Bernie Sanders hires muslim, campaign manager


Most Muslims are just regular people you know, just like most christians don't hold with the westboro nutjobs.

Why are you tRumpkins such bigots?

He is rather well qualified for the job, seems a logical choice.

If you are not a bigoted asshole that is.

Bernie Sanders called rep Omar to pledge his support after she made blatantly anti semiotic comments. He hates this own kind. There’s a mountain of evidence that proves that assertion
She also apologized for it and the Jewish fellow was polite and accepted her apology. You and these so called christian conservatives are the only ones still beating a dead horse and trying to inflame..
Another example of liberalism being a mental disorder. Crazy Bernie strikes again. :rolleyes:

No Muslim should ever be connected with US politics, any more than any Nazi or KKK person should. In 2019, we still have to explain this ?
So, why are republicans holding office then?
Lol. Watching the CONservatives get riled up is funny. It took a Muslim congresswoman to start a discussion on the power AIPAC has in this country so I don't really give a shit,anything that contributes to the downfall of this cesspool of a Country is a good thing.
The door is right over there you know.
Lol. Watching the CONservatives get riled up is funny. It took a Muslim congresswoman to start a discussion on the power AIPAC has in this country so I don't really give a shit,anything that contributes to the downfall of this cesspool of a Country is a good thing.
What gives you the idea that the country is a "cesspool" ?
Look around,it gets less and less American by the day and more and more culturally marxist by the day.
You are either a Jew or a Jew lover so it explains a lot about you as well.
So we see what you hate. What do you love ?
My Race.

Lol. Watching the CONservatives get riled up is funny. It took a Muslim congresswoman to start a discussion on the power AIPAC has in this country so I don't really give a shit,anything that contributes to the downfall of this cesspool of a Country is a good thing.
The door is right over there you know.
Planning on it,not my first choice but if it happens then cool. I will enjoy living in Europe. I prefer a civil war here so we can cleanse this country of the scum.
No, this is what happens when one is not a closed minded bigot. This is what happens when one spends 4.5 years growing up in a Muslim country, when one has a Muslim bunk mate in the open squadbay at Camp Hansen and becomes lifelong friends with said Muslim. I served along side many Muslims, people that actually served their country, something I doubt you would understand.

My pulmonologist is a Muslim, I guess in your bigoted views I should find a new doctor.

I do not live in a state of fear and hate like you do, I am not afraid of the boggieman around every corner.
I hate to disillusion you, but your idiotic post has hate and anger bursting from its seams. You don't seem to realize that YOU are the hater, who hates Americans who are trying to PROTECT this country from the scourge of Islam, and everything it hatefully represents.

You are also a danger to this country as you support an ideology (masquerading as a religion) that is seditious, and has no attachment to the US Constitution, or to America and our culture. You are as much a danger to America as the illegal and immoral Islam that you naively support.

You do not live in a state of fear of Islam, because you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. You talk about hating Islam as if that was a bad thing.

EARTH TO GG: Hating Islam is hating mass genocide (Koran 8:12...9:5...9:123...etc) that has killed 270 million people around the world. It is hating wife-beating (Koran 4:34). It is hating pedophilia (Koran 65:4). It is hating rape (Koran al). It is hating slavery, massive discriminations against women, animal cruelty (Eid al Adha) , illegal supremacism US Constitution Article 6, Section 2, and various other immoral things, and illegal under US laws.

I suppose you never heard of the Uhmma either. Why don't you ask your Muslim "friends" about that.

Lastly, I'm a Army veteran, and yes, you should indeed find a new doctor. Anyone who would allow a doctor to stand next to him with a knife in his hand, is either crazy or pitifully stupid.
Looks like you're not too well-qualified to post on an internet forum. So you see nothing wrong with hiring a Muslim to be a POTUS campaign manager, right ? Wow! Are some people ever lost, in this country.

Yes, some people are lost. They live in a free country and hate the idea of freedom for all. Why do you even live here as much as you hate freedom?

If a person is qualified for a job, I do not give a shit what religion they are. I put a Wiccan in the Marines because he was qualified to join. One of my fellow recruiters was a bigot like you and did not want to let him join.

This what happens after being indoctrinated by universities, leftist media and other leftist gobbledegook. You have a worry about bigotry, and simultaneously support a Muslim for a POTUS election campaign manager ? You need counseling.

No, this is what happens when one is not a closed minded bigot. This is what happens when one spends 4.5 years growing up in a Muslim country, when one has a Muslim bunk mate in the open squadbay at Camp Hansen and becomes lifelong friends with said Muslim. I served along side many Muslims, people that actually served their country, something I doubt you would understand.

My pulmonologist is a Muslim, I guess in your bigoted views I should find a new doctor.

