Bernie Sanders Is Right

Walmart didn't build the infrastructure that they exploit to make billions in profits. But raising taxes for the Walton family is sacrilege to the rabid rightwingers.
Everyone "exploits" the infrastructure. You are free to utilize it to the same extent.
Everyone is entitled to police protection, 12 years of public school and the highway system. I am not free to utilize SNAP and 68 other means tested programs.

James Madison The Federalist Papers Federalist No. 45
Categories: Federalism
Date: January 26, 1788
The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several states will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the State.

You failed to answer the question as to why you refuse to raise taxes on those who are exploiting you in order to enrich themselves at your expense.
I believe I did.
Raising taxes on corporations serves only to raise the price they charge me for their goods and services.. In essence, it is government that is exploiting me while appealing to the envy of those that don't understand basic economics.
Corporate taxes are simply a cost of doing business, like rent and labor. The more tax I pay for the liquor I buy, the more your cocktail costs.
Now, I suppose you could look for another bar where you can get a better price, but jumping on a plane and flying to the Caribbean is rather costly.
If the goods you need is costly and you can justify the transportation costs, it would make perfect sense to take your business off shore.
Who's fault would that be? You're in business to make a profit, are you not?

Yet you bitch and moan that American corporations move factories to China and completely ignore the reasons why they do.

So you want to open that door do you?

Walmart and the Wall Street Casino Bosses drove the jobs offshore to 3rd world nations because they wanted ever greater profits and they squeezed manufacturers to the point where they had no option but to go offshore.

So it was profits, not taxes that sent those jobs offshore.

And no, you still haven't answered why you are not willing to raise taxes for the wealthy.
Walmart didn't build the infrastructure that they exploit to make billions in profits. But raising taxes for the Walton family is sacrilege to the rabid rightwingers.
Everyone "exploits" the infrastructure. You are free to utilize it to the same extent.
Everyone is entitled to police protection, 12 years of public school and the highway system. I am not free to utilize SNAP and 68 other means tested programs.

James Madison The Federalist Papers Federalist No. 45
Categories: Federalism
Date: January 26, 1788
The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several states will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the State.

You failed to answer the question as to why you refuse to raise taxes on those who are exploiting you in order to enrich themselves at your expense.
I believe I did.
Raising taxes on corporations serves only to raise the price they charge me for their goods and services.. In essence, it is government that is exploiting me while appealing to the envy of those that don't understand basic economics.
Corporate taxes are simply a cost of doing business, like rent and labor. The more tax I pay for the liquor I buy, the more your cocktail costs.
Now, I suppose you could look for another bar where you can get a better price, but jumping on a plane and flying to the Caribbean is rather costly.
If the goods you need is costly and you can justify the transportation costs, it would make perfect sense to take your business off shore.
Who's fault would that be? You're in business to make a profit, are you not?

Yet you bitch and moan that American corporations move factories to China and completely ignore the reasons why they do.

So you want to open that door do you?

Walmart and the Wall Street Casino Bosses drove the jobs offshore to 3rd world nations because they wanted ever greater profits and they squeezed manufacturers to the point where they had no option but to go offshore.

So it was profits, not taxes that sent those jobs offshore.

And no, you still haven't answered why you are not willing to raise taxes for the wealthy.
Profits yes. The cost of doing business in the US is staggering and high labor and corporate taxes are a big chunk of that cost.

Why won't I get on board with taxing the hell out of the wealthy? Because the wealthy pay the majority of the taxes already and reap the minority of the services paid for buy those taxes.
A rich guy like Mitt Romney pays say 10 million in taxes and a poor guy making 18K gets an EITC of a couple grand.
What does Romney get that my poor guy doesn't?
How can you justify the disparity?
I know why YOU don't get it. Cause your a selfish cold hearted prick. That's why.
But the corporations were doing fkn great before and they were here. Greed. Greed Greed.
Walmart didn't build the infrastructure that they exploit to make billions in profits. But raising taxes for the Walton family is sacrilege to the rabid rightwingers.
Everyone "exploits" the infrastructure. You are free to utilize it to the same extent.
Everyone is entitled to police protection, 12 years of public school and the highway system. I am not free to utilize SNAP and 68 other means tested programs.

James Madison The Federalist Papers Federalist No. 45
Categories: Federalism
Date: January 26, 1788
The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several states will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the State.

