Bernie Sanders pays his staff POVERTY WAGES! You can’t make this shit up lol

Socialism, at it's core, is a group of elites telling other people what to do...and not doing it themselves....

Millionaire socialist Bernie Sanders is a socialist who is demanding that all employers pay their workers $15 dollars an hour regardless of the type of work they do.......and he refuses to pay his campaign workers $15 dollars an hour for the work they do for him...because $15 dollars an hour is a lot of money to answer phones for a millionaire socialist...

Question.....does Bernie Sanders pay for healthcare for all of his campaign workers...and if not, why not?

Unionized Staff Is Making Sanders Campaign Feel The Bern On Minimum Wage Hypocrisy

Sen. Bernie Sanders is one of the many faces that make up the progressive left within the Democratic Party. He’s an unapologetic democratic socialist. He has an economic agenda that would cost us trillions of dollars. And he’s staunchly pro-labor union. That is until his campaign staff starts making demands for better pay, right? Yeah, it seems so. The Sanders campaign has unionized and is demanding $15/hour for staff nationwide and so far the left-wing candidate’s leadership is silent on the matter. You just can’t make this up. The far left guy unionizes the staff, makes minimum wage hikes part of the campaign platform, and then decides to slow walk paying his own staff the wage he wants to enact nationwide for workers as president. Excuse me while I grab some popcorn
Socialism, at it's core, is a group of elites telling other people what to do...and not doing it themselves....

Millionaire socialist Bernie Sanders is a socialist who is demanding that all employers pay their workers $15 dollars an hour regardless of the type of work they do.......and he refuses to pay his campaign workers $15 dollars an hour for the work they do for him...because $15 dollars an hour is a lot of money to answer phones for a millionaire socialist...

Question.....does Bernie Sanders pay for healthcare for all of his campaign workers...and if not, why not?

Unionized Staff Is Making Sanders Campaign Feel The Bern On Minimum Wage Hypocrisy

Sen. Bernie Sanders is one of the many faces that make up the progressive left within the Democratic Party. He’s an unapologetic democratic socialist. He has an economic agenda that would cost us trillions of dollars. And he’s staunchly pro-labor union. That is until his campaign staff starts making demands for better pay, right? Yeah, it seems so. The Sanders campaign has unionized and is demanding $15/hour for staff nationwide and so far the left-wing candidate’s leadership is silent on the matter. You just can’t make this up. The far left guy unionizes the staff, makes minimum wage hikes part of the campaign platform, and then decides to slow walk paying his own staff the wage he wants to enact nationwide for workers as president. Excuse me while I grab some popcorn

Under socialism, the government enslaves the middle class and the ruling elites live like royalty. Bernie thinks that he is royalty and he wants the taxpayers to pay his bills.
WOW, not paying them $15/hr. That's slavery. Bernie is a slave owner!!
These workers are salaried. So, when they work extra hours (over 40), their hourly average calculates to less than $15/hr. They are demnading more pay to compensate for these extra hours. I don't blame them.
Salaried employees are exempt employees. This means they are exempt from the overtime rules outlined by the Fair Labor Standards Act. For this reason, employers do not generally keep track of the number of hours worked by salaried employees or compensate them for extra hours worked.
Salaried employees are exempt employees. This means they are exempt from the overtime rules outlined by the Fair Labor Standards Act. For this reason, employers do not generally keep track of the number of hours worked by salaried employees or compensate them for extra hours worked.

If they are salary workers, how can they demand 15 bucks an hour? Are they demanding to be paid by the hour?

Salary is a way for employers to screw employees. It's been known for years, and that's why Bernie is doing it.

But you know, there is a solution to all this. Bernie could increase their salary to equal 15 bucks an hour. Why is he not doing that?
I've always hated that rabbit-faced, delirious pig Bernie Sanders just as much as I hate Hilarious Hillary. I could see instantly that old Islam-cocksucking, Communism-praising fuckbag was faker than a $6 bill. What socialists like the Bernie fucker are all about is they THEMSELVES getting rich and living high on the hog......while all the peasants underneath them live in equal poverty. Sanders is every bit the wretched, America-hating, non-lifeform that the rest of the liberal swampy pond-ooze are.
I've always hated that rabbit-faced, delirious pig Bernie Sanders just as much as I hate Hilarious Hillary. I could see instantly that old Islam-cocksucking, Communism-praising fuckbag was faker than a $6 bill. What socialists like the Bernie fucker are all about is they THEMSELVES getting rich and living high on the hog......while all the peasants underneath them live in equal poverty. Sanders is every bit the wretched, America-hating, non-lifeform that the rest of the liberal swampy pond-ooze are.

Reminds me of when Hillary was found to be paying her male staff more than her female staff.

Democrats are hypocrites; every last one of them.
I've always hated that rabbit-faced, delirious pig Bernie Sanders just as much as I hate Hilarious Hillary. I could see instantly that old Islam-cocksucking, Communism-praising fuckbag was faker than a $6 bill. What socialists like the Bernie fucker are all about is they THEMSELVES getting rich and living high on the hog......while all the peasants underneath them live in equal poverty. Sanders is every bit the wretched, America-hating, non-lifeform that the rest of the liberal swampy pond-ooze are.

Reminds me of when Hillary was found to be paying her male staff more than her female staff.

Democrats are hypocrites; every last one of them.

So did the Obamaggot, if I remember correctly. Never in my life have I seen such Freudian projection on the part of Democrats ever since that purple-lipped, inverted-crucifix-nosed, self-righteous, dead-eyed, carpet-haired, coke-headed lecturer-in-chief Islamic human condom slithered into the WH. Always, always, ALWAYS accusing Republicans of things that they are orders of magnitude guiltier of themselves.
I've always hated that rabbit-faced, delirious pig Bernie Sanders just as much as I hate Hilarious Hillary. I could see instantly that old Islam-cocksucking, Communism-praising fuckbag was faker than a $6 bill. What socialists like the Bernie fucker are all about is they THEMSELVES getting rich and living high on the hog......while all the peasants underneath them live in equal poverty. Sanders is every bit the wretched, America-hating, non-lifeform that the rest of the liberal swampy pond-ooze are.

Reminds me of when Hillary was found to be paying her male staff more than her female staff.

Democrats are hypocrites; every last one of them.

So did the Obamaggot, if I remember correctly. Never in my life have I seen such Freudian projection on the part of Democrats ever since that purple-lipped, inverted-crucifix-nosed, self-righteous, dead-eyed, carpet-haired, coke-headed lecturer-in-chief Islamic human condom slithered into the WH. Always, always, ALWAYS accusing Republicans of things that they are orders of magnitude guiltier of themselves.

yup, Democrats are more racist than that. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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