Berlin: Nurse Niels Hoegel gets life sentence for killing at least 85 patients


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Hoegel stated an apology for his crimes, but the man speaking German in the video described him as remaining "liar to the end" (this Victims' Spokesperson also said he hopes something like this "never happens again").

Perhaps this sick obsession and criminal disorder could have been detected earlier by requiring more accurate mental health screening for Medical Staff as required for Military Service.

Methods of spiritual healing used to cure causes of both mental and physical ills also help to DIAGNOSE issues IN ADVANCE. Earlier intervention to start rehab and recovery, at first sign of disorder, means it is NOT necessary to wait for crimes to be committed before people at risk get help that can save lives. Like cancer or diabetes, the signs and symptoms can be detected early for better chances of effective treatment, cure and recovery BEFORE anyone dies.

(,, Cure for Pedaphilia - Catalyst Healing Arts in Portland, OR)


85 patient murders: Germany's worst serial killer, nurse Niels Hoegel, gets life sentence

Victims' spokesperson speaks after German killer nurse gets life sentence

Hoegel was convicted in 2015 of two murders and two attempted murders and is already currently serving a life sentence. There are no consecutive sentences in the German system, but the court's ruling on the seriousness of the crimes all but ensures he will remain incarcerated after the standard 15-year term is up.

During his first trial, Hoegel said he intentionally brought about cardiac crises in some 90 patients in Delmenhorst because he enjoyed the feeling of being able to resuscitate them. He later told investigators that he also killed patients in Oldenburg.

Authorities subsequently investigated hundreds of deaths, exhuming bodies of former patients.

In all Hoegel was tried in Oldenburg on 100 counts of murder, but the court found him not guilty on 15 counts for lack of evidence.

Pleas are not entered in the German system and during the seven-month trial, Hoegel admitted to 43 of the killings, disputed five and said he couldn't remember the other 52.

Hoegel testified that he had a "protected" childhood, free of violence. He said his grandmother and his father, who were both nurses, had been his role models for going into the profession.

"Now I sit here fully convinced that I want to give every relative an answer," Hoegel said during the trial. "I am really sorry."

In his closing statement to the court on Wednesday, Hoegel reiterated the apology, expressing shame and remorse, and saying he realized how much pain and suffering he had caused with his "terrible deeds."

"To each and every one of you I sincerely apologize for all that I have done," he said.
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The EU, where life = 15 years.

In Germanys after 15 years someone has a chance for an amnesty in case of a normal murder. But no chance when a court determines an extra severity of guilt. He will be in prison the rest of his life - except perhaps we make an unexpected progress in the psychological and psychiatric sciences and someone is able to find the name for this sickness and a 100% save way to heal him. But looks like he will stay to be dangerous for others the rest of his life.

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