You failed to answer the question as to why you refuse to raise taxes on those who are exploiting you in order to enrich themselves at your expense.
I believe I did.
Raising taxes on corporations serves only to raise the price they charge me for their goods and services.. In essence, it is government that is exploiting me while appealing to the envy of those that don't understand basic economics.
Corporate taxes are simply a cost of doing business, like rent and labor. The more tax I pay for the liquor I buy, the more your cocktail costs.
Now, I suppose you could look for another bar where you can get a better price, but jumping on a plane and flying to the Caribbean is rather costly.
If the goods you need is costly and you can justify the transportation costs, it would make perfect sense to take your business off shore.
Who's fault would that be? You're in business to make a profit, are you not?

Yet you bitch and moan that American corporations move factories to China and completely ignore the reasons why they do.
Walmart didn't build the infrastructure that they exploit to make billions in profits. But raising taxes for the Walton family is sacrilege to the rabid rightwingers.
Everyone "exploits" the infrastructure. You are free to utilize it to the same extent.
Everyone is entitled to police protection, 12 years of public school and the highway system. I am not free to utilize SNAP and 68 other means tested programs.

James Madison The Federalist Papers Federalist No. 45
Categories: Federalism
Date: January 26, 1788
The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several states will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the State.

You failed to answer the question as to why you refuse to raise taxes on those who are exploiting you in order to enrich themselves at your expense.
I believe I did.
Raising taxes on corporations serves only to raise the price they charge me for their goods and services.. In essence, it is government that is exploiting me while appealing to the envy of those that don't understand basic economics.
Corporate taxes are simply a cost of doing business, like rent and labor. The more tax I pay for the liquor I buy, the more your cocktail costs.
Now, I suppose you could look for another bar where you can get a better price, but jumping on a plane and flying to the Caribbean is rather costly.
If the goods you need is costly and you can justify the transportation costs, it would make perfect sense to take your business off shore.
Who's fault would that be? You're in business to make a profit, are you not?

Yet you bitch and moan that American corporations move factories to China and completely ignore the reasons why they do.

So you want to open that door do you?

Walmart and the Wall Street Casino Bosses drove the jobs offshore to 3rd world nations because they wanted ever greater profits and they squeezed manufacturers to the point where they had no option but to go offshore.

So it was profits, not taxes that sent those jobs offshore.

And no, you still haven't answered why you are not willing to raise taxes for the wealthy.
Profits yes. The cost of doing business in the US is staggering and high labor and corporate taxes are a big chunk of that cost.

Why won't I get on board with taxing the hell out of the wealthy? Because the wealthy pay the majority of the taxes already and reap the minority of the services paid for buy those taxes.
A rich guy like Mitt Romney pays say 10 million in taxes and a poor guy making 18K gets an EITC of a couple grand.
What does Romney get that my poor guy doesn't?
How can you justify the disparity?

Romney only paid a 20% tax rate.

What is your tax rate?

30% or higher?

How come he pays less than you do when all he did was destroy jobs and enrich the Wall Street Casino Bosses?

But thanks for disqualifying yourself on the topic of taxation.

Have a nice day.
Yet you bitch and moan that American corporations move factories to China and completely ignore the reasons why they do.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE][/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

The corporations left because tariffs were removed. Now, the greedy bastards can go to 3rd would countries exploit labor, pay no tariffs and fuck this country but good...then there's the illegals....
At what point did you start caring more for the greedy corporations than your home?

Why aren't YOU bitching?
I believe I did.
Raising taxes on corporations serves only to raise the price they charge me for their goods and services.. In essence, it is government that is exploiting me while appealing to the envy of those that don't understand basic economics.
Corporate taxes are simply a cost of doing business, like rent and labor. The more tax I pay for the liquor I buy, the more your cocktail costs.
Now, I suppose you could look for another bar where you can get a better price, but jumping on a plane and flying to the Caribbean is rather costly.
If the goods you need is costly and you can justify the transportation costs, it would make perfect sense to take your business off shore.
Who's fault would that be? You're in business to make a profit, are you not?

Yet you bitch and moan that American corporations move factories to China and completely ignore the reasons why they do.

So you want to open that door do you?

Walmart and the Wall Street Casino Bosses drove the jobs offshore to 3rd world nations because they wanted ever greater profits and they squeezed manufacturers to the point where they had no option but to go offshore.

So it was profits, not taxes that sent those jobs offshore.

And no, you still haven't answered why you are not willing to raise taxes for the wealthy.
Profits yes. The cost of doing business in the US is staggering and high labor and corporate taxes are a big chunk of that cost.

