Bernie Sanders Storms Sunday Morning And Drops A Liberal Bomb On Fox News

Is Sanders still registered socialist or couldn't he get enough support? I think he is registered independent these days. Maybe the radical left doesn't understand the fair and balanced media. Sanders didn't "storm" Fox. He was invited. Too bad the liberal media doesn't extend the same courtesy to conservatives. Sanders is a one trick pony.
Chris Wallace's only goal in that interview was to get a sound bite that fox and talk radio could later use against Hillary. He failed miserably. Sanders was just too smart for him, and was able to keep the subject on important things. If Chris would have paid more attention to his daddy, he would have been a much better journalist, and wouldn't have had to wallow in the mud at fox. He could have been a real reporter.
Chris Wallace isn't a 'journalist,' just as Fox isn't 'news.'
Sorry. FoxNews is the most listened to news and beats all the competition.
Chris Wallace's only goal in that interview was to get a sound bite that fox and talk radio could later use against Hillary. He failed miserably. Sanders was just too smart for him, and was able to keep the subject on important things. If Chris would have paid more attention to his daddy, he would have been a much better journalist, and wouldn't have had to wallow in the mud at fox. He could have been a real reporter.
Chris Wallace isn't a 'journalist,' just as Fox isn't 'news.'
Sorry. FoxNews is the most listened to news and beats all the competition.

Sure. We all know that is the right winger's motto and you repeat it often. It's appropriate since the fox motto is "Fair and Balanced" , and both are nothing more than right wing lies.
I like Colonel Sanders better ... Just saying ... We agreed the wing is the best piece of chicken.


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