bernie sanders, dem socialist, uses Capatalism as a justification for being a millionaire

I bet your work is dependent on our current system too. You'd probably be cut if we went single payer.

LOL, not the point son. It wouldn't matter. I love what I do and I would be ok if it was gone. the point is you haven't thought ANY of it through. That's why you can't answer any of the questions.
Yes it is the point. You just aren't very honest.

TN asked some good questions. I expect you will answer them with your wisdom.

Run kid.
Your not going to answer his questions? Shocking. And here I thought you knew everything about health care.

LOL, run kid. You keep moving the goal posts...why?
You can't even find the goal posts. haha Thought you would continue dodging.
LOL, not the point son. It wouldn't matter. I love what I do and I would be ok if it was gone. the point is you haven't thought ANY of it through. That's why you can't answer any of the questions.
Yes it is the point. You just aren't very honest.

TN asked some good questions. I expect you will answer them with your wisdom.

Run kid.
Your not going to answer his questions? Shocking. And here I thought you knew everything about health care.

LOL, run kid. You keep moving the goal posts...why?
You can't even find the goal posts. haha Thought you would continue dodging.

You really think this makes you look good?
Yes it is the point. You just aren't very honest.

TN asked some good questions. I expect you will answer them with your wisdom.

Run kid.
Your not going to answer his questions? Shocking. And here I thought you knew everything about health care.

LOL, run kid. You keep moving the goal posts...why?
You can't even find the goal posts. haha Thought you would continue dodging.

You really think this makes you look good?
I can't pretend to care. I am just amused by how much of a joke you are. First you claim to know everything, but then you won't answer a single question. Funny stuff!
Bernie Sanders, Now a Millionaire, Pledges to Release Tax Returns by Monday

Reminded that he is a millionaire, he did not shirk from the description.

“I wrote a best-selling book,” he declared. “If you write a best-selling book, you can be a millionaire, too.”

If you wanna use the NYT as being fake news to disregard it, i understand. They are known for it ;)

Perhaps you need to explain why you believe he is wrong.
Capitalism is rigged in favor of the elite, remember?
In 1974 he advicated for a tax rate of 100 percent over 1m dollars. "Nobody should earn over a million dollars" lol yea, until its the bern that does it.
I find that hilarious.

Is he claiming he should be exempt from the 100% tax?
What's preventing him from donating his income over a million dollars to the government?

Hint: Absolutely nothing.

That is a stupid fucking argument. Why would he not play by the same rules as everyone else till the rules are changed, if he can get them changed.

I personally think that the government should not use the tax code for social engineering, so no tax breaks for college, kids, a house or being married. I wish none of that existed, but I sure as hell took advantage of it while it does. One would be fucking stupid not to
Your not going to answer his questions? Shocking. And here I thought you knew everything about health care.

LOL, run kid. You keep moving the goal posts...why?
You can't even find the goal posts. haha Thought you would continue dodging.

You really think this makes you look good?
I can't pretend to care. I am just amused by how much of a joke you are. First you claim to know everything, but then you won't answer a single question. Funny stuff!

Welcome to the world of Ambi
Indeed. But we seem hell bent on handing them more. I can't really understand liberals who freak out about how bad Trump is (and I agree), but then turn around and want to put government in charge of anything and everything - health care, for example. Why do they want Trump in charge of their health care?
Its mostly cause what we have now is so expensive.
But do you trust Trump to solve that problem for you? Again, I don't get it.
Oh he says he’s got the answer. Lots of desperation.

Yeah, I get it. People get stupid when they're desperate. But jeez, we have to resist the stupidity, don't you think?
But there is no other option being provided and people are going bankrupt from our current system. Meanwhile we have many examples where it seems to work quite well. If we do nothing soon on the rich will have healthcare. And only one other option is being offered.

We still have to resist stupidity. As bitterly divisive and contentious as our politics are right now, it would be idiotic in the extreme to put government in charge of health care. If we do, it will become a political football - with each side ripping out the stuff they don't like, and pushing more benes to their friends. There actually are other options, they're just ignored because Congress wants power more than they want to solve problems.
Its mostly cause what we have now is so expensive.
But do you trust Trump to solve that problem for you? Again, I don't get it.
Oh he says he’s got the answer. Lots of desperation.

