Bernie Endorses Bidum

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016

Just look at these two old fools trying bring down America with their brain dead dogma.

Sanders; I like to thank all my supporters for my new camp. Construction starts as soon as I can find some Communists not infected with Kung Flu.

#bernreturn, get your donations back, fools.

The comments are Hillaryous.

"So after spending a couple hundred million railing against the establishment Bernie now supports Bidum basically throwing shit in all of his supporters faces, AGAIN.

“I’m asking every Democrat, I’m asking every independent, I’m asking a lot of Republicans, to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy, which I endorse,” Sanders, who dropped out of the 2020 presidential race last week, told Biden.

Democrats hope Sanders’ speedy endorsement of Biden will help heal the party following a primary that revealed sharp ideological disagreements among the party’s core supporters and left many of Sanders’ young supporters disillusioned. While early public opinion surveys show Biden with a lead over Trump, his margin among young voters is smaller than the advantages Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama had during their presidential campaigns.

Sanders acknowledged there were significant policy differences between his vision of democratic socialism and Biden’s center-left views, but he said the campaigns would create joint task forces to develop policy positions on key issues, including on the economy, education, criminal justice, immigration and climate change.

“Your endorsement means a great deal to me,” Biden told the senator. “I’m going to need you, not just to campaign, but to govern.”


Just look at these two old fools trying bring down America with their brain dead dogma.

Sanders; I like to thank all my supporters for my new camp. Construction starts as soon as I can find some Communists not infected with Kung Flu.

#bernreturn, get your donations back, fools.

The comments are Hillaryous.

"So after spending a couple hundred million railing against the establishment Bernie now supports Bidum basically throwing shit in all of his supporters faces, AGAIN.

“I’m asking every Democrat, I’m asking every independent, I’m asking a lot of Republicans, to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy, which I endorse,” Sanders, who dropped out of the 2020 presidential race last week, told Biden.

Democrats hope Sanders’ speedy endorsement of Biden will help heal the party following a primary that revealed sharp ideological disagreements among the party’s core supporters and left many of Sanders’ young supporters disillusioned. While early public opinion surveys show Biden with a lead over Trump, his margin among young voters is smaller than the advantages Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama had during their presidential campaigns.

Sanders acknowledged there were significant policy differences between his vision of democratic socialism and Biden’s center-left views, but he said the campaigns would create joint task forces to develop policy positions on key issues, including on the economy, education, criminal justice, immigration and climate change.

“Your endorsement means a great deal to me,” Biden told the senator. “I’m going to need you, not just to campaign, but to govern.”

Seems a quick block against a less Socialist candidate (Cuomo) mucking up the waters. The thing is a lot of Sanders voters can't abide Biden.

Just look at these two old fools trying bring down America with their brain dead dogma.

Sanders; I like to thank all my supporters for my new camp. Construction starts as soon as I can find some Communists not infected with Kung Flu.

#bernreturn, get your donations back, fools.

The comments are Hillaryous.

"So after spending a couple hundred million railing against the establishment Bernie now supports Bidum basically throwing shit in all of his supporters faces, AGAIN.

“I’m asking every Democrat, I’m asking every independent, I’m asking a lot of Republicans, to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy, which I endorse,” Sanders, who dropped out of the 2020 presidential race last week, told Biden.

Democrats hope Sanders’ speedy endorsement of Biden will help heal the party following a primary that revealed sharp ideological disagreements among the party’s core supporters and left many of Sanders’ young supporters disillusioned. While early public opinion surveys show Biden with a lead over Trump, his margin among young voters is smaller than the advantages Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama had during their presidential campaigns.

Sanders acknowledged there were significant policy differences between his vision of democratic socialism and Biden’s center-left views, but he said the campaigns would create joint task forces to develop policy positions on key issues, including on the economy, education, criminal justice, immigration and climate change.

“Your endorsement means a great deal to me,” Biden told the senator. “I’m going to need you, not just to campaign, but to govern.”

Wonder if Biden remembers who Bernie is?

Just look at these two old fools trying bring down America with their brain dead dogma.

Sanders; I like to thank all my supporters for my new camp. Construction starts as soon as I can find some Communists not infected with Kung Flu.

#bernreturn, get your donations back, fools.

The comments are Hillaryous.

"So after spending a couple hundred million railing against the establishment Bernie now supports Bidum basically throwing shit in all of his supporters faces, AGAIN.

“I’m asking every Democrat, I’m asking every independent, I’m asking a lot of Republicans, to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy, which I endorse,” Sanders, who dropped out of the 2020 presidential race last week, told Biden.

Democrats hope Sanders’ speedy endorsement of Biden will help heal the party following a primary that revealed sharp ideological disagreements among the party’s core supporters and left many of Sanders’ young supporters disillusioned. While early public opinion surveys show Biden with a lead over Trump, his margin among young voters is smaller than the advantages Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama had during their presidential campaigns.

