Bergdahl smearer already had OTH discharge...

Repubs might regret their turning this into Benghazi II

Somehow, I think that for the "Bergdahl is a Traitor" crowd, this is not going to go very well...

So he lied when he enlisted: not very honorable.

Examine most of the far right veteran discharges and you will see they are OTH and dishonorable, etc.
Where is a document that proves he received an OTH?

Read the CBS report. That soldier's family has not demented the report.

Look up the word demented in the dictionary.
Your misuse of it could be the result of poor reading and writing skills and a very limited vocabulary. Try using The instead of That when starting your sentence.

Based on all of the above, I will not bother to read anything you write.

[MENTION=34694]usmcstinger[/MENTION] - I will respond personally to that one.

Indeed, the world "demented" looked strange. I speak a number of languages, one of which is German (actually, I speak German much more often than English these days) and was on the telephone with a client of mine when I wrote that posting and thought the german verb "dementieren" -and conjugated it for English (past tense) and didn't even notice that I did it. The word I was looking for in English would be "to deny" or, more simply, "deny". You can see the possible translations of that word here: Wörterbuch :: dementieren :: Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung

You can simply substitute "demented" with "denied" and you would then get the jist of the sentence.

Sorry for the confusion about that one word.

So, it had nothing to do with writing skills at all.

Now, as to the occasional error in grammar, spelling, punctuation, that can happen to any one of us. I do hope it didn't cause you too much discomfort. But actually, "That soldier's" is indeed correct English. I suppose I could have enhanced it with "That particular soldier's", for those who are somewhat lacking in overall understanding.

I will remember to be every bit as polite to you in the future as you were to me here.

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Somehow, I think that for the "Bergdahl is a Traitor" crowd, this is not going to go very well...

So he lied when he enlisted: not very honorable.

Examine most of the far right veteran discharges and you will see they are OTH and dishonorable, etc.

I am not sure that the reason for the OTR discharge has been given yet. Perhaps someone else contributed that information...
right again....

poor stalker statist

If you are referring to me, I have a life in the real world and I work as well, and I come and go as I please on threads. You don't determine my timetable. I do.

I will deal with you later, to be sure.

Stat......try to keep on the subject rather than constantly deflecting.

Many of the deflections have been really idiotic.

I see the method in your madness......I just wonder why.

Keeping everyone arguing about the definition of what is an officer is silly, or bringing up some bogus excuse that these 11 bang bangs were on some secret mission.

It's really beneath you.

Wait a minute: I am not the one who made a firework out of the "officer" issue.

According to US Military code, a Sergeant is a non-com officer. I rarely see reports or new articles that go out of their way to make a difference between com and non-com, they simply write that this or that person so-or-so was an officer. I see no reason to have to go out of my way and have to bend over backwards for butthurt Righties to explain something that is that self-explanatory.

Now, as for secret ops, I brought up the idea only once. So, what is the big deal?

But you are right: many of the deflections have been truly idiotic.

Now, back to the jist of the OP:

Bergdahl smearer already had OTH discharge...

I would think that that is pretty OT.
Somehow, I think that for the "Bergdahl is a Traitor" crowd, this is not going to go very well...

This dude:

former Army Sgt. Josh Korder (who served with Bergdahl), the one who railed on Bergdahl as a traitor, received an OTH discharge from the military.

Korder is the same guy who started the "6 guys died" lie that has since then been debunked.

OTH stands for "other than honorable"

MN Soldier Speaks Out Against Freed POW Bowe Bergdahl « CBS Minnesota

Korder did sign a nondisclosure agreement about this situation. His family told WCCO he knows the risk he’s taking by talking.

Korder was recently discharged, which was listed as “other than honorable.”

And BTW, who organized these Bergdahl critics?

Why, none other than former Bush administration official, then later, a Romney foreign policy advisor/strategist Richard Grennell. Yes, that Richard Grenell, whom Romney dropped like a hot potato when it came out that Grenell was gay and the religious Right went into holy holy spasms.

Cody Full, one of the soldiers quoted in the New York Times and other stories, tweeted yesterday about Grenell: “I want to thank @richardgrenell for helping get our platoon’s story out.” Grenell retweeted the tweet, calling Full a “true American hero.”

This is the definition of "other than honorable discharge"

Military Justice 101 - Part 3, Enlisted Administrative Separations

Under Other Than Honorable Conditions.

