Bernie, AOC: Please STFU

All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. .

I understand your point in a way. Hey- maybe AOC is really a GOP-installed fake progressive like Bill Maher only more socialist. Anything to break up the competition by sabotaging the Democratic party from within.

Of course if the DNC hadn't rigged the primaries against Bernie in the first place he'd have crushed Trump in the general election and we wouldn't be talking about it anymore.

She is a force to be reckoned with.
No she is not.. She is an idiot and socialist fascist. She has been exposed as have all democrats... Your having a case of wishful thinking..

Socialist and fascist are completely contradictory terms.
Socialism means collective, communal, and collaborative decision making and profit sharing.
While fascism means all decisions and profits are controlled by a small, wealthy, elite.
Those are the most extreme opposites one could ever theorize.
My Fellow Socialist democrats:

We need to get back to pretending we care about people and America, to wit: at what we've accomplished since we grabbed the House, investigation after investigation on impeachable offenses!


You seem to be misinformed as to what socialism is.
Socialism is not where government takes over, but where the people are freed to pool resources and created their own utilities.
Socialism require collective, communal, and collaborative pooling of funds in nation wide, people owned enterprises.
That requires full popular input on decision making and profit sharing.

So if you have only a wealthy elite benefiting or making decisions, that is NOT at all socialism.
Socialism is the doorway to Marxism and total control of Communism..
She is a force to be reckoned with.
No she is not.. She is an idiot and socialist fascist. She has been exposed as have all democrats... Your having a case of wishful thinking..

Socialist and fascist are completely contradictory terms.
Socialism means collective, communal, and collaborative decision making and profit sharing.
While fascism means all decisions and profits are controlled by a small, wealthy, elite.
Those are the most extreme opposites one could ever theorize.
She is both.. Her actions and beliefs show it.. Fascism is a far left thing not a far right thing.. Revisionist history once again strikes..
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. .

I understand your point in a way. Maybe AOC is really a GOP-installed fake progressive like Bill Maher only more socialist. Anything to break up the competition.

Of course if the DNC hadn't rigged the primaries against Bernie in the first place he'd have crushed Trump in the general election and we wouldn't be talking about it anymore.

Good point, in that in the general election, Bernie could easily have beaten both Trump or Hillary, or both at once.
Since Bernie is conservative on issues like gun control and moderate on taxes, he could easily have taken half the republican votes and half the democrat votes, to be the winner.
Something wrong with the 2 party system that locked Bernie out.
Democrats and Republicans always hate the one who tells the truth.
My Fellow Socialist democrats:

We need to get back to pretending we care about people and America, to wit: at what we've accomplished since we grabbed the House, investigation after investigation on impeachable offenses!


You seem to be misinformed as to what socialism is.
Socialism is not where government takes over, but where the people are freed to pool resources and created their own utilities.
Socialism require collective, communal, and collaborative pooling of funds in nation wide, people owned enterprises.
That requires full popular input on decision making and profit sharing.

So if you have only a wealthy elite benefiting or making decisions, that is NOT at all socialism.
Socialism is the doorway to Marxism and total control of Communism..

You don't know what Marxism or communism is.
It has nothing to do with centralized decision making.
That is Stalinism, and the exact opposite of Marxism or Communism.
Communism or Marxism is just where the people can vote to invest their own tax money in enterprises involved in the means of production, if they want.
That likely would allow for lower prices so that there would then not likely be any private competition in the basic means of means of production of essential goods, but does not at all imply forced nationalization or any taking of anything currently private.
Communism and Marxism never implied the end of private property.
Just the end of a private monopoly on needed investment capital.
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.
Conservatives are going to continue with the ‘socialism’ lie regardless what AOC or Sanders do.

Rightists believe lying about ‘socialism’ is a ‘winning strategy’ – it’s not; conservatives succeed in only making themselves look that much more ignorant and ridiculous.
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.

IOW, lie about who you are and what you represent.

