Bernie Sanders hires muslim, campaign manager

you hate does not do shit for me buddy, that is all on you.

I judge people by who they are, not what others who might share the same faith do. Should I judge all Christians by the Westboro Baptist folks or the catholic priest fucking little boys? Or should we judge people based upon their own merit.

For me the answer is simple, for you since you are a bigot, you judge everyone in the same group the same.
"On" me ? No my hate against Islam is a badge of honor, that you also should be wearing, and by not wearing it, you are negligent in your duty as an American to defend this country from its sworn enemies. You are one of these enemies yourself, almost as much as the Muslims who are trying to destroy it, and convert it to an Islamic state.

So you judge people by who they are. Oh that's nice. But do you really know who the Muslims whose asses you kiss, are ? Do you see them inside their homes at night, inside closed doors and locked windows ? Do you know if wife-beating is taking place ? According to Muslim doctrine (Koran 4:34), it should be happening routinely. Same with rape, pedophilia, slavery, and other atrocious, immoral and illegal (under US laws) things. Do you really know what is the "merit" of Muslims ?

Do you know about Islamization ? How much there has been ? What has occured ? I can tell you that you won't hear about it on CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and other liberal media. If that's all you watch, I can see why you would think the way you do.

There is nothing bigoted about judging Islam for what it is, and what it openly proclaims itself to be. It is reality. You can accept it or pretend it doesn't exist.
"On" me ? No my hate against Islam is a badge of honor, that you also should be wearing, and by not wearing it, you are negligent in your duty as an American to defend this country from its sworn enemies. You are one of these enemies yourself, almost as much as the Muslims who are trying to destroy it, and convert it to an Islamic state.

So you judge people by who they are. Oh that's nice. But do you really know who the Muslims whose asses you kiss are ? Do you see them inside their homes at night, inside closed doors and locked windows ? Do you know if wife-beating is taking place ? According to Muslim doctrine(Koran 4:34), it should be happening routinely, Same with rape, pedophilia, slavery, and other atrocious, immoral and illegal (under US laws) things. Do you really know what is the "merit" of Muslims ?

Do you know about Islamization ? How much there has been ? What has occured ? I can tell you that you won't hear about it on CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and other liberal media. If that's all you watch, I can see why you would think the way you do.

I know a lot about Islam, spent 4.5 years of my childhood in a Muslim country thanks to my dad working for Halliburton.

I have been friends with a Muslim since 1989, been to his home, he has been to mine. We in each other weddings and have vacationed together.

You on the other hand know not a damn thing but what you have been feed by other hate filled people like you

He is rather well qualified for the job, seems a logical choice.

If you are not a bigoted asshole that is.

And you and your ilk have no problem disparaging Christians, so please, spare me the faux outrage
Ah....what is the difference between christians, particularly those on the Right and muslims? They are both patriarchal and con-servative.
I know a lot about Islam, spent 4.5 years of my childhood in a Muslim country thanks to my dad working for Halliburton.

I have been friends with a Muslim since 1989, been to his home, he has been to mine. We in each other weddings and have vacationed together.

You on the other hand know not a damn thing but what you have been feed by other hate filled people like you
Oh so you think you know about Islam and Muslims, do you ? And you think you want to one on one with the protectionist on the subject, huh ? > OK. You got it.

All you have to do to show that you know as much on this subject as I do, is to take my Islamization Quiz, and let's see what you really know.

Identify the names and things listed, and their association with Islamization. No cheating. I know who and what these are. Every single one.

Names associated with Stealth Jihad (AKA Islamization)

