Bernie Sanders does not understand economics

Lets look at the last republican in office and compare him to the last democrats in office. That repub spent like its going out of style. Do not fall for their "fiscally responsible" bs.

And the worst is republicans have the congress and senate. They will rubber stamp as much money as they want like with W. Lets keep some fiscal sanity here.

Lets look at the last republican in office and compare him to the last democrats in office.

Excellent idea!

That repub spent like its going out of style

Yes, Bush spent way too much. His spending and borrowing was out of control!!!
In 8 years, he added $4.9 trillion to the debt.
In less than 7 years, Obama added $8.2 trillion.

You're right, the current democrat is much worse than that nasty Bush. And Bush used to be the worst.
Bernie Sanders does not understand economics

None of the socialists do, that's how they can be socialists.
Did they recently amend the Constitution making economics a requirement like age or can Americans still vote for someone without courses in economics?
Bernie Sanders does not understand economics

None of the socialists do, that's how they can be socialists.
Did they recently amend the Constitution making economics a requirement like age or can Americans still vote for someone without courses in economics?

Americans can vote for all sorts of economic illiterates, like Obama, for instance.
At least you have the excuse of thinking that after 30+ years of defining himself as a socialist he's suddenly going to effect a radical shift of policy into...what, exactly? You don't know, so you can't say.

But at least there's about 10 seconds' more thought involved in your case than in the rest of your crowd:
Start with "free college". That's not a shift?

I'd call it being "progressive" along the same lines he's always traveled.
Bernie Sanders does not understand economics

None of the socialists do, that's how they can be socialists.
Did they recently amend the Constitution making economics a requirement like age or can Americans still vote for someone without courses in economics?

Don't worry, no one is planning to force you to make intelligent decisions in your voting any time soon. You're still free to vote like a complete fool, as always.
Commenting on how ridiculous his statements and proposals are isn't "fear"; it's just being observant.

But when asked to observe what it is in his 30-year tenure in Congress that indicates an ignorance of economics, y'all scream "SOCIALISM!!!11" and run away. :dunno:

Yeah, THAT'S what's happening when people comment on his statements and policies right now, and you ignore them and say, "What did he do years ago that proves you right?": we're running away from your frightening brilliance and incisiveness, because we just CANNOT defeat you!

Or we're just dismissing you as a pusbag, like everyone else in your life ever has. Contemplate that very real possibility.

Bernie Boy is running for President NOW. He is making statements and proposing policies NOW. Thus, we are talking about NOW. Join us in the glorious present that is NOW.

And y'all are obsessing about a tweet.

At least you have the excuse of thinking that after 30+ years of defining himself as a socialist he's suddenly going to effect a radical shift of policy into...what, exactly? You don't know, so you can't say.

But at least there's about 10 seconds' more thought involved in your case than in the rest of your crowd:

Well, I thank you for verifying that you haven't read a word anyone has said about Bernie Boy, if you really think all anyone is talking about is one tweet.

Y'all have started from a false premise and spun a whole lot of confirmation bias. There's no rule that says I need to take that seriously.

When one of you can say "Here's a piece of legislation he voted on that proves he doesn't understand economics for the following reasons," you'll have the attention you feel you deserve.

"Y'all" have started from the false premise that anyone gives a tin shit what YOU do and don't take seriously, or worries at all about "deserving" your attention. Don't flatter yourself.

"Ehrmagerd, I must write my post exactly THIS way, so that Arianrhod will respect me" . . . said no one, ever, in the history of the Internet.
But when asked to observe what it is in his 30-year tenure in Congress that indicates an ignorance of economics, y'all scream "SOCIALISM!!!11" and run away. :dunno:

Yeah, THAT'S what's happening when people comment on his statements and policies right now, and you ignore them and say, "What did he do years ago that proves you right?": we're running away from your frightening brilliance and incisiveness, because we just CANNOT defeat you!

