Bernie, AOC: Please STFU

All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.
You already lost your chance for 2020. Democrat, the party of infanticide. That's not gonna go good for your party.

""Democrat, the party of infanticide."""

LOL! Republicans, the party of imprisoning innocent children and then...misplacing them.

Trump administration admits losing track of immigrant children

Fucking hypocrites.
The meeting. This was the day after Bernie lost the 2016 primaries and Obama gave him the warning not to go third party.

Bernie and Jane after a visit to say goodbye to the Obama's in December 2016.
She is a force to be reckoned with.
No she is not.. She is an idiot and socialist fascist. She has been exposed as have all democrats... Your having a case of wishful thinking..

Yes, but the polling shows that the big push for Socialism is a loser, the party is panicked and reversing course. Soldiers like STASI agent Wry are desperate to get that genie back in the bottle.
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.

IOW, lie about who you are and what you represent.

You're an asshole. And likely stupid, since you have never read my comments on the issues, too difficult for a lame brain I suppose.
I read your brain droppings....You want those two Jacobin commies to lie about who they are....Bernie already does with his phony "democratic socialism" shtick...Occasional-Cortex is more honest about her Marxism, though not fully out in the open about it.

Name anything Bernie has ever supported that harms business?
The closest to that you could find is maybe the $15 minimum wage.
Off the top of my head????? How about the insurance industry

Just mentioning a whole branch of business does not at all explain what harmful thing Bernie was supposed to have done.
But in general I do not believe that there should ever be an insurance industry.
It is inherently unethical.
While there is nothing wrong with a risk pool, it is wrong to make people pre-pay for services they then no longer have any means of getting to have ethical quality or pricing.
The absolutely and total failure of private health insurance is a good example of the, where you could pay in for 50 years, and then be denied just as soon as you actually need to make a claim out.
It was the health insurance racket that deliberately allowed heath care costs to balloon to almost 3 times global averages.
And it made health care in the US, less accessible and poorer quality than most of the globe as well.
Democrats and Republicans always hate the one who tells the truth.
View attachment 248421 View attachment 248423
And #1 in millionaires. Sounds like a place someone willing to work hard can thrive and achieve the American Dream.

Millionaires can not possibly be producing their wealth by the sweat of their own brow, but by leveraging the work of others, by force.
The few exceptions might be in entertainment or sports, where it may still be possible for an individual to actually earn millions.
The system clearly is rigged.
As an example, consider the fact mansions with swimming pools can be all written off on your taxes if you are wealthy, but rent can not if you are poor.
It would be more prudent to compare apples to using a mortgage payment to a rent payment. just sayin'.....
No similarity between Bernie and AOC.
Bernies is socialist, but very conservative.
He is for balanced budget, no gun control, no wars, essentially isolationism, etc.
AOC is the extreme opposite, and would kill the goose that laid the golden egg, without a practical understanding of how to finance or accomplish anything. I like her idealism, but she needs to be contained.
Bernie on the other hand, has a proven Vermont track record, and clearly can be trusted.

Ah, you commies, such fucking liars, but not a shred of integrity among any of you.
She is a force to be reckoned with.
No she is not.. She is an idiot and socialist fascist. She has been exposed as have all democrats... Your having a case of wishful thinking..

Yes, but the polling shows that the big push for Socialism is a loser, the party is panicked and reversing course. Soldiers like STASI agent Wry are desperate to get that genie back in the bottle.

Anyone who knows what socialism is, pretty much has to support socialism since it is the only economic approach compatible with a democratic republic.
In any real democratic republic, would the population vote to be controlled and forced to pay excessive prices for necessities by private monopolies, when much cheaper goods could be make and sold through collective industries?
IOW, lie about who you are and what you represent.

You're an asshole. And likely stupid, since you have never read my comments on the issues, too difficult for a lame brain I suppose.
I read your brain droppings....You want those two Jacobin commies to lie about who they are....Bernie already does with his phony "democratic socialism" shtick...Occasional-Cortex is more honest about her Marxism, though not fully out in the open about it.

Name anything Bernie has ever supported that harms business?
The closest to that you could find is maybe the $15 minimum wage.
Off the top of my head????? How about the insurance industry

Just mentioning a whole branch of business does not at all explain what harmful thing Bernie was supposed to have done.
But in general I do not believe that there should ever be an insurance industry.
It is inherently unethical.
While there is nothing wrong with a risk pool, it is wrong to make people pre-pay for services they then no longer have any means of getting to have ethical quality or pricing.
The absolutely and total failure of private health insurance is a good example of the, where you could pay in for 50 years, and then be denied just as soon as you actually need to make a claim out.
It was the health insurance racket that deliberately allowed heath care costs to balloon to almost 3 times global averages.
And it made health care in the US, less accessible and poorer quality than most of the globe as well.
Nice to hear your opinion, but at the end of the day, I was right and it doesn't coincide with your opinion, dude.
Also, you don't know much about accessibility to insurance or quality of care....because you couldn't be more wrong.
Bernie has never been a Democrat and the worst decision the DNC made in the last POTUS election was allowing him into the primaries. I have confidence that Democrats won’t submit to extremism how the GOP did, but the damage Bernie and his crowd of idiots can do could be even worse than last time.

That's hilarious, coming from you who not so long ago never saw violent left wing street violence that you didn't approve of.
Democrats and Republicans always hate the one who tells the truth.
View attachment 248421 View attachment 248423
And #1 in millionaires. Sounds like a place someone willing to work hard can thrive and achieve the American Dream.

