Bernie Sanders does not understand economics

For a candidate who "doesn't have a chance," he sure is striking fear in the hearts of those who are fixated on the word "socialist" without understanding what it means...

Commenting on how ridiculous his statements and proposals are isn't "fear"; it's just being observant.

But when asked to observe what it is in his 30-year tenure in Congress that indicates an ignorance of economics, y'all scream "SOCIALISM!!!11" and run away. :dunno:
No actually we point out "socialism" and then point out his tweet like the OP and his articles in the WSJ. And you ignore all of that and continue with your stupid narrative oblivious of facts.

As I say, obsessed with a Magical Word and a single tweet. Carry on.
As I say you igmore what doesnt fit your narrative. Go fuck yourself.
The sign of the loser and his saving grace summary.
Commenting on how ridiculous his statements and proposals are isn't "fear"; it's just being observant.

But when asked to observe what it is in his 30-year tenure in Congress that indicates an ignorance of economics, y'all scream "SOCIALISM!!!11" and run away. :dunno:
No actually we point out "socialism" and then point out his tweet like the OP and his articles in the WSJ. And you ignore all of that and continue with your stupid narrative oblivious of facts.

As I say, obsessed with a Magical Word and a single tweet. Carry on.
As I say you igmore what doesnt fit your narrative. Go fuck yourself.
The sign of the loser and his saving grace summary.
Yes, chiming in to support a failed discredited post is a sign you are a loser.
Now GFY.
For a candidate who "doesn't have a chance," he sure is striking fear in the hearts of those who are fixated on the word "socialist" without understanding what it means...

Commenting on how ridiculous his statements and proposals are isn't "fear"; it's just being observant.

But when asked to observe what it is in his 30-year tenure in Congress that indicates an ignorance of economics, y'all scream "SOCIALISM!!!11" and run away. :dunno:
No actually we point out "socialism" and then point out his tweet like the OP and his articles in the WSJ. And you ignore all of that and continue with your stupid narrative oblivious of facts.

As I say, obsessed with a Magical Word and a single tweet. Carry on.
As I say you igmore what doesnt fit your narrative. Go fuck yourself.

Still nothing, and a resort to flaming...indicating you know you have nothing. But you'll keep posting. Go for it.
Commenting on how ridiculous his statements and proposals are isn't "fear"; it's just being observant.

But when asked to observe what it is in his 30-year tenure in Congress that indicates an ignorance of economics, y'all scream "SOCIALISM!!!11" and run away. :dunno:
No actually we point out "socialism" and then point out his tweet like the OP and his articles in the WSJ. And you ignore all of that and continue with your stupid narrative oblivious of facts.

As I say, obsessed with a Magical Word and a single tweet. Carry on.
As I say you igmore what doesnt fit your narrative. Go fuck yourself.

Still nothing, and a resort to flaming...indicating you know you have nothing. But you'll keep posting. Go for it.
Still repeating the same failed narrative.
I have read Sanders' op eds and other material. No, he does not understand economics. Just like you.
But when asked to observe what it is in his 30-year tenure in Congress that indicates an ignorance of economics, y'all scream "SOCIALISM!!!11" and run away. :dunno:
No actually we point out "socialism" and then point out his tweet like the OP and his articles in the WSJ. And you ignore all of that and continue with your stupid narrative oblivious of facts.

As I say, obsessed with a Magical Word and a single tweet. Carry on.
As I say you igmore what doesnt fit your narrative. Go fuck yourself.

Still nothing, and a resort to flaming...indicating you know you have nothing. But you'll keep posting. Go for it.
Still repeating the same failed narrative.

Yes, you are. Do continue. You're keeping Sanders' name on the front page, and anyone reading the thread realizes your failed narrative is all you have. Might swing a few undecideds. Keep up the good work!
No actually we point out "socialism" and then point out his tweet like the OP and his articles in the WSJ. And you ignore all of that and continue with your stupid narrative oblivious of facts.

