Bernie is on the Senate floor posting pictures of Jeff Bezos' assets and demanding we stop giving him so much damn money

His link says Amazon "relies on the quasi-governmental agency, which receives no tax money". Amazon is a private, for profit multinational corporation. The USPS must deliver everywhere, profit or no. Apples vs. Oranges. Of course we have to subsidize the Postal Service with dollars. $50 billion most recently. Because Amazon chooses to suck on USPS teat rather than compete in rural areas.


We end up having to subsidize the post office because Amazon increasingly steals the cream off the top while somehow treating its workers even worse.
Hey stupid, the USPS made $1.6 BILLION in profit from Amazon in 2019 alone.

So, explain how this is a subsidy.
His wife was certainly paid, handsomely to run that school into the ground, and then cut and ran.

What has he tried to pass that was "great" - please let us know
nobody gives a damn except for brainwashed functional morons , that was the middle of another GOP corrupt world depression, dingbat. . Too bad you don't have a computer or smartphone so you can't Google things and find out what is actually going on in the world....Think living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and taxing the rich more like their fair share for a change. What color is the sky on your stupid planet? Oops brainwashed functionally stupid planet...
Hey stupid, the USPS made $1.6 BILLION in profit from Amazon in 2019 alone.

So, explain how this is a subsidy.
Another few years like this and we will be a Banana Republic just like your heroes want, super dupe.
he made his money off a couple of books he wrote lately... yes the Republicans have obstructed all the great stuff he tried to get passed the last 40 years. congratulations. They made absolutely no money out of this college thing everything you know is wrong ********* change the channel.
Bernie is a career parasite that has never created a single job...or even held one for that matter. His attack on Bezos is typical of the national socialist mentality. The German abbreviation for that is NAZI btw.
Bernie is a career parasite that has never created a single job...or even held one for that matter. His attack on Bezos is typical of the national socialist mentality. The German abbreviation for that is NAZI btw.
So you believe any garbage right wing propaganda including the Nazis' for crying out loud. Socialists were the first people Hitler went after for concentration camps and your parents and grandparents are spinning in their graves listening to your stupid garbage. Change the channel *******. Except in garbage English speaking propaganda, socialists are always democratic and want fair capitalism, ask any Frenchmen Italian German Swede etc etc. Nazis want GOP policies, corrupt giveaway to the rich with martial law, then go after gays jews blacks browns and democrats for the kind of garbage you believe...
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nobody gives a damn except for brainwashed functional morons , that was the middle of another GOP corrupt world depression, dingbat. . Too bad you don't have a computer or smartphone so you can't Google things and find out what is actually going on in the world....Think living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and taxing the rich more like their fair share for a change. What color is the sky on your stupid planet? Oops brainwashed functionally stupid planet...
It was 2016…obama and xiden were in office…try again

He hasn’t done any of those things you mentioned…provide us with one piece of legislation he has drafted that would do anything like that
Did, twinkletoes. First learn to read. Then explain why you're always such an incredibly tedious bore.
No, you didn't explain how giving the USPS $1.6 BILLION in profit is a subsidy for Amazon. You can't, because it isn't.
So you believe any garbage right wing propaganda including the Nazis' for crying out loud. Socialists were the first people Hitler went after for concentration camps and your parents and grandparents are spinning in their graves listening to your stupid garbage. Change the channel *******. Except in garbage English speaking propaganda, socialists are always democratic and want fair capitalism, ask any Frenchmen Italian German Swede etc etc. Nazis want GOP policies, corrupt giveaway to the rich with martial law, then go after gays jews blacks browns and democrats for the kind of garbage you believe...
I spent some time reading about and learning about Sander's life....I find him interesting and compelling. I could only wish for a world that he would like to sounds wonderful. But so does a gingerbread house with eternal whipped cream sound wonderful. Problem is you can't have either one.

Too bad they don't get a living wage or any benefits that every other modern country offers, super duper.
Yes the currency is in bad shape...that's because most of it is debt. If it was worth face value you could buy one week's groceries for about fifteen bucks. Yeah....that's what the borrowing mentality has done for our spending power. Oh...and yes from what I have been told Amazon needs to ease up on their employees and start finding ways to treat them as people....I'm all for that. But good god man.....they employ 1,600,000 don't want that to me.

Yes the currency is in bad shape...that's because most of it is debt. If it was worth face value you could buy one week's groceries for about fifteen bucks. Yeah....that's what the borrowing mentality has done for our spending power. Oh...and yes from what I have been told Amazon needs to ease up on their employees and start finding ways to treat them as people....I'm all for that. But good god man.....they employ 1,600,000 don't want that to me.

no I want them to pay more like their fair share in taxes. And I am talking about benefits of citizenship that every modern country has but us along with a giveaway to the rich GOP tax system and the worst propaganda anywhere. Living wage healthcare for all day care paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations...
no I want them to pay more like their fair share in taxes. And I am talking about benefits of citizenship that every modern country has but us along with a giveaway to the rich GOP tax system and the worst propaganda anywhere. Living wage healthcare for all day care paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations...
Define “Fair share’ francoHFW

This is always funny.
Except every Democratic Republic ever, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus. 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich has ruined the country. Only Murdoch propaganda and insanity makes this mess possible. Pure misinformation for the rubes.
Your selection of 4 derogatory words (in bold above) is redundant. Perhaps less is more when attempting emotional projections lol

I cannot relate to blaming tertiary conditions for one’s life conditions. As an American (assuming you’re not severely disabled- meaning over the point of the ability to move one finger-and even then-breath tech is amazing stuff for quads) common folk have unlimited opportunities. The subjective part is how much a person is willing to commit: the effort, the time, hard work and sweat. We carve our own paths in life, and anyone with the mindset claiming “Alas! My efforts don’t count because I’m at the mercy of corporate welfare!!” is likely to use numerous excuses to stay stagnant. Many adults don’t think they need to work, even while on the job, and it’s mind blowing. Sure, there have always been slackers from all walks of life, but I don’t buy into the song and dance of, “X” is keeping me from success (individually defined) like “Corporate welfare and unfair business rules are holding me down!” That’s a lame excuse to do nothing. Most of time, if a person uses one thing as an excuse and when that excuse goes away, they just quickly come up with another. Having a defeatist mentality is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Always. I bet you I wouldn’t choose you for a survival island scenario if I wanted to survive, but that’s just a guess there Franco lol
There is nothing radical about saying that the wealthiest people in this country ought to pay their fair share of taxes.

What's radical is Bezos making $142,667 every 60 seconds while more than half our people live paycheck to paycheck.

It’d be more fun to see Hunter Biden’s laptop
no I want them to pay more like their fair share in taxes. And I am talking about benefits of citizenship that every modern country has but us along with a giveaway to the rich GOP tax system and the worst propaganda anywhere. Living wage healthcare for all day care paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations...
Health care is a worthy pursuit.

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