Bernie preaches about free stuff..

Like I said, I really have no problem with it. And we would be a lot better off if people were educated at a higher level. You would have to be dumb to think other

Then uh.......... what was the point of this thread?

Actually you started out whining that you didn't find info on Sanders' charitable contributions on his website -- which wouldn't be there anyway since it's a political campaign site. That never did get essplained.

Thread done vaporized itself.
His hypocrisy, Pogo.
I posted search results...

Is that what that 89,247-character link was? ;)
I didn't click it.

I don't think you'd find my charitable contributions on an internet search either though. Why would they be there? How does a search (on Bing no less) prove a negative?

Besides which, personal charitable contributions are not analogous to institutional social programs.
lol yes
But you aren't a public figure. At least, I don't think you are. lol
It is just the point that he cant willingly help the less fortunate but wants to force everyone else to do it.
Like I said, I really have no problem with it. And we would be a lot better off if people were educated at a higher level. You would have to be dumb to think other

Then uh.......... what was the point of this thread?

Actually you started out whining that you didn't find info on Sanders' charitable contributions on his website -- which wouldn't be there anyway since it's a political campaign site. That never did get essplained.

Thread done vaporized itself.
His hypocrisy, Pogo.
I posted search results...

Is that what that 89,247-character link was? ;)
I didn't click it.

I don't think you'd find my charitable contributions on an internet search either though. Why would they be there? How does a search (on Bing no less) prove a negative?

Besides which, personal charitable contributions are not analogous to institutional social programs.
lol yes
But you aren't a public figure. At least, I don't think you are. lol
It is just the point that he cant willingly help the less fortunate but wants to force everyone else to do it.

I just told you, by doing a real search, and not one designed to find nothing, I found plenty of charitable contributions.

And the fact remains -- it's not an analogy anyway.
but doesn't donate anything to charity?
In fact when I did this
bernie sanders and charity - Bing
All I got was a way to donate to HIM and unrelated things.
How can someone preach about giving away all this stuff, when he HIMSELF doesn't do it? If he cant do it willingly, what gives him the right to want to FORCE everyone else?

Welcome back, TN.
It as long been the leftist agenda to play Robin Hood ... taking from "the rich."
In Uncle Bernie's defense he has always been a loyal leftist and as a lifelong politician who has never had a real job, he has never amassed a real fortune. His net worth - at 74 - is only about $500,000.
Like I said, I really have no problem with it. And we would be a lot better off if people were educated at a higher level. You would have to be dumb to think other

Then uh.......... what was the point of this thread?

Actually you started out whining that you didn't find info on Sanders' charitable contributions on his website -- which wouldn't be there anyway since it's a political campaign site. That never did get essplained.

Thread done vaporized itself.
His hypocrisy, Pogo.
I posted search results...

Is that what that 89,247-character link was? ;)
I didn't click it.

I don't think you'd find my charitable contributions on an internet search either though. Why would they be there? How does a search (on Bing no less) prove a negative?

Besides which, personal charitable contributions are not analogous to institutional social programs.
lol yes
But you aren't a public figure. At least, I don't think you are. lol
It is just the point that he cant willingly help the less fortunate but wants to force everyone else to do it.

I just told you, by doing a real search, and not one designed to find nothing, I found plenty of charitable contributions.

And the fact remains -- it's not an analogy anyway.
Will you show me?
but doesn't donate anything to charity?
In fact when I did this
bernie sanders and charity - Bing
All I got was a way to donate to HIM and unrelated things.
How can someone preach about giving away all this stuff, when he HIMSELF doesn't do it? If he cant do it willingly, what gives him the right to want to FORCE everyone else?

Welcome back, TN.
It as long been the leftist agenda to play Robin Hood ... taking from "the rich."
In Uncle Bernie's defense he has always been a loyal leftist and as a lifelong politician who has never had a real job, he has never amassed a real fortune. His net worth - at 74 - is only about $500,000.
Thank you, sayit!
Where did he say "free"?

but doesn't donate anything to charity?
In fact when I did this
bernie sanders and charity - Bing
All I got was a way to donate to HIM and unrelated things.
How can someone preach about giving away all this stuff, when he HIMSELF doesn't do it? If he cant do it willingly, what gives him the right to want to FORCE everyone else?

