Bernie Sanders Is Right

Because of loopholes, the effective tax rate of corporations is 12%. Do you really think people poor people who are employed and are responsible for the biggest share of productivity aren't contributing?

Corporation don't pay taxes...they just pass that cost on to you, the end consumer.
The rich get richer while the middle class disappears.

He says all that while making a mid six-figure salary.

It's amazing how you people so easily miss the point. He isn't saying we should get rid of the wealthy class. He is simply saying all of the income gains in the past 50 years are going to the 1% while the middle class is shrinking. Don't you think that's a problem?

No. Maybe we just need a smarter middle class or one that isn't so easily convinced they are victims by the left.
It's unbelievable that the Koch brothers saw their wealth increase by $18 billion in 2 years, yet paid lower taxes than the middle class.
It's unbelievable that the Koch brothers saw their wealth increase by $18 billion in 2 years, yet paid lower taxes than the middle class.

What's unbelievable is the percentage of the middle class that doesn't know, doesn't care, or believes that's a good thing.
It's unbelievable that the Koch brothers saw their wealth increase by $18 billion in 2 years, yet paid lower taxes than the middle class.

When Comrade Bernard Sanders becomes president you will pay 0 taxes because your company will relocate to India.

the 18 Trillion national debt will become 18 quadrillion

Mexico and Canada will then have to erect walls to prevent Americans from entering their countries.

Bernie sanders a thousand percent right! This country would of never developed such a large middle class if the robber barons had won in the late 19th century...Government is needed to make the playing field fair for a higher percent of the population to have a high quality of life.

This is proven in Europe
This is proven in most east Asian countries

There's a reason Africa and southern Asia so so poor with such inequality.

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