Bernie Sanders pays his staff POVERTY WAGES! You can’t make this shit up lol

Bernie Sanders’ campaign workers complaining, fleeing over ‘poverty wages’: report

Come on come on! You can’t make this shot up! He screams at all these job creators for not paying a “fair wage” and he pays his staff poverty wages lol

Who do you have left democrats that everyone isn’t laughing at lol

Of course he's a two-faced piece of shit. Why is anybody surprised he's a phony? All of the Democrats are. Wasn't that long ago when when several of their top pols got exposed for their criminal illegal alien live-in maids they were paying $600 a month or so for 24/7 duties, and of course not paying Social Security or any other payroll taxes on their servant slaves pittance. You think al those movie industry Democrat types in Beverly Hills and other enclaves are hiring American citizens to keep their house clean and their yards manicured? Think they even paid them minimum wage ever?
Can you imagine if Bernie had any power!? What he would have done to these people speaking out embarrassing him, and his propaganda. Death! Jail! Whips!
Simple is always better................

Leftist are Full of SHIT.......
These types of issues are why the DNC will not allow a debate on Fox. CNN will not be asking Bernie about why he doesn't pay his campaign staff a living wage, or why he voluntarily took advantage of tax cuts for the rich that he voted against.
These types of issues are why the DNC will not allow a debate on Fox. CNN will not be asking Bernie about why he doesn't pay his campaign staff a living wage, or why he voluntarily took advantage of tax cuts for the rich that he voted against.
Of course they won’t ask him any questions.. it’s the propaganda wing
Bernie Sanders’ campaign workers complaining, fleeing over ‘poverty wages’: report

Come on come on! You can’t make this shot up! He screams at all these job creators for not paying a “fair wage” and he pays his staff poverty wages lol
WTF is it with lefties and their obsession with being hypocritical? Did Bernie think no one would notice?

“We know our campaign offers wages and benefits competitive with other campaigns, as is shown by the latest fundraising reports,” - Faiz Shakir, Sander's campaign mgr.

But not a "living wage." Oh.

Do you think it will be an issue at next week's debate or are the other candidates equally hypocritical?
They're having another sound bite rally? Why? The last one cost them millions of votes. lol
They're having another sound bite rally? Why? The last one cost them millions of votes. lol
What channel??

I have no idea. I didn't watch the last ones, just waited and found out here what the morons peddled. they're irrelevant now politically; their only route to 'success' are criminal ones at this point, they're just a gang of assorted deviants and traitors now, with some legacy roots in the big bureaucracies and the Federal courts. They will sooner or later wear out any tolerance for them left in this country, and we can start deporting them somewhere they'll be happy, like Sudan or Somalia, places that fit their sociopathic agendas and culture
So where is the MSM on this ? I mean we have all networks getting worked up about
"Send her Back" ... but nothing about "Bernie refuses $15/hour pay"!
According to The Washington Post, some members of Sanders' campaign team have been lobbying to raise their wages so that they make the $15 hourly rate that the Vermont senator has frequently called for both on the campaign trail and in Washington D.C.

Sanders campaign battles with staff demanding $15 hourly pay - which the candidate says should be federal minimum
So where is the MSM on this ? I mean we have all networks getting worked up about
"Send her Back" ... but nothing about "Bernie refuses $15/hour pay"!
According to The Washington Post, some members of Sanders' campaign team have been lobbying to raise their wages so that they make the $15 hourly rate that the Vermont senator has frequently called for both on the campaign trail and in Washington D.C.

Sanders campaign battles with staff demanding $15 hourly pay - which the candidate says should be federal minimum

Yep, unionize the staff (mistake #1), 60 hours a week - put them on salary....sounds like socialism.
Maybe Bernie should consider giving them a bunch of FREE SHIT....
Because Bernie and the rest of these Dem's are lying phonies that's why. Its the Dem party motto, do as we say not as we do. And millions of idiots buy into the nonsense these Dem's are promising.

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