Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Party, Trump & November

I think there are plenty of sane Democrats out there, just as there are plenty of sane Republicans.

The problem is that they're being buried by the maniacs, because it's the maniacs who get virtually all the attention.

The Democrats and the media buried the "sane Republicans". The attacks on Mitt Romney and McCain as well as the Bush Family, calling them "hitler" and everything else, have made all of them basically unelectable.

OTOH, the Democrats have also buried the "sane Democrats". Guys like Joe Lieberman are routinely attacked as being "out of touch" with the party and worse, merely for TALKING in a civil way to GOP'ers.
You seriously don't see Romney and McCain being attacked by the GOP?

Do you remember the celebration over "I prefer people who aren't captured"?

That was a Donald Trump Counterpunch.

McCain attacked Trump's Supporters as "crazies", and Trump returned fire against the Pathetic Loser. BTW, McCain never forgave President Trump for winning, even after he died Trump was banned from the funeral.
Whatever you guys want to call it, it illustrates my point.

Trump realized that he had to fight back to have a chance. If he had let people attack him without response- like Romney and McCain did in the previous elections, he would have been just like them, a Pathetic Loser. The choice wasn't between a "civilized" Trump Presidency and an "uncivilized" one.

It was a choice between the radical left or Trump Fighting Back.
I was listening to a short interview with Bernie Sanders yesterday, and the interviewer asked him how he was going to come up with the $60 TRILLION over ten years that he has promised out.

Anyway, to make a long story short, his answer was something less than clear or compelling. It did include raising taxes on Those Evil Corporations. As with some other Democrats, Sanders appears to be stuck in the 60's, before we were operating in a hyper-competitive global economy. Anyway, that stuff is for a different thread.

Taking a general look at the polls, and a look at the current crop of Democratic candidates, and the base of the Democratic party, those of us who aren't exactly fans of Trump or Trumpism might be getting a little nervous right about now. The Democratic party pretty much lost its shit when Trump won (that's also for another thread) and it does not appear to have located its shit in the interim.

The potential effects of Trump's actions in the subsequent four years pale in comparison (probably) to what happens in our Supreme Court and lower courts. I probably don't have to expand on that. But that's looming out there, pretty clearly.

These are serious times. If the Democrat party doesn't shit-can its loonier elements pretty quickly and clearly, it's possible that this November ain't gonna be good for non-Trumpsters.

There's today's rant. You're nuts for getting this far.

Why Mac I appreciate the fact you noticed the insanity of finish reading any threads on this wonderful site...

Now with that written just remember when Reagan won he was Radical and now is considered moderate in today time to a RINO for those that worship at the altar of Trump...

Back when William Jefferson Blythe III won against George H.W. Bush many called Slick a communist nutter, and today he would be consider a blue dog Democrat...

So my point?

Simple, gone are the moderate voter for the Democratic Party and what is replacing them are the Cortez, Talib and Sanders and yes you should be scared to death!


On the flipside Trump and those like Trump should also scare the shit out of many but when you have lunatics like Cortez, Schiff and Waters leading the charge for the left, well shit Mac you then realize the crazies have taken over the mental ward!

Sooner or later America will add Socialist to it United States of America which will make it the United Socialist States of America... Right about when Cortez is elected as President...


AOC, Talib....first term congresswomen from Democratic strongholds.

Sanders? A do-nothing senator from Vermont who has zero signature legislation.

I don't think that qualifies as examples of a political party going off the rails. You'd do better to point out the looney ideas to sieze guns, pay reparations, support every moronic "green new deal" policy that comes up. While the basis of these programs are set in good intentions---

We have to do something about guns
We have to do something about the environment

The conflation of the good intentions veers wildly to the left.

I always point it out when talking about the left...but the first thing you do when you get shot at in a school is call the police...guys with take out the guy with a gun shooting up your school. But when asked if they favor having an armed security officer on campus...the idiots say no. Its crazy.

I am not against armed security at the Schools or metal detectors either...

Sanders is most likely winning New Hampshire and Iowa which mean he is a real candidate for the left.

Also stop using Hillary Clinton talking points please or is that you Hillary?

Hillary Clinton talking points?

The spill you wrote is from Hillary Clinton especially the part about Sanders...

What, you thought I would not read what she says?


I just know I didn’t.
I think there are plenty of sane Democrats out there, just as there are plenty of sane Republicans.

The problem is that they're being buried by the maniacs, because it's the maniacs who get virtually all the attention.

The Democrats and the media buried the "sane Republicans". The attacks on Mitt Romney and McCain as well as the Bush Family, calling them "hitler" and everything else, have made all of them basically unelectable.

