Bernie Sanders and other Countries


Mar 11, 2016
Me and my girlfriend were talking politics.
She asked me what do I think about the rhetoric being proliferated by the far left wing of the Democrats that the world is laughing at us here in the USA.

I said...
First of all, if its even true... I don't give a fuck.
But lets say that it is to an extent.

They can keep right on laughing at us from now to Rapture, and I don't give a fuck.

For one thing, This is our country, not theirs, We run this place, not them, We're the boss in this country, not them...
We are in charge of who gets elected to office here, not them.

We decide how we live here, not them.
We decide our foreign policy, not them
We are in charge of our Justice system, not them.
We are in charge of our Military... not them.

We are in charge of our economics and our economic system, not them.

Secondly, we are the world superpower, and not them.

Thirdly...Being the sole supreme superpower of the world, does not and NEVER has entailed ANY responsibility to be the friend of ANYBODY else around the world PERIOD.

The world comes to America to work, the World comes to America for Healthcare, the World comes to America for an Education, the World comes to America for Military training, the World comes to America to solve scientific and economic problems.

And if the emergency is dire enough... they come to America to save their lives.

And...I have more rights and more liberties and more economic freedom in America than anybody else around the world, period.

So the USA is the best, and Fuck the rest.
I'd rather be American than any fucking thing else there is in the world.

As for Bernie Sanders.... he's a fucking communist, and he needs to kept the fuck out of the Whitehouse.
Would imagine other countries wish the Democrats well...

... so they can continue to play us for fools...

... and walk all over us.
The University of Arkansas.
A State University that ranks damn near 50 amongst the 50 states, far more akin to the likes of the University of Mississippi, and the University of Alabama and the University of Texas and so on, all bottom of the barrel here in America, than what it compares to the University of Pensylvania, and NYU and Drexel University, and Villanova University.

And even the comparatively lowly University of Arkansas... it has no shortage of Foreign students, even students from Western Europe.

Just to put things in perspective.
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Me and my girlfriend were talking politics......

And someone caught a photo of the event.


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