Bernie Sanders Made $1 Million In 2016 Selling Socialism To College Kids

This pos literally makes me sick. If there's a bigger hypocrite/phony on this planet please let me know, because I'm at a loss.

Walters: Bernie Sanders Made More Than $1 Million in 2016 | Off Message

When do we get to the "fraud"/"hypocrite"/"phony" part?

Are you actually saying authors can't be paid for their work, or what?

Book publishers can't do promo tours on your planet? Retired people can't have retirement funds?


No...twit.....bernie is the one who complains endlessly about the rich 1% of the country not paying their fair share of he pays 90% of that money to the government.....then he won't be a hypocrite....

So AGAIN --- link to Sanders "not paying his fair share of taxes" --- is where?

Why do you wags keep banging yourselves in the head with the same tire iron?

How much should a millionaire like bernie pay...according to bernie...?

Making the Wealthy, Wall Street, and Large Corporations Pay their Fair Share - Bernie Sanders

  • 43% on income between $500,000 and $2 million.
From the other much did bernie actually pay.....

The deductions left Sanders and his wife paying $27,653 in federal income taxes in 2014, on a joint income of $205,271 — an effective federal tax rate of 13.5 percent. If that seems low to you, your instincts are right: According to the Tax Foundation, the average federal income-tax rate for a couple making $200,000 to $500,000 in 2014 was 15.2 percent. The “millionaires and billionaires” that Sanders is so fond of berating payed, on average, just more than twice as much of their income (27.4 percent) in federal taxes as he did.

Hey....pogo...twit....How much did bernie sanders say that people who make over 200,000 dollars a year should pay?

Do you know? What did Bernie say again about how much he should pay....?

  • 37% on income between $250,000 and $500,000.
How much did he pay again...on $205,271



I understand that a dishonest thread can't be defended. I get that.

But trying to shift the entire topic is equally dishonest.

The OP makes no mention of fucking "taxes". Nor does the blog it derives from without vetting. The thread is about the awful, scurrilous, "fraudulent" act of an author being paid for his work, which as we all know has never happened before in the history of earth, ever. The thread is about the "phony" and contemptible act of having the temerity to hold a retirement account, which Sanders' wife apparently invented since no one's ever heard of such a thing. That's all it is.

Mostly the thread is about an armchair moron coming across a blog, seeing a point he wished was true in its headline, and then posting it here without ever bothering to read it. Mostly it's about butthurt brought about by abject stupidity.
This pos literally makes me sick. If there's a bigger hypocrite/phony on this planet please let me know, because I'm at a loss.

Walters: Bernie Sanders Made More Than $1 Million in 2016 | Off Message

When do we get to the "fraud"/"hypocrite"/"phony" part?

Are you actually saying authors can't be paid for their work, or what?

Book publishers can't do promo tours on your planet? Retired people can't have retirement funds?


No...twit.....bernie is the one who complains endlessly about the rich 1% of the country not paying their fair share of he pays 90% of that money to the government.....then he won't be a hypocrite....

So AGAIN --- link to Sanders "not paying his fair share of taxes" --- is where?

Why do you wags keep banging yourselves in the head with the same tire iron?

How much should a millionaire like bernie pay...according to bernie...?

Making the Wealthy, Wall Street, and Large Corporations Pay their Fair Share - Bernie Sanders

  • 43% on income between $500,000 and $2 million.
From the other much did bernie actually pay.....

The deductions left Sanders and his wife paying $27,653 in federal income taxes in 2014, on a joint income of $205,271 — an effective federal tax rate of 13.5 percent. If that seems low to you, your instincts are right: According to the Tax Foundation, the average federal income-tax rate for a couple making $200,000 to $500,000 in 2014 was 15.2 percent. The “millionaires and billionaires” that Sanders is so fond of berating payed, on average, just more than twice as much of their income (27.4 percent) in federal taxes as he did.

Hey....pogo...twit....How much did bernie sanders say that people who make over 200,000 dollars a year should pay?

Do you know? What did Bernie say again about how much he should pay....?

  • 37% on income between $250,000 and $500,000.
How much did he pay again...on $205,271


Amazing that he has the cut off on the tax rates above what he makes....right? much do you think bernie thinks he should actually pay on $205,000? Do you think it is only 13.5%?

I don't think you understand how tax brackets work.
Bernie spent his honeymoon in the Soviet Union if you have any doubts about who's side he was on then. The same side Tedward Kennedy was on when he sided with Breshnev against Reagan. Look at Kerry...he was little more than a communist opportunist when he bedded a former colleague's wife and stole the dead man's fortune. The entire New England area is commisars and peons and Boston is the most racist city in the US.
This pos literally makes me sick. If there's a bigger hypocrite/phony on this planet please let me know, because I'm at a loss.

