Bernie Sanders Made $1 Million In 2016 Selling Socialism To College Kids

And I went to get the latest Michael Moore documentary and the store said I had to pay for it!

Socialism is a profitable business for those who sell it to the masses — just look millionaires and billionaires like Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Bernie Sanders.

The Vermont Senator crisscrossed the country speaking to millions of millennials that have been shafted by student loan debt, a bad economy, and over regulation that has crippled their ability at achieving the American dream. While speaking to their ills and preaching about how more socialism will solve all their problems, Sanders netted more than a million dollars for himself, reported Seven Days Vermont.

His salary was drawn primarily from book sales, Sanders earned a $795,000 advance for Our Revolution and $63,750 for his upcoming children’s book Bernie Sanders’ Guide to a Political Revolution.

Bernie Sanders made $1 million in 2016 selling socialism to college kids
You people are so stupid when it comes to Sanders. Bernie is NOT anti-capitalist. It gets so old trying to explain his brand of socialism to you knuckle dragging republicans.

Lib please his entire campaign was about taking from the halves and giving their money to the moochers in exchange for votes.
No actually. Under Bernie's tax plan, everyone's taxes would have gone up to pay for universal healthcare. That tax hike in turn would replace private insurance premiums people pay now.


And them we'd have a health care system comparable to Venezuela or Cuba
So do you just assume successful socialist healthcare systems in nations like Norway or Denmark are failures because you like to cherry pick systems like Venezuela? You are profoundly ignorant
No actually. Under Bernie's tax plan, everyone's taxes would have gone up to pay for universal healthcare. That tax hike in turn would replace private insurance premiums people pay now.
Under Bernies plan how much would taxes go up on someone earning $25K a year?

Game Over
Lol like $30 per month. That would have been in exchange for a single payer system. Duh.
More lies. They pay zero Fed taxes.
2/3 of corporations don't pay federal taxes because of the deductions they are entitled to.

Their employees pay gobs in federal taxes, tell the whole truth not half the truth.
Lol obviously corporate taxes is a completely separate issue from individual income tax you doofus.
And I went to get the latest Michael Moore documentary and the store said I had to pay for it!

Socialism is a profitable business for those who sell it to the masses — just look millionaires and billionaires like Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Bernie Sanders.

The Vermont Senator crisscrossed the country speaking to millions of millennials that have been shafted by student loan debt, a bad economy, and over regulation that has crippled their ability at achieving the American dream. While speaking to their ills and preaching about how more socialism will solve all their problems, Sanders netted more than a million dollars for himself, reported Seven Days Vermont.

His salary was drawn primarily from book sales, Sanders earned a $795,000 advance for Our Revolution and $63,750 for his upcoming children’s book Bernie Sanders’ Guide to a Political Revolution.

Bernie Sanders made $1 million in 2016 selling socialism to college kids
You people are so stupid when it comes to Sanders. Bernie is NOT anti-capitalist. It gets so old trying to explain his brand of socialism to you knuckle dragging republicans.

Lib please his entire campaign was about taking from the halves and giving their money to the moochers in exchange for votes.
No actually. Under Bernie's tax plan, everyone's taxes would have gone up to pay for universal healthcare. That tax hike in turn would replace private insurance premiums people pay now.


And them we'd have a health care system comparable to Venezuela or Cuba
So do you just assume successful socialist healthcare systems in nations like Norway or Denmark are failures because you like to cherry pick systems like Venezuela? You are profoundly ignorant

Norway and Denmark aren't really Socialist, Cuba and Venezuela really are.
And I went to get the latest Michael Moore documentary and the store said I had to pay for it!

Socialism is a profitable business for those who sell it to the masses — just look millionaires and billionaires like Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Bernie Sanders.

The Vermont Senator crisscrossed the country speaking to millions of millennials that have been shafted by student loan debt, a bad economy, and over regulation that has crippled their ability at achieving the American dream. While speaking to their ills and preaching about how more socialism will solve all their problems, Sanders netted more than a million dollars for himself, reported Seven Days Vermont.

His salary was drawn primarily from book sales, Sanders earned a $795,000 advance for Our Revolution and $63,750 for his upcoming children’s book Bernie Sanders’ Guide to a Political Revolution.

Bernie Sanders made $1 million in 2016 selling socialism to college kids
You people are so stupid when it comes to Sanders. Bernie is NOT anti-capitalist. It gets so old trying to explain his brand of socialism to you knuckle dragging republicans.

Lib please his entire campaign was about taking from the halves and giving their money to the moochers in exchange for votes.
No actually. Under Bernie's tax plan, everyone's taxes would have gone up to pay for universal healthcare. That tax hike in turn would replace private insurance premiums people pay now.