Sanders acknowledged there were significant policy differences between his vision of democratic socialism and Biden’s center-left views, but he said the campaigns would create joint task forces to develop policy positions on key issues, including on the economy, education, criminal justice, immigration and climate change.

“Your endorsement means a great deal to me,” Biden told the senator. “I’m going to need you, not just to campaign, but to govern.”

Seems a quick block against a less Socialist candidate (Cuomo) mucking up the waters. The thing is a lot of Sanders voters can't abide Biden.

Cuomo stated Saturday he was not going to run but most Democrats are liars so anything could change. Bidum probably will help Bernie fix up his "camp" for the endorsement.
They have silenced me on twitter due to my tweets that confront the Communists and those wishing to bring it to the West, so I can't respond to his tweet. However, I have seen it.

One only need look at the responses to see, his followers are angry as hell. As many of us anticipated. Trump, after 4 years of confronting trade abusers, China and looking out for U.S citizens first, will enjoy a much higher percentage of Bernie voters than the 7% he received in 2016. Some even mocking Bernie and saying "sorry Bernie, we're not following you" and receiving over 1000 likes.

MSM and global socialists have thrown everything at Trump. He now even deals with a pandemic. Regardless, it's clear that he will be the strongest candidate as Americans support America First.

Trumps tough stance against China, the border, and him being more open to justice reform that no other president was able to pass, will serve him well in 2020. As I've said, most citizens in the world view themselves as libertarians, it's natural. No nation moreso than the U.S. Trump represents this in many respects and it allows him to have a much broader appeal then the pollsters suggest.
Last edited:
Trump & Pence vs Biden & (5 letter name?).
Previous pres was Obama, another 5-letter name.

Are 4-7 letter names most electable?
And 5 letters the recent sweet spot for Internet-era voters with limited attention spans?

Been awhile since we elected longer names, like Eisenhower. :)

Just look at these two old fools trying bring down America with their brain dead dogma.

Sanders; I like to thank all my supporters for my new camp. Construction starts as soon as I can find some Communists not infected with Kung Flu.

#bernreturn, get your donations back, fools.

The comments are Hillaryous.

"So after spending a couple hundred million railing against the establishment Bernie now supports Bidum basically throwing shit in all of his supporters faces, AGAIN.

“I’m asking every Democrat, I’m asking every independent, I’m asking a lot of Republicans, to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy, which I endorse,” Sanders, who dropped out of the 2020 presidential race last week, told Biden.

Democrats hope Sanders’ speedy endorsement of Biden will help heal the party following a primary that revealed sharp ideological disagreements among the party’s core supporters and left many of Sanders’ young supporters disillusioned. While early public opinion surveys show Biden with a lead over Trump, his margin among young voters is smaller than the advantages Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama had during their presidential campaigns.

Sanders acknowledged there were significant policy differences between his vision of democratic socialism and Biden’s center-left views, but he said the campaigns would create joint task forces to develop policy positions on key issues, including on the economy, education, criminal justice, immigration and climate change.

“Your endorsement means a great deal to me,” Biden told the senator. “I’m going to need you, not just to campaign, but to govern.”

Everyone is going to endorse Biden, and he's still going to lose.

Just look at these two old fools trying bring down America with their brain dead dogma.

Sanders; I like to thank all my supporters for my new camp. Construction starts as soon as I can find some Communists not infected with Kung Flu.

#bernreturn, get your donations back, fools.

The comments are Hillaryous.

"So after spending a couple hundred million railing against the establishment Bernie now supports Bidum basically throwing shit in all of his supporters faces, AGAIN.

“I’m asking every Democrat, I’m asking every independent, I’m asking a lot of Republicans, to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy, which I endorse,” Sanders, who dropped out of the 2020 presidential race last week, told Biden.

Democrats hope Sanders’ speedy endorsement of Biden will help heal the party following a primary that revealed sharp ideological disagreements among the party’s core supporters and left many of Sanders’ young supporters disillusioned. While early public opinion surveys show Biden with a lead over Trump, his margin among young voters is smaller than the advantages Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama had during their presidential campaigns.

Sanders acknowledged there were significant policy differences between his vision of democratic socialism and Biden’s center-left views, but he said the campaigns would create joint task forces to develop policy positions on key issues, including on the economy, education, criminal justice, immigration and climate change.

“Your endorsement means a great deal to me,” Biden told the senator. “I’m going to need you, not just to campaign, but to govern.”

Looks like Bernie doesn't read message boards. Did you hear Biden raped a lady?
Usmb forgot to email Bernie about it.

Just look at these two old fools trying bring down America with their brain dead dogma.

Sanders; I like to thank all my supporters for my new camp. Construction starts as soon as I can find some Communists not infected with Kung Flu.