Which candidate's website gives a rundown of their charitable contributions?
Did he say free or discounted tuition?
Bernie Sanders said: I pay for my program, by the way, through a tax on Wall Street speculation, which will not only make public colleges and universities tuition-free, it will substantially lower interest rates on college debt, a major crisis in this country.

Interest on the loans isn't the problem ... college costs which have risen as fast as healthcare costs are the problem. It seems those who scream loudest about wealth inequality - leftist college profs - are eager to get their share of the pie.

Current interest rates on undergrad loans is only 4.29%.
So how much could the Bernie plan lower them?

As seen on the debate, he is playing to his crowd, half of which is 18-24 year olds. You know ... those who know little and have nothing but want the gov't to provide "free" stuff.
Last edited:
but doesn't donate anything to charity?
In fact when I did this
bernie sanders and charity - Bing
All I got was a way to donate to HIM and unrelated things.
How can someone preach about giving away all this stuff, when he HIMSELF doesn't do it? If he cant do it willingly, what gives him the right to want to FORCE everyone else?

Welcome back, TN.
It as long been the leftist agenda to play Robin Hood ... taking from "the rich."
In Uncle Bernie's defense he has always been a loyal leftist and as a lifelong politician who has never had a real job, he has never amassed a real fortune. His net worth - at 74 - is only about $500,000.

See what I mean? I toldja there were those who claim he's "not rich enough" to run for POTUS, and I wasn't even thinking of this guy.

What a weird place we've sunk to when we require our candidates to be millionaires...SMH
Then uh.......... what was the point of this thread?

Actually you started out whining that you didn't find info on Sanders' charitable contributions on his website -- which wouldn't be there anyway since it's a political campaign site. That never did get essplained.

Thread done vaporized itself.
His hypocrisy, Pogo.
I posted search results...

Is that what that 89,247-character link was? ;)
I didn't click it.

I don't think you'd find my charitable contributions on an internet search either though. Why would they be there? How does a search (on Bing no less) prove a negative?

Besides which, personal charitable contributions are not analogous to institutional social programs.
lol yes
But you aren't a public figure. At least, I don't think you are. lol
It is just the point that he cant willingly help the less fortunate but wants to force everyone else to do it.

I just told you, by doing a real search, and not one designed to find nothing, I found plenty of charitable contributions.

And the fact remains -- it's not an analogy anyway.
Will you show me?

It's in that WaPo link in post 20.
but doesn't donate anything to charity?
In fact when I did this
bernie sanders and charity - Bing
All I got was a way to donate to HIM and unrelated things.
How can someone preach about giving away all this stuff, when he HIMSELF doesn't do it? If he cant do it willingly, what gives him the right to want to FORCE everyone else?

Welcome back, TN.
It as long been the leftist agenda to play Robin Hood ... taking from "the rich."
In Uncle Bernie's defense he has always been a loyal leftist and as a lifelong politician who has never had a real job, he has never amassed a real fortune. His net worth - at 74 - is only about $500,000.

See what I mean? I toldja there were those who claim he's "not rich enough" to run for POTUS, and I wasn't even thinking of this guy.

What a weird place we've sunk to when we require our candidates to be millionaires...SMH

Who requires a person to be a millionaire to run for President.

My problem with someone like Bernie Sanders is he supports all sorts of handout programs. Let him set the example.
but doesn't donate anything to charity?
In fact when I did this
bernie sanders and charity - Bing
All I got was a way to donate to HIM and unrelated things.
How can someone preach about giving away all this stuff, when he HIMSELF doesn't do it? If he cant do it willingly, what gives him the right to want to FORCE everyone else?