OTOH, the Democrats have also buried the "sane Democrats". Guys like Joe Lieberman are routinely attacked as being "out of touch" with the party and worse, merely for TALKING in a civil way to GOP'ers.
You seriously don't see Romney and McCain being attacked by the GOP?

Do you remember the celebration over "I prefer people who aren't captured"?

That was a Donald Trump Counterpunch.

McCain attacked Trump's Supporters as "crazies", and Trump returned fire against the Pathetic Loser. BTW, McCain never forgave President Trump for winning, even after he died Trump was banned from the funeral.
Whatever you guys want to call it, it illustrates my point.

Trump realized that he had to fight back to have a chance. If he had let people attack him without response- like Romney and McCain did in the previous elections, he would have been just like them, a Pathetic Loser. The choice wasn't between a "civilized" Trump Presidency and an "uncivilized" one.

It was a choice between the radical left or Trump Fighting Back.

Those losers are so pathetic. TRUMP 2020.
I think there are plenty of sane Democrats out there, just as there are plenty of sane Republicans.

The problem is that they're being buried by the maniacs, because it's the maniacs who get virtually all the attention.

The Democrats and the media buried the "sane Republicans". The attacks on Mitt Romney and McCain as well as the Bush Family, calling them "hitler" and everything else, have made all of them basically unelectable.

OTOH, the Democrats have also buried the "sane Democrats". Guys like Joe Lieberman are routinely attacked as being "out of touch" with the party and worse, merely for TALKING in a civil way to GOP'ers.
You seriously don't see Romney and McCain being attacked by the GOP?

Do you remember the celebration over "I prefer people who aren't captured"?
McCain was a RINO establishment type guy who the Dems loved to Hate.....then Loved to Love ........Love me not .....and so on.........He is example of why there should be Term Limits......

Romney has shown his true colors.............and he's firmly with the establishment.......He lost a Presidential because HE PLAYED NICELY.........which is EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT FROM THE GOP.

Does the Far LEFT PLAY NICELY..........NO THEY DON'T.

Sometimes call those CALLING OUT THE FAR LEFT as a TRIBE......well if you are in NO MANS LAND as you state..........LOL........Then I suggest YOU DUCK.........

We ARE OVER BEING NICE to the FAR LEFT from what they have become.

Which only proves my point that the crazies that support Trump ARE the Republican party now. Democrats and the media didn't bury moderate Republicans, the fringe of right wing did. If you are calling moderates like McCain and Romney RINO's, the Republican party is in deep you know what. Trump's base hasn't increased since the day he got elected. If he and his supporters succeed in driving off the independent voters (that will decide the election in November) then that will be a feat I never would have thought possible in my lifetime....Trump will have destroyed the Republican party. Something that no Democrat (or group of Democratic party candidates) could have achieved.

Well, we'll see what happens. Sleepy Joe or Crazy Bernie will get the nomination and put forward their Far Left bullshit up for a vote in November. If the people from enough states want it, that's what we'll have. Otherwise, we won't.
I think there are plenty of sane Democrats out there, just as there are plenty of sane Republicans.

The problem is that they're being buried by the maniacs, because it's the maniacs who get virtually all the attention.

The Democrats and the media buried the "sane Republicans". The attacks on Mitt Romney and McCain as well as the Bush Family, calling them "hitler" and everything else, have made all of them basically unelectable.

OTOH, the Democrats have also buried the "sane Democrats". Guys like Joe Lieberman are routinely attacked as being "out of touch" with the party and worse, merely for TALKING in a civil way to GOP'ers.
You seriously don't see Romney and McCain being attacked by the GOP?

Do you remember the celebration over "I prefer people who aren't captured"?
McCain was a RINO establishment type guy who the Dems loved to Hate.....then Loved to Love ........Love me not .....and so on.........He is example of why there should be Term Limits......

Romney has shown his true colors.............and he's firmly with the establishment.......He lost a Presidential because HE PLAYED NICELY.........which is EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT FROM THE GOP.

Does the Far LEFT PLAY NICELY..........NO THEY DON'T.

Sometimes call those CALLING OUT THE FAR LEFT as a TRIBE......well if you are in NO MANS LAND as you state..........LOL........Then I suggest YOU DUCK.........

We ARE OVER BEING NICE to the FAR LEFT from what they have become.