As I say, obsessed with a Magical Word and a single tweet. Carry on.
As I say you igmore what doesnt fit your narrative. Go fuck yourself.

Still nothing, and a resort to flaming...indicating you know you have nothing. But you'll keep posting. Go for it.
Still repeating the same failed narrative.

Yes, you are. Do continue. You're keeping Sanders' name on the front page, and anyone reading the thread realizes your failed narrative is all you have. Might swing a few undecideds. Keep up the good work!
Failed Narrative is your Indian name.
... says the world's wealthiest Socialist...
For a candidate who "doesn't have a chance," he sure is striking fear in the hearts of those who are fixated on the word "socialist" without understanding what it means...

Commenting on how ridiculous his statements and proposals are isn't "fear"; it's just being observant.

But when asked to observe what it is in his 30-year tenure in Congress that indicates an ignorance of economics, y'all scream "SOCIALISM!!!11" and run away. :dunno:

Yeah, THAT'S what's happening when people comment on his statements and policies right now, and you ignore them and say, "What did he do years ago that proves you right?": we're running away from your frightening brilliance and incisiveness, because we just CANNOT defeat you!

Or we're just dismissing you as a pusbag, like everyone else in your life ever has. Contemplate that very real possibility.

Bernie Boy is running for President NOW. He is making statements and proposing policies NOW. Thus, we are talking about NOW. Join us in the glorious present that is NOW.
why should I have to.

To prove your claim.

Uh, guy, that the last four or five recessions all happened when Republicans ran the white house is proven by reading A FUCKING CALENDAR.

You said Republicans caused them, not that they were just in office.
So start with GWB and work your way back.
What did GWB do to cause the recession that started in March 2001?

Here's a link to recession start/end dates.
For a candidate who "doesn't have a chance," he sure is striking fear in the hearts of those who are fixated on the word "socialist" without understanding what it means...

Commenting on how ridiculous his statements and proposals are isn't "fear"; it's just being observant.

But when asked to observe what it is in his 30-year tenure in Congress that indicates an ignorance of economics, y'all scream "SOCIALISM!!!11" and run away. :dunno:

Yeah, THAT'S what's happening when people comment on his statements and policies right now, and you ignore them and say, "What did he do years ago that proves you right?": we're running away from your frightening brilliance and incisiveness, because we just CANNOT defeat you!

Or we're just dismissing you as a pusbag, like everyone else in your life ever has. Contemplate that very real possibility.

Bernie Boy is running for President NOW. He is making statements and proposing policies NOW. Thus, we are talking about NOW. Join us in the glorious present that is NOW.

And y'all are obsessing about a tweet.

At least you have the excuse of thinking that after 30+ years of defining himself as a socialist he's suddenly going to effect a radical shift of policy into...what, exactly? You don't know, so you can't say.

But at least there's about 10 seconds' more thought involved in your case than in the rest of your crowd:
Sweden and Denmark have a higher standard of living than we do and less public debt.
You know why?
What did GWB do to cause the recession that started in March 2001?

What did Bush do?

Ignored warnings from the CIA that terrorist attack
abandoned fiscal responsibility to give tax cuts to his rich buddies

You made the claim that Bush was to blame for the recession in 2001.
It started in March. So what did he do between Jan 20, 2001 and March 2001 to cause a recession?

Ignored warnings from the CIA that terrorist attack

And that caused a recession starting in March 2001?

abandoned fiscal responsibility to give tax cuts to his rich buddies

When did he get the tax cuts passed? How did his tax cuts cause a recession?
You made the claim that Bush was to blame for the recession in 2001.
It started in March. So what did he do between Jan 20, 2001 and March 2001 to cause a recession?

Ignored warnings from the CIA that terrorist attack

And that caused a recession starting in March 2001?

abandoned fiscal responsibility to give tax cuts to his rich buddies

When did he get the tax cuts passed? How did his tax cuts cause a recession?