#bernreturn, get your donations back, fools.

The comments are Hillaryous.

"So after spending a couple hundred million railing against the establishment Bernie now supports Bidum basically throwing shit in all of his supporters faces, AGAIN.

“I’m asking every Democrat, I’m asking every independent, I’m asking a lot of Republicans, to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy, which I endorse,” Sanders, who dropped out of the 2020 presidential race last week, told Biden.

Democrats hope Sanders’ speedy endorsement of Biden will help heal the party following a primary that revealed sharp ideological disagreements among the party’s core supporters and left many of Sanders’ young supporters disillusioned. While early public opinion surveys show Biden with a lead over Trump, his margin among young voters is smaller than the advantages Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama had during their presidential campaigns.

Sanders acknowledged there were significant policy differences between his vision of democratic socialism and Biden’s center-left views, but he said the campaigns would create joint task forces to develop policy positions on key issues, including on the economy, education, criminal justice, immigration and climate change.

“Your endorsement means a great deal to me,” Biden told the senator. “I’m going to need you, not just to campaign, but to govern.”

You are just upset, trumpers didn't get a card carrying socialist to run against. Viewpoint differences do not matter as much as having a straw man villain to run against if you are on the right and only care about winning, rather than electing someone that can govern for all the people. So, the Democrats are going to run somebody experienced in government up to and including the Executive branch. Bad for trump. Amateur hour just about over. The Democrats will be running somebody that has a history of working not only with Democratic house and Senate members, but Republicans as well, to enact legislation good for the country, not just his own party. Too bad for Trump, known for his divisiveness and anything to piss off the majority of Americans. So the Democrats are going to run Joe Biden, who has a commitment to family values and marriage, having only been married twice, and then only because his first wife was tragically killed in a traffic accident. Not like trump, married 3 times and committing multiple adultery on all three, and tried to lie his way out of it and pay hush money to keep it out of the news, while courting the religious right vote. Too bad for Trump. I will vote for Joe Biden, and be proud of my vote.

From the title, to the original post, and all other posts since then.

Does this not qualify as a troll thread?

Just look at these two old fools trying bring down America with their brain dead dogma.

Sanders; I like to thank all my supporters for my new camp. Construction starts as soon as I can find some Communists not infected with Kung Flu.

#bernreturn, get your donations back, fools.

The comments are Hillaryous.

"So after spending a couple hundred million railing against the establishment Bernie now supports Bidum basically throwing shit in all of his supporters faces, AGAIN.

“I’m asking every Democrat, I’m asking every independent, I’m asking a lot of Republicans, to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy, which I endorse,” Sanders, who dropped out of the 2020 presidential race last week, told Biden.

Democrats hope Sanders’ speedy endorsement of Biden will help heal the party following a primary that revealed sharp ideological disagreements among the party’s core supporters and left many of Sanders’ young supporters disillusioned. While early public opinion surveys show Biden with a lead over Trump, his margin among young voters is smaller than the advantages Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama had during their presidential campaigns.

Sanders acknowledged there were significant policy differences between his vision of democratic socialism and Biden’s center-left views, but he said the campaigns would create joint task forces to develop policy positions on key issues, including on the economy, education, criminal justice, immigration and climate change.

“Your endorsement means a great deal to me,” Biden told the senator. “I’m going to need you, not just to campaign, but to govern.”

You are just upset, trumpers didn't get a card carrying socialist to run against. Viewpoint differences do not matter as much as having a straw man villain to run against if you are on the right and only care about winning, rather than electing someone that can govern for all the people. So, the Democrats are going to run somebody experienced in government up to and including the Executive branch. Bad for trump. Amateur hour just about over. The Democrats will be running somebody that has a history of working not only with Democratic house and Senate members, but Republicans as well, to enact legislation good for the country, not just his own party. Too bad for Trump, known for his divisiveness and anything to piss off the majority of Americans. So the Democrats are going to run Joe Biden, who has a commitment to family values and marriage, having only been married twice, and then only because his first wife was tragically killed in a traffic accident. Not like trump, married 3 times and committing multiple adultery on all three, and tried to lie his way out of it and pay hush money to keep it out of the news, while courting the religious right vote. Too bad for Trump. I will vote for Joe Biden, and be proud of my vote.

That senile old fool will forget he's running for President next month. I'll be surprised if he can remember his name in July. The Democrats screwed Bernie again. So then the paper tiger caved again and supported the establishment candidate. All he did was piss off millions of voters Bidum won't get.

I'm loving the total collapse of the Democrat party. It warms my heart.
Gee, after Bernie's payoff last election for him to endorse Hillary, one can't help but wonder how much he made this time...
Oh no Bernie endorsed the status quo I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. Joe Bidumb ladies and gentlemen, the Dem's 2020 candidate :auiqs.jpg:

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