Bernie Sanders espouses more Christian values than any of the other presidential candidates

Conservative here. I need to take a minute to express my respect for Bernie Sanders.

This guy espouses what Jesus Christ taught us; love, compassion, fairness, taking care of the poor. I am so grateful he decided to run for president. We are witnessing history here people.

There will never be a healthy middle class as long as the 1% control 99% of the wealth in the nation.

Jesus never advocated to take money by force from the rich.

He advocated to NOT take money by force from the poor. Remember, the rich had him killed over the issue?
By my reading of the Bible, I don't believe that Jesus gave one thought to the Roman government, other then to say, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And He only said that when questioned.

But we also know that Jesus said: But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

How does that jive with PP and the democrat platform?
Conservative here. I need to take a minute to express my respect for Bernie Sanders.

This guy espouses what Jesus Christ taught us; love, compassion, fairness, taking care of the poor. I am so grateful he decided to run for president. We are witnessing history here people.

There will never be a healthy middle class as long as the 1% control 99% of the wealth in the nation.

Jesus never advocated to take money by force from the rich.

He advocated to NOT take money by force from the poor. Remember, the rich had him killed over the issue?

Chapter and verse?
Remember when Jesus chided the Romans to pay their "Fair share" and railed against the Roman 1%?

Yeah, me neither

Progressive talking Jesus makes nails on a blackboard sound like Mozart


Jesus used to scream at the poor....Get a JOB!

No, he was quite clear. "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's."
Ah so he was a big government, high tax fellow?
Conservative here. I need to take a minute to express my respect for Bernie Sanders.

This guy espouses what Jesus Christ taught us; love, compassion, fairness, taking care of the poor. I am so grateful he decided to run for president. We are witnessing history here people.

There will never be a healthy middle class as long as the 1% control 99% of the wealth in the nation.

Jesus never advocated to take money by force from the rich.

He advocated to NOT take money by force from the poor. Remember, the rich had him killed over the issue?

That is not why Jesus was crucified. Good grief
Conservative here. I need to take a minute to express my respect for Bernie Sanders.

This guy espouses what Jesus Christ taught us; love, compassion, fairness, taking care of the poor. I am so grateful he decided to run for president. We are witnessing history here people.

There will never be a healthy middle class as long as the 1% control 99% of the wealth in the nation.

Jesus never advocated to take money by force from the rich.

He advocated to NOT take money by force from the poor. Remember, the rich had him killed over the issue?

Chapter and verse?

I don't think Jesus wanted people to be FORCED against their will to take care of other people. He taught they should want to do it out of the goodness of their hearts. You know, being a Christian. A Christian doesn't mean "involuntary servitude" and forced "wealth redistribution".
Hed want us to speak up against corruption. That's what he died over, remember?
No. He was crucified for claiming to be the Son of God. You are trying to remake Jesus into your own political image.

Nope, He was crucified by Rome because he was a perceived threat to Roman rule and to fulfill prophecy.
I hope he wins.His policies are the solution to the current corruption.

Yeah, can't wait until you pay for me to go back to college for that free archaeology degree
He actually wants to alleviate the middle class.

verb (used with object), alleviated, alleviating.
to make easier to endure; lessen; mitigate:
to alleviate sorrow; to alleviate pain.

So, he wants to lessen the middle class?

It sounds like you are saying he wants to get rid of the middle class.

So he is going to make everyone the same eh?
Remember when Jesus chided the Romans to pay their "Fair share" and railed against the Roman 1%?

Yeah, me neither

Progressive talking Jesus makes nails on a blackboard sound like Mozart


Jesus used to scream at the poor....Get a JOB!

No, he was quite clear. "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's."
Ah so he was a big government, high tax fellow?

Sure, it's like saying Einstein's formula was e=m.

Again, Progressives and the Bible is like a school for the blind reviewing impressionist paintings
Conservative here. I need to take a minute to express my respect for Bernie Sanders.

This guy espouses what Jesus Christ taught us; love, compassion, fairness, taking care of the poor. I am so grateful he decided to run for president. We are witnessing history here people.

There will never be a healthy middle class as long as the 1% control 99% of the wealth in the nation.

Jesus never advocated to take money by force from the rich.

He advocated to NOT take money by force from the poor. Remember, the rich had him killed over the issue?

Chapter and verse?


That picture is not of the Roman government. It is of the decadence that Jesus did rail against in the JEWISH temple.
I don't think Jesus wanted people to be FORCED against their will to take care of other people. He taught they should want to do it out of the goodness of their hearts. You know, being a Christian. A Christian doesn't mean "involuntary servitude" and forced "wealth redistribution".
Hed want us to speak up against corruption. That's what he died over, remember?
No. He was crucified for claiming to be the Son of God. You are trying to remake Jesus into your own political image.
Nope. He was crucified because he shamed Pharasee parasites. He was more "Godly" than them.
Christ went on a tantrum in the temple because the money changers were defiling the temple
Conservative here. I need to take a minute to express my respect for Bernie Sanders.

This guy espouses what Jesus Christ taught us; love, compassion, fairness, taking care of the poor. I am so grateful he decided to run for president. We are witnessing history here people.

There will never be a healthy middle class as long as the 1% control 99% of the wealth in the nation.

Jesus never advocated to take money by force from the rich.

He advocated to NOT take money by force from the poor. Remember, the rich had him killed over the issue?

Mark 12:44

43 Calling His disciples to Him, He said to them, "Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the contributors to the treasury; 44 for they all put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned, all she had to live on."
Conservative here. I need to take a minute to express my respect for Bernie Sanders.

This guy espouses what Jesus Christ taught us; love, compassion, fairness, taking care of the poor. I am so grateful he decided to run for president. We are witnessing history here people.

There will never be a healthy middle class as long as the 1% control 99% of the wealth in the nation.

Jesus never advocated to take money by force from the rich.

He advocated to NOT take money by force from the poor. Remember, the rich had him killed over the issue?

Chapter and verse?


That picture is not of the Roman government. It is of the decadence that Jesus did rail against in the JEWISH temple.

There's that word again.
I don't think Jesus wanted people to be FORCED against their will to take care of other people. He taught they should want to do it out of the goodness of their hearts. You know, being a Christian. A Christian doesn't mean "involuntary servitude" and forced "wealth redistribution".
You're right, being a Christian means you are concerned about the Kingdom of God, not Man or Money.

And, Christian socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, still worthy.
I don't think Jesus wanted people to be FORCED against their will to take care of other people. He taught they should want to do it out of the goodness of their hearts. You know, being a Christian. A Christian doesn't mean "involuntary servitude" and forced "wealth redistribution".
Hed want us to speak up against corruption. That's what he died over, remember?
What does giving away everything in life for free have to do with corruption?
Why are folks tying Sanders to Christianity?


Christianity is; "turn the other cheek."

Judaism is; "eye for an eye."

Beware, Sanders is an Imperialist WAR MONGER.

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