Which only proves my point that the crazies that support Trump ARE the Republican party now. Democrats and the media didn't bury moderate Republicans, the fringe of right wing did. If you are calling moderates like McCain and Romney RINO's, the Republican party is in deep you know what. Trump's base hasn't increased since the day he got elected. If he and his supporters succeed in driving off the independent voters (that will decide the election in November) then that will be a feat I never would have thought possible in my lifetime....Trump will have destroyed the Republican party. Something that no Democrat (or group of Democratic party candidates) could have achieved.
They aren't moderates.........they ARE THE ESTABLISHMENT....who have been lining their pockets and their faimily pockets for think they all get into the millionaires club by accident.......You think they don't get rich or get family members rich by their influence..........

That is a problem on both complain because we want them gone......CALL THEM MODERATE........that is you wanting our politicians to APPEASE your policies....

When your party goes back to being JFK Dems.......get back to me.........The Dems have also weaponized the gov't agencies SUPPOSED to SERVE THE PEOPLE........Not ATTACK THE PEOPLE.

This is why HILLARY LOST.......and Trump Won............and you don't get it........the people are Fed up with the Career politicians........
Here's the thing. People NEVER take into account that his Medicare for all costs that will raise a person's income taxes, will be offset by the fact they will NO LONGER have medical insurance costs coming out of their paychecks. It is just rerouted to a different place and it means companies, including a LOT of small businesses will then no longer pay to give their employees insurance and can pass that savings down to their employees in their wages, or they will be able to afford to hire more workers with the money. Then the Medicare for all will also lower prescription prices which saves people more there as well.

Sadly so many people just scream out the costs, but then doesn't break it down farther.
Govt is a;rdy stealing us blind from the giant pot of money we send em and not making an effort to account for it. Yeah lets increase their haul so they can feel bolder cause no one will miss just a "little"

They wouldn't be taking more money from most of the people that pay taxes now... the new taxes would be offset by the high costs of private insurances premiums already coming out of paychecks, and as I said, when small businesses no longer have to also pay for their employees which helps them stay afloat, give raises, and higher more employees.
Dont lie......if you actually believe that seek help

What lie? Feel free to point out the lie.
Americans pay 3.4 trillion for medical care...….over ten yrs that dont equal 60 trillion do it. See byo have no concern for tax dollars alrdy disappearing form current haul that magically appears in politicians accounts after several washings

Then blame the politicians that are wasting money on less important issues than healthcare. You are punishing one group of people and a need because of a lot larger issue that has money being wasted on much less important things.
Why Mac I appreciate the fact you noticed the insanity of finish reading any threads on this wonderful site...

Now with that written just remember when Reagan won he was Radical and now is considered moderate in today time to a RINO for those that worship at the altar of Trump...

Back when William Jefferson Blythe III won against George H.W. Bush many called Slick a communist nutter, and today he would be consider a blue dog Democrat...

So my point?

Simple, gone are the moderate voter for the Democratic Party and what is replacing them are the Cortez, Talib and Sanders and yes you should be scared to death!


On the flipside Trump and those like Trump should also scare the shit out of many but when you have lunatics like Cortez, Schiff and Waters leading the charge for the left, well shit Mac you then realize the crazies have taken over the mental ward!

Sooner or later America will add Socialist to it United States of America which will make it the United Socialist States of America... Right about when Cortez is elected as President...


AOC, Talib....first term congresswomen from Democratic strongholds.

Sanders? A do-nothing senator from Vermont who has zero signature legislation.

I don't think that qualifies as examples of a political party going off the rails. You'd do better to point out the looney ideas to sieze guns, pay reparations, support every moronic "green new deal" policy that comes up. While the basis of these programs are set in good intentions---

We have to do something about guns
We have to do something about the environment

The conflation of the good intentions veers wildly to the left.

I always point it out when talking about the left...but the first thing you do when you get shot at in a school is call the police...guys with take out the guy with a gun shooting up your school. But when asked if they favor having an armed security officer on campus...the idiots say no. Its crazy.

I am not against armed security at the Schools or metal detectors either...

Sanders is most likely winning New Hampshire and Iowa which mean he is a real candidate for the left.

Also stop using Hillary Clinton talking points please or is that you Hillary?

Hillary Clinton talking points?

The spill you wrote is from Hillary Clinton especially the part about Sanders...

What, you thought I would not read what she says?


I just know I didn’t.

Yes, you did use her comments about Sanders and if you are going to lie and say you did not, well you lie a lot anyway...

Cortez is the future face of the Democratic Party and you know this and Sanders will most likely win Iowa and New Hampshire, so are you going to embrace their radical agendas?

Also the New Green Deal is wonderful if you did not have those like Sanders leaving his large carbon footprint during his bid to be President.