Welcome back, TN.
It as long been the leftist agenda to play Robin Hood ... taking from "the rich."
In Uncle Bernie's defense he has always been a loyal leftist and as a lifelong politician who has never had a real job, he has never amassed a real fortune. His net worth - at 74 - is only about $500,000.

See what I mean? I toldja there were those who claim he's "not rich enough" to run for POTUS, and I wasn't even thinking of this guy.

What a weird place we've sunk to when we require our candidates to be millionaires...SMH
I respect that guy for that, actually. I would rather have a common joe in the WH over anyone.
but doesn't donate anything to charity?
In fact when I did this
bernie sanders and charity - Bing
All I got was a way to donate to HIM and unrelated things.
How can someone preach about giving away all this stuff, when he HIMSELF doesn't do it? If he cant do it willingly, what gives him the right to want to FORCE everyone else?

Welcome back, TN.
It as long been the leftist agenda to play Robin Hood ... taking from "the rich."
In Uncle Bernie's defense he has always been a loyal leftist and as a lifelong politician who has never had a real job, he has never amassed a real fortune. His net worth - at 74 - is only about $500,000.

See what I mean? I toldja there were those who claim he's "not rich enough" to run for POTUS, and I wasn't even thinking of this guy.

What a weird place we've sunk to when we require our candidates to be millionaires...SMH

Exactly where did I say Bernie isn't rich enough to be prez?
I did say, in his defense, that his lack of charitable giving may well be a function of his lifelong adherence to socialist principles and his lack of personal wealth.
It would be beneath one such as Bernie to benefit from capitalism.
Last edited:
but doesn't donate anything to charity?
In fact when I did this
bernie sanders and charity - Bing
All I got was a way to donate to HIM and unrelated things.
How can someone preach about giving away all this stuff, when he HIMSELF doesn't do it? If he cant do it willingly, what gives him the right to want to FORCE everyone else?

Welcome back, TN.
It as long been the leftist agenda to play Robin Hood ... taking from "the rich."
In Uncle Bernie's defense he has always been a loyal leftist and as a lifelong politician who has never had a real job, he has never amassed a real fortune. His net worth - at 74 - is only about $500,000.

See what I mean? I toldja there were those who claim he's "not rich enough" to run for POTUS, and I wasn't even thinking of this guy.

What a weird place we've sunk to when we require our candidates to be millionaires...SMH

Who requires a person to be a millionaire to run for President.

Umm... read the very post I responded to above (Sayit) -- and I've seen this argument before on these same pages.

My problem with someone like Bernie Sanders is he supports all sorts of handout programs. Let him set the example.

There's a record for that:

>> The battle over Northgate Apartments illustrates Sanders’s general approach to governing. In addressing this and many other issues, he encouraged grassroots organizing, adopted local laws to protect the vulnerable, challenged the city’s business power brokers, and worked collaboratively with other politicians to create a more livable city.

Now that Sanders is running for president, the eight years he spent as Burlington’s chief executive (1981–89) will be under close scrutiny. Although President Obama recently joked at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner that Sanders is a “pot-smoking socialist,” he was actually a hardworking, pragmatic, effective mayor who helped transform Vermont’s largest city (population: 38,000) into a thriving town.

Thanks to the enduring influence of the progressive climate that Sanders and his allies helped to create in Burlington, the city’s largest housing development is now resident-owned, its largest supermarket is a consumer-owned cooperative, one of its largest private employers is worker-owned, and most of its people-oriented waterfront is publicly owned. Its publicly owned utility, the Burlington Electric Department, recently announced that Burlington is the first American city of any decent size to run entirely on renewable electricity. << -- What Kind of Mayor was Bernie Sanders?

There's your example. That has nothing to do with what charitable contributions one makes though.
but doesn't donate anything to charity?
In fact when I did this
bernie sanders and charity - Bing
All I got was a way to donate to HIM and unrelated things.
How can someone preach about giving away all this stuff, when he HIMSELF doesn't do it? If he cant do it willingly, what gives him the right to want to FORCE everyone else?

