Bernie Sanders espouses more Christian values than any of the other presidential candidates

Conservative here. I need to take a minute to express my respect for Bernie Sanders.

This guy espouses what Jesus Christ taught us; love, compassion, fairness, taking care of the poor. I am so grateful he decided to run for president. We are witnessing history here people.

There will never be a healthy middle class as long as the 1% control 99% of the wealth in the nation.

Jesus never advocated to take money by force from the rich.

All laws have the potential of force being used to enforce them. Are you arguing against all laws, or just the ones that help the poor?
You almost gotta laugh when fans of socialism try to educate us about Christian values. Hitler was a socialist and Stalin was a socialist. There is nothing fair or compassionate about stealing one person's money and handing it to another person. It's true there are no poor people under socialism because they revise the definition of poor. The elites take what they want and the rest are equally miserable.
Remember when Jesus chided the Romans to pay their "Fair share" and railed against the Roman 1%?

Yeah, me neither

Progressive talking Jesus makes nails on a blackboard sound like Mozart

James 5:5
You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.

You could have just said, "I have no idea, but I feel I must add a quote to sound relevant"

If he wasn't railing against the 1%, who do you think he was talking to?
Conservative here. I need to take a minute to express my respect for Bernie Sanders.

This guy espouses what Jesus Christ taught us; love, compassion, fairness, taking care of the poor. I am so grateful he decided to run for president. We are witnessing history here people.

There will never be a healthy middle class as long as the 1% control 99% of the wealth in the nation.

No chance of being aChristian and a socialist at the same time, oil and water.
It's not the federal governments money. Dumbass
I don't think Jesus wanted people to be FORCED against their will to take care of other people. He taught they should want to do it out of the goodness of their hearts. You know, being a Christian. A Christian doesn't mean "involuntary servitude" and forced "wealth redistribution".
I don't think Jesus wanted people to be slaves either but that's all we are under the current economy we live in
When you have to work two minimum wage jobs to avoid not being able to pay the rent on your Section 8 housing --- that's ECONOMIC SLAVERY.

You may not have chains around your ankles but you are every bit as much of a slave as the Negroes were in the 1700's.
Remember when Jesus chided the Romans to pay their "Fair share" and railed against the Roman 1%?

Yeah, me neither

Progressive talking Jesus makes nails on a blackboard sound like Mozart

James 5:5
You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.

You could have just said, "I have no idea, but I feel I must add a quote to sound relevant"

If he wasn't railing against the 1%, who do you think he was talking to?

It's a waste of electrons to answer you. I suggest reading the Bible, any part of it to start


He was talking to people who put money ahead of God, people who forgot God is their father and provider; all things flow from the Creator
I don't think Jesus wanted people to be FORCED against their will to take care of other people. He taught they should want to do it out of the goodness of their hearts. You know, being a Christian. A Christian doesn't mean "involuntary servitude" and forced "wealth redistribution".
What < you > think doesn't matter too much.

Society has LEARNED through thousands of years of history, that people are greedy and selfish and most DO NOT give voluntarily.

Those who claim they should not be forced to give are the very ones who MUST be forced to give.

They just claim they shouldn't be forced because they are unwilling to give in the first place and, if not forced, would not help anyone. They would not give their grandmother 50 cents.

THEY ARE ASSHOLES who should be executed --- well that might be a bit much :)
Americans give record $295B to charity -
YOU believe it
I don't think Jesus wanted people to be FORCED against their will to take care of other people. He taught they should want to do it out of the goodness of their hearts. You know, being a Christian. A Christian doesn't mean "involuntary servitude" and forced "wealth redistribution".
I don't think Jesus wanted people to be slaves either but that's all we are under the current economy we live in
When you have to work two minimum wage jobs to avoid not being able to pay the rent on your Section 8 housing --- that's ECONOMIC SLAVERY.

You may not have chains around your ankles but you are every bit as much of a slave as the Negroes were in the 1700's.
A non-monetary system would work with 320 million people, yes?
I see Bernie got up with Al Sharpton to get the Black vote. He's talking about investing heavily in the Black community to create jobs within the Black community. I guess he wants to coax some companies into building factories in the ghettos. I doubt if any would be able to get insurance though. Within a month, there wouldn't be a window left in any factory and they would all be looted and ransacked. Good luck with that.
Bernie Sanders as a little tyke......

Remember when Jesus chided the Romans to pay their "Fair share" and railed against the Roman 1%?

Yeah, me neither

Progressive talking Jesus makes nails on a blackboard sound like Mozart

James 5:5
You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.
Yep, and I think he had the rich people who didn't need him anymore in mind...which are on the left.....good luck with that analogy in the future though.

Really? Jesus wasn't offering his followers money or wealth, so no matter how much of that someone had, it wouldn't eliminate the need for what he offered. Your effort do dodge his real meaning is a pathetic excuse, and not worthy of a real Christian. It's perfectly acceptable to the fake Christians who claim Christianity as an excuse for their political beliefs.
Bernie should be focusing on his nursing home years, not this fool-hardy venture into the presidency, which he doesn't have a snowball's chance in winning...
Remember when Jesus chided the Romans to pay their "Fair share" and railed against the Roman 1%?

Yeah, me neither

Progressive talking Jesus makes nails on a blackboard sound like Mozart

James 5:5
You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.

You could have just said, "I have no idea, but I feel I must add a quote to sound relevant"

If he wasn't railing against the 1%, who do you think he was talking to?

He was talking to you. . . .

James 5:9
Don’t grumble against one another, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!
Remember when Jesus chided the Romans to pay their "Fair share" and railed against the Roman 1%?

Yeah, me neither

Progressive talking Jesus makes nails on a blackboard sound like Mozart

James 5:5
You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.

You could have just said, "I have no idea, but I feel I must add a quote to sound relevant"

If he wasn't railing against the 1%, who do you think he was talking to?

It's a waste of electrons to answer you. I suggest reading the Bible, any part of it to start


He was talking to people who put money ahead of God, people who forgot God is their father and provider; all things flow from the Creator

More fake christian beliefs.
Remember when Jesus chided the Romans to pay their "Fair share" and railed against the Roman 1%?

Yeah, me neither

Progressive talking Jesus makes nails on a blackboard sound like Mozart

James 5:5
You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.

You could have just said, "I have no idea, but I feel I must add a quote to sound relevant"

If he wasn't railing against the 1%, who do you think he was talking to?

He was talking to you. . . .

James 5:9
Don’t grumble against one another, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!

I'm comfortable with being judged. I have the truth backing me up, instead of some convoluted dodge to justify greed.
Remember when Jesus chided the Romans to pay their "Fair share" and railed against the Roman 1%?

Yeah, me neither

Progressive talking Jesus makes nails on a blackboard sound like Mozart

James 5:5
You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.

You could have just said, "I have no idea, but I feel I must add a quote to sound relevant"

If he wasn't railing against the 1%, who do you think he was talking to?

He was talking to you. . . .

James 5:9
Don’t grumble against one another, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!

He was talking to the ones living in luxury and self indulgence. That can only be the 1%. Not me.
It has become clear that Bernie is the second coming.
This is illustrative on how the left views politics. For them it's a religion. It's about fairness, equity, helping the needy, etc. That's not what our government was founded on, freedom to pursue your own destiny is what made the nation great.

The entire New Testament is about an internal transformation, getting away from external forces that make you who you aren't into someone who does good works because that's where your heart is. It's the exact opposite of liberalism.

However, these are the exact same people that scream bloody murder with any thought of mixing church and state. They are all batshit crazy.

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