You're an asshole. And likely stupid, since you have never read my comments on the issues, too difficult for a lame brain I suppose.
I read your brain droppings....You want those two Jacobin commies to lie about who they are....Bernie already does with his phony "democratic socialism" shtick...Occasional-Cortex is more honest about her Marxism, though not fully out in the open about it.

Name anything Bernie has ever supported that harms business?
The closest to that you could find is maybe the $15 minimum wage.
Off the top of my head????? How about the insurance industry
She is a force to be reckoned with.
No she is not.. She is an idiot and socialist fascist. She has been exposed as have all democrats... Your having a case of wishful thinking..

Socialist and fascist are completely contradictory terms.
Socialism means collective, communal, and collaborative decision making and profit sharing.
While fascism means all decisions and profits are controlled by a small, wealthy, elite.
Those are the most extreme opposites one could ever theorize.
She is both.. Her actions and beliefs show it.. Fascism is a far left thing not a far right thing.. Revisionist history once again strikes..

It is possible for someone to vacillate between to opposites, but fascism has never been left wing.
Fascism as always been a coalition of the military, aristocracy, and wealthy corporate owners.

For example, these were the forces that put Hitler and Mussolini into power.
Both Hitler and Mussolini used left wing slogans in their early days, in order to become noticed, but both at some point sold out to the wealthy elite, who made a deal with them.
Hitler in particular is well known for having executed all of his early socialist supporters from the SA, like Ernst Rohem, in the "Night of the Long Knives".

If you actually read any history of any fascist, it is impossible to see fascism as anything but the exact and extreme opposite of socialism.
She is a force to be reckoned with.
No she is not.. She is an idiot and socialist fascist. She has been exposed as have all democrats... Your having a case of wishful thinking..

Calling her a socialist fascist is evidence you are not educated, nor did you listen to her rhetoric. You simply echo the conservative memes without thought or substance.

Because someone advocates social justice and the Social Contact Theory, does not make them a Socialist in any of it's iterations, nor a fascist since corporatism is by its nature collusion between the political power, Wall Street and the Special Interests such as the clergy.
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.

Well done.

All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.
Because the best way to illustrate fake criticism is to become what is being criticized, thus making it real.
‘“Socialist” is a word that has different meanings in different times and places. As he gears up for the next election, Donald Trump has decided to use “socialism/socialist” as a catchall scare term for anything he opposes/anyone who doesn’t support him.’

Expect to see the S-word beaten to a pulp by Election Day 2020 | MinnPost

And Trump’s ignorant, idiotic, dishonest supporters will be doing the same.
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.

Why are you so afraid of the public knowing exactly what you support?
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.
IOW, lie about who you are and what you represent.

Wry was a STASI thug, lying about who and what he is is what he is all about. These Khmer Rouge democrats like Cortez are tipping the hand. A STASI agent knows that deceit if the greatest weapon of the left.
She is a force to be reckoned with.
No she is not.. She is an idiot and socialist fascist. She has been exposed as have all democrats... Your having a case of wishful thinking..

Calling her a socialist fascist is evidence you are not educated, nor did you listen to her rhetoric. You simply echo the conservative memes without thought or substance.

Because someone advocates social justice and the Social Contact Theory, does not make them a Socialist in any of it's iterations, nor a fascist since corporatism is by its nature collusion between the political power, Wall Street and the Special Interests such as the clergy.

:auiqs.jpg:Your party doesn't refer to them as socialists any longer, now they refer to them as democrats.
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Democrats and Republicans always hate the one who tells the truth.
View attachment 248421 View attachment 248423
And #1 in millionaires. Sounds like a place someone willing to work hard can thrive and achieve the American Dream.

Millionaires can not possibly be producing their wealth by the sweat of their own brow, but by leveraging the work of others, by force.
The few exceptions might be in entertainment or sports, where it may still be possible for an individual to actually earn millions.
The system clearly is rigged.
As an example, consider the fact mansions with swimming pools can be all written off on your taxes if you are wealthy, but rent can not if you are poor.

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