Welcome back, TN.
It as long been the leftist agenda to play Robin Hood ... taking from "the rich."
In Uncle Bernie's defense he has always been a loyal leftist and as a lifelong politician who has never had a real job, he has never amassed a real fortune. His net worth - at 74 - is only about $500,000.

See what I mean? I toldja there were those who claim he's "not rich enough" to run for POTUS, and I wasn't even thinking of this guy.

What a weird place we've sunk to when we require our candidates to be millionaires...SMH

Exactly where did I say Bernie isn't rich enough to be prez?

Why else would you be whining that he doesn't have enough money?
Do you have half a million? I don't. Nor do I expect to at age 74. Wtf does that have to do with whether I can run for POTUS or not?

And as I indicated, you're not the first to parrot this line. I'm just not sure where such oligarchophilia comes from. But it's kinky.

[I did say, in his defense, that his lack of charitable giving may well be a function of his lifelong adherence to socialist principles - it would be beneath him to benefit from capitalism - and his lack of wealth.

No such "lack of charitable giving" has been established.
but doesn't donate anything to charity?
In fact when I did this
bernie sanders and charity - Bing
All I got was a way to donate to HIM and unrelated things.
How can someone preach about giving away all this stuff, when he HIMSELF doesn't do it? If he cant do it willingly, what gives him the right to want to FORCE everyone else?

Welcome back, TN.
It as long been the leftist agenda to play Robin Hood ... taking from "the rich."
In Uncle Bernie's defense he has always been a loyal leftist and as a lifelong politician who has never had a real job, he has never amassed a real fortune. His net worth - at 74 - is only about $500,000.

See what I mean? I toldja there were those who claim he's "not rich enough" to run for POTUS, and I wasn't even thinking of this guy.

What a weird place we've sunk to when we require our candidates to be millionaires...SMH
I respect that guy for that, actually. I would rather have a common joe in the WH over anyone.

If anything it indicates he practices what he preaches about amassing personal wealth for the sole sake of amassing personal wealth. The better question might be not why does Sanders have so little, but why does the average POTUS candidate have so much? Or perhaps better phrased, why do we require candidates to be millionaires?

But I repeat myself.
but doesn't donate anything to charity?
In fact when I did this
bernie sanders and charity - Bing
All I got was a way to donate to HIM and unrelated things.
How can someone preach about giving away all this stuff, when he HIMSELF doesn't do it? If he cant do it willingly, what gives him the right to want to FORCE everyone else?

Welcome back, TN.
It as long been the leftist agenda to play Robin Hood ... taking from "the rich."
In Uncle Bernie's defense he has always been a loyal leftist and as a lifelong politician who has never had a real job, he has never amassed a real fortune. His net worth - at 74 - is only about $500,000.

See what I mean? I toldja there were those who claim he's "not rich enough" to run for POTUS, and I wasn't even thinking of this guy.

What a weird place we've sunk to when we require our candidates to be millionaires...SMH

Exactly where did I say Bernie isn't rich enough to be prez?

Why else would you be whining that he doesn't have enough money?
Do you have half a million? I don't. Nor do I expect to at age 74. Wtf does that have to do with whether I can run for POTUS or not?

And as I indicated, you're not the first to parrot this line. I'm just not sure where such oligarchophilia comes from. But it's kinky.

[I did say, in his defense, that his lack of charitable giving may well be a function of his lifelong adherence to socialist principles - it would be beneath him to benefit from capitalism - and his lack of wealth.

No such "lack of charitable giving" has been established.

Yanno Pogo, you consistently play the idiot.

My comment was a direct response to what was deemed his lack of charitable giving and I gave him a pass.

You managed to read into it something that just wasn't there and I certainly do not find him unfit because he isn't rich ... I find him unfit because he's an American socialist.
but doesn't donate anything to charity?
In fact when I did this
bernie sanders and charity - Bing
All I got was a way to donate to HIM and unrelated things.
How can someone preach about giving away all this stuff, when he HIMSELF doesn't do it? If he cant do it willingly, what gives him the right to want to FORCE everyone else?