Millionaires can not possibly be producing their wealth by the sweat of their own brow, but by leveraging the work of others, by force.
The few exceptions might be in entertainment or sports, where it may still be possible for an individual to actually earn millions.
The system clearly is rigged.
As an example, consider the fact mansions with swimming pools can be all written off on your taxes if you are wealthy, but rent can not if you are poor.
It would be more prudent to compare apples to using a mortgage payment to a rent payment. just sayin'.....

I happen to early on realize the tax laws and general pricing in this country, are extremely unfair and slanted to those who can afford to leverage credit.
So I have been buying up rentals since I was very young, and now have enough renters to pay for me to now have to really work at all.
When I put a small down payment on a rental property, the renters then essentially buy the property for me.
It is as if they were giving me a gift.
It is not fair.
Everyone has to know this.
I take advantage of it because it exists, but it is clearly the tax laws, banks, etc., all are extremely unethical and deliberately corrupt.
She is a force to be reckoned with.
No she is not.. She is an idiot and socialist fascist. She has been exposed as have all democrats... Your having a case of wishful thinking..

Yes, but the polling shows that the big push for Socialism is a loser, the party is panicked and reversing course. Soldiers like STASI agent Wry are desperate to get that genie back in the bottle.

Anyone who knows what socialism is, pretty much has to support socialism since it is the only economic approach compatible with a democratic republic.
In any real democratic republic, would the population vote to be controlled and forced to pay excessive prices for necessities by private monopolies, when much cheaper goods could be make and sold through collective industries?

Ultimately socialism is no different than feudalism. Whether king or dictator, the fact is that all assets including people are property of the state, to be distributed or squandered as the state wants. Whether barons or bureaucrats, the cronies of the ruler are placed as lords over the peasants who toil purely for the benefit of the ruling elite. Socialism is the strong subjugating the weak on behalf of the ruling elite.

The enlightenment broke what the left sees as the "natural order" of an elite ruling over an impoverished masses. Socialism is the means of the elite to restore that order, to con the stupid into placing the yoke on their own neck to become slaves of the elite. Socialism seeks to end the idea of self-rule by free men.
You can blame Bernie and AOC all you want, but the fact of the matter Dims in general both elected officials and their Dim constituents have been moving further to the left.
It's cause for everyone else to be concerned. We know you on the left love the government to babysit you and provide everything for you, but the rest of us want a much less intrusive government.
Democrats and Republicans always hate the one who tells the truth.
View attachment 248421 View attachment 248423
And #1 in millionaires. Sounds like a place someone willing to work hard can thrive and achieve the American Dream.

Millionaires can not possibly be producing their wealth by the sweat of their own brow, but by leveraging the work of others, by force.
The few exceptions might be in entertainment or sports, where it may still be possible for an individual to actually earn millions.
The system clearly is rigged.
As an example, consider the fact mansions with swimming pools can be all written off on your taxes if you are wealthy, but rent can not if you are poor.
It would be more prudent to compare apples to using a mortgage payment to a rent payment. just sayin'.....

I happen to early on realize the tax laws and general pricing in this country, are extremely unfair and slanted to those who can afford to leverage credit.
So I have been buying up rentals since I was very young, and now have enough renters to pay for me to now have to really work at all.
When I put a small down payment on a rental property, the renters then essentially buy the property for me.
It is as if they were giving me a gift.
It is not fair.
Everyone has to know this.
I take advantage of it because it exists, but it is clearly the tax laws, banks, etc., all are extremely unethical and deliberately corrupt.
Thanks for the honesty. Just don't be like Joe Pesci in the Super.
Democrats and Republicans always hate the one who tells the truth.
View attachment 248421 View attachment 248423
And #1 in millionaires. Sounds like a place someone willing to work hard can thrive and achieve the American Dream.

Millionaires can not possibly be producing their wealth by the sweat of their own brow, but by leveraging the work of others, by force.
The few exceptions might be in entertainment or sports, where it may still be possible for an individual to actually earn millions.
The system clearly is rigged.
As an example, consider the fact mansions with swimming pools can be all written off on your taxes if you are wealthy, but rent can not if you are poor.
It would be more prudent to compare apples to using a mortgage payment to a rent payment. just sayin'.....

I happen to early on realize the tax laws and general pricing in this country, are extremely unfair and slanted to those who can afford to leverage credit.
So I have been buying up rentals since I was very young, and now have enough renters to pay for me to now have to really work at all.
When I put a small down payment on a rental property, the renters then essentially buy the property for me.
It is as if they were giving me a gift.
It is not fair.
Everyone has to know this.
I take advantage of it because it exists, but it is clearly the tax laws, banks, etc., all are extremely unethical and deliberately corrupt.
So it wasn't apples to apples.
Your business is buying properties, good for you. Want to feel bad about that.....feel free.
Maybe if those renters were to do things different when they were young, they could have been afforded the
same opportunities as you.
In this country we are given equal rights and that's guaranteed, what we aren't guaranteed is equal outcome.
Some save and invest, such as yourself. Others spend....blow pot, drugs, or can't expect the same outcome.
Why should you have to pay for their transgressions?
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.
You already lost your chance for 2020. Democrat, the party of infanticide. That's not gonna go good for your party.

""Democrat, the party of infanticide."""

LOL! Republicans, the party of imprisoning innocent children and then...misplacing them.

Trump administration admits losing track of immigrant children

Fucking hypocrites.
Lol, that started under Obama.
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.
IOW, lie about who you are and what you represent.

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