Yeah, I get it. People get stupid when they're desperate. But jeez, we have to resist the stupidity, don't you think?
But there is no other option being provided and people are going bankrupt from our current system. Meanwhile we have many examples where it seems to work quite well. If we do nothing soon on the rich will have healthcare. And only one other option is being offered.

We still have to resist stupidity. As bitterly divisive and contentious as our politics are right now, it would be idiotic in the extreme to put government in charge of health care. If we do, it will become a political football - with each side ripping out the stuff they don't like, and pushing more benes to their friends. There actually are other options, they're just ignored because Congress wants power more than they want to solve problems.
Yeah we have discussed these things before. We need a change rather soon and there seems to be only one option on the table. Staying the course isn't sustainable.
But do you trust Trump to solve that problem for you? Again, I don't get it.
Oh he says he’s got the answer. Lots of desperation.

Yeah, I get it. People get stupid when they're desperate. But jeez, we have to resist the stupidity, don't you think?
But there is no other option being provided and people are going bankrupt from our current system. Meanwhile we have many examples where it seems to work quite well. If we do nothing soon on the rich will have healthcare. And only one other option is being offered.

We still have to resist stupidity. As bitterly divisive and contentious as our politics are right now, it would be idiotic in the extreme to put government in charge of health care. If we do, it will become a political football - with each side ripping out the stuff they don't like, and pushing more benes to their friends. There actually are other options, they're just ignored because Congress wants power more than they want to solve problems.
Yeah we have discussed these things before. We need a change rather soon and there seems to be only one option on the table. Staying the course isn't sustainable.

Every time a politician tells you there's only one option - run!
Oh he says he’s got the answer. Lots of desperation.

Yeah, I get it. People get stupid when they're desperate. But jeez, we have to resist the stupidity, don't you think?
But there is no other option being provided and people are going bankrupt from our current system. Meanwhile we have many examples where it seems to work quite well. If we do nothing soon on the rich will have healthcare. And only one other option is being offered.

We still have to resist stupidity. As bitterly divisive and contentious as our politics are right now, it would be idiotic in the extreme to put government in charge of health care. If we do, it will become a political football - with each side ripping out the stuff they don't like, and pushing more benes to their friends. There actually are other options, they're just ignored because Congress wants power more than they want to solve problems.
Yeah we have discussed these things before. We need a change rather soon and there seems to be only one option on the table. Staying the course isn't sustainable.

Every time a politician tells you there's only one option - run!
There is no place to run to. People need healthcare. Something is going to change.
Yeah, I get it. People get stupid when they're desperate. But jeez, we have to resist the stupidity, don't you think?
But there is no other option being provided and people are going bankrupt from our current system. Meanwhile we have many examples where it seems to work quite well. If we do nothing soon on the rich will have healthcare. And only one other option is being offered.

We still have to resist stupidity. As bitterly divisive and contentious as our politics are right now, it would be idiotic in the extreme to put government in charge of health care. If we do, it will become a political football - with each side ripping out the stuff they don't like, and pushing more benes to their friends. There actually are other options, they're just ignored because Congress wants power more than they want to solve problems.
Yeah we have discussed these things before. We need a change rather soon and there seems to be only one option on the table. Staying the course isn't sustainable.

Every time a politician tells you there's only one option - run!
There is no place to run to. People need healthcare. Something is going to change.

Yes. It's going to change for the worse. We'll still have shitty, expensive health care - but it will be a lot harder to fix because it will have become a government institution, a corporate feeding trough with its own agenda.
But there is no other option being provided and people are going bankrupt from our current system. Meanwhile we have many examples where it seems to work quite well. If we do nothing soon on the rich will have healthcare. And only one other option is being offered.

We still have to resist stupidity. As bitterly divisive and contentious as our politics are right now, it would be idiotic in the extreme to put government in charge of health care. If we do, it will become a political football - with each side ripping out the stuff they don't like, and pushing more benes to their friends. There actually are other options, they're just ignored because Congress wants power more than they want to solve problems.
Yeah we have discussed these things before. We need a change rather soon and there seems to be only one option on the table. Staying the course isn't sustainable.

