Bernie Sanders' 100% Tax:


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
He's a commie...and that system never worked...
Bernie Sanders' 100% Tax: "Nobody Should Earn More Than $1 Million"

“Make it illegal to amass more wealth than a human family could use in a lifetime.”
November 19, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Here in the People's Republic of New York, the streets are covered with crazed Bernie Sanders stickers promising a glorious Socialist utopia in which no one, except taxpayers, will ever have to work again.

Sanders apologists claim that he's a moderate Swedish Socialist, not one of those crazy Communist or Nazi guys. But his history suggests that he's redder than a fire engine. And we're not just talking about his flirtation with Communist countries, but Communist ideas.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders distanced himself from the Eisenhower-era top marginal tax rate of 90 percent during last week’s Democratic presidential debate, but as he prepares to detail his support of democratic socialism in a major speech Thursday, documents from his past show him supporting an even higher rate of taxation on the nation's highest earners.

In several articles dating back to the early 1970s, Sanders is described as supporting a top marginal tax of 100 percent for high earners or the establishment of a maximum wage...

In a 1974 article titled “Concentrated Wealth Is Causing Economic Illness,” from an unidentified newspaper that was in his papers at the University of Vermont library, Sanders is described as wanting to “make it illegal to amass more wealth than a human family could use in a lifetime.” He would do that, the article said, with “a 100 percent tax on incomes above this level ($ one million per year)” and “would recycle this money for the public need.”

Who decides what a family can use in a lifetime? What happens when the father of the family loses his job and there aren't enough savings past a few years because some Socialist decided that he was earning too much money before?

Not Bernie Sanders' problem. But then Bernie hasn't exactly specialized in working for a living. He did make good money collecting unemployment. He peddled Socialist film strips and then got himself elected and has been living off taxpayers ever since.


To make a minimum wage viable, you need a maximum wage. Then you need wage controls all across the board. Devastate the middle class, wipe out a ton of jobs and then start rationing food. It's the glorious Socialist experiment all over again.

Bernie Sanders' 100% Tax: "Nobody Should Earn More Than $1 Million"
I say vote him in...... More than half of the Democrat party will not support anything he wants to pass so he'll turn to attempting to completely abuse executive order, all of which issued by him will be tossed out by SCOTUS as unconstitutional which most likely would lead to impeachment and being tossed out of office.
Should be fun to watch. :thup:
I believe someone should make as much money as possible, BUT I believe people should pay taxes.

They should pay taxes for the roads they drive on, schools they send their kids too and regulations that protect their food, water and air.

If they don't then they're a bum.

I think the rich should be taxed around 40%.
He's a commie...and that system never worked...
Bernie Sanders' 100% Tax: "Nobody Should Earn More Than $1 Million"

“Make it illegal to amass more wealth than a human family could use in a lifetime.”
November 19, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Here in the People's Republic of New York, the streets are covered with crazed Bernie Sanders stickers promising a glorious Socialist utopia in which no one, except taxpayers, will ever have to work again.

Sanders apologists claim that he's a moderate Swedish Socialist, not one of those crazy Communist or Nazi guys. But his history suggests that he's redder than a fire engine. And we're not just talking about his flirtation with Communist countries, but Communist ideas.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders distanced himself from the Eisenhower-era top marginal tax rate of 90 percent during last week’s Democratic presidential debate, but as he prepares to detail his support of democratic socialism in a major speech Thursday, documents from his past show him supporting an even higher rate of taxation on the nation's highest earners.

In several articles dating back to the early 1970s, Sanders is described as supporting a top marginal tax of 100 percent for high earners or the establishment of a maximum wage...

In a 1974 article titled “Concentrated Wealth Is Causing Economic Illness,” from an unidentified newspaper that was in his papers at the University of Vermont library, Sanders is described as wanting to “make it illegal to amass more wealth than a human family could use in a lifetime.” He would do that, the article said, with “a 100 percent tax on incomes above this level ($ one million per year)” and “would recycle this money for the public need.”

Who decides what a family can use in a lifetime? What happens when the father of the family loses his job and there aren't enough savings past a few years because some Socialist decided that he was earning too much money before?

Not Bernie Sanders' problem. But then Bernie hasn't exactly specialized in working for a living. He did make good money collecting unemployment. He peddled Socialist film strips and then got himself elected and has been living off taxpayers ever since.