I have no issue discussing environmental issue but not with those that leave a bigger footprint than mine...
I was listening to a short interview with Bernie Sanders yesterday, and the interviewer asked him how he was going to come up with the $60 TRILLION over ten years that he has promised out.

Anyway, to make a long story short, his answer was something less than clear or compelling. It did include raising taxes on Those Evil Corporations. As with some other Democrats, Sanders appears to be stuck in the 60's, before we were operating in a hyper-competitive global economy. Anyway, that stuff is for a different thread.

Taking a general look at the polls, and a look at the current crop of Democratic candidates, and the base of the Democratic party, those of us who aren't exactly fans of Trump or Trumpism might be getting a little nervous right about now. The Democratic party pretty much lost its shit when Trump won (that's also for another thread) and it does not appear to have located its shit in the interim.

The potential effects of Trump's actions in the subsequent four years pale in comparison (probably) to what happens in our Supreme Court and lower courts. I probably don't have to expand on that. But that's looming out there, pretty clearly.

These are serious times. If the Democrat party doesn't shit-can its loonier elements pretty quickly and clearly, it's possible that this November ain't gonna be good for non-Trumpsters.

There's today's rant. You're nuts for getting this far.

Here's the thing. People NEVER take into account that his Medicare for all costs that will raise a person's income taxes, will be offset by the fact they will NO LONGER have medical insurance costs coming out of their paychecks. It is just rerouted to a different place and it means companies, including a LOT of small businesses will then no longer pay to give their employees insurance and can pass that savings down to their employees in their wages, or they will be able to afford to hire more workers with the money. Then the Medicare for all will also lower prescription prices which saves people more there as well.

Sadly so many people just scream out the costs, but then doesn't break it down farther.

That is fine if the system would not end up like the V.A. which it will...

We don't know that for sure, but my point is that everyone yells about the cost to shut it down, and do not talk about the costs that will disappear to offset it.

Again, that is fine but what is not discussed either by the left is the fact fraud will happen like it does with Medicare and Medicaid and the system will be more like the V.A. which is something I would prefer not to happen.

So as you write about the possible cost saving what you leave out is the reality from possible fraud and how the government waste money we might not be getting a better service that we get from our private health plans...

You are doing the same thing as Mainstreet. You automatically assume the program will have wasted money because of the federal government and politicians, yet why not say that the issue isn't that program specifically, it is the issues happening in current programs, and your anger should be focused on THOSE politicians and programs not on a program that doesn't even exist yet.
I was listening to a short interview with Bernie Sanders yesterday, and the interviewer asked him how he was going to come up with the $60 TRILLION over ten years that he has promised out.

Anyway, to make a long story short, his answer was something less than clear or compelling. It did include raising taxes on Those Evil Corporations. As with some other Democrats, Sanders appears to be stuck in the 60's, before we were operating in a hyper-competitive global economy. Anyway, that stuff is for a different thread.

Taking a general look at the polls, and a look at the current crop of Democratic candidates, and the base of the Democratic party, those of us who aren't exactly fans of Trump or Trumpism might be getting a little nervous right about now. The Democratic party pretty much lost its shit when Trump won (that's also for another thread) and it does not appear to have located its shit in the interim.

The potential effects of Trump's actions in the subsequent four years pale in comparison (probably) to what happens in our Supreme Court and lower courts. I probably don't have to expand on that. But that's looming out there, pretty clearly.

These are serious times. If the Democrat party doesn't shit-can its loonier elements pretty quickly and clearly, it's possible that this November ain't gonna be good for non-Trumpsters.

There's today's rant. You're nuts for getting this far.

Here's the thing. People NEVER take into account that his Medicare for all costs that will raise a person's income taxes, will be offset by the fact they will NO LONGER have medical insurance costs coming out of their paychecks. It is just rerouted to a different place and it means companies, including a LOT of small businesses will then no longer pay to give their employees insurance and can pass that savings down to their employees in their wages, or they will be able to afford to hire more workers with the money. Then the Medicare for all will also lower prescription prices which saves people more there as well.

Sadly so many people just scream out the costs, but then doesn't break it down farther.
It's not the cost that bother me.
In an employer sponsored/based system - it works well by having a majority of payer who don't have medical bills. This large base can handle the minority of payers who have high medical bills. That system worked very well for about 50 years. The benefit of employer sponsored is it only responsible for those that contribute and their families.
Single payer systems everywhere do not work as well as the left try to paint them out to be. The left try and represent these systems as utopian. Nobody pays any unplanned medical expenses... go to the doctor and everything is free... YAY!!!
Only that is not even remotely true. Nearly every universal system across the globe, with few exception, you have to pay a portion of whatever medical bills you incur. It is a total lie that in a single payer system, you pay taxes and nothing else. Simply not true.

