Bernie Sanders Is Right

Fuck that guy. He bitches about the top 1% controlling most of the money. They also pay most of the taxes. If they're supporting everybody else, they SHOULD have more control than the ones who don't contribute shit.
Because of loopholes, the effective tax rate of corporations is 12%. Do you really think people poor people who are employed and are responsible for the biggest share of productivity aren't contributing?
Corporate taxes are a joke.
Double the tax rate on Walmart and it won't hurt Walmart one bit. They will raise prices and YOU will pay their tax.

So where does the money come from to support the infrastructure that corporations benefit from on a daily basis?
QUOTE]The corporations...

The corporations what? Left the country?
Do you know how that happened?

Because they're greedy and wanted slave labor.
Because the purpose of a corporation is to turn a profit. Jobs left because American labor priced itself out of the market.
All you can do is bitch. If all consumer electronics were suddenly made here, you'd be bitching that you can't afford them.

Well, yes. They were made here before and they were more expensive but we got paid more and had better bennies...the women stayed home. We bought the goods then but we couldn't afford them now so much because in the early 70's carter started removing tariffs which allowed the corporations to go and go they did.
The effort snowballed and our jobs with them. There are virtually no tariffs now but when we export WE pay tariffs! Its the corporations purpose to turn a profit? What is a country's purpose?
What we need is to go back to the policies that made us healthy and get rid of the policies that are killing our middle class and working.(which used to mean the same thing). These greedy corporations were making plenty of money before the exodus...they're just fucking greedy, like you, want it all and don't, like you, give a damn for the country.
And the imports from china are cheap, poorly made junk.
The country's purpose is very clearly explained in the US Constitution. I suggest you read it some time.

Nowhere in the document does it authorize the government to take my wealth and give it to people who sit on their asses.

The reductionist idiocy of demanding that every thing you don't like must have been specifically articulated in the Constitution is an extremist rightwing cop out because they can't deal with the reality that the Constitution empowered Congress to pass legislation that provides for the Welfare of We the People.
Fuck that guy. He bitches about the top 1% controlling most of the money. They also pay most of the taxes. If they're supporting everybody else, they SHOULD have more control than the ones who don't contribute shit.
So then obviously people who make more money than you should have more power over you. I'm sure that makes perfect sense to a royalist or a plutocrat, or just some fucking moron.....but it certainly isn't American.
It would be pointless to try and explain capitalism to someone with a socialist mentality because you've been programmed to believe that any wealth created should belong to the government to distribute as they see fit (except if it's YOUR wealth). That's not what this country was founded on and it's what has made us the strongest economic force in the world for over 2 centuries. But I may as well be talking to a wall because you think you have a right to what everyone else has, whether you work for it or not.
You can't explain capitalism because you obviously don't know anything about it.
Says life's loser who can't do shit without the government doing it for him.
No really, you're obviously too fucking stupid to know anything.
QUOTE]The corporations...

The corporations what? Left the country?
Do you know how that happened?

Because they're greedy and wanted slave labor.
Because the purpose of a corporation is to turn a profit. Jobs left because American labor priced itself out of the market.
All you can do is bitch. If all consumer electronics were suddenly made here, you'd be bitching that you can't afford them.

Well, yes. They were made here before and they were more expensive but we got paid more and had better bennies...the women stayed home. We bought the goods then but we couldn't afford them now so much because in the early 70's carter started removing tariffs which allowed the corporations to go and go they did.
The effort snowballed and our jobs with them. There are virtually no tariffs now but when we export WE pay tariffs! Its the corporations purpose to turn a profit? What is a country's purpose?
What we need is to go back to the policies that made us healthy and get rid of the policies that are killing our middle class and working.(which used to mean the same thing). These greedy corporations were making plenty of money before the exodus...they're just fucking greedy, like you, want it all and don't, like you, give a damn for the country.
And the imports from china are cheap, poorly made junk.
The country's purpose is very clearly explained in the US Constitution. I suggest you read it some time.

Nowhere in the document does it authorize the government to take my wealth and give it to people who sit on their asses.

The reductionist idiocy of demanding that every thing you don't like must have been specifically articulated in the Constitution is an extremist rightwing cop out because they can't deal with the reality that the Constitution empowered Congress to pass legislation that provides for the Welfare of We the People.
The GENERAL welfare!
Thats items and actions that benefit all people, not just the unproductive
Fuck that guy. He bitches about the top 1% controlling most of the money. They also pay most of the taxes. If they're supporting everybody else, they SHOULD have more control than the ones who don't contribute shit.
Because of loopholes, the effective tax rate of corporations is 12%. Do you really think people poor people who are employed and are responsible for the biggest share of productivity aren't contributing?
Corporate taxes are a joke.
Double the tax rate on Walmart and it won't hurt Walmart one bit. They will raise prices and YOU will pay their tax.