Every time a politician tells you there's only one option - run!
There is no place to run to. People need healthcare. Something is going to change.

Yes. It's going to change for the worse. We'll still have shitty, expensive health care - but it will be a lot harder to fix because it will have become a government institution, a corporate feeding trough with its own agenda.

The Republicans have no choice but to take up the ACA and work to strengthen it. They have nothing else and their leader is all mouth.
Your not going to answer his questions? Shocking. And here I thought you knew everything about health care.

LOL, run kid. You keep moving the goal posts...why?
You can't even find the goal posts. haha Thought you would continue dodging.

You really think this makes you look good?
I can't pretend to care. I am just amused by how much of a joke you are. First you claim to know everything, but then you won't answer a single question. Funny stuff!

Welcome to the world of Ambi

(smile) Brain, like you is simply playing a game. He is a willingly blind partisan and you like word games.
Me? I know what I know about HI because it's what I do. Brain doesn't want the truth and you are still defending every Prog that comes up.
If you are both too lazy to "Google" health insurance premium increases since 2013 you're too lazy to even discuss anything worthwhile.
You simply use "nuh-uh" defense.
Your not going to answer his questions? Shocking. And here I thought you knew everything about health care.

LOL, run kid. You keep moving the goal posts...why?
You can't even find the goal posts. haha Thought you would continue dodging.

You really think this makes you look good?
I can't pretend to care. I am just amused by how much of a joke you are. First you claim to know everything, but then you won't answer a single question. Funny stuff!

Little man you DO realize that I asked the first question and you never answered it....right? It was a VERY simple question, "have you thought through what has to be done to control pricing". That's it and you ran from by trying to answer question with questions and then whining like a little kid because I didn't fall for the game. That's Gator's game too ;)
Your not going to answer his questions? Shocking. And here I thought you knew everything about health care.

LOL, run kid. You keep moving the goal posts...why?
You can't even find the goal posts. haha Thought you would continue dodging.

You really think this makes you look good?
I can't pretend to care. I am just amused by how much of a joke you are. First you claim to know everything, but then you won't answer a single question. Funny stuff!

Little man you DO realize that I asked the first question and you never answered it....right? It was a VERY simple question, "have you thought through what has to be done to control pricing". That's it and you ran from by trying to answer question with questions and then whining like a little kid because I didn't fall for the game. That's Gator's game too ;)
Obviously I have princess. Why do you waste everyone’s time with your gibberish?
We still have to resist stupidity. As bitterly divisive and contentious as our politics are right now, it would be idiotic in the extreme to put government in charge of health care. If we do, it will become a political football - with each side ripping out the stuff they don't like, and pushing more benes to their friends. There actually are other options, they're just ignored because Congress wants power more than they want to solve problems.
Yeah we have discussed these things before. We need a change rather soon and there seems to be only one option on the table. Staying the course isn't sustainable.

Every time a politician tells you there's only one option - run!
There is no place to run to. People need healthcare. Something is going to change.

Yes. It's going to change for the worse. We'll still have shitty, expensive health care - but it will be a lot harder to fix because it will have become a government institution, a corporate feeding trough with its own agenda.

The Republicans have no choice but to take up the ACA and work to strengthen it. They have nothing else and their leader is all mouth.

Well, they could repeal ACA, and then repeal the labors laws and tax incentives that prop up employer provided group health care. But voters have to want that, and since most voters are happy to want what they're told to want, we're kinda screwed.
Remember when Bernie praised Venezuela for their socialist system? I sure do, and it just goes to show how crazy he is... Comrade Bernard, the socialist with 3 homes and worth a lot of $, doesn’t say anything about Venezuela anymore. I wonder why, seeing as how a devout socialist loves Venezuela! Sad.
Bernie Sanders, Now a Millionaire, Pledges to Release Tax Returns by Monday

Reminded that he is a millionaire, he did not shirk from the description.

“I wrote a best-selling book,” he declared. “If you write a best-selling book, you can be a millionaire, too.”

If you wanna use the NYT as being fake news to disregard it, i understand. They are known for it ;)
He released them, confirming that he is one of the 1%.


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