Most people that have company based private insurance already have a yearly deductible they have to pay out of pocket, some of which is an insane amount and causes some to eventually have to file for bankruptcy. I don't see how you think it is going to get worse than that.
I was listening to a short interview with Bernie Sanders yesterday, and the interviewer asked him how he was going to come up with the $60 TRILLION over ten years that he has promised out.

Anyway, to make a long story short, his answer was something less than clear or compelling. It did include raising taxes on Those Evil Corporations. As with some other Democrats, Sanders appears to be stuck in the 60's, before we were operating in a hyper-competitive global economy. Anyway, that stuff is for a different thread.

Taking a general look at the polls, and a look at the current crop of Democratic candidates, and the base of the Democratic party, those of us who aren't exactly fans of Trump or Trumpism might be getting a little nervous right about now. The Democratic party pretty much lost its shit when Trump won (that's also for another thread) and it does not appear to have located its shit in the interim.

The potential effects of Trump's actions in the subsequent four years pale in comparison (probably) to what happens in our Supreme Court and lower courts. I probably don't have to expand on that. But that's looming out there, pretty clearly.

These are serious times. If the Democrat party doesn't shit-can its loonier elements pretty quickly and clearly, it's possible that this November ain't gonna be good for non-Trumpsters.

There's today's rant. You're nuts for getting this far.

Here's the thing. People NEVER take into account that his Medicare for all costs that will raise a person's income taxes, will be offset by the fact they will NO LONGER have medical insurance costs coming out of their paychecks. It is just rerouted to a different place and it means companies, including a LOT of small businesses will then no longer pay to give their employees insurance and can pass that savings down to their employees in their wages, or they will be able to afford to hire more workers with the money. Then the Medicare for all will also lower prescription prices which saves people more there as well.

Sadly so many people just scream out the costs, but then doesn't break it down farther.

That is fine if the system would not end up like the V.A. which it will...

We don't know that for sure, but my point is that everyone yells about the cost to shut it down, and do not talk about the costs that will disappear to offset it.

Again, that is fine but what is not discussed either by the left is the fact fraud will happen like it does with Medicare and Medicaid and the system will be more like the V.A. which is something I would prefer not to happen.

So as you write about the possible cost saving what you leave out is the reality from possible fraud and how the government waste money we might not be getting a better service that we get from our private health plans...

You are doing the same thing as Mainstreet. You automatically assume the program will have wasted money because of the federal government and politicians, yet why not say that the issue isn't that program specifically, it is the issues happening in current programs, and your anger should be focused on THOSE politicians and programs not on a program that doesn't even exist yet.

Actually the program exists already seeing what is proposed is the expansion of Medicare, so you are either lying or denying the reality of it already existing!

Fact is Medicare and Medicaid fraud is common and will increase under the expansion to include all and the V.A. system is already in place and again fraud and poor service quality.

So why not fix those programs first and show the American people the Federal Government can handle that before forcing everyone onto a one size fit all system?
Here's the thing. People NEVER take into account that his Medicare for all costs that will raise a person's income taxes, will be offset by the fact they will NO LONGER have medical insurance costs coming out of their paychecks. It is just rerouted to a different place and it means companies, including a LOT of small businesses will then no longer pay to give their employees insurance and can pass that savings down to their employees in their wages, or they will be able to afford to hire more workers with the money. Then the Medicare for all will also lower prescription prices which saves people more there as well.

Sadly so many people just scream out the costs, but then doesn't break it down farther.

That is fine if the system would not end up like the V.A. which it will...

We don't know that for sure, but my point is that everyone yells about the cost to shut it down, and do not talk about the costs that will disappear to offset it.

Again, that is fine but what is not discussed either by the left is the fact fraud will happen like it does with Medicare and Medicaid and the system will be more like the V.A. which is something I would prefer not to happen.

So as you write about the possible cost saving what you leave out is the reality from possible fraud and how the government waste money we might not be getting a better service that we get from our private health plans...

You are doing the same thing as Mainstreet. You automatically assume the program will have wasted money because of the federal government and politicians, yet why not say that the issue isn't that program specifically, it is the issues happening in current programs, and your anger should be focused on THOSE politicians and programs not on a program that doesn't even exist yet.

Actually the program exists already seeing what is proposed is the expansion of Medicare, so you are either lying or denying the reality of it already existing!

Fact is Medicare and Medicaid fraud is common and will increase under the expansion to include all and the V.A. system is already in place and again fraud and poor service quality.