OTH Discharges are warranted when the reason for separation is based upon a pattern of behavior that constitutes a significant departure from the conduct expected of members of the Military Services, or when the reason for separation is based upon one or more acts or omissions that constitute a significant departure from the conduct expected of members of the Military Services. Examples of factors that may be considered include the use of force or violence to produce serious bodily injury or death, abuse of a special position of trust, disregard by a superior of customary superior-subordinate relationships, acts or omissions that endanger the security of the United States or the health and welfare of other members of the Military Services, and deliberate acts or omissions that seriously endanger the health and safety of other persons.

Persons awarded an OTH characterization of service: are not entitled to retain their uniforms or wear them home (although they may be furnished civilian clothing at a cost of not more than $50); must accept transportation in kind to their homes; are subject to recoupment of any reenlistment bonus they may have received; are not eligible for notice of discharge to employers (which may affect unemployment benefits); and, do not receive mileage fees from the place of discharge to their home of record.

It is generally believed that an OTH Discharge will render an individual ineligible for all VA Benefits. This is not necessarily so. The Department of Veterans Affairs will make its own determination with respect as to whether the OTH was based on conditions which would forfeit any or all VA benefits...


So, CNN decided to interview a dude who was already dishonorably discharged to speak about Bergdahl. Isn't that kind of like a whore being interviewed for celibacy advocacy?

Nosiree, nothing partisan about #Bergdahlghazi at all, folks. Nosiree.... :eusa_whistle:

Let's get it straight. Do the Barry Hussein defenders allege that the terrorists sneaked in to the barracks and kidnapped Bergdahl and faked E'mails that claimed that he hated the Army and his Country? Is the radical left really engaged in digging up dirt on everyone in the Army who alleges that Bergdahl is a deserter?
Repubs might regret their turning this into Benghazi II


Yeah, like WE fucked up......not Obama.

You assholes would support Obama if he pinched a loaf on national television and called the thing 24 carat solid gold.

He could say he wanted to do it since day one.

He always felt like taking a shit on America.

You'd blame Republicans for blocking him from doing it all of these years, then say several presidents have taken a crap in public.

BTW, I don't think Bergdahl got his absentee ballot because Obama burned them all.
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Let's get it straight. Do the Barry Hussein defenders allege that the terrorists sneaked in to the barracks and kidnapped Bergdahl and faked E'mails that claimed that he ahted the Army and his Country? Is the radical left really engaged in digging up dirt on everyone in the Army who alleges that Bergdahl is a deserter?

Uh, that's not what the OP is about at all.
If you are referring to me, I have a life in the real world and I work as well, and I come and go as I please on threads. You don't determine my timetable. I do.

I will deal with you later, to be sure.

Stat......try to keep on the subject rather than constantly deflecting.

Many of the deflections have been really idiotic.

I see the method in your madness......I just wonder why.

Keeping everyone arguing about the definition of what is an officer is silly, or bringing up some bogus excuse that these 11 bang bangs were on some secret mission.

It's really beneath you.

Wait a minute: I am not the one who made a firework out of the "officer" issue.

According to US Military code, a Sergeant is a non-com officer. I rarely see reports or new articles that go out of their way to make a difference between com and non-com, they simply write that this or that person so-or-so was an officer. I see no reason to have to go out of my way and have to bend over backwards for butthurt Righties to explain something that is that self-explanatory.

Now, as for secret ops, I brought up the idea only once. So, what is the big deal?

But you are right: many of the deflections have been truly idiotic.

Now, back to the jist of the OP:

Bergdahl smearer already had OTH discharge...

I would think that that is pretty OT.

As if one guy is the only critic of this fiasco.....

Repubs might regret their turning this into Benghazi II


Yeah, like WE fucked up......not Obama.

You assholes would support Obama if he pinched a loaf on national television and called the thing 24 carat solid gold.

He could say he wanted to do it since day one.

He always felt like taking a shit on America.

You'd blame Republicans for blocking him from doing it all of these years, then say several presidents have taken a crap in public.

You are now calling members of USMB assholes in a zone outside of the FZ? Really?

And you wanted to lecture me about on-topic/off-topic?

Repubs might regret their turning this into Benghazi II


Yeah, like WE fucked up......not Obama.

You assholes would support Obama if he pinched a loaf on national television and called the thing 24 carat solid gold.

He could say he wanted to do it since day one.

He always felt like taking a shit on America.

You'd blame Republicans for blocking him from doing it all of these years, then say several presidents have taken a crap in public.

You are now calling members of USMB assholes in a zone outside of the FZ? Really?

And you wanted to lecture me about on-topic/off-topic?


This isn't the clean zone.

Swearing is optional here.
Yeah, like WE fucked up......not Obama.

