Berkeley Earth Calculates that 1 in 6 deaths in China are caused by air pollution or 1.6 million eac


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Berkeley Earth Calculates that 1 in 6 deaths in China are caused by air pollution or 1.6 million each year


Berkeley Earth released a study showing that air pollution kills an average of 4000 people every day in China, 17% of all China’s deaths. For 38% of the population, the average air they breathe is “unhealthy” by U.S. standards. With unprecedented detail, the sources of pollution throughout China are mapped directly from ground-level measurement. The...

This is what happens when you don't regulate corporations not to fuck up the environment! China needs a epa!
Berkeley Earth Calculates that 1 in 6 deaths in China are caused by air pollution or 1.6 million each year


Berkeley Earth released a study showing that air pollution kills an average of 4000 people every day in China, 17% of all China’s deaths. For 38% of the population, the average air they breathe is “unhealthy” by U.S. standards. With unprecedented detail, the sources of pollution throughout China are mapped directly from ground-level measurement. The...

This is what happens when you don't regulate corporations not to fuck up the environment! China needs a epa!

Takes a lot of reliable energy to pull 1 billion people out of poverty.

Are you saying the government in China isn't big enough to tell their corporations what to do? LOL!
The government of China, like all the other govenments on earth are truly afraid to crack down on the multinationals. So, we have the up and coming nations horribly polluted without any government regulations of the corporations that threaten to move somewhere else at the slightest attempt at regulating their pollution. And in the first world nations, these same corporations are doing their very best to roll back clean air and water laws as we post.
This is why we need to make damn sure they never roll them back. Corporations are necessary for feeding our population,,but they do need to be controlled.
Berkeley Earth Calculates that 1 in 6 deaths in China are caused by air pollution or 1.6 million each year


Berkeley Earth released a study showing that air pollution kills an average of 4000 people every day in China, 17% of all China’s deaths. For 38% of the population, the average air they breathe is “unhealthy” by U.S. standards. With unprecedented detail, the sources of pollution throughout China are mapped directly from ground-level measurement. The...

This is what happens when you don't regulate corporations not to fuck up the environment! China needs a epa!
I will say that first world should come forward and help third world by buying their products in double price, it will help them to reduce poverty means will help to reduce pollution means less death means world would be cleaner and safer and happier.
This doesn't surprise me at all. A buddy of mine had to go to China for two weeks a few years ago and when he came back he was sniffing and had all kinds of respiratory problems for about a week.
This doesn't surprise me at all. A buddy of mine had to go to China for two weeks a few years ago and when he came back he was sniffing and had all kinds of respiratory problems for about a week.
I agreed but if china stop using energy means then people start to die because of hunger and depend on rest of the world. And prosper world not helping now, who help then.
This doesn't surprise me at all. A buddy of mine had to go to China for two weeks a few years ago and when he came back he was sniffing and had all kinds of respiratory problems for about a week.
I agreed but if china stop using energy means then people start to die because of hunger and depend on rest of the world. And prosper world not helping now, who help then.

China could use clean coal, natural gas, nuclear, wind, solar and develop fusion. America and Europe cleaned up our act by using regulations and laws.
This doesn't surprise me at all. A buddy of mine had to go to China for two weeks a few years ago and when he came back he was sniffing and had all kinds of respiratory problems for about a week.
I agreed but if china stop using energy means then people start to die because of hunger and depend on rest of the world. And prosper world not helping now, who help then.

China could use clean coal, natural gas, nuclear, wind, solar and develop fusion. America and Europe cleaned up our act by using regulations and laws.
But still USA and EU not Zero %. Before industrialization about 100 years ago EU celebrate snowy Christmas if they don't reach Zero% may be they lose wet weather as well, in return they are first world followed by the Second world and Third world working hard to fight poverty but first world is watching. Only watching not gonna work required a firm and positive action by the first world.
Pollution has high health costs...

UN Warns Air Pollution in Asia Pacific Has Rising Cost
November 25, 2015 — The United Nations says the rising level of air borne pollution in Asia is extracting greater social and economic costs leading to millions of people dying prematurely each year. Globally some seven million people a year die prematurely due to indoor and outdoor pollution with about 70 per cent of those deaths in the Asia Pacific.
From forest fires with their smoky haze over South East Asia, to China’s smog-filled mega cites, to rural homes in South Asia choked by inefficient stoves, scientists say in Asia there are rising health and social costs from air borne particle pollution. Kaveh Zahedi, the UN’s Environment Program (UNEP) regional representative for Asia and the Pacific, says the costs from air pollution are rising for millions across the region, with hundreds of cities facing pollution levels exceeding World Health Organization (WHO) safety standards. “Air pollution, air quality has to be one of the top priorities," said Zahedi. "We know that well over 200 cities in Asia exceed WHO guidelines on PM2.5 emissions. With millions of people living in them exceeding WHO guidelines which is directly linked with basically chronic health problems.” The UNEP this week brought together more than 120 scientists, government officials, academics and a range of international organizations aiming them to develop a joint program to tackle air pollution in the region.

