitor" crowd, this is not going to go very well...

This dude:

former Army Sgt. Josh Korder (who served with Bergdahl), the one who railed on Bergdahl as a traitor, received an OTH discharge from the military.

Korder is the same guy who started the "6 guys died" lie that has since then been debunked.

OTH stands for "other than honorable"

MN Soldier Speaks Out Against Freed POW Bowe Bergdahl « CBS Minnesota

And BTW, who organized these Bergdahl critics?

Why, none other than former Bush administration official, then later, a Romney foreign policy advisor/strategist Richard Grennell. Yes, that Richard Grenell, whom Romney dropped like a hot potato when it came out that Grenell was gay and the religious Right went into holy holy spasms.

This is the definition of "other than honorable discharge"

Military Justice 101 - Part 3, Enlisted Administrative Separations


So, CNN decided to interview a dude who was already dishonorably discharged to speak about Bergdahl. Isn't that kind of like a whore being interviewed for celibacy advocacy?

Nosiree, nothing partisan about #Bergdahlghazi at all, folks. Nosiree.... :eusa_whistle:

in the last ten years over 100 thousand troops has received a OTH discharge

And how many of them are interviewed to smear an officer who has not been discharged?

What the fuck are you blathering about now?
A Sergeant is not an officer?

no they are not


Sergeant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A sergeant is a non-comissioned officer.

Tell you what, take a trip to the nearest Army or Marine base you can find and try to tell them that a sergeant is the same as an officer. When they try to explain, nicely, why you are wrong, keep arguing with them.

And make sure to have someone taking a video so we can all watch.
Liberals are selective in who they care about in our military

Even thought they keep hearing all that's this Obama pet has done, it's now time to SMEAR all the other military men and women because HOW DARE speak up

they did the same with Swift boat vets

we should of known this was coming

but Obama's reputation is more important TO THEM right now and all the rest can to go hell

oh and notice, they it's all about this guy, do they care one bit he TRADED to TERRORIST? I hope he waved the white flag while he doing trade

you all defending trade for one person who is in doubt of being POW and Obama are traitors to us and our country

WTF are they signing a non-disclosure statement for anyway.

This isn't supposed to be a national secret.

This has been a cover-up for years.

use your brain.

Ever heard of secret-ops before?

Now, put 2 and 2 together.

I have, and I never signed a non disclosure agreement. It is was actually classified, they would simply have been ordered not to talk under penalty of court martial.
If not dishonorable, OTH means GENERAL. I know someone, a family member in fact (NOT MY FATHER) who received a general discharge and reveied all Vet benefits.

Those who served, please CORRECT me on the meaning of General discharge if I am wrong.

Basically, here is how it works.

Honorable, general under honorable, and other than honorable are all administrative discharges that have no impact on your civilian life because they are not the result of a trial. Other than honorable discharges are awarded benefits on a case by case basis, the other two are automatically eligible.
There was no "swap" of prisoners.

We paid for Bergdahl's release.

And we released 5 terrorists in an unrelated move...except that the admin tried to connect them, to hide the fact that they were just straight up turning terrorists loose.
Holy shit. I have seen liberals get crushed in threads before, but this has almost made feel sorry for them.

I still have not seen any viable source that proves Korder got an OTH Discharge. I do not care what the media has said.

Why is it that all the military experts never served in our Armed Forces?
It seems they lacked the intestinal fortitude to do so.
i bet statist never comes back to this thread and admit how many times he was wrong....
There was no "swap" of prisoners.

We paid for Bergdahl's release.

And we released 5 terrorists in an unrelated move...except that the admin tried to connect them, to hide the fact that they were just straight up turning terrorists loose.

do you not care that everything you post is unsubstantiated bullshit? do you not care that every time you make up another conspiracy theory you look more and more idiotic and less and less sane?
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I agree, despite my questions about those attacking him, this isn't a valid reason to discount the fellow soldier's report.

Why? The dude has a dishonorable discharge. That doesn't make him particularly trustworthy.

No. It means that he didn't follow orders or broke some military rule or regulation. It doesn't automatically make him a liar. As a matter of fact, considering the way the military is being fucked up by Obama, he may be more honest than the yes-men he has running the place. If he got an OTH, it used to be called a bad conduct discharge, which is not dishonorable.

Lefties are grasping at whatever they can so they can salvage their Messiah's clusterfuck.
Personally, I think this is about as corrupt as you can get, when you try to pull a stunt like this. Releasing 5 terrorists so they can go back to murdering and terrorizing, in exchange for a terrorist collaborator, and trying to keep it all quiet so you can get a decent photo-op and get the VA scandal off of the headlines.

The reported intimidation being exerted on former members of Bergdahls unit is disgraceful. What kind of country have we become?

Hope & Change is nothing but a slogan.
And either the Whitehouse has given CBS this information, or has implied such to them. Either way it just shows how slimey they are, to smear one in this platoon, because they are unhappy with the response to the trade and their parading his parents out and calling him honorable. And CBS is just as slimey to even report it.

NBC this morning actually said Obama and the Whitehouse actually looked upon desertion as the equivalent to dropping out of Yale for a year. They are truly flummoxed. And no, it wasn't Scarborough making the comments, but their Whitehouse correspondent.


Got a video or audio quote of our President actually saying that?

Peggy Noonan made a statement similar to that and she has been quoted by others in the media.
i bet statist never comes back to this thread and admit how many times he was wrong....

right again....

poor stalker statist

If you are referring to me, I have a life in the real world and I work as well, and I come and go as I please on threads. You don't determine my timetable. I do.

I will deal with you later, to be sure.
i bet statist never comes back to this thread and admit how many times he was wrong....

right again....

poor stalker statist

If you are referring to me, I have a life in the real world and I work as well, and I come and go as I please on threads. You don't determine my timetable. I do.

I will deal with you later, to be sure.

Stat......try to keep on the subject rather than constantly deflecting.

Many of the deflections have been really idiotic.

I see the method in your madness......I just wonder why.

Keeping everyone arguing about the definition of what is an officer is silly, or bringing up some bogus excuse that these 11 bang bangs were on some secret mission.

It's really beneath you.

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