And them we'd have a health care system comparable to Venezuela or Cuba
So do you just assume successful socialist healthcare systems in nations like Norway or Denmark are failures because you like to cherry pick systems like Venezuela? You are profoundly ignorant

How much is your fantasy free healthcare for everyone going to cost? Or have you even determined if its possible to provide it? The left are legend for making promises they can't keep.
The earliest progressives in our nation that helped to move legislation for the benefit of workers was done by folks from wealthy families..
No actually. Under Bernie's tax plan, everyone's taxes would have gone up to pay for universal healthcare. That tax hike in turn would replace private insurance premiums people pay now.
Under Bernies plan how much would taxes go up on someone earning $25K a year?

Game Over
Lol like $30 per month. That would have been in exchange for a single payer system. Duh.
More lies. They pay zero Fed taxes.
2/3 of corporations don't pay federal taxes because of the deductions they are entitled to.
What's that have to do with Bernies love of Communism?
Yes, once again you dumbasses think communism and socialism are the same thing. Christ. Of course your first clue should be that Bernie's 2016 platform had NOTHING to do with communism.
You people are so stupid when it comes to Sanders. Bernie is NOT anti-capitalist. It gets so old trying to explain his brand of socialism to you knuckle dragging republicans.

Lib please his entire campaign was about taking from the halves and giving their money to the moochers in exchange for votes.
No actually. Under Bernie's tax plan, everyone's taxes would have gone up to pay for universal healthcare. That tax hike in turn would replace private insurance premiums people pay now.


And them we'd have a health care system comparable to Venezuela or Cuba
So do you just assume successful socialist healthcare systems in nations like Norway or Denmark are failures because you like to cherry pick systems like Venezuela? You are profoundly ignorant

How much is your fantasy free healthcare for everyone going to cost? Or have you even determined if its possible to provide it? The left are legend for making promises they can't keep.

It's free! It doesn't cost anything!
You people are so stupid when it comes to Sanders. Bernie is NOT anti-capitalist. It gets so old trying to explain his brand of socialism to you knuckle dragging republicans.

Lib please his entire campaign was about taking from the halves and giving their money to the moochers in exchange for votes.
No actually. Under Bernie's tax plan, everyone's taxes would have gone up to pay for universal healthcare. That tax hike in turn would replace private insurance premiums people pay now.


And them we'd have a health care system comparable to Venezuela or Cuba
So do you just assume successful socialist healthcare systems in nations like Norway or Denmark are failures because you like to cherry pick systems like Venezuela? You are profoundly ignorant

Norway and Denmark aren't really Socialist, Cuba and Venezuela really are.
Um no actually. You're just making shit up on the spot.
And I went to get the latest Michael Moore documentary and the store said I had to pay for it!

Socialism is a profitable business for those who sell it to the masses — just look millionaires and billionaires like Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Bernie Sanders.

The Vermont Senator crisscrossed the country speaking to millions of millennials that have been shafted by student loan debt, a bad economy, and over regulation that has crippled their ability at achieving the American dream. While speaking to their ills and preaching about how more socialism will solve all their problems, Sanders netted more than a million dollars for himself, reported Seven Days Vermont.

His salary was drawn primarily from book sales, Sanders earned a $795,000 advance for Our Revolution and $63,750 for his upcoming children’s book Bernie Sanders’ Guide to a Political Revolution.

Bernie Sanders made $1 million in 2016 selling socialism to college kids
You people are so stupid when it comes to Sanders. Bernie is NOT anti-capitalist. It gets so old trying to explain his brand of socialism to you knuckle dragging republicans.

Lib please his entire campaign was about taking from the halves and giving their money to the moochers in exchange for votes.
No actually. Under Bernie's tax plan, everyone's taxes would have gone up to pay for universal healthcare. That tax hike in turn would replace private insurance premiums people pay now.


And them we'd have a health care system comparable to Venezuela or Cuba
So do you just assume successful socialist healthcare systems in nations like Norway or Denmark are failures because you like to cherry pick systems like Venezuela? You are profoundly ignorant
Danish PM tells Bernie to stick it where the sun don't shine: Denmark is NOT a Socialist nation.

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist
Under Bernies plan how much would taxes go up on someone earning $25K a year?

Game Over
Lol like $30 per month. That would have been in exchange for a single payer system. Duh.
More lies. They pay zero Fed taxes.
2/3 of corporations don't pay federal taxes because of the deductions they are entitled to.

Their employees pay gobs in federal taxes, tell the whole truth not half the truth.
Lol obviously corporate taxes is a completely separate issue from individual income tax you doofus.

No dumb ass, without corporations you people would be fighting in the streets over food scraps. Just admit it, you are a corporation hating liberal, you probably don't even know why you were just told to hate them and you obeyed like a drone.
Totally usual that publishers pay in advance, if the author is expected to sell. Why are you crying and whining?
Why is he selling anything? That $1M should be distributed to the poor.
Why can´t he sell something?
Are you playing stupid or does it come naturally?
Do you think authors in socialism live from socialism alone? They need money, too.
Isn't that what the state exists for? To give us money. It is what the Bernster believes.

Only Repubs should be paid for working.

BUT, if a Dem/lib or god forbid, a Socialist gets paid, they should give it all to RWNJs cuz they're too damn lazy to earn their own money.