Walters: Bernie Sanders Made More Than $1 Million in 2016 | Off Message

When do we get to the "fraud"/"hypocrite"/"phony" part?

Are you actually saying authors can't be paid for their work, or what?

Book publishers can't do promo tours on your planet? Retired people can't have retirement funds?


Why does Bernie need $1MM -- in a single year!?

I have no idea what he "needs". Neither do you.
But I do know a publisher paying an author to write a book is legal, involves no "fraud" and is a normal thing. And I do know a retirement fund is legal, involves no "fraud" and is a normal thing. And I do know that poorly-planned threads quoting blogs they never stopped to think about whether it makes sense or not, IS "fraud", IS dishonest, and is unfortunately around here --- a normal thing.

Anything else?

So Bernie dollars are just worth more and holier than other dollars, is that it?
This pos literally makes me sick. If there's a bigger hypocrite/phony on this planet please let me know, because I'm at a loss.

Walters: Bernie Sanders Made More Than $1 Million in 2016 | Off Message

When do we get to the "fraud"/"hypocrite"/"phony" part?

Are you actually saying authors can't be paid for their work, or what?

lolwut The man rails against the rich and capitalism every chance he gets, you stooge.
Capitalism for them socialism for us. Apparently you have no problem with that. Sanders is the biggest piece of shit in politics.

So you have no answer.

"Fraud" -- nothing.
"Hypocrisy" --- nothing.
"Phony" --- nothing.

Again, exactly the answer I expected. Nothing but emotional butthurt.

"Phony" huh? Playing Mark David Chapman to Sanders' John Lennon are we?


The man is everything he rails against. I'm sorry I'm not dumb down for you what's self evident to everyone else. Run along and play. Go get.

He has promoted the Nordic economic model. There are rich and poor in the Nordic countries. He is allowed to be rich in what he has promoted. Of course compared to the Walton's he is still poor.
Why is he selling anything? That $1M should be distributed to the poor.
Why can´t he sell something?
Are you playing stupid or does it come naturally?
Do you think authors in socialism live from socialism alone? They need money, too.

Do they need $8 million dollar mansions?
I know that Bernie is a socialist on occasion. But there is no need to make a fool out of oneself by threads like this one.

I prefer Bender, anyway.


All that abandoned deserts...
Bernie is simply doing what all socialists do - tell everyone else must distribute their wealth while hoarding vast riches for themselves.
Since there are at least two topics on this, I can only assume the Tard Facebook Feed set off the red firebells over the tards' cots this morning.
And I went to get the latest Michael Moore documentary and the store said I had to pay for it!

Socialism is a profitable business for those who sell it to the masses — just look millionaires and billionaires like Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Bernie Sanders.

The Vermont Senator crisscrossed the country speaking to millions of millennials that have been shafted by student loan debt, a bad economy, and over regulation that has crippled their ability at achieving the American dream. While speaking to their ills and preaching about how more socialism will solve all their problems, Sanders netted more than a million dollars for himself, reported Seven Days Vermont.

His salary was drawn primarily from book sales, Sanders earned a $795,000 advance for Our Revolution and $63,750 for his upcoming children’s book Bernie Sanders’ Guide to a Political Revolution.

Bernie Sanders made $1 million in 2016 selling socialism to college kids
You people are so stupid when it comes to Sanders. Bernie is NOT anti-capitalist. It gets so old trying to explain his brand of socialism to you knuckle dragging republicans.
Why can´t he sell something?
Are you playing stupid or does it come naturally?
Do you think authors in socialism live from socialism alone? They need money, too.

Do they need $8 million dollar mansions?
I know that Bernie is a socialist on occasion. But there is no need to make a fool out of oneself by threads like this one.

I prefer Bender, anyway.


All that abandoned deserts...
Bernie is simply doing what all socialists do - tell everyone else must distribute their wealth while hoarding vast riches for themselves.

where in Bernie's platform is writing and selling books banned?
Totally usual that publishers pay in advance, if the author is expected to sell. Why are you crying and whining?
Why is he selling anything? That $1M should be distributed to the poor.
Why can´t he sell something?
Are you playing stupid or does it come naturally?

Bernie is the only good rich guy.

The rest are bad.

Like I said before:

Bernie Sanders is right. The Democratic Party is failing.

