Bernie Sanders espouses more Christian values than any of the other presidential candidates

I don't think Jesus wanted people to be FORCED against their will to take care of other people. He taught they should want to do it out of the goodness of their hearts. You know, being a Christian. A Christian doesn't mean "involuntary servitude" and forced "wealth redistribution".
What < you > think doesn't matter too much.

Society has LEARNED through thousands of years of history, that people are greedy and selfish and most DO NOT give voluntarily.

Those who claim they should not be forced to give are the very ones who MUST be forced to give.

They just claim they shouldn't be forced because they are unwilling to give in the first place and, if not forced, would not help anyone. They would not give their grandmother 50 cents.

THEY ARE ASSHOLES who should be executed --- well that might be a bit much :)
Nothing is greedier than demanding other people's money. And the US has had a very generous population, the cheapest people are libs. Especially rich libs.
It has become clear that Bernie is the second coming.
This is illustrative on how the left views politics. For them it's a religion. It's about fairness, equity, helping the needy, etc. That's not what our government was founded on, freedom to pursue your own destiny is what made the nation great.

The entire New Testament is about an internal transformation, getting away from external forces that make you who you aren't into someone who does good works because that's where your heart is. It's the exact opposite of liberalism.

However, these are the exact same people that scream bloody murder with any thought of mixing church and state. They are all batshit crazy.

And rush told you this?
It has become clear that Bernie is the second coming.
This is illustrative on how the left views politics. For them it's a religion. It's about fairness, equity, helping the needy, etc. That's not what our government was founded on, freedom to pursue your own destiny is what made the nation great.

The entire New Testament is about an internal transformation, getting away from external forces that make you who you aren't into someone who does good works because that's where your heart is. It's the exact opposite of liberalism.

However, these are the exact same people that scream bloody murder with any thought of mixing church and state. They are all batshit crazy.
How can you pursue your destiny when two full time jobs wont cover living expenses?
Remember when Jesus chided the Romans to pay their "Fair share" and railed against the Roman 1%?

Yeah, me neither

Progressive talking Jesus makes nails on a blackboard sound like Mozart

James 5:5
You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.

You could have just said, "I have no idea, but I feel I must add a quote to sound relevant"

If he wasn't railing against the 1%, who do you think he was talking to?

He was talking to you. . . .

James 5:9
Don’t grumble against one another, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!

I'm comfortable with being judged. I have the truth backing me up, instead of some convoluted dodge to justify greed.
Then you didn't fully understand the verse. There is no truth in your argument, only a play at greed and envy.

What Frank was trying to get at, and what you missed in the verse, is that YOU are the sinner.

Pay no heed to the rich. The bible is not about material wealth.

This world is not about material wealth. Real people do not care about material wealth. That whole point of that verse is NOT about material wealth. You just do not get it, because you have been conditioned and brainwashed by MSM and government education to believe that material "things" are the greatest value and the greatest good.

I am sure as a socialist and a materialist, you do not even believe in G-d, so this is probably wasted time. You are so damn concerned with money money money.

Some folks find happiness and joy by spreading justice and truth. They don't give a shit about material items, money, wealth or any of that shit, so trying to get through to you is more than likely a useless endeavor.

If folks have a warm bed, cloths, and enough to eat, then they are fine.

The sin you are suffering from is Envy. It is one of the deadlies. It is the Sin this Jew Sanders is using to mobilize his supporters like a demon out of hell. No true Christian would ever Fall for the poison from his tongue. The spiritual being cares not for monetary, promises, and luxury. They desire only justice.

Conservative here. I need to take a minute to express my respect for Bernie Sanders.

This guy espouses what Jesus Christ taught us; love, compassion, fairness, taking care of the poor. I am so grateful he decided to run for president. We are witnessing history here people.

There will never be a healthy middle class as long as the 1% control 99% of the wealth in the nation.

That is also pretty close to what Karl Marx was proposing.
How did that turn out?
Not so Good.

The perfect society Marx proposed is contrary to the acquisitveness of human nature, and only works in the extreme when totalitarianism is imposed. Totalitarianism sucks. I think what Bernie proposes is a compromise of good ideas from both sides. It works in European countries that have their heads together. It could work here.
It has become clear that Bernie is the second coming.
This is illustrative on how the left views politics. For them it's a religion. It's about fairness, equity, helping the needy, etc. That's not what our government was founded on, freedom to pursue your own destiny is what made the nation great.