Are you fucking retarded and don't understand that recessions are ongoing events? Take out 9/11 and ballooning the deficit to 400 BILLION, and the recession of 2001 wouldn't have been a blip on the screen

But you are fucking retarded, so there's really no point explaining this to you, Chippy.
For a candidate who "doesn't have a chance," he sure is striking fear in the hearts of those who are fixated on the word "socialist" without understanding what it means...

Commenting on how ridiculous his statements and proposals are isn't "fear"; it's just being observant.

But when asked to observe what it is in his 30-year tenure in Congress that indicates an ignorance of economics, y'all scream "SOCIALISM!!!11" and run away. :dunno:

Yeah, THAT'S what's happening when people comment on his statements and policies right now, and you ignore them and say, "What did he do years ago that proves you right?": we're running away from your frightening brilliance and incisiveness, because we just CANNOT defeat you!

Or we're just dismissing you as a pusbag, like everyone else in your life ever has. Contemplate that very real possibility.

Bernie Boy is running for President NOW. He is making statements and proposing policies NOW. Thus, we are talking about NOW. Join us in the glorious present that is NOW.

And y'all are obsessing about a tweet.

At least you have the excuse of thinking that after 30+ years of defining himself as a socialist he's suddenly going to effect a radical shift of policy into...what, exactly? You don't know, so you can't say.

But at least there's about 10 seconds' more thought involved in your case than in the rest of your crowd:

Well, I thank you for verifying that you haven't read a word anyone has said about Bernie Boy, if you really think all anyone is talking about is one tweet. That, or you're being disingenuous.

Personally, I think it's both, because you're manifestly one of the stupidest people posting on this board, and you're also one of the biggest sacks of lying shit.

I don't think he's effecting any sort of shift at all. I just see no purpose served by allowing YOU to deflect from what's happening in the campaign to demanding people comb through the last thirty years of news articles just so you can split hairs about every word of it and make everyone throw their hands up in frustration and give up yet again on making you discuss like someone with two functioning brain cells sparking off each other.

I wish I could say there was EVEN 10 seconds thought in anything you ever say, but the word, "DEFLECT!" just doesn't take that long.

So moving right along: Bernie Boy advocates government playing Santa Claus on virtually any subject you care to name. He considers "I want it, and don't want to pay for it myself" to make something a "human right".

He has no concept of economics. End of story.
Sweden and Denmark have a higher standard of living than we do and less public debt.
You know why?
Probably wrong on all counts. Obama has added more debt than Reagan and three Bush administrations combined.
How are we measuring standard of living? Every time I turn around, someone's prattling on about how this or that country has a "better standard of living" than the United States, but they never tell you who's doing the measuring, or by what criteria. It's as though they think it's some universal objective, like mathematics, rather than a subjective matter of opinion.

I can tell you right now that I automatically reject any standard of measurement that is based on, or even includes, widespread distribution of socialism as a yardstick. This most definitely leaves out anything published by WHO, or the UN in general.

I also have little use for anything based on polls of "how happy do the people consider themselves". Americans tend to be a bitchy, pissed-off, demanding lot who are rarely content with what they have, but I sincerely doubt that means they'd be any happier or more satisfied in another country. It's not in our national character.

So if someone wants to tell me that Sweden, Denmark, England, Canada, or any other frigging place has a "better standard of living" than the United States, they need to tell me why, and NOT that "So-and-so study or poll says so". Tell me EXACTLY what it is that's better, and in what way, and how you know it, and whether or not you personally would choose to live there instead of here because of it.
At least you have the excuse of thinking that after 30+ years of defining himself as a socialist he's suddenly going to effect a radical shift of policy into...what, exactly? You don't know, so you can't say.

But at least there's about 10 seconds' more thought involved in your case than in the rest of your crowd:
Start with "free college". That's not a shift?

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