So where does the money come from to support the infrastructure that corporations benefit from on a daily basis?
From my pocket and your pocket, but is goes out of our pockets a little faster because Walmart is the middle man. They raise their price to cover the corporate tax and their profit margin and write a check to the treasury. What's so hard to grasp?
The rich get richer while the middle class disappears.

...and thanks to Obama, concentration of wealth has never grown faster.

Name the Obama policies that made that happen.

Policies? You mean actions? And like I said to you before, you can even throw out the original TARP if you like.
No President has even came close to transferring taxpayer $$ to the big money system than Obama.
Not even close.
The corporations what? Left the country?
Do you know how that happened?

Because they're greedy and wanted slave labor.
Because the purpose of a corporation is to turn a profit. Jobs left because American labor priced itself out of the market.
All you can do is bitch. If all consumer electronics were suddenly made here, you'd be bitching that you can't afford them.

Well, yes. They were made here before and they were more expensive but we got paid more and had better bennies...the women stayed home. We bought the goods then but we couldn't afford them now so much because in the early 70's carter started removing tariffs which allowed the corporations to go and go they did.
The effort snowballed and our jobs with them. There are virtually no tariffs now but when we export WE pay tariffs! Its the corporations purpose to turn a profit? What is a country's purpose?
What we need is to go back to the policies that made us healthy and get rid of the policies that are killing our middle class and working.(which used to mean the same thing). These greedy corporations were making plenty of money before the exodus...they're just fucking greedy, like you, want it all and don't, like you, give a damn for the country.
And the imports from china are cheap, poorly made junk.
The country's purpose is very clearly explained in the US Constitution. I suggest you read it some time.

Nowhere in the document does it authorize the government to take my wealth and give it to people who sit on their asses.

The reductionist idiocy of demanding that every thing you don't like must have been specifically articulated in the Constitution is an extremist rightwing cop out because they can't deal with the reality that the Constitution empowered Congress to pass legislation that provides for the Welfare of We the People.
The GENERAL welfare!
Thats items and actions that benefit all people, not just the unproductive

So the disabled should just be left to starve because they aren't productive?
So then you agree that your taxes must be raised in order to support the infrastructure that Walmart depends upon to stock their stores?
The rich get richer while the middle class disappears.

...and thanks to Obama, concentration of wealth has never grown faster.

Name the Obama policies that made that happen.

Policies? You mean actions? And like I said to you before, you can even throw out the original TARP if you like.
No President has even came close to transferring taxpayer $$ to the big money system than Obama.
Not even close.

Thank s for admitting that you have nothing whatever to support your allegation.
Walmart didn't build the infrastructure that they exploit to make billions in profits. But raising taxes for the Walton family is sacrilege to the rabid rightwingers.
Because the purpose of a corporation is to turn a profit. Jobs left because American labor priced itself out of the market.
All you can do is bitch. If all consumer electronics were suddenly made here, you'd be bitching that you can't afford them.

Well, yes. They were made here before and they were more expensive but we got paid more and had better bennies...the women stayed home. We bought the goods then but we couldn't afford them now so much because in the early 70's carter started removing tariffs which allowed the corporations to go and go they did.
The effort snowballed and our jobs with them. There are virtually no tariffs now but when we export WE pay tariffs! Its the corporations purpose to turn a profit? What is a country's purpose?
What we need is to go back to the policies that made us healthy and get rid of the policies that are killing our middle class and working.(which used to mean the same thing). These greedy corporations were making plenty of money before the exodus...they're just fucking greedy, like you, want it all and don't, like you, give a damn for the country.
And the imports from china are cheap, poorly made junk.
The country's purpose is very clearly explained in the US Constitution. I suggest you read it some time.

Nowhere in the document does it authorize the government to take my wealth and give it to people who sit on their asses.