To make a minimum wage viable, you need a maximum wage. Then you need wage controls all across the board. Devastate the middle class, wipe out a ton of jobs and then start rationing food. It's the glorious Socialist experiment all over again.

Bernie Sanders' 100% Tax: "Nobody Should Earn More Than $1 Million"

This is from the 1970s. That's more than 40 years old. People change ideas a lot in this time.

Would Sanders as President have the power to make a 100% tax? No he would not.

I'm no fan of Sanders. However I think this is trying to use something old to make it look like the present.
If the quote in the article is direct and accurate, it would be fair to question him on it.

100% on everything over $1 million? Is that what you want?

I'd like far more detail than "fair share".
Except it is NOT a quote from Sanders, it is a quote from the unnamed paper!!!
In a 1974 article titled “Concentrated Wealth Is Causing Economic Illness,” from an unidentified newspaper that was in his papers at the University of Vermont library, Sanders is described as wanting to “make it illegal to amass more wealth than a human family could use in a lifetime.”
If the quote in the article is direct and accurate, it would be fair to question him on it.

100% on everything over $1 million? Is that what you want?

I'd like far more detail than "fair share".
Except it is NOT a quote from Sanders, it is a quote from the unnamed paper!!!
In a 1974 article titled “Concentrated Wealth Is Causing Economic Illness,” from an unidentified newspaper that was in his papers at the University of Vermont library, Sanders is described as wanting to “make it illegal to amass more wealth than a human family could use in a lifetime.”
Well, I try not to believe anything political until it's proven, hence that phrase.
He's a commie...and that system never worked...
Bernie Sanders' 100% Tax: "Nobody Should Earn More Than $1 Million"

“Make it illegal to amass more wealth than a human family could use in a lifetime.”
November 19, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Here in the People's Republic of New York, the streets are covered with crazed Bernie Sanders stickers promising a glorious Socialist utopia in which no one, except taxpayers, will ever have to work again.

Sanders apologists claim that he's a moderate Swedish Socialist, not one of those crazy Communist or Nazi guys. But his history suggests that he's redder than a fire engine. And we're not just talking about his flirtation with Communist countries, but Communist ideas.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders distanced himself from the Eisenhower-era top marginal tax rate of 90 percent during last week’s Democratic presidential debate, but as he prepares to detail his support of democratic socialism in a major speech Thursday, documents from his past show him supporting an even higher rate of taxation on the nation's highest earners.

In several articles dating back to the early 1970s, Sanders is described as supporting a top marginal tax of 100 percent for high earners or the establishment of a maximum wage...

In a 1974 article titled “Concentrated Wealth Is Causing Economic Illness,” from an unidentified newspaper that was in his papers at the University of Vermont library, Sanders is described as wanting to “make it illegal to amass more wealth than a human family could use in a lifetime.” He would do that, the article said, with “a 100 percent tax on incomes above this level ($ one million per year)” and “would recycle this money for the public need.”

Who decides what a family can use in a lifetime? What happens when the father of the family loses his job and there aren't enough savings past a few years because some Socialist decided that he was earning too much money before?

Not Bernie Sanders' problem. But then Bernie hasn't exactly specialized in working for a living. He did make good money collecting unemployment. He peddled Socialist film strips and then got himself elected and has been living off taxpayers ever since.


To make a minimum wage viable, you need a maximum wage. Then you need wage controls all across the board. Devastate the middle class, wipe out a ton of jobs and then start rationing food. It's the glorious Socialist experiment all over again.

Bernie Sanders' 100% Tax: "Nobody Should Earn More Than $1 Million"

This is from the 1970s. That's more than 40 years old. People change ideas a lot in this time.

Would Sanders as President have the power to make a 100% tax? No he would not.

I'm no fan of Sanders. However I think this is trying to use something old to make it look like the present.
Can you say politics? I knew you could......... :D
If the quote in the article is direct and accurate, it would be fair to question him on it.

100% on everything over $1 million? Is that what you want?

I'd like far more detail than "fair share".
Except it is NOT a quote from Sanders, it is a quote from the unnamed paper!!!
In a 1974 article titled “Concentrated Wealth Is Causing Economic Illness,” from an unidentified newspaper that was in his papers at the University of Vermont library, Sanders is described as wanting to “make it illegal to amass more wealth than a human family could use in a lifetime.”
Oh, so Sanders wants to make it illegal to amass more wealth than a human family could use in a lifetime......why it mentions "human family", I can't figure what other kind of family would be making money...or even need money...other than humans. I don't think a family of wolves needs money.