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Lib please his entire campaign was about taking from the halves and giving their money to the moochers in exchange for votes.
No actually. Under Bernie's tax plan, everyone's taxes would have gone up to pay for universal healthcare. That tax hike in turn would replace private insurance premiums people pay now.


And them we'd have a health care system comparable to Venezuela or Cuba
So do you just assume successful socialist healthcare systems in nations like Norway or Denmark are failures because you like to cherry pick systems like Venezuela? You are profoundly ignorant

Norway and Denmark aren't really Socialist, Cuba and Venezuela really are.
Um no actually. You're just making shit up on the spot.
You're a lousy liar.
Lib please his entire campaign was about taking from the halves and giving their money to the moochers in exchange for votes.
No actually. Under Bernie's tax plan, everyone's taxes would have gone up to pay for universal healthcare. That tax hike in turn would replace private insurance premiums people pay now.


And them we'd have a health care system comparable to Venezuela or Cuba
So do you just assume successful socialist healthcare systems in nations like Norway or Denmark are failures because you like to cherry pick systems like Venezuela? You are profoundly ignorant

How much is your fantasy free healthcare for everyone going to cost? Or have you even determined if its possible to provide it? The left are legend for making promises they can't keep.

It's free! It doesn't cost anything!

Tune in next week when the left promise worm hole travel to other galaxies.
You people are so stupid when it comes to Sanders. Bernie is NOT anti-capitalist. It gets so old trying to explain his brand of socialism to you knuckle dragging republicans.

Lib please his entire campaign was about taking from the halves and giving their money to the moochers in exchange for votes.
No actually. Under Bernie's tax plan, everyone's taxes would have gone up to pay for universal healthcare. That tax hike in turn would replace private insurance premiums people pay now.


And them we'd have a health care system comparable to Venezuela or Cuba
So do you just assume successful socialist healthcare systems in nations like Norway or Denmark are failures because you like to cherry pick systems like Venezuela? You are profoundly ignorant
Danish PM tells Bernie to stick it where the sun don't shine: Denmark is NOT a Socialist nation.

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist
Okay, what that PM is completely stupid. He is simply saying that Denmark is still a private economy. No shit. Bernie still advocates for a private economy. Nothing changes the fact that Denmark is a social democracy.
Lol like $30 per month. That would have been in exchange for a single payer system. Duh.
More lies. They pay zero Fed taxes.
2/3 of corporations don't pay federal taxes because of the deductions they are entitled to.

Their employees pay gobs in federal taxes, tell the whole truth not half the truth.
Lol obviously corporate taxes is a completely separate issue from individual income tax you doofus.

No dumb ass, without corporations you people would be fighting in the streets over food scraps. Just admit it, you are a corporation hating liberal, you probably don't even know why you were just told to hate them and you obeyed like a drone.
Your retardation knows no bounds. I never said I wanted to get rid of corporations.
This pos literally makes me sick. If there's a bigger hypocrite/phony on this planet please let me know, because I'm at a loss.

Walters: Bernie Sanders Made More Than $1 Million in 2016 | Off Message

When do we get to the "fraud"/"hypocrite"/"phony" part?

Are you actually saying authors can't be paid for their work, or what?

lolwut The man rails against the rich and capitalism every chance he gets, you stooge.
Capitalism for them socialism for us. Apparently you have no problem with that. Sanders is the biggest piece of shit in politics.


Liberals rail against 1%ers stealing from the poor.

And against dumbass RWNJs who worship them.

This is a stupid thread. It's an excuse for the spoiled, entitled RWNJs to whine that only other RWNJs should be paid for their work.

Like blowhard trump being paid more than a million for a speech about how wonderful he is is fine with you but Obama's or Clinton's getting big bucks for speeches is criminal.

Face facts. Right or left, people charge what the traffic will bear.


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You forget rule #1 of leftist scum, do as we say not as we do.
Yep. Look at the mansions every socialist leader has ever lived in.




Post a link, you whiny little twerp.


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Give me $1,000 for every Socislist leader living in more than 5,000 sq ft, I'll give you $10k for every one living in smaller homes.

Lib please his entire campaign was about taking from the halves and giving their money to the moochers in exchange for votes.
No actually. Under Bernie's tax plan, everyone's taxes would have gone up to pay for universal healthcare. That tax hike in turn would replace private insurance premiums people pay now.


And them we'd have a health care system comparable to Venezuela or Cuba
So do you just assume successful socialist healthcare systems in nations like Norway or Denmark are failures because you like to cherry pick systems like Venezuela? You are profoundly ignorant
Danish PM tells Bernie to stick it where the sun don't shine: Denmark is NOT a Socialist nation.

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist
Okay, what that PM is completely stupid. He is simply saying that Denmark is still a private economy. No shit. Bernie still advocates for a private economy. Nothing changes the fact that Denmark is a social democracy.
How many times you going to avoid reading the definition of socialism?

Bernie said he's a socialist, I believe him. Spent his honeymoon in the USSR, Marxist too.

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