You assholes would support Obama if he pinched a loaf on national television and called the thing 24 carat solid gold.

He could say he wanted to do it since day one.

He always felt like taking a shit on America.

You'd blame Republicans for blocking him from doing it all of these years, then say several presidents have taken a crap in public.

You are now calling members of USMB assholes in a zone outside of the FZ? Really?

And you wanted to lecture me about on-topic/off-topic?


This isn't the clean zone.

Swearing is optional here.

Like wearing bow-ties?


really, wow
because Obama claims the war is over so that means we open the doors and let all the people who killed our people go, and we are told oh well so what, you citizens are upset over? well too bad tough shit.....then you give them a parting gift as they go, you can thank Obama for this and then beg them to please don't kill anymore of our people, pretty please
none you libs/progressives should be in charge of defending us from all enemy's foreign or domestic

staph, these guys didn't kill Americans.

Now, putting the Al Qaeda guys on trial, yeah, I'm all for that. Hopefully Bush didn't fuck all that up with torture.

Here's the reality. Whatever happens in Afghanistan, the Taliban is going to be a part of it. We tried for 14 years to beat them and we couldn't.
I haven't commented on this deal much, because there's been too much piling on. I would have made the deal, got the deserter back, kept track of the released terrorist, and had a drone with their name on it. No problem. Let the military take care of the deserter. The thing is, Obama politicized the whole thing with his rose garden ceremony. A real president would not have done such a thing.
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I haven't commented on this deal much, because there's been too much piling on. I would have made the deal, got the deserter back, kept track of the released terrorist, and had a drone with their name on it. No problem. Let the military take care of the deserter. The thing is, Obama politicized the whole thing with his rose garden ceremony. A real president would not have done such a thing.

And who's to say that's not ongoing at this time? :eusa_whistle:
I haven't commented on this deal much, because there's been too much piling on. I would have made the deal, got the deserter back, kept track of the released terrorist, and had a drone with their name on it. No problem. Let the military take care of the deserter. The thing is, Obama politicized the whole thing with his rose garden ceremony. A real president would not have done such a thing.

And who's to say that's not ongoing at this time? :eusa_whistle:

they should be dead by now

really, wow
because Obama claims the war is over so that means we open the doors and let all the people who killed our people go, and we are told oh well so what, you citizens are upset over? well too bad tough shit.....then you give them a parting gift as they go, you can thank Obama for this and then beg them to please don't kill anymore of our people, pretty please
none you libs/progressives should be in charge of defending us from all enemy's foreign or domestic

staph, these guys didn't kill Americans.

Now, putting the Al Qaeda guys on trial, yeah, I'm all for that. Hopefully Bush didn't fuck all that up with torture.

Here's the reality. Whatever happens in Afghanistan, the Taliban is going to be a part of it. We tried for 14 years to beat them and we couldn't.

Are you nuts? For the most part they have been beaten back to a fringe terrorist group. The elections that were just held are proof positive of that.

But Obama has now given back 5 top echelon Taliban leaders and by doing so has tilted the balance of power in Afghanistan.

Basically Obama has just fucked over the Afghan people.
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I haven't commented on this deal much, because there's been too much piling on. I would have made the deal, got the deserter back, kept track of the released terrorist, and had a drone with their name on it. No problem. Let the military take care of the deserter. The thing is, Obama politicized the whole thing with his rose garden ceremony. A real president would not have done such a thing.

I agree with most all of that.

But about the Rose Garden thing, do I really need to show you all the pomp and circumstance that came out of the Reagan White House when the Iran hostages came home in 1981? Guess that means that Reagan was not a real President, what?

Plus, you call Bergdahl a deserter, but he has not yet been officially declared as such. Not only that, you might want to read US military code as to what exactly a deserter is.
I haven't commented on this deal much, because there's been too much piling on. I would have made the deal, got the deserter back, kept track of the released terrorist, and had a drone with their name on it. No problem. Let the military take care of the deserter. The thing is, Obama politicized the whole thing with his rose garden ceremony. A real president would not have done such a thing.

I agree with most all of that.

But about the Rose Garden thing, do I really need to show you all the pomp and circumstance that came out of the Reagan White House when the Iran hostages came home in 1981? Guess that means that Reagan was not a real President, what?

Plus, you call Bergdahl a deserter, but he has not yet been officially declared as such. Not only that, you might want to read US military code as to what exactly a deserter is.

Alleged deserter how's that? we do know for a fact he was AWOL, and the Iran hostage crises is not the same thing
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