But if Sanders believes it, it doesn't matter a damn if he's not the original author of the belief.

So parse words all you like. He's a communist.
Fact: The only accurate statement in that "article" is “Make it illegal to amass more wealth than a human family could use in a lifetime,” excerpted from a paper written circa 1974.

The rest is Scare the Rightists bullshit. And some of you swallowed it.

Here's a truism: "Actions speak louder than words."

USMB RWs reject this and latch on to the Scary Words. :eek:

Rational people examine the actions taken in the 40+ years since the statement.

Like the time Sanders turned the State of Vermont into a model communist country. Not.

Like his voting record in the Senate. Communistic, right? Not.

Facts? You don't need no stinkin' FACTS. You've got :eek: Big Scary 40-year-old words!!!!!

Y'all crack me up.

How're you gonna beat Hillary if you let yourselves get distracted by the guy you say will never be President?

Having doubts? :evil:
From the debates, the best I could gather is he is thinking about 60 or 70%.
From the debates, the best I could gather is he is thinking about 60 or 70%.

Best thing to do would be to read the issue statements on his site:

Issues - Bernie Sanders

It certainly won't be 60-70% on the middle class. The entire economic goal of his campaign is to eliminate the inequities that have been sucking the middle class dry.

That stupid "90%, 100%...he wants to take everything" meme is strictly a Trumpism. Amazing how many people think it makes sense. :cuckoo:
From the debates, the best I could gather is he is thinking about 60 or 70%.

Best thing to do would be to read the issue statements on his site:

Issues - Bernie Sanders

It certainly won't be 60-70% on the middle class. The entire economic goal of his campaign is to eliminate the inequities that have been sucking the middle class dry.

That stupid "90%, 100%...he wants to take everything" meme is strictly a Trumpism. Amazing how many people think it makes sense. :cuckoo:
does that mention his tax rate?
From the debates, the best I could gather is he is thinking about 60 or 70%.

Best thing to do would be to read the issue statements on his site:

Issues - Bernie Sanders

It certainly won't be 60-70% on the middle class. The entire economic goal of his campaign is to eliminate the inequities that have been sucking the middle class dry.

That stupid "90%, 100%...he wants to take everything" meme is strictly a Trumpism. Amazing how many people think it makes sense. :cuckoo:
does that mention his tax rate?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and believe you actually clicked the link and say he's as specific as any candidate at this stage.

Unless you're an idiot, you don't announce a specific tax rate table at this stage of your campaign. You consult with economists and you, for instance, discuss how you'll pay for your education plan. On that, Sanders is specific, and I'll be happy to walk you through it.

Thinking you can just announce a number without knowing the situation on the ground the day you take office is pandering. "Flat tax" is a good one. "Disband the IRS and raise the sales tax" is another.

What's your candidate's proposed tax plan?
From the debates, the best I could gather is he is thinking about 60 or 70%.

Best thing to do would be to read the issue statements on his site:

Issues - Bernie Sanders

It certainly won't be 60-70% on the middle class. The entire economic goal of his campaign is to eliminate the inequities that have been sucking the middle class dry.

That stupid "90%, 100%...he wants to take everything" meme is strictly a Trumpism. Amazing how many people think it makes sense. :cuckoo:
does that mention his tax rate?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and believe you actually clicked the link and say he's as specific as any candidate at this stage.

Unless you're an idiot, you don't announce a specific tax rate table at this stage of your campaign. You consult with economists and you, for instance, discuss how you'll pay for your education plan. On that, Sanders is specific, and I'll be happy to walk you through it.

Thinking you can just announce a number without knowing the situation on the ground the day you take office is pandering. "Flat tax" is a good one. "Disband the IRS and raise the sales tax" is another.

What's your candidate's proposed tax plan?
He is plenty specific. So is his rhetoric.
They are pretty specific with theirs, actually. Well... some lol. And I think that's a good thing. Plenty of time for debate. Actually having a plan isn't pandering I wouldn't think.. Saying you are going to give out all this free shit and not say what you are going to tax the people, is.
I don't have a candidate yet. IDK if I will.

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