Ibin Taamiyah, the Madhi, Sheik Ahmed Yassin, Sami al-Arian, Ramadan Abdallah Shallah, Mazen al-Najjar, Richard A. Clarke, Imam Muzzamil Siddiqui, Susan Douglas, Peter DiGangi, William Bennetta, Gilbert Sewall , Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, al-Hajj Talib'Abur, Rashid Sahmsi Ali, Khalid Latif, Omar Mohammedi, Joe Kaufman, Chantal Carnes, Hasan al-Banna (creator of the Muslim Brotherhood-I'll give you that one), Tariq Ramadan, Siraj Wahhaj, Mozen Mokhtar, Nouman Ali Khan, Abdul Malik , Imam Jamal Badawi, Br. Jawad Ahmad, Hassan Abbas, Mullah Abdul Rashid Ghazi, Sheik Mjed 'Abd al-Rahman al-Firian, Prince Sultan Ibn Abd al-'Aziz, Ali al-Ahmed, Itamar Marcus, Barbara Cook, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, Mohammed Osman Idris, Mohammed el-Yacoubi, Abu Abdullah, Baitullah Mehsud, Yunis al-Astal, Zeyno Baran, Aaron Klein, Muhammad Abdel-El, Sheik Yasser Hamad, Nur Mohammad, Ahmed Yassin (deceased), Sheik Abdel Rahman, Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid AL Maktoum, Abdullah Azzam, Thomas Klocek, Fazlur Rehman Khalil , Mohammad Elachmi Hamdi, Bat Ye'or, Max Steenberghe, Anders Fogh Ramussen, Paul Jeeves, Yusuf al-Qarodawi, Bashar al-Assad, Robert S. Leiken, Theo Van Gogh, Michel Gurfinkel, Imam Ahmed Salam, Piet Hein Donner, Miguel Angel Toma , Salah Yassin, Hassan Nasrallah, Ahmed Assad Barakat, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Bashar al-Assad, Adolpho Aguilar Zinser, Joseph Farah, Nabil al-Marabh, Raed Hijazi, David Harris, Syed Mumtaz Ali, Omar Ahmad, Ibrahim Hooper, Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, Dr. Paul Williams , Hassan al Turabi, Clement Rodney Hampton-El, Kevin James, Warner MacKenzie, Sayeed Abdul A'la Maududi, Abdullah Yusef Ali, Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall, Nessim Joseph Dawood, Mohammed Habib Shakir, Arthur John Arberry, Aqsa Parvez, Atefeh Rajabi, Francis Bok, Michael Coren, Homaidan Ali Al-Turki, Sheik Saleh Al-Fawzan, Paul Marshall, Koenraad Elst, Tom Clancy, Phil Alden Robinson, Michael Graham, Thomas Klocek, Stephen Coughlin, Hasham Islam, Steven Emerson, Mordechai Nisan, Abduraman Alamoudi, Ramadan Abdallah Shallah, Musa Abu Marzook, Keith Ellison, Abdullah al-Arian, ,Jamal-al-Din al-Afghani, James Woolsey, Walid Phares, Guy Rodgers, Brigitte Gabriel, Robert Spencer, Paul Sperry, P.David Gaubatz, Chris Gaubatz, Stefanie Creswell, Charety Zhe, Adnan el-Shukrijumah, Jaffar the