Bernie Sanders sells out on auditing the Fed


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent, said on Thursday he has narrowed his proposal to expose the Federal Reserve's use of its emergency lending authority in the 2008-2009 financial crisis.

U.S. senator says narrows his Fed audit amendment | Reuters

Basically Sanders is giving Dodd, Obama, and Bernanke exactly what they want. Pass something they can say will increase transparency, but really won't tell us anything.
Color me surprised :rolleyes:

Well I'm certainly surprised. I mean if we take the word of some posters on this board the Federal Reserve is a bastion of capitalism and free market economics, you'd think a self-professed socialist like Bernie Sanders would want to find out what they're doing.

Gee...You don't think that there was....maaayyyyyyybe.... a little kickback in it for tovarich Bernie, do ya? :eusa_whistle:

This assumes this whole bill was even a legit endeavor to BEGIN with.

I say his bluff was called, so he's folding.
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent, said on Thursday he has narrowed his proposal to expose the Federal Reserve's use of its emergency lending authority in the 2008-2009 financial crisis.

U.S. senator says narrows his Fed audit amendment | Reuters

Basically Sanders is giving Dodd, Obama, and Bernanke exactly what they want. Pass something they can say will increase transparency, but really won't tell us anything.

Politics is the art of compromise, and if you were around in the 1700s, and you had power, we'd never have become the United States of America. For all your protest about loving and admiring the Constitution and the Founding Fathers, your actions speak of contempt for the very things they accomplished and how.
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent, said on Thursday he has narrowed his proposal to expose the Federal Reserve's use of its emergency lending authority in the 2008-2009 financial crisis.

U.S. senator says narrows his Fed audit amendment | Reuters

Basically Sanders is giving Dodd, Obama, and Bernanke exactly what they want. Pass something they can say will increase transparency, but really won't tell us anything.

Politics is the art of compromise, and if you were around in the 1700s, and you had power, we'd never have become the United States of America. For all your protest about loving and admiring the Constitution and the Founding Fathers, your actions speak of contempt for the very things they accomplished and how.


U.S. senator says narrows his Fed audit amendment | Reuters

Basically Sanders is giving Dodd, Obama, and Bernanke exactly what they want. Pass something they can say will increase transparency, but really won't tell us anything.

Politics is the art of compromise, and if you were around in the 1700s, and you had power, we'd never have become the United States of America. For all your protest about loving and admiring the Constitution and the Founding Fathers, your actions speak of contempt for the very things they accomplished and how.



Who are you channeling now, Mother Theresa? :eek:
Politics is the art of compromise, and if you were around in the 1700s, and you had power, we'd never have become the United States of America. For all your protest about loving and admiring the Constitution and the Founding Fathers, your actions speak of contempt for the very things they accomplished and how.



Who are you channeling now, Mother Theresa? :eek:

Just seeking the strength to avoid stepping into that quagmire with you.

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