Why won't I get on board with taxing the hell out of the wealthy? Because the wealthy pay the majority of the taxes already and reap the minority of the services paid for buy those taxes.
A rich guy like Mitt Romney pays say 10 million in taxes and a poor guy making 18K gets an EITC of a couple grand.
What does Romney get that my poor guy doesn't?
How can you justify the disparity?

Romney only paid a 20% tax rate.

What is your tax rate?

30% or higher?

How come he pays less than you do when all he did was destroy jobs and enrich the Wall Street Casino Bosses?

But thanks for disqualifying yourself on the topic of taxation.

Have a nice day.
Actually, I pay less than 20%. I draw little or no salary (average $120/month for 2 security shifts) and collect Social Security.
I enjoy the same infrastructure and rights as Mr Romney and pay very little for it, but thanks for disqualifying yourself on the topic of reality.
My corporation pays a multitude of taxes and mandated fees (about 30% of gross) to federal and state governments. All of them are computed into the cost of doing business. I set my prices accordingly.
Yet you bitch and moan that American corporations move factories to China and completely ignore the reasons why they do.

The corporations left because tariffs were removed. Now, the greedy bastards can go to 3rd would countries exploit labor, pay no tariffs and fuck this country but good...then there's the illegals....
At what point did you start caring more for the greedy corporations than your home?

Why aren't YOU bitching?[/QUOTE]
I OWN a greedy corporation. Taxes and mandated fees make me want to move it overseas, but your beer would be warn and you'd bitch too much.
Yet you bitch and moan that American corporations move factories to China and completely ignore the reasons why they do.

The corporations left because tariffs were removed. Now, the greedy bastards can go to 3rd would countries exploit labor, pay no tariffs and fuck this country but good...then there's the illegals....
At what point did you start caring more for the greedy corporations than your home?

Why aren't YOU bitching?[/QUOTE]
I OWN a greedy corporation. Taxes and mandated fees make me want to move it overseas, but your beer would be warn and you'd bitch too much.[/QUOTE]

No, you don't own a corporation large enough to matter. I think we're talking about a different kind of corporation here. When your "corporation" has enough money to hire lobbyists to write laws, then you might have some actual perspective to contribute.
The middle class will never grow as long as Liberals keep moving up the poverty line.
Already, 47 or 48% of the population is defined as "poor". They nearly have a lock on the system. Give 6 million dreamers citizenship and the country will be 50% below the poverty line.

Who says that 47 or 48% of the population is defined as 'poor'?

Let me guess. You're taking Romney's '47%' remark. And them magically morphing that into a poverty rate. Or, and I really hope this isn't the're taking the 45 million Americans below the poverty line and morphing that into 47%.
The middle class will never grow as long as Liberals keep moving up the poverty line.
Already, 47 or 48% of the population is defined as "poor". They nearly have a lock on the system. Give 6 million dreamers citizenship and the country will be 50% below the poverty line.

Who says that 47 or 48% of the population is defined as 'poor'?

Let me guess. You're taking Romney's '47%' remark. And them magically morphing that into a poverty rate. Or, and I really hope this isn't the're taking the 45 million Americans below the poverty line and morphing that into 47%.
They qualify for an exemption from income taxes.
Define it any way you like. I'll use that definition.
The middle class will never grow as long as Liberals keep moving up the poverty line.
Already, 47 or 48% of the population is defined as "poor". They nearly have a lock on the system. Give 6 million dreamers citizenship and the country will be 50% below the poverty line.

Who says that 47 or 48% of the population is defined as 'poor'?

Let me guess. You're taking Romney's '47%' remark. And them magically morphing that into a poverty rate. Or, and I really hope this isn't the're taking the 45 million Americans below the poverty line and morphing that into 47%.
They qualify for an exemption from income taxes.
Define it any way you like. I'll use that definition.

The Poverty Line is a specific measure. Here is is:

2015 Poverty Guidelines

And it includes about 15% of the population. Not 47%. And yes, you did magically morph Romney's 47% into the Poverty Line. They aren't the same thing and they aren't even particularly related.

About half are in fact poor, earning less than $27,000. About a quarter of the of the "47%" are the retired. About 1/6th are middle class families with many kids and a large deduction for homeownership. About 7,000 among them have million dollar incomes but pay no taxes because of deductions. That you lump them all together as 'poor' doesn't denote much understanding as to what you're describing.

Oh, and even by your metric, its 43%

Now it s the 43 percent Fewer paying no income tax

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