I do not live in a state of fear and hate like you do, I am not afraid of the boggieman around every corner.
I hate to disillusion you, but your idiotic post has hate and anger bursting from its seams. You don't seem to realize that YOU are the hater, who hates Americans who are trying to PROTECT this country from the scourge of Islam, and everything it hatefully represents.

You are also a danger to this country as you support an ideology (masquerading as a religion) that is seditious, and has no attachment to the US Constitution, or to America and our culture. You are as much a danger to America as the illegal and immoral Islam that you naively support.

You do not live in a state of fear of Islam, because you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. You talk about hating Islam as if that was a bad thing.

EARTH TO GG: Hating Islam is hating mass genocide (Koran 8:12...9:5...9:123...etc) that has killed 270 million people around the world. It is hating wife-beating (Koran 4:34). It is hating pedophilia (Koran 65:4). It is hating rape (Koran al). It is hating slavery, massive discriminations against women, animal cruelty (Eid al Adha) , illegal supremacism US Constitution Article 6, Section 2 and various other immoral things, and illegal under US laws.

I suppose you never heard of the Uhmma either. Why don't you ask your Muslim "friends" about that.

Lastly, I'm a Army veteran, and yes, you should indeed find a new doctor. Anyone who would allow a doctor to stand next to him with a knife in his hand, is either crazy or pitifully stupid.

I hope all that hate keeps you warm at night.

I will have to copy and paste this and show my Muslim Marine buddy, he will get a good laugh out of it.
Planning on it,not my first choice but if it happens then cool. I will enjoy living in Europe. I prefer a civil war here so we can cleanse this country of the scum.
I would not even bother responding to this fool. Not worthy of that much dignity.
No, everyone knows you are a moron.

Why should Muslims not have the right to be connected with US politics any more than any other religion?
First of all HA HA HA. Everyone knows YOU are a moron. And why do I devote a size 7 font to post that ? Because your posts are routinely the most moronic idiocy of anything I've ever seen. I can't remember a single post from you that has ever been correct. It's as if you work hard at posting utter nonsense.

Now, that being said, first of all, only a complete ignoramus is so buffaloed by Muslims, into believing Islam to be a religion, which it of course is the farthest thing from.

Your next sentence >> "Why should Muslims not have the right to be connected with US politics any more than any other religion?", is a 100% display of your total ignorance of what Islam is. How in the world after all that has occurred in the US since the 1993 World Trade Center attack, and around the world over the past 20 years can you ask an imbecile question like that ? Have you been living in a closet ? Good grief.

Trouble with this forum > too may AIRHEADS.:rolleyes:

He is rather well qualified for the job, seems a logical choice.

If you are not a bigoted asshole that is.

Bernie Sanders called rep Omar to pledge his support after she made blatantly anti semiotic comments. He hates this own kind. There’s a mountain of evidence that proves that assertion
Telling the facts isn't anti semitism snowflake.

Dude, you worship those, who my ancestors defeated. You worship losers. LOOOOSAH!
Wow! The stupid is strong with you!
That describes YOU. What's the matter ? You don't accept REALITY ?

You think Islam isn't an illegal, immoral, genocidal, misogynist, pedophilic, enslaving, seditious, supremacist lunacy ?

Then educate yourself, and then come back here and post responsibly, you damn fool.

He is rather well qualified for the job, seems a logical choice.

If you are not a bigoted asshole that is.

President Trump is well qualified for his job. Well, if you're not a race-bating, bigoted, anti-American POS.

Since there are only two qualifications for the job of POTUS, natural born citizen and 45 year or are correct.
I hope all that hate keeps you warm at night.

I will have to copy and paste this and show my Muslim Marine buddy, he will get a good laugh out of it.
There is nothing wrong with hating hate (ie. Islam), and everything right with it. Until all Americans come to grips with that, jihad will always have an opening to destroy this country, as the Muslim Brotherhood has declared its goal.

And I don't care if your Muslim buddy is a Marine, or a CEO, or a panhandler.

And hating hate (Islam) doesn't keep me warm, but it keeps you safe, whether you know it or not.

And you ? You don't "hate" genocide, wife-beating, slavery, rape, pedophilia, animal cruelty, severe misogyny, unconstitutional supremacism. All that is OK with you ?
There is nothing wrong with hating hate (ie. Islam), and everything right with it. Until all Americans come to grips with that, jihad will always have an opening to destroy this country, as the Muslim Brotherhood has declared its goal.

And I don't care if your Muslim buddy is a Marine, or a CEO, or a panhandler.

And hating hate (Islam) doesn't keep me warm, but it keeps you safe, whether you know it or not.

you hate does not do shit for me buddy, that is all on you.

I judge people by who they are, not what others who might share the same faith do. Should I judge all Christians by the Westboro Baptist folks or the catholic priest fucking little boys? Or should we judge people based upon their own merit.

For me the answer is simple, for you since you are a bigot, you judge everyone in the same group the same.

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