Pilot, Mohammad Weiss Rasool, Brian P. Fairchild, Peter M. Leitner, Sergeant Naveed I. Butt, Bill Bratton, William Taylor, Youssef Aboul-Enein, Jamal Barzinji, Ingrid Mattson, Safaa Zarzour, Khalid Iqbal, James "Yousef" Yee, Ahmed Alwani, Taja Alwani, Warith Deen Umar, Tom Harrington, John Guandolo, Patrick Sookhdeo, Gaddoor Saidi, Muhammad Usmani, Mahdi Bray, Ali al-Timimi, Maulana Abdul Ala Maududi, Sayyid Quth, Zaid Shakir, Hamdan al-Shalawi, Muhammed al-Qudhaieen, Omar Shain, Hani Hanjour, Kenneth Williams, Edward Sloan, Ismail Elbarasse, Sheik Omar Abdul-Rahman, George Sadler, Mohammed Akram Adlouni, Zeid al-Noman, Shukri Aby Baker, Mohammad El-Mezain, Ghassan Elashi, Sayyid Syeed, Bassem Osman, Ahmed Elkadi, Mahboob Khan, Suhail Khan, Mufid Abdulgader, Abdelhaleem Ashqar, Frank Gaffney, Sue Myrick, Abuhena Saifulislam, Ali "the American" Mohamed, Juan Zarate, Hisham Altalib, Mohammed Shamma, Ahmad Sakr, Abdullah bin Laden, Mohamed Jamal Khalifah, Ahmad Mohamed Ali, Joey Musmar, Lina Morales, Donald Lavey, Sibel Dinez Edmonds, Khalid Duran, Muhammad Hishm Kabbani, Ali Ahmed, Agha Jafri, Michael Rolince, John M. Cole, Dr. Ziad Asali, James Margolin, Foria Younis, John B. Vincent, John O'Neill, Ivien C. Smith, Salam al-Marayati, Tom Reynolds, Khaled Saffuri, Agha Saeed, Mohammed al-Hanooti, Sue VanBaalen, Sister Sue, Michael Scheuer, Michael Waller, David Forte, Sheikh Mamza Yusuf, Ihsan Bagby, Abd al-Rahman al-Rashed, Serge Trifkovic, Irshad Manji, Imam Mohamad Adam el-Sheikh, Yvonne Haddad, Warith Deen Umar, Taha al-Alwani, Ali al-Timimi, J.M. Rodwell, Dr. Ali Sina, John Esposito, Karen Armstrong, Saad al-Sharani, Suleiman Alwan, Farid Esack, Sheikh Faysal Mawlawi, Ali Abd al Rahman al-Faqasi al-Ghamdi, Saul al-Rashid, Abderraouf Jdey, Faruq al-Tunisi, Adam Gadahn, Andre Carson, Issa al-Britani, Aafia Siddiqui, Kamran Akhtar, Gary Harter, Iyman Faris, Hesham Hadayet, Hala Mohammed Sadeq El-Awadly, Anwar al-Awlaki, Pamela L. Rhames, Michael S. Tutko, David C. Kane, Nick Pindulic, Suzanne E. Spaulding, Sen. Patrick Leahy, Sen. John Kyl, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Sen. Paul Sarbanes, Bill Baker, Rep. David Bonior, Rep. John Conyers, Rep. John Dingell, Robert M. Blitzer, Louis Freeh, Thomas Pickard, Carol Motyka, Marsha Parrish, Yola Haber, Doug Balin, Rep. Anthony Weiner, Roderick L. Beverly, Caroline Glick, Shelomo Alfassa, Hadia Roberts, Margaret Gulotta, Emanuel "Manny" Johnson Jr., Esther Pan