So why not fix those programs first and show the American people the Federal Government can handle that before forcing everyone onto a one size fit all system?
A problem is that Bernie and the others are lying about what they want. What he wants is Single Payer, not "Medicare For All". The full Medicare system includes a strong free market component in the form of Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage plans. Additionally, there is a fairly healthy -- well, let's call it a "tension", between the government and the insurers that essentially serves to keep the other somewhat in line. Kind of. Somewhat.

So we can't even have a comprehensive analysis or plan on this issue until we can at LEAST be fully HONEST about it.
I was listening to a short interview with Bernie Sanders yesterday, and the interviewer asked him how he was going to come up with the $60 TRILLION over ten years that he has promised out.

Anyway, to make a long story short, his answer was something less than clear or compelling. It did include raising taxes on Those Evil Corporations. As with some other Democrats, Sanders appears to be stuck in the 60's, before we were operating in a hyper-competitive global economy. Anyway, that stuff is for a different thread.

Taking a general look at the polls, and a look at the current crop of Democratic candidates, and the base of the Democratic party, those of us who aren't exactly fans of Trump or Trumpism might be getting a little nervous right about now. The Democratic party pretty much lost its shit when Trump won (that's also for another thread) and it does not appear to have located its shit in the interim.

The potential effects of Trump's actions in the subsequent four years pale in comparison (probably) to what happens in our Supreme Court and lower courts. I probably don't have to expand on that. But that's looming out there, pretty clearly.

These are serious times. If the Democrat party doesn't shit-can its loonier elements pretty quickly and clearly, it's possible that this November ain't gonna be good for non-Trumpsters.

There's today's rant. You're nuts for getting this far.

Here's the thing. People NEVER take into account that his Medicare for all costs that will raise a person's income taxes, will be offset by the fact they will NO LONGER have medical insurance costs coming out of their paychecks. It is just rerouted to a different place and it means companies, including a LOT of small businesses will then no longer pay to give their employees insurance and can pass that savings down to their employees in their wages, or they will be able to afford to hire more workers with the money. Then the Medicare for all will also lower prescription prices which saves people more there as well.

Sadly so many people just scream out the costs, but then doesn't break it down farther.
It's not the cost that bother me.
In an employer sponsored/based system - it works well by having a majority of payer who don't have medical bills. This large base can handle the minority of payers who have high medical bills. That system worked very well for about 50 years. The benefit of employer sponsored is it only responsible for those that contribute and their families.
Single payer systems everywhere do not work as well as the left try to paint them out to be. The left try and represent these systems as utopian. Nobody pays any unplanned medical expenses... go to the doctor and everything is free... YAY!!!
Only that is not even remotely true. Nearly every universal system across the globe, with few exception, you have to pay a portion of whatever medical bills you incur. It is a total lie that in a single payer system, you pay taxes and nothing else. Simply not true.

Most people that have company based private insurance already have a yearly deductible they have to pay out of pocket, some of which is an insane amount and causes some to eventually have to file for bankruptcy. I don't see how you think it is going to get worse than that.

I'm more concerned about quality of Healthcare, instead of the cost.

I expect to pay more for top quality medical help, just like I expect to pay more for an SL than I do for a Kia.

"Medicare for All" and the outlawing of private healthcare would make decent care impossible to find except for the politically well connected
That is fine if the system would not end up like the V.A. which it will...

We don't know that for sure, but my point is that everyone yells about the cost to shut it down, and do not talk about the costs that will disappear to offset it.

Again, that is fine but what is not discussed either by the left is the fact fraud will happen like it does with Medicare and Medicaid and the system will be more like the V.A. which is something I would prefer not to happen.

So as you write about the possible cost saving what you leave out is the reality from possible fraud and how the government waste money we might not be getting a better service that we get from our private health plans...

You are doing the same thing as Mainstreet. You automatically assume the program will have wasted money because of the federal government and politicians, yet why not say that the issue isn't that program specifically, it is the issues happening in current programs, and your anger should be focused on THOSE politicians and programs not on a program that doesn't even exist yet.

Actually the program exists already seeing what is proposed is the expansion of Medicare, so you are either lying or denying the reality of it already existing!

Fact is Medicare and Medicaid fraud is common and will increase under the expansion to include all and the V.A. system is already in place and again fraud and poor service quality.

So why not fix those programs first and show the American people the Federal Government can handle that before forcing everyone onto a one size fit all system?
A problem is that Bernie and the others are lying about what they want. What he wants is Single Payer, not "Medicare For All". The full Medicare system includes a strong free market component in the form of Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage plans. Additionally, there is a fairly healthy -- well, let's call it a "tension", between the the government and the insurers that essentially serves to keep the other somewhat in line.

