Bernie is on the Senate floor posting pictures of Jeff Bezos' assets and demanding we stop giving him so much damn money

There is nothing radical about saying that the wealthiest people in this country ought to pay their fair share of taxes.

What's radical is Bezos making $142,667 every 60 seconds while more than half our people live paycheck to paycheck.

Bernie bitches about Amazon profits, but I would bet he shops there. Amazon averages more that 17 million in sales an hour and that was in 2019 before the pandemic, it's probably close to double that now. If people didn't like the service and products Bezos wouldn't have the money he does.

Also, how does Bernie know how much Bezos pays in personal taxes, isn't that information supposed to be private? Did Bernie commit a felony?

because everyone else doesn't
Bingo. Here we gave the unfiltered reason that a subset of our population thinks rich people, who have earned their money working hard and smart, should share their earnings with those who also could be working hard but have less money. That’s not the way a democratic republic works, nor the way a free market works.
Bingo. Here we gave the unfiltered reason that a subset of our population thinks rich people, who have earned their money working hard and smart, should share their earnings with those who also could be working hard but have less money. That’s not the way a democratic republic works, nor the way a free market works.
Except every Democratic Republic ever, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus. 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich has ruined the country. Only Murdoch propaganda and insanity makes this mess possible. Pure misinformation for the rubes.
Your charges against Mrs Sanders are total baloney like everything else you know from garbage propaganda Murdock slash conspiracy nuts... and the orange clown etc of course.
No, that’s where they got most of their money. hundreds of thousands she was paid…and the school went under l…she took the cash and bailed
Ask the students of Burlington College if it’s BS

oh wait you can’t…their school doesn’t exist anymore thanks to Sanders
It still exists and you are FOS. She expanded the school but the corrupt GOP bubble and bust happened. They had financial problems but survived and she made nothing out of it. So sthu and spreading malicious lies...
sanders and the dnc use dark money and big money in the campaigns

Sanders got a lot of money
He also tries to end it, but seems to like winning. Congrats on supporting megarich GOP liars and thieves,
Bernie bitches about Amazon profits, but I would bet he shops there. Amazon averages more that 17 million in sales an hour and that was in 2019 before the pandemic, it's probably close to double that now. If people didn't like the service and products Bezos wouldn't have the money he does.

Also, how does Bernie know how much Bezos pays in personal taxes, isn't that information supposed to be private? Did Bernie commit a felony?

irrelevant piffle
i am not sure what the GOP has to do with Ms Sanders screwing over her students
She as president of the college took out loans for expansion but then the corrupt lying scumbag GOP started another world depression so the college had financial problems paying them back. She didn't make any money and the students were not hurt and the school still runs. You are a total idiot. Whoops brainwashed functional idiot change the *** **** channel unbelievable. Do you want a diagram?
She as president of the college took out loans for expansion but then the corrupt lying scumbag GOP started another world depression so the college had financial problems paying them back. She didn't make any money and the students were not hurt and the school still runs. You are a total idiot. Whoops brainwashed functional idiot change the *** **** channel unbelievable. Do you want a diagram?
The school went under

but i think it’s funny your cult mind blames the gop for her mismanagement and walking away with hundreds of thousands of dollars

Bernie is on the Senate floor posting pictures of Jeff Bezos' assets and demanding we stop giving him so much damn money​

Bezos provides a service of value as opposed to Che Sanders. Cut Bernie off and stop giving his ass so much damn money first.

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