The reductionist idiocy of demanding that every thing you don't like must have been specifically articulated in the Constitution is an extremist rightwing cop out because they can't deal with the reality that the Constitution empowered Congress to pass legislation that provides for the Welfare of We the People.
The GENERAL welfare!
Thats items and actions that benefit all people, not just the unproductive

So the disabled should just be left to starve because they aren't productive?
No, but those that can work and do not, should.
Bernie Sanders Despised Dems In 1980s, Said JFK Speech Once Made Him Sick (Kennedy's anti-communism)

Buzzfeed News ^ | July 16, 2015 | Ilan Ben-Meir, News Reporter
“Kennedy was young and appealing and ostensibly liberal, but I think at that point, seeing through Kennedy, and what liberalism was, was probably a significant step for me to understand that conventional politics or liberalism was not what was relevant.” Vermont senator and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders once said that he was “physically nauseated” by a speech made by President John F. Kennedy when Sanders was a young man, because Kennedy’s “hatred for the Cuban Revolution […] was so strong.” “Kennedy was young and appealing and ostensibly liberal,” Sanders reminisced in a 1987 interview with The Gadfly, a student...
Walmart didn't build the infrastructure that they exploit to make billions in profits. But raising taxes for the Walton family is sacrilege to the rabid rightwingers.
Everyone "exploits" the infrastructure. You are free to utilize it to the same extent.
Everyone is entitled to police protection, 12 years of public school and the highway system. I am not free to utilize SNAP and 68 other means tested programs.

James Madison The Federalist Papers Federalist No. 45
Categories: Federalism
Date: January 26, 1788
The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several states will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the State.
Well, yes. They were made here before and they were more expensive but we got paid more and had better bennies...the women stayed home. We bought the goods then but we couldn't afford them now so much because in the early 70's carter started removing tariffs which allowed the corporations to go and go they did.
The effort snowballed and our jobs with them. There are virtually no tariffs now but when we export WE pay tariffs! Its the corporations purpose to turn a profit? What is a country's purpose?
What we need is to go back to the policies that made us healthy and get rid of the policies that are killing our middle class and working.(which used to mean the same thing). These greedy corporations were making plenty of money before the exodus...they're just fucking greedy, like you, want it all and don't, like you, give a damn for the country.
And the imports from china are cheap, poorly made junk.
The country's purpose is very clearly explained in the US Constitution. I suggest you read it some time.

Nowhere in the document does it authorize the government to take my wealth and give it to people who sit on their asses.

The reductionist idiocy of demanding that every thing you don't like must have been specifically articulated in the Constitution is an extremist rightwing cop out because they can't deal with the reality that the Constitution empowered Congress to pass legislation that provides for the Welfare of We the People.
The GENERAL welfare!
Thats items and actions that benefit all people, not just the unproductive

So the disabled should just be left to starve because they aren't productive?
No, but those that can work and do not, should.

If you bother to educate yourself you will discover that is exactly how the welfare system is set up and currently operates.

That you believe that it doesn't is because you swallow the disinformation that is propagated throughout the extremist far right sources.

But if you go and look at the welfare reform legislation that was passed during the 1990's you will discover that it works exactly as you want it to. The government is not "transferring your money" to those who "won't work".
Walmart didn't build the infrastructure that they exploit to make billions in profits. But raising taxes for the Walton family is sacrilege to the rabid rightwingers.
Everyone "exploits" the infrastructure. You are free to utilize it to the same extent.
Everyone is entitled to police protection, 12 years of public school and the highway system. I am not free to utilize SNAP and 68 other means tested programs.

James Madison The Federalist Papers Federalist No. 45
Categories: Federalism
Date: January 26, 1788
The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several states will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the State.

You failed to answer the question as to why you refuse to raise taxes on those who are exploiting you in order to enrich themselves at your expense.
Walmart didn't build the infrastructure that they exploit to make billions in profits. But raising taxes for the Walton family is sacrilege to the rabid rightwingers.
Everyone "exploits" the infrastructure. You are free to utilize it to the same extent.
Everyone is entitled to police protection, 12 years of public school and the highway system. I am not free to utilize SNAP and 68 other means tested programs.

James Madison The Federalist Papers Federalist No. 45
Categories: Federalism
Date: January 26, 1788
The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several states will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the State.

You failed to answer the question as to why you refuse to raise taxes on those who are exploiting you in order to enrich themselves at your expense.
I believe I did.
Raising taxes on corporations serves only to raise the price they charge me for their goods and services.. In essence, it is government that is exploiting me while appealing to the envy of those that don't understand basic economics.
Corporate taxes are simply a cost of doing business, like rent and labor. The more tax I pay for the liquor I buy, the more your cocktail costs.
Now, I suppose you could look for another bar where you can get a better price, but jumping on a plane and flying to the Caribbean is rather costly.
If the goods you need is costly and you can justify the transportation costs, it would make perfect sense to take your business off shore.
Who's fault would that be? You're in business to make a profit, are you not?

Yet you bitch and moan that American corporations move factories to China and completely ignore the reasons why they do.

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