Bernie Sanders Hates

Your making an assumption...Sanders was showing his prejudice.
He was asking about the nominee's prejudice, and the nominee was too much of a coward to answer.
Did anyone ask these questions of Jewish nominees of Obama?
They never codified in writing that they personally believe that Christians and Muslims are condemned. Why was this nominee too cowardly to answer with a simple yes or no?
Well then, if he wrote it...there's your answer. How many years ago did he write this?
Then Sanders is correct that this nominee cannot be approved. And the nominee was a coward for not answering with a simple yes.
Why would Sanders ask such a question of future Director of OMB? Now any recommended cuts to bloated federal government can be deemed "racist." Liberals laying ground for "race card."
Did anyone ask these questions of Jewish nominees of Obama?
They never codified in writing that they personally believe that Christians and Muslims are condemned. Why was this nominee too cowardly to answer with a simple yes or no?
Well then, if he wrote it...there's your answer. How many years ago did he write this?
Then Sanders is correct that this nominee cannot be approved. And the nominee was a coward for not answering with a simple yes.
So this guy is going to be Director of OMB....Holder was going to be AG. Big difference.
Yes Holder's priorities were grounded in reality, not in a magical afterlife. Big difference indeed.
There was no reality to Holders comments.
They never codified in writing that they personally believe that Christians and Muslims are condemned. Why was this nominee too cowardly to answer with a simple yes or no?
Well then, if he wrote it...there's your answer. How many years ago did he write this?
Then Sanders is correct that this nominee cannot be approved. And the nominee was a coward for not answering with a simple yes.
So this guy is going to be Director of OMB....Holder was going to be AG. Big difference.
Yes Holder's priorities were grounded in reality, not in a magical afterlife. Big difference indeed.
There was no reality to Holders comments.
Fine then you'll agree we can't repeat the mistake. This nominee must be rejected.
Well then, if he wrote it...there's your answer. How many years ago did he write this?
Then Sanders is correct that this nominee cannot be approved. And the nominee was a coward for not answering with a simple yes.
So this guy is going to be Director of OMB....Holder was going to be AG. Big difference.
Yes Holder's priorities were grounded in reality, not in a magical afterlife. Big difference indeed.
There was no reality to Holders comments.
Fine then you'll agree we can't repeat the mistake. This nominee must be rejected.
No. This man has a First Amendment right to religious freedom. Holder was just a racist.
Then Sanders is correct that this nominee cannot be approved. And the nominee was a coward for not answering with a simple yes.
So this guy is going to be Director of OMB....Holder was going to be AG. Big difference.
Yes Holder's priorities were grounded in reality, not in a magical afterlife. Big difference indeed.
There was no reality to Holders comments.
Fine then you'll agree we can't repeat the mistake. This nominee must be rejected.
No. This man has a First Amendment right to religious freedom. Holder was just a racist.
If he immediately condemns Muslims and Jews, then he is not fit for public office.
That loon stood by his assessment that Jews and Muslims "do not know God because they have rejected Jesus Christ, His Son, and they stand condemned.” Bernie may be a dipshit, but he's right about this mentally ill nominee.
Man is highly qualified. How many Jews are on Federal Reserve? What do they think of Cristians?
If religious madness seeps into their job performance, like it would with this lunatic nominee, then they should be fired immediately.
New Testament has a caveat that covers that dilemma, unlike muslim fascism and atheistic fascism, moron.
So this guy is going to be Director of OMB....Holder was going to be AG. Big difference.
Yes Holder's priorities were grounded in reality, not in a magical afterlife. Big difference indeed.
There was no reality to Holders comments.
Fine then you'll agree we can't repeat the mistake. This nominee must be rejected.
No. This man has a First Amendment right to religious freedom. Holder was just a racist.
If he immediately condemns Muslims and Jews, then he is not fit for public office.
Is there a religious test for office?
That loon stood by his assessment that Jews and Muslims "do not know God because they have rejected Jesus Christ, His Son, and they stand condemned.” Bernie may be a dipshit, but he's right about this mentally ill nominee.
Man is highly qualified. How many Jews are on Federal Reserve? What do they think of Cristians?
If religious madness seeps into their job performance, like it would with this lunatic nominee, then they should be fired immediately.
New Testament has a caveat that covers that dilemma, unlike muslim fascism and atheistic fascism, moron.
The New Testament doesn't carry much weight with the average conservative religious nutjob.
Yes Holder's priorities were grounded in reality, not in a magical afterlife. Big difference indeed.
There was no reality to Holders comments.
Fine then you'll agree we can't repeat the mistake. This nominee must be rejected.
No. This man has a First Amendment right to religious freedom. Holder was just a racist.
If he immediately condemns Muslims and Jews, then he is not fit for public office.
Is there a religious test for office?
Nope. As long as your religious prejudice doesn't unjustly harm citizens. Which we can't trust with this nominee, since he refused to answer the question.
There was no reality to Holders comments.
Fine then you'll agree we can't repeat the mistake. This nominee must be rejected.
No. This man has a First Amendment right to religious freedom. Holder was just a racist.
If he immediately condemns Muslims and Jews, then he is not fit for public office.
Is there a religious test for office?
Nope. As long as your religious prejudice doesn't unjustly harm citizens. Which we can't trust with this nominee, since he refused to answer the question.
We couldn't trust Holder. This nominee has religious liberty.
If this was a Muslim nominee of Obama's and then Senator Sessions would have asked such questions...liberals would go nuts.
If the Muslim nominee said Christians stand condemned because they rejected Mohammed then all you righties would be frothing at the mouth and preparing a lynching. Bloody hypocrite.
That loon stood by his assessment that Jews and Muslims "do not know God because they have rejected Jesus Christ, His Son, and they stand condemned.” Bernie may be a dipshit, but he's right about this mentally ill nominee.
Man is highly qualified. How many Jews are on Federal Reserve? What do they think of Cristians?
If religious madness seeps into their job performance, like it would with this lunatic nominee, then they should be fired immediately.
New Testament has a caveat that covers that dilemma, unlike muslim fascism and atheistic fascism, moron.
The New Testament doesn't carry much weight with the average conservative religious nutjob.
You must be an expert average conservative religious nutjob (which perfectly describes a moderate muslim).
The dude Sanders ragged on was very consistent with the New Testament.

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