Berkeley police REFUSE to protect Couter, speech cancelled


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

No free speech allowed

Ann Coulter was forced to cancel her Berkeley speech after it was confirmed the police would not keep the speaker safe:

The greatest thing will be when this school goes under because parents don't want their kids learning how to be cowards like the cops who no longer serve to protect. Wait until they turn their backs on you because you are a fkn White American liberals included.
Don't hire a Berkeley grad.

I have a friend in California he like most of his family went to Stanford University, which is a private University, he has said that Berkeley University which is a public University should have been shut down by the Government decades ago as it's always been a breeding ground for Neo-Marxist Subversives and nearly all the Professors are Communists or Communist sympathisers.
Yeah the Portland police and our governor have refused to stop pigs from beating up Republicans in the street, too.

Which is why the Rose Parade (the one in PORTLAND not PASADENA in the interest of diverting bode and dragon attack) in Portland, the first sanctioned event of the Rose Festival, that has been going on about a hundred years, has been cancelled.
Yeah the Portland police and our governor have refused to stop pigs from beating up Republicans in the street, too.

Which is why the Rose Parade (the one in PORTLAND not PASADENA in the interest of diverting bode and dragon attack) in Portland, the first sanctioned event of the Rose Festival, that has been going on about a hundred years, has been cancelled.

What usually happens at this Rose Festival, what does it commemorate?
We had the KKK rally here in the 90's. Erected a 8' fence and had video surveillance of the event. The cameras were in plain site on purpose. so people knew they would be found out. The KKK didn't get the reaction they wanted and never came back.
If them cops refuse to do their job, why should they be allowed to keep their badge?

God bless you and that lady always!!!


P.S. And before anyone dares to compare this situation to a baker who refuses to make a gay wedding cake, the two pictures are nothing alike when only one of them concerns a person's actual safety. A person's safety isn't going to be threatened in any way if a cake is not baked for them.
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Yeah the Portland police and our governor have refused to stop pigs from beating up Republicans in the street, too.

Which is why the Rose Parade (the one in PORTLAND not PASADENA in the interest of diverting bode and dragon attack) in Portland, the first sanctioned event of the Rose Festival, that has been going on about a hundred years, has been cancelled.

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