Bernie Sanders says Canadian health system sets ‘strong example’ for U.S.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
He meets with the leader of the most sub borrowing jurisdiction on the planet in Premier Kathleen Wynne of Ontario. Hillary Clinton also met her a couple of years ago.

Any credibility you thought Bernie Sanders had, you can now through that out the window. I had an outright torn muscle misdiagnosed and a second doctor ignoring the recommendation of a first doctor. My wife has waited nearly a year to get in for a consulation regarding a knee replacement People are dying in the hallway of hospitals.

Next you will hear Bernie remind us of his love for Venezuela. Socialists stick together until the end.

Bernie Sanders says Canadian health system sets ‘strong example’ for U.S.

U.S Sen. Bernie Sanders says Canada's healthcare system an innovative and strong example that the U.S. can learn from.

The former presidential hopeful was speaking at an event held by the University of Toronto, which sold out within seconds of tickets being released online.

Sanders, who ran an unsuccessful campaign to become the Democratic nominee for president in 2016, has been in Canada for the past week to learn more about how Canada's universal healthcare system works.

The socialist senator introduced a bill last month to bring Canadian-style, single-payer health care to the United States.

He says no country in the world will have a perfect system, but that it's his job to ask hard questions to make the American system as efficient as possible.

He likened his movement to establish universal health care to the civil rights and gay rights movements of the 20th century.
Why do few in the media point out offering the citizenry free stuff, is a terribly disingenuous tactic to win votes from the uninformed?

And...why don’t they point out that Obama’s trillions given to cronies and boondoggles, could have paid for a lot of HC?
Why do few in the media point out offering the citizenry free stuff, is a terribly disingenuous tactic to win votes from the uninformed?

And...why don’t they point out that Obama’s trillions given to cronies and boondoggles, could have paid for a lot of HC?

The problem is that socialists like Bernie throw around the word "free". From another article on his visit, in which I am too lazy to search for now, he stated just that, "you mean that procedure is free?"

There is no such thing as a free lunch. You can be sure the many thousands sitting in a hallway and expiring, or the year long wait people sometimes have for an MRI are not happy that they only have access to healthcare in theory. Actual delivering of quality services is another thing altogether, take it from me. Of course, there is excessive state interference in the lives of citizens, picking and choosing who deserves healthcare and who doesn't.

Bernie belief system runs counter to what has made America so successful and why everyone wants to head there for liberty and to pursue their dreams. Maybe when he is here he can ask Kathleen about home hydro prices which have doubled and set to triple by 2020, thanks to government interference and massive failed subsidies. Or the multiple billion dollar gifts given to failed windmill businesses. Or the $300B+ debt of a province of 14 million.

These two would make great team. Neither should be leading government in my opinion.
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New poll shows Canadians overwhelmingly support public health care
Group says advocates of private system are out of touch with most Canadians

In a last-ditch effort to convince Canadians that their public health care system should be privatized, Canadian Medical Association (CMA) President Robert Ouellet has promised to “pull out all the stops” during the association’s annual meeting next week. Trouble is, Ouellet’s mission to lead the change to privatization is exactly the opposite of what 86 percent of Canadians want.

A new poll conducted by the Toronto-based Nanos Research points to overwhelming support — 86.2 percent — for strengthening public health care rather than expanding for-profit services.

“With more than 8 in 10 Canadians supporting public solutions to make public health care stronger, there is compelling evidence that Canadians across all demographics would prefer a public over a for-profit health care system,” said Nik Nanos, president of Nanos Research.

Nanos Research was commissioned by the Canadian Health Coalition (CHC), a nonpartisan group that supports Canada’s public health system, to conduct a random telephone survey of 1,001 Canadians between April 25 and May 3. The margin of accuracy for a sample of 1,001 is ±3.1 percentage points.

Meanwhile, Canada’s government just released a report titled “Healthy Canadians — A Federal Report on Comparable Health Indicators 2008.” Its findings almost identically mirror the CHC polling results. In that report, a leading indicator points to the fact that “Most Canadians (85.2 percent) aged 15 years and older reported being ‘very satisfied’ or ‘somewhat satisfied’ with the way overall health care services were provided, unchanged from 2005.”

New poll shows Canadians overwhelmingly support public health care

Ask the man that owns one
If Sanders was a republican he would have been hounded to death by the media when it was revealed that baseball assassin James Hodgkinson was a high profile Sanders supporter. Was there any e-mail connection between the Sanders people and Hodgkinson? Was Hodgkinson supported by democrats during the month he lived in D.C. planning to murder every conservative representative? Who wrote the list of other republicans targeted for assassination found in Hodgkinson's pocket after he was shot to death by heroic Police Officers? It was only a couple of months ago but the liberal media buried the story faster than they buried Hodgkinson.
He meets with the leader of the most sub borrowing jurisdiction on the planet in Premier Kathleen Wynne of Ontario. Hillary Clinton also met her a couple of years ago.

Any credibility you thought Bernie Sanders had, you can now through that out the window. I had an outright torn muscle misdiagnosed and a second doctor ignoring the recommendation of a first doctor. My wife has waited nearly a year to get in for a consulation regarding a knee replacement People are dying in the hallway of hospitals.

Next you will hear Bernie remind us of his love for Venezuela. Socialists stick together until the end.

Bernie Sanders says Canadian health system sets ‘strong example’ for U.S.

U.S Sen. Bernie Sanders says Canada's healthcare system an innovative and strong example that the U.S. can learn from.

The former presidential hopeful was speaking at an event held by the University of Toronto, which sold out within seconds of tickets being released online.

Sanders, who ran an unsuccessful campaign to become the Democratic nominee for president in 2016, has been in Canada for the past week to learn more about how Canada's universal healthcare system works.

The socialist senator introduced a bill last month to bring Canadian-style, single-payer health care to the United States.

He says no country in the world will have a perfect system, but that it's his job to ask hard questions to make the American system as efficient as possible.

He likened his movement to establish universal health care to the civil rights and gay rights movements of the 20th century.
The problems is that there's an major increase of health issues.In order for their healthcare system to work, that they must get rid of the problem that is increasing the health problems. In 2003, Canada was working on reforming their system due to that a lot of money was being spent in that area. And at that time, something else was becoming popular.

"Father" of Canadian Health Care Admits its a Failure | Civitas Review

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