Welcome back, TN.
It as long been the leftist agenda to play Robin Hood ... taking from "the rich."
In Uncle Bernie's defense he has always been a loyal leftist and as a lifelong politician who has never had a real job, he has never amassed a real fortune. His net worth - at 74 - is only about $500,000.

See what I mean? I toldja there were those who claim he's "not rich enough" to run for POTUS, and I wasn't even thinking of this guy.

What a weird place we've sunk to when we require our candidates to be millionaires...SMH
I respect that guy for that, actually. I would rather have a common joe in the WH over anyone.

If anything it indicates he practices what he preaches about amassing personal wealth for the sole sake of amassing personal wealth. The better question might be not why does Sanders have so little, but why does the average POTUS candidate have so much? Or perhaps better phrased, why do we require candidates to be millionaires?

But I repeat myself.

And I find his lifelong adherence to his principles to be his most (perhaps only) impressive character trait. He has not only talked the socialist talk, he's walked it.
but doesn't donate anything to charity?
In fact when I did this
bernie sanders and charity - Bing
All I got was a way to donate to HIM and unrelated things.
How can someone preach about giving away all this stuff, when he HIMSELF doesn't do it? If he cant do it willingly, what gives him the right to want to FORCE everyone else?

Welcome back, TN.
It as long been the leftist agenda to play Robin Hood ... taking from "the rich."
In Uncle Bernie's defense he has always been a loyal leftist and as a lifelong politician who has never had a real job, he has never amassed a real fortune. His net worth - at 74 - is only about $500,000.

See what I mean? I toldja there were those who claim he's "not rich enough" to run for POTUS, and I wasn't even thinking of this guy.

What a weird place we've sunk to when we require our candidates to be millionaires...SMH

Exactly where did I say Bernie isn't rich enough to be prez?

Why else would you be whining that he doesn't have enough money?
Do you have half a million? I don't. Nor do I expect to at age 74. Wtf does that have to do with whether I can run for POTUS or not?

And as I indicated, you're not the first to parrot this line. I'm just not sure where such oligarchophilia comes from. But it's kinky.

[I did say, in his defense, that his lack of charitable giving may well be a function of his lifelong adherence to socialist principles - it would be beneath him to benefit from capitalism - and his lack of wealth.

No such "lack of charitable giving" has been established.

Yanno Pogo, you consistently play the idiot.

My comment was a direct response to what was deemed his lack of charitable giving and I gave him a pass.

You managed to read into it something that just wasn't there and I certainly do not find him unfit because he isn't rich ... I find him unfit because he's an American socialist.

as a lifelong politician who has never had a real job, he has never amassed a real fortune. His net worth - at 74 - is only about $500,000.


but doesn't donate anything to charity?
In fact when I did this
bernie sanders and charity - Bing
All I got was a way to donate to HIM and unrelated things.
How can someone preach about giving away all this stuff, when he HIMSELF doesn't do it? If he cant do it willingly, what gives him the right to want to FORCE everyone else?

Welcome back, TN.
It as long been the leftist agenda to play Robin Hood ... taking from "the rich."
In Uncle Bernie's defense he has always been a loyal leftist and as a lifelong politician who has never had a real job, he has never amassed a real fortune. His net worth - at 74 - is only about $500,000.

See what I mean? I toldja there were those who claim he's "not rich enough" to run for POTUS, and I wasn't even thinking of this guy.

What a weird place we've sunk to when we require our candidates to be millionaires...SMH
I respect that guy for that, actually. I would rather have a common joe in the WH over anyone.

If anything it indicates he practices what he preaches about amassing personal wealth for the sole sake of amassing personal wealth. The better question might be not why does Sanders have so little, but why does the average POTUS candidate have so much? Or perhaps better phrased, why do we require candidates to be millionaires?

But I repeat myself.

And I find his lifelong adherence to his principles to be his most (perhaps only) impressive character trait. He has not only talked the socialist talk, he's walked it.

"Give me forty acres and I'll turn this post around"? :lol:

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