And we know this because the leading voice of the Democratic Party is a goddam commie who isn't even a registered Democrat.
Are you playing stupid or does it come naturally?
Do you think authors in socialism live from socialism alone? They need money, too.

Do they need $8 million dollar mansions?
I know that Bernie is a socialist on occasion. But there is no need to make a fool out of oneself by threads like this one.

I prefer Bender, anyway.


All that abandoned deserts...
Bernie is simply doing what all socialists do - tell everyone else must distribute their wealth while hoarding vast riches for themselves.

where in Bernie's platform is writing and selling books banned?
Bernie should write a hundred books, strawman boy.
Do you think authors in socialism live from socialism alone? They need money, too.

Do they need $8 million dollar mansions?
I know that Bernie is a socialist on occasion. But there is no need to make a fool out of oneself by threads like this one.

I prefer Bender, anyway.


All that abandoned deserts...
Bernie is simply doing what all socialists do - tell everyone else must distribute their wealth while hoarding vast riches for themselves.

where in Bernie's platform is writing and selling books banned?
Bernie should write a hundred books, strawman boy.

Was that a yes or a no?
And I went to get the latest Michael Moore documentary and the store said I had to pay for it!

Socialism is a profitable business for those who sell it to the masses — just look millionaires and billionaires like Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Bernie Sanders.

The Vermont Senator crisscrossed the country speaking to millions of millennials that have been shafted by student loan debt, a bad economy, and over regulation that has crippled their ability at achieving the American dream. While speaking to their ills and preaching about how more socialism will solve all their problems, Sanders netted more than a million dollars for himself, reported Seven Days Vermont.

His salary was drawn primarily from book sales, Sanders earned a $795,000 advance for Our Revolution and $63,750 for his upcoming children’s book Bernie Sanders’ Guide to a Political Revolution.

Bernie Sanders made $1 million in 2016 selling socialism to college kids
You people are so stupid when it comes to Sanders. Bernie is NOT anti-capitalist. It gets so old trying to explain his brand of socialism to you knuckle dragging republicans.
No socialist is anti capitalism when it comes to their own wallet.
Do they need $8 million dollar mansions?
I know that Bernie is a socialist on occasion. But there is no need to make a fool out of oneself by threads like this one.

I prefer Bender, anyway.


All that abandoned deserts...
Bernie is simply doing what all socialists do - tell everyone else must distribute their wealth while hoarding vast riches for themselves.

where in Bernie's platform is writing and selling books banned?
Bernie should write a hundred books, strawman boy.

Was that a yes or a no?
What was that, 20 people hold half the worlds wealth? Should they be banned from working?
And I went to get the latest Michael Moore documentary and the store said I had to pay for it!

Socialism is a profitable business for those who sell it to the masses — just look millionaires and billionaires like Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Bernie Sanders.

The Vermont Senator crisscrossed the country speaking to millions of millennials that have been shafted by student loan debt, a bad economy, and over regulation that has crippled their ability at achieving the American dream. While speaking to their ills and preaching about how more socialism will solve all their problems, Sanders netted more than a million dollars for himself, reported Seven Days Vermont.

His salary was drawn primarily from book sales, Sanders earned a $795,000 advance for Our Revolution and $63,750 for his upcoming children’s book Bernie Sanders’ Guide to a Political Revolution.

Bernie Sanders made $1 million in 2016 selling socialism to college kids
You people are so stupid when it comes to Sanders. Bernie is NOT anti-capitalist. It gets so old trying to explain his brand of socialism to you knuckle dragging republicans.
No socialist is anti capitalism when it comes to their own wallet.
He isn't a anti-capitalist in any sense. Christ.
And I went to get the latest Michael Moore documentary and the store said I had to pay for it!

Socialism is a profitable business for those who sell it to the masses — just look millionaires and billionaires like Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Bernie Sanders.

The Vermont Senator crisscrossed the country speaking to millions of millennials that have been shafted by student loan debt, a bad economy, and over regulation that has crippled their ability at achieving the American dream. While speaking to their ills and preaching about how more socialism will solve all their problems, Sanders netted more than a million dollars for himself, reported Seven Days Vermont.

His salary was drawn primarily from book sales, Sanders earned a $795,000 advance for Our Revolution and $63,750 for his upcoming children’s book Bernie Sanders’ Guide to a Political Revolution.

Bernie Sanders made $1 million in 2016 selling socialism to college kids
You people are so stupid when it comes to Sanders. Bernie is NOT anti-capitalist. It gets so old trying to explain his brand of socialism to you knuckle dragging republicans.

Lib please his entire campaign was about taking from the halves and giving their money to the moochers in exchange for votes.

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