Or we're just dismissing you as a pusbag, like everyone else in your life ever has. Contemplate that very real possibility.

Bernie Boy is running for President NOW. He is making statements and proposing policies NOW. Thus, we are talking about NOW. Join us in the glorious present that is NOW.

And y'all are obsessing about a tweet.

At least you have the excuse of thinking that after 30+ years of defining himself as a socialist he's suddenly going to effect a radical shift of policy into...what, exactly? You don't know, so you can't say.

But at least there's about 10 seconds' more thought involved in your case than in the rest of your crowd:

Well, I thank you for verifying that you haven't read a word anyone has said about Bernie Boy, if you really think all anyone is talking about is one tweet.

Y'all have started from a false premise and spun a whole lot of confirmation bias. There's no rule that says I need to take that seriously.

When one of you can say "Here's a piece of legislation he voted on that proves he doesn't understand economics for the following reasons," you'll have the attention you feel you deserve.
Why do you think his voting record is indicative of his understanding of economics, rather than opinion pieces he's written? iow you're trying to set standards you know can't be met.

Apparently, the new meme is that Democrats can make any campaign promises they like, and we're all now expected to simply ignore them and pretend they didn't say it unless we can show an actual vote they've cast related to the subject at some point in time.

What one is supposed to do with a candidate who has no voting record to refer to has not yet been revealed.
Why do you think his voting record is indicative of his understanding of economics, rather than opinion pieces he's written? iow you're trying to set standards you know can't be met.

Exactly. Because y'all can't point to a single piece of legislation that shows "socialist" intention, action, or impact. You believe certain words are magic, and that because you repeat the word "socialism" it will become the pejorative you want it to be.

You probably believe that the Berlin Wall fell just because the Great God Ronnie ordered it to.

Actions speak louder than words.
Are you suggesting he never voted for Democrat policies?

He's suggesting that he knows Bernie Boy's political affiliation better than Bernie himself.
Dude one of your parties candidates is Jeb Bush. That's the only person on the planet that is worse to vote for than Hillary.

Not as long as there are other Democrats, he isn't.

But you will notice that virtually no one is voting for or even really paying attention to Bush, while Democrats are trying desperately to convince themselves they're excited over Hillary.
He does understand how the greatest country on earth(so some say) poo poos the working class guy so the wealthy can run the show.

Without the wealthy, there is NO SHOW, dumbass!

Without the rest, there is NO COUNTRY, dumbass!

Of course there is you idiot, we will become KENYA, or any of the THIRD WORLD Latin American countries that have millions of people FLEEING them.... You leftists are so fucking stupid, I pity this poor country if we don't get a handle on our education system teaching LIBERAL propaganda and perverted ethics!
He does understand how the greatest country on earth(so some say) poo poos the working class guy so the wealthy can run the show.

Without the wealthy, there is NO SHOW, dumbass!

Without the rest, there is NO COUNTRY, dumbass!

Of course there is you idiot, we will become KENYA, or any of the THIRD WORLD Latin American countries that have millions of people FLEEING them.... You leftists are so fucking stupid, I pity this poor country if we don't get a handle on our education system teaching LIBERAL propaganda and perverted ethics!
It all started with that dammed Declaration of Independence and equality claptrap. Do any school districts in the US omit that document and teach real Americanism?
He does understand how the greatest country on earth(so some say) poo poos the working class guy so the wealthy can run the show.

Without the wealthy, there is NO SHOW, dumbass!

Without the rest, there is NO COUNTRY, dumbass!

Of course there is you idiot, we will become KENYA, or any of the THIRD WORLD Latin American countries that have millions of people FLEEING them.... You leftists are so fucking stupid, I pity this poor country if we don't get a handle on our education system teaching LIBERAL propaganda and perverted ethics!
It all started with that dammed Declaration of Independence and equality claptrap. Do any school districts in the US omit that document and teach real Americanism?

Hillsdale is the only college I know of that actually TEACHES the Constitution!

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