Things associated with Stealth Jihad (AKA Islamization)

Hijra, jizyah, Istanbul, Al-Quds, Al-Aqsa mosque, , treaty of Al-Hudaybiyah, Oslo Accords, the Mahdi, Al-Ansar, 2006 Pentagon report : "Motivations of Muslim Suicide Bombers" ), "The Project", the Muslim Brotherhood, the Ikhwan, Taqiyya, Da'wa, Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Holy Land Foundation trials - 2007 & 2008, Khalil Gibran Academy, US Treasury Dept. (Office of Foreign Asset Control), Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Muslim American Society (MSA), United States Counterinsurgency Manual FM 3-24, US Justice Dept. report - 2004, US Justice Dept. report - 2007, abeds, North American Islamic Trust, Islamic Council for North America, United Association for Studies and Research, Muslim American Youth Association, the Hamas Charter, Islamic Academy of Florida, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, American Youth Academy, New Horizons Schools, Islamic American University, DawaNet-to link • to serve: Home with sections entitled "How to Make America an Islamic Nation" and Da'wa in Public Schools, Excelsior Elementary School, Thomas Moore Law Center, Islamic Saudi Academy, "The Islam Project" by the Council on Islamic Education, the Arab World History Notebook, "Across the Centuries", California Academy of Sciences, "World Cultures : A Global Mosaic", American Textbook Council, "Islam and the Textbooks", Arab American Family Support Center (AAFSC), Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood's Boy Scout program (MIB), Americans Against Hate, CAIR Watch, the Young Muslims, Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Jamaat-e-Islami, Young Muslim Sisters (YMS), Middle East Media Research Institute, US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), Freedom House, Institute for Gulf Affairs, Palestinian Media Watch, "Contemporary Problems", "History of the Arabs and the World in the 20th Century", Reading and Text Part II, Association of Independent Schools, ISA accreditation, Center for Religious Freedom, Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami, Islamic Party of Liberation, Al-Aksa TV of Hamas, Hudson institute, Popular Resistance Committee, "Schmoozing With Terrorists", US House of Representitives, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, "Eurabia, the Euro-Arab Axis", European Union, the Arab League,"Foreign Affairs" - "Europe's Angry Muslims", Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), Sharee Council of Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, Immigration and National Security Program at the Nixon Center, Sukuk, Sharia compliant banks, Saxony-Anhalt, piggy banks in England, foot washing basins (Kansas City Airport & University of Michigan), "Britain's Daily Mail" - "Multiculturalsim Drives Young Muslims to Shun British Values", Nationa Intelligence Council, IslamOnline ????? ??? ????, "Valeurs Actuelles", the triple border region, UN Security Council, House Homeland Security Committee subcommittee on investigations report : "A Line In the Sand: Confronting the Threat At the Southwest Border", OTMs, Jamaat ul-Fuqra, Muslims of the Americas, the FBI, Canadian Security Intelligence Service, "TD Monthly", halal chicken, ACLU, the Date Frappuccino, Open Society Foundation, Whiting Foundation, hijab, Transportation & Safety Admin. (TSA), "New Media Journal" report - "In the Belly of the Beast: Jamaat ul-Fuqra, Jamaat ul-Fuqra mosque (Brooklyn, NY), Koran: 4:34, honor killings, the Alec file, Jamiyyat Ul-Islam, It's the Ideology Stupid,Tad-ru-bu-hu-nna, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, UN Children's Fund, the Population Council - 2003 survey, m'uta, Haratines, Janjaweed, Dinka tribe, "Escape From Slavery", Toronto Sun online - "Slavery Lives in the Sudan", Middle East Forum - "The Problem with Slavery", Saudi Arabia Senior Council of Clerics, Human Rights Watch, Middle East Forum, Copts, Baha'i sect of Islam, "Islam : From Toleration to Terror", Hizb ut-Tahrir, Jyllands-Posten, "The Sum of All Fears", University of South Florida, Palistinian Islamic Jihad, "Future Jihad", Mosque Census Project, Eid al-Adha, Shahada, Mahram, FBI's Arab/Muslim Sikh American Advisory Committee, Higgins Center for Counterterrorism Research, Jamaat e-Islami, Samah, Tarbiya, Dar al-Arqam, SWICK, Policy-net. Islamberg,
So that's your "response", huh ? Just pop a little funny icon, and DODGE the quiz, because you don't have he foggiest idea who the people and things in the quiz are, and until now, had no idea how much you don't know.

You're no different from all the others who purported to know a lot about Islam and Islamization, except they took the quiz, and got 10% or less on it. Most got zero.
Ah....what is the difference between christians, particularly those on the Right and muslims? They are both patriarchal and con-servative.
Is there anything dumber that the notion of equating Christianity with Islam ? Wanna equate oceans with deserts ? Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:
REmember the days when they would have had the same fit over hiring a Jew? over hiring a Catholic?
No, because there were no days of hiring a Catholic or a Jew whose life doctrine ordered him to kill others not of his group. Or to engage in wife-beating, etc etc

If you think you're going to score points equating Islam with religions, you're wasting your time. There is no equation.
REmember the days when they would have had the same fit over hiring a Jew? over hiring a Catholic?

no different than not wanting to hire a Irishman or Italian back in the day.

bigotry is does not change
no different than not wanting to hire a Irishman or Italian back in the day.

bigotry is does not change
Absolutely wrong. To say what you just said, shows a total, incompetent, irresponsible, and clownish ignorance of Islam.

It's like saying no difference between adopting a housecat and a lion, and having them live in your house.

Pretty amazing in 2019, to hear people talk like this.

If this is a result of liberal media influence, it shows how distorted and damaging that influence is.
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If this is a result of liberal media influence, it shows how distorted and damaging that influence is

as I told you, it is the result of 4.5 years growing up in a Muslim country, and from 20 years of close friendship with a Muslim I served this country with.

I am betting you have never even talked to an actual Muslim before unless it was by accident.
as I told you, it is the result of 4.5 years growing up in a Muslim country, and from 20 years of close friendship with a Muslim I served this country with.

I am betting you have never even talked to an actual Muslim before unless it was by accident.
You have no bets to make, and nothing more to say in this thread. You have already conceded defeat, by showing your inability to take the Islamization Quiz, and, as such, have a grade of ZERO.

You know nothing about this subject, so find another thread Mr Quiz Zero.

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