So we can't even have a comprehensive analysis or plan on this issue until we can at LEAST be fully HONEST about it.

So they should never use the medicare for all because as you pointed out there are supplemental insurances for those on Medicare to cover costs.

Just there tell you the Federal Government is not equipped to handle a program like single payer system.

What it will usher in is another era of HMO type services that will lack proper healthcare, poor services and staff that will be imported because we lack the educated people to fill the positions that many of our doctors and nurses would leave...
Here's the thing. People NEVER take into account that his Medicare for all costs that will raise a person's income taxes, will be offset by the fact they will NO LONGER have medical insurance costs coming out of their paychecks. It is just rerouted to a different place and it means companies, including a LOT of small businesses will then no longer pay to give their employees insurance and can pass that savings down to their employees in their wages, or they will be able to afford to hire more workers with the money. Then the Medicare for all will also lower prescription prices which saves people more there as well.

Sadly so many people just scream out the costs, but then doesn't break it down farther.

That is fine if the system would not end up like the V.A. which it will...

We don't know that for sure, but my point is that everyone yells about the cost to shut it down, and do not talk about the costs that will disappear to offset it.

Again, that is fine but what is not discussed either by the left is the fact fraud will happen like it does with Medicare and Medicaid and the system will be more like the V.A. which is something I would prefer not to happen.

So as you write about the possible cost saving what you leave out is the reality from possible fraud and how the government waste money we might not be getting a better service that we get from our private health plans...

You are doing the same thing as Mainstreet. You automatically assume the program will have wasted money because of the federal government and politicians, yet why not say that the issue isn't that program specifically, it is the issues happening in current programs, and your anger should be focused on THOSE politicians and programs not on a program that doesn't even exist yet.

Actually the program exists already seeing what is proposed is the expansion of Medicare, so you are either lying or denying the reality of it already existing!

Fact is Medicare and Medicaid fraud is common and will increase under the expansion to include all and the V.A. system is already in place and again fraud and poor service quality.

So why not fix those programs first and show the American people the Federal Government can handle that before forcing everyone onto a one size fit all system?

It is Medicaid that is currently expanded, not Medicare. 2 separate programs.

Let me add that I know of a doctor not long ago that was busted by the feds for Medicaid fraud. So they do police it.
We don't know that for sure, but my point is that everyone yells about the cost to shut it down, and do not talk about the costs that will disappear to offset it.

Again, that is fine but what is not discussed either by the left is the fact fraud will happen like it does with Medicare and Medicaid and the system will be more like the V.A. which is something I would prefer not to happen.

So as you write about the possible cost saving what you leave out is the reality from possible fraud and how the government waste money we might not be getting a better service that we get from our private health plans...

You are doing the same thing as Mainstreet. You automatically assume the program will have wasted money because of the federal government and politicians, yet why not say that the issue isn't that program specifically, it is the issues happening in current programs, and your anger should be focused on THOSE politicians and programs not on a program that doesn't even exist yet.

Actually the program exists already seeing what is proposed is the expansion of Medicare, so you are either lying or denying the reality of it already existing!

Fact is Medicare and Medicaid fraud is common and will increase under the expansion to include all and the V.A. system is already in place and again fraud and poor service quality.

So why not fix those programs first and show the American people the Federal Government can handle that before forcing everyone onto a one size fit all system?
A problem is that Bernie and the others are lying about what they want. What he wants is Single Payer, not "Medicare For All". The full Medicare system includes a strong free market component in the form of Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage plans. Additionally, there is a fairly healthy -- well, let's call it a "tension", between the the government and the insurers that essentially serves to keep the other somewhat in line.

So we can't even have a comprehensive analysis or plan on this issue until we can at LEAST be fully HONEST about it.

So they should never use the medicare for all because as you pointed out there are supplemental insurances for those on Medicare to cover costs.

Just there tell you the Federal Government is not equipped to handle a program like single payer system.

What it will usher in is another era of HMO type services that will lack proper healthcare, poor services and staff that will be imported because we lack the educated people to fill the positions that many of our doctors and nurses would leave...
I wasn't really surprised to see them be dishonest with the term. That's politics, sadly.
That is fine if the system would not end up like the V.A. which it will...

We don't know that for sure, but my point is that everyone yells about the cost to shut it down, and do not talk about the costs that will disappear to offset it.

Again, that is fine but what is not discussed either by the left is the fact fraud will happen like it does with Medicare and Medicaid and the system will be more like the V.A. which is something I would prefer not to happen.