The entire New Testament is about an internal transformation, getting away from external forces that make you who you aren't into someone who does good works because that's where your heart is. It's the exact opposite of liberalism.

However, these are the exact same people that scream bloody murder with any thought of mixing church and state. They are all batshit crazy.
And rush told you this?
I repeat "They are all batshit crazy".
Thanks for backing me up.
Conservative here. I need to take a minute to express my respect for Bernie Sanders.

This guy espouses what Jesus Christ taught us; love, compassion, fairness, taking care of the poor. I am so grateful he decided to run for president. We are witnessing history here people.

There will never be a healthy middle class as long as the 1% control 99% of the wealth in the nation.

That is also pretty close to what Karl Marx was proposing.
How did that turn out?
Not so Good.

The perfect society Marx proposed is contrary to the acquisitveness of human nature, and only works in the extreme when totalitarianism is imposed. Totalitarianism sucks. I think what Bernie proposes is a compromise of good ideas from both sides. It works in European countries that have their heads together. It could work here.

We don't have an extra 14 to 18 Trillion dollars.
Conservative here. I need to take a minute to express my respect for Bernie Sanders.

This guy espouses what Jesus Christ taught us; love, compassion, fairness, taking care of the poor. I am so grateful he decided to run for president. We are witnessing history here people.

There will never be a healthy middle class as long as the 1% control 99% of the wealth in the nation.

That is also pretty close to what Karl Marx was proposing.
How did that turn out?
Not so Good.

The perfect society Marx proposed is contrary to the acquisitveness of human nature, and only works in the extreme when totalitarianism is imposed. Totalitarianism sucks. I think what Bernie proposes is a compromise of good ideas from both sides. It works in European countries that have their heads together. It could work here.

We don't have an extra 14 to 18 Trillion dollars.

No, but the 1% does.
It has become clear that Bernie is the second coming.
This is illustrative on how the left views politics. For them it's a religion. It's about fairness, equity, helping the needy, etc. That's not what our government was founded on, freedom to pursue your own destiny is what made the nation great.

The entire New Testament is about an internal transformation, getting away from external forces that make you who you aren't into someone who does good works because that's where your heart is. It's the exact opposite of liberalism.

However, these are the exact same people that scream bloody murder with any thought of mixing church and state. They are all batshit crazy.
How can you pursue your destiny when two full time jobs wont cover living expenses?
You can't when you believe bullshit like that. One full time job will have you fed and housed. If it's minimum wage or low income you can get a roommate to start saving for better digs. Two full time jobs = 80hrs a week, who does that?
James 5:5
You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.

You could have just said, "I have no idea, but I feel I must add a quote to sound relevant"

If he wasn't railing against the 1%, who do you think he was talking to?

He was talking to you. . . .

James 5:9
Don’t grumble against one another, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!

I'm comfortable with being judged. I have the truth backing me up, instead of some convoluted dodge to justify greed.
Then you didn't fully understand the verse. There is no truth in your argument, only a play at greed and envy.

What Frank was trying to get at, and what you missed in the verse, is that YOU are the sinner.

Pay no heed to the rich. The bible is not about material wealth.

This world is not about material wealth. Real people do not care about material wealth. That whole point of that verse is NOT about material wealth. You just do not get it, because you have been conditioned and brainwashed by MSM and government education to believe that material "things" are the greatest value and the greatest good.

I am sure as a socialist and a materialist, you do not even believe in G-d, so this is probably wasted time. You are so damn concerned with money money money.

Some folks find happiness and joy by spreading justice and truth. They don't give a shit about material items, money, wealth or any of that shit, so trying to get through to you is more than likely a useless endeavor.

If folks have a warm bed, cloths, and enough to eat, then they are fine.

The sin you are suffering from is Envy. It is one of the deadlies. It is the Sin this Jew Sanders is using to mobilize his supporters like a demon out of hell. No true Christian would ever Fall for the poison from his tongue. The spiritual being cares not for monetary, promises, and luxury. They desire only justice.


The verse was said and meant for people of that time. Whether it is applicable to our time is a different subject, but there is no doubt that it was intended for people of that time. Crusader Frank said Jesus never "railed against the 1%" , and that verse demonstrated that he did. Your effort to misdirect is noted.
I don't think Jesus wanted people to be FORCED against their will to take care of other people. He taught they should want to do it out of the goodness of their hearts. You know, being a Christian. A Christian doesn't mean "involuntary servitude" and forced "wealth redistribution".
What < you > think doesn't matter too much.

