Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Party, Trump & November

We don't know that for sure, but my point is that everyone yells about the cost to shut it down, and do not talk about the costs that will disappear to offset it.

Again, that is fine but what is not discussed either by the left is the fact fraud will happen like it does with Medicare and Medicaid and the system will be more like the V.A. which is something I would prefer not to happen.

So as you write about the possible cost saving what you leave out is the reality from possible fraud and how the government waste money we might not be getting a better service that we get from our private health plans...

You are doing the same thing as Mainstreet. You automatically assume the program will have wasted money because of the federal government and politicians, yet why not say that the issue isn't that program specifically, it is the issues happening in current programs, and your anger should be focused on THOSE politicians and programs not on a program that doesn't even exist yet.

Actually the program exists already seeing what is proposed is the expansion of Medicare, so you are either lying or denying the reality of it already existing!

Fact is Medicare and Medicaid fraud is common and will increase under the expansion to include all and the V.A. system is already in place and again fraud and poor service quality.

So why not fix those programs first and show the American people the Federal Government can handle that before forcing everyone onto a one size fit all system?

It is Medicaid that is currently expanded, not Medicare. 2 separate programs.

And yet the Federal Government can not handle Medicaid, Medicare or the V.A. and you want a single payer system?

Medicaid is handled mostly by the state governments, who determine eligibility. As far as the payments for services, the states often hire insurance companies to pay for and provide Managed Care for medicaid recipients. Its just outside the ability of any state agencies to sort through the payment for this patient's cat scan or that patients proctology exam and determine if and how much to pay.
Mac1958 you are quite clever and well disguised but this is a pretty good illustration of how many perceive you on this board...Polish your game a little’re losing credibility fast.

That is not a diagram of a liberal.
In the least.
That is a diagram of a progressive leftist.
Two different sets of people.

Your title has been hijacked....Today’s Liberal is just a slightly embarrassed Leftist.
AOC, Talib....first term congresswomen from Democratic strongholds.

Sanders? A do-nothing senator from Vermont who has zero signature legislation.

I don't think that qualifies as examples of a political party going off the rails. You'd do better to point out the looney ideas to sieze guns, pay reparations, support every moronic "green new deal" policy that comes up. While the basis of these programs are set in good intentions---

We have to do something about guns
We have to do something about the environment

The conflation of the good intentions veers wildly to the left.

I always point it out when talking about the left...but the first thing you do when you get shot at in a school is call the police...guys with take out the guy with a gun shooting up your school. But when asked if they favor having an armed security officer on campus...the idiots say no. Its crazy.

I am not against armed security at the Schools or metal detectors either...

Sanders is most likely winning New Hampshire and Iowa which mean he is a real candidate for the left.

Also stop using Hillary Clinton talking points please or is that you Hillary?

Hillary Clinton talking points?

The spill you wrote is from Hillary Clinton especially the part about Sanders...

What, you thought I would not read what she says?


I just know I didn’t.

Yes, you did use her comments about Sanders and if you are going to lie and say you did not, well you lie a lot anyway...

Cortez is the future face of the Democratic Party and you know this and Sanders will most likely win Iowa and New Hampshire, so are you going to embrace their radical agendas?

Also the New Green Deal is wonderful if you did not have those like Sanders leaving his large carbon footprint during his bid to be President.

I have no issue discussing environmental issue but not with those that leave a bigger footprint than mine...

I have Zero idea what she said. So fuck you
I was listening to a short interview with Bernie Sanders yesterday, and the interviewer asked him how he was going to come up with the $60 TRILLION over ten years that he has promised out.

Anyway, to make a long story short, his answer was something less than clear or compelling. It did include raising taxes on Those Evil Corporations. As with some other Democrats, Sanders appears to be stuck in the 60's, before we were operating in a hyper-competitive global economy. Anyway, that stuff is for a different thread.

Taking a general look at the polls, and a look at the current crop of Democratic candidates, and the base of the Democratic party, those of us who aren't exactly fans of Trump or Trumpism might be getting a little nervous right about now. The Democratic party pretty much lost its shit when Trump won (that's also for another thread) and it does not appear to have located its shit in the interim.

The potential effects of Trump's actions in the subsequent four years pale in comparison (probably) to what happens in our Supreme Court and lower courts. I probably don't have to expand on that. But that's looming out there, pretty clearly.

These are serious times. If the Democrat party doesn't shit-can its loonier elements pretty quickly and clearly, it's possible that this November ain't gonna be good for non-Trumpsters.

There's today's rant. You're nuts for getting this far.
Have no worries you're fucked anyhow.

New polls show democrat moderates will not support a wackadoodle leftist candidate and a wackadoodle leftist wont support a moderate.

Big tent my ass
That's false. While it is true that many very liberal voters will not vote for a moderate, moderate Democrats will support Bernie Sanders.
Biden supporters and Warren supporters have no problem voting for Bernie against Trump because they hate Trump.
That's why Bernie is going to make Donald Trump a one-term president.
Mac1958 you are quite clever and well disguised but this is a pretty good illustration of how many perceive you on this board...Polish your game a little’re losing credibility fast.

That is not a diagram of a liberal.
In the least.
That is a diagram of a progressive leftist.
Two different sets of people.

Your title has been hijacked....Today’s Liberal is just a slightly embarrassed Leftist.

Not true. And, gonna say it, the only reason you think so is you are buying the corporate sponsored division news media that tells you so.
The absolute truth is the vast majority of Americans have close beliefs that we all want. PERIOD.
We disagree on several things, but we all want the same things. (mostly)
Progressive (regressive) leftist, like your artwork, are a small minority. BUT - they get a lot of attention. And they have boatloads of cash from powerhouse billionaires to drive their agendas; and were successful in getting a handful of Washington seat holders elected.
Their REAL power in controlling everyday liberals is VIRTUE SIGNALING.
Jesus Christ do people love to virtue signal. So when regressives push things like ludicrous LGBQT agendas, the mainstream virtue signalers can't bring themselves to dispute it despite they don't really support it, but are too weak and afraid to say what they really feel in fear of being called a Neo Nazi-homophobic misogynist.
I was listening to a short interview with Bernie Sanders yesterday, and the interviewer asked him how he was going to come up with the $60 TRILLION over ten years that he has promised out.

Anyway, to make a long story short, his answer was something less than clear or compelling. It did include raising taxes on Those Evil Corporations. As with some other Democrats, Sanders appears to be stuck in the 60's, before we were operating in a hyper-competitive global economy. Anyway, that stuff is for a different thread.

Taking a general look at the polls, and a look at the current crop of Democratic candidates, and the base of the Democratic party, those of us who aren't exactly fans of Trump or Trumpism might be getting a little nervous right about now. The Democratic party pretty much lost its shit when Trump won (that's also for another thread) and it does not appear to have located its shit in the interim.

The potential effects of Trump's actions in the subsequent four years pale in comparison (probably) to what happens in our Supreme Court and lower courts. I probably don't have to expand on that. But that's looming out there, pretty clearly.

These are serious times. If the Democrat party doesn't shit-can its loonier elements pretty quickly and clearly, it's possible that this November ain't gonna be good for non-Trumpsters.

There's today's rant. You're nuts for getting this far.
Have no worries you're fucked anyhow.

New polls show democrat moderates will not support a wackadoodle leftist candidate and a