So as you write about the possible cost saving what you leave out is the reality from possible fraud and how the government waste money we might not be getting a better service that we get from our private health plans...

You are doing the same thing as Mainstreet. You automatically assume the program will have wasted money because of the federal government and politicians, yet why not say that the issue isn't that program specifically, it is the issues happening in current programs, and your anger should be focused on THOSE politicians and programs not on a program that doesn't even exist yet.

Actually the program exists already seeing what is proposed is the expansion of Medicare, so you are either lying or denying the reality of it already existing!

Fact is Medicare and Medicaid fraud is common and will increase under the expansion to include all and the V.A. system is already in place and again fraud and poor service quality.

So why not fix those programs first and show the American people the Federal Government can handle that before forcing everyone onto a one size fit all system?

It is Medicaid that is currently expanded, not Medicare. 2 separate programs.

And yet the Federal Government can not handle Medicaid, Medicare or the V.A. and you want a single payer system?
I think there are plenty of sane Democrats out there, just as there are plenty of sane Republicans.

The problem is that they're being buried by the maniacs, because it's the maniacs who get virtually all the attention.

The Democrats and the media buried the "sane Republicans". The attacks on Mitt Romney and McCain as well as the Bush Family, calling them "hitler" and everything else, have made all of them basically unelectable.

OTOH, the Democrats have also buried the "sane Democrats". Guys like Joe Lieberman are routinely attacked as being "out of touch" with the party and worse, merely for TALKING in a civil way to GOP'ers.
You seriously don't see Romney and McCain being attacked by the GOP?

Do you remember the celebration over "I prefer people who aren't captured"?
McCain was a RINO establishment type guy who the Dems loved to Hate.....then Loved to Love ........Love me not .....and so on.........He is example of why there should be Term Limits......

Romney has shown his true colors.............and he's firmly with the establishment.......He lost a Presidential because HE PLAYED NICELY.........which is EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT FROM THE GOP.

Does the Far LEFT PLAY NICELY..........NO THEY DON'T.

Sometimes call those CALLING OUT THE FAR LEFT as a TRIBE......well if you are in NO MANS LAND as you state..........LOL........Then I suggest YOU DUCK.........

We ARE OVER BEING NICE to the FAR LEFT from what they have become.

Which only proves my point that the crazies that support Trump ARE the Republican party now. Democrats and the media didn't bury moderate Republicans, the fringe of right wing did. If you are calling moderates like McCain and Romney RINO's, the Republican party is in deep you know what. Trump's base hasn't increased since the day he got elected. If he and his supporters succeed in driving off the independent voters (that will decide the election in November) then that will be a feat I never would have thought possible in my lifetime....Trump will have destroyed the Republican party. Something that no Democrat (or group of Democratic party candidates) could have achieved.
They aren't moderates.........they ARE THE ESTABLISHMENT....who have been lining their pockets and their faimily pockets for think they all get into the millionaires club by accident.......You think they don't get rich or get family members rich by their influence..........

That is a problem on both complain because we want them gone......CALL THEM MODERATE........that is you wanting our politicians to APPEASE your policies....

When your party goes back to being JFK Dems.......get back to me.........The Dems have also weaponized the gov't agencies SUPPOSED to SERVE THE PEOPLE........Not ATTACK THE PEOPLE.

This is why HILLARY LOST.......and Trump Won............and you don't get it........the people are Fed up with the Career politicians........

What I want are politicians to start talking about and addressing the issues that are important to me and my family. Healthcare, taxes, the environment, wage stagnation, etc. So far, the only people I see wanting to talk about and address these issues are progressives on the Democratic party side. All I see and hear from Republicans and Conservatives are the same old recycled policies year after year. Say what you will about AOC and her generation. Their ideas might be pie in the sky..but at least they are fresh approaches. I would think that politicians like AOC would be a breath of fresh air if you are fed up with career politicians. And in reality, the only reason you chafe at their policy ideas is because of age. I have to stop and take this into account when I'm processing their viewpoints. I know my parents had some of the same thoughts about my ideas growing up as opposed to their ideas.

Oh and by the fact, the top tax rate in 1963 was 91%. Those JFK Dems?? :)
And our government has been spying on us for decades now....just go dig up J. Edgar and ask him.
Mac1958 you are quite clever and well disguised but this is a pretty good illustration of how many perceive you on this board...Polish your game a little’re losing credibility fast.

That is not a diagram of a liberal.
In the least.
That is a diagram of a progressive leftist.
Two different sets of people.

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