Human toll

Scientists warn that without significant steps, the number of premature deaths from air borne pollution will double by 2050. In South Asia, from Bangladesh to India and Pakistan, the toll to human life has been directly linked to people using stoves that burn solid cooking fuels, like wood or dung. Kalpana Balakrishnan, director of the WHO’s Collaborating Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, says this indoor pollution is a major contributor to health problems that compares to the pollution faced by urban communities with traffic borne smog. “The burdens are high," she said. "The nature of the burdens on health – so it’s not just a kind of respiratory problem, but it’s also a cardiovascular problem. And it’s not just young children’s and women’s problem but across all age groups — men and women — everybody’s impacted — it makes it the top most public health environment concern.” Balakrishnan says in India alone some 3.5 million deaths a year are attributable to household air pollution. But she adds India’s economic growth and rising incomes has led to more families to seek alternatives to solid fuels, such as liquid petroleum gas.

Atmospheric brown clouds

Atmospheric brown clouds (ABCs) over mega cities from Bangkok, Japan, China and throughout India, also extract serious costs to communities, says Teruyuki Nakajima, director of Japan’s Aerospace Exploration Agency and chair of the UNEP’s Asian team focused on the smog. “Reducing the Asian pollution is very important. That is the vulnerable groups like the small children and people in poverty and also the aged people in Asia," said Nakajima. "Like in China and Japan their societies are getting old with more aged people, they may have some asthma problem and stroke and the particle matters really affect those people.”


A worker wears a mask as he helps another push equipment during a hazy day in Singapore​

Amid the smoke haze crisis in Singapore this year, the government took legal action against at least six Indonesian companies. At the same time, China is reported to be increasing investment to curb severe pollution in major cities, both the capital and regionally. But U.N. scientists say more must be done than merely punishing polluters. They say the challenge lies in ensuring there is the political will to enforce existing environmental laws and cooperate on cross border problems such as smoke haze and other atmospheric pollution.

UN Warns Air Pollution in Asia Pacific Has Rising Cost
The government of China, like all the other govenments on earth are truly afraid to crack down on the multinationals. So, we have the up and coming nations horribly polluted without any government regulations of the corporations that threaten to move somewhere else at the slightest attempt at regulating their pollution. And in the first world nations, these same corporations are doing their very best to roll back clean air and water laws as we post.

You missed the mark by 1000 miles.
Pollution has high health costs...

UN Warns Air Pollution in Asia Pacific Has Rising Cost
November 25, 2015 — The United Nations says the rising level of air borne pollution in Asia is extracting greater social and economic costs leading to millions of people dying prematurely each year. Globally some seven million people a year die prematurely due to indoor and outdoor pollution with about 70 per cent of those deaths in the Asia Pacific.
From forest fires with their smoky haze over South East Asia, to China’s smog-filled mega cites, to rural homes in South Asia choked by inefficient stoves, scientists say in Asia there are rising health and social costs from air borne particle pollution. Kaveh Zahedi, the UN’s Environment Program (UNEP) regional representative for Asia and the Pacific, says the costs from air pollution are rising for millions across the region, with hundreds of cities facing pollution levels exceeding World Health Organization (WHO) safety standards. “Air pollution, air quality has to be one of the top priorities," said Zahedi. "We know that well over 200 cities in Asia exceed WHO guidelines on PM2.5 emissions. With millions of people living in them exceeding WHO guidelines which is directly linked with basically chronic health problems.” The UNEP this week brought together more than 120 scientists, government officials, academics and a range of international organizations aiming them to develop a joint program to tackle air pollution in the region.

Human toll

Scientists warn that without significant steps, the number of premature deaths from air borne pollution will double by 2050. In South Asia, from Bangladesh to India and Pakistan, the toll to human life has been directly linked to people using stoves that burn solid cooking fuels, like wood or dung. Kalpana Balakrishnan, director of the WHO’s Collaborating Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, says this indoor pollution is a major contributor to health problems that compares to the pollution faced by urban communities with traffic borne smog. “The burdens are high," she said. "The nature of the burdens on health – so it’s not just a kind of respiratory problem, but it’s also a cardiovascular problem. And it’s not just young children’s and women’s problem but across all age groups — men and women — everybody’s impacted — it makes it the top most public health environment concern.” Balakrishnan says in India alone some 3.5 million deaths a year are attributable to household air pollution. But she adds India’s economic growth and rising incomes has led to more families to seek alternatives to solid fuels, such as liquid petroleum gas.

Atmospheric brown clouds

Atmospheric brown clouds (ABCs) over mega cities from Bangkok, Japan, China and throughout India, also extract serious costs to communities, says Teruyuki Nakajima, director of Japan’s Aerospace Exploration Agency and chair of the UNEP’s Asian team focused on the smog. “Reducing the Asian pollution is very important. That is the vulnerable groups like the small children and people in poverty and also the aged people in Asia," said Nakajima. "Like in China and Japan their societies are getting old with more aged people, they may have some asthma problem and stroke and the particle matters really affect those people.”


A worker wears a mask as he helps another push equipment during a hazy day in Singapore​

Amid the smoke haze crisis in Singapore this year, the government took legal action against at least six Indonesian companies. At the same time, China is reported to be increasing investment to curb severe pollution in major cities, both the capital and regionally. But U.N. scientists say more must be done than merely punishing polluters. They say the challenge lies in ensuring there is the political will to enforce existing environmental laws and cooperate on cross border problems such as smoke haze and other atmospheric pollution.

UN Warns Air Pollution in Asia Pacific Has Rising Cost
We are not doing enough, First world still smoking high and third world trying to catching it. I will say first world should reduce carbon to zero and buy goods from third world bit higher value and that difference should spend in third world to reduce carbon. MORE IMPORTANTLY WORLD SHOULD OBSERVED A MACHINE FREE DAY AT LEAST ONCE IN A YEAR.

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