Society has LEARNED through thousands of years of history, that people are greedy and selfish and most DO NOT give voluntarily.

Those who claim they should not be forced to give are the very ones who MUST be forced to give.

They just claim they shouldn't be forced because they are unwilling to give in the first place and, if not forced, would not help anyone. They would not give their grandmother 50 cents.

THEY ARE ASSHOLES who should be executed --- well that might be a bit much :)
Americans give record $295B to charity -
YOU believe it
And that's a drop in the bucket.
The verse was said and meant for people of that time. Whether it is applicable to our time is a different subject, but there is no doubt that it was intended for people of that time. Crusader Frank said Jesus never "railed against the 1%" , and that verse demonstrated that he did. Your effort to misdirect is noted.
James 5:5
You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.

But God is the judge, not you. No where does he say to take their money, quite the contrary in fact. The reward is in heaven, not your neighbor's pockets.
The verse was said and meant for people of that time. Whether it is applicable to our time is a different subject, but there is no doubt that it was intended for people of that time. Crusader Frank said Jesus never "railed against the 1%" , and that verse demonstrated that he did. Your effort to misdirect is noted.
James 5:5
You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.

But God is the judge, not you. No where does he say to take their money, quite the contrary in fact. The reward is in heaven, not your neighbor's pockets.

Whether God is the judge has nothing to do with the claim that Jesus never spoke against the 1%. Again, your attempt to misdirect is noted.
I don't think Jesus wanted people to be FORCED against their will to take care of other people. He taught they should want to do it out of the goodness of their hearts. You know, being a Christian. A Christian doesn't mean "involuntary servitude" and forced "wealth redistribution".
What < you > think doesn't matter too much.

Society has LEARNED through thousands of years of history, that people are greedy and selfish and most DO NOT give voluntarily.

Those who claim they should not be forced to give are the very ones who MUST be forced to give.

They just claim they shouldn't be forced because they are unwilling to give in the first place and, if not forced, would not help anyone. They would not give their grandmother 50 cents.

THEY ARE ASSHOLES who should be executed --- well that might be a bit much :)
Americans give record $295B to charity -
YOU believe it
And that's a drop in the bucket.
It's a very generous sum and most importantly, it isn't your bucket. Crying for more of other people's money is sick.
Conservative here. I need to take a minute to express my respect for Bernie Sanders.

This guy espouses what Jesus Christ taught us; love, compassion, fairness, taking care of the poor. I am so grateful he decided to run for president. We are witnessing history here people.

There will never be a healthy middle class as long as the 1% control 99% of the wealth in the nation.

That is also pretty close to what Karl Marx was proposing.
How did that turn out?
Not so Good.

The perfect society Marx proposed is contrary to the acquisitveness of human nature, and only works in the extreme when totalitarianism is imposed. Totalitarianism sucks. I think what Bernie proposes is a compromise of good ideas from both sides. It works in European countries that have their heads together. It could work here.

Why do you want us to be like Europe?
We are America not Europe.
The verse was said and meant for people of that time. Whether it is applicable to our time is a different subject, but there is no doubt that it was intended for people of that time. Crusader Frank said Jesus never "railed against the 1%" , and that verse demonstrated that he did. Your effort to misdirect is noted.
James 5:5
You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.

But God is the judge, not you. No where does he say to take their money, quite the contrary in fact. The reward is in heaven, not your neighbor's pockets.

Whether God is the judge has nothing to do with the claim that Jesus never spoke against the 1%.
Where does it say 1%? Is that in the Authorized Libtard Version?
The verse was said and meant for people of that time. Whether it is applicable to our time is a different subject, but there is no doubt that it was intended for people of that time. Crusader Frank said Jesus never "railed against the 1%" , and that verse demonstrated that he did. Your effort to misdirect is noted.
James 5:5
You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.

But God is the judge, not you. No where does he say to take their money, quite the contrary in fact. The reward is in heaven, not your neighbor's pockets.

Whether God is the judge has nothing to do with the claim that Jesus never spoke against the 1%.
Where does it say 1%? Is that in the Authorized Libtard Version?

I ask again. Who do you think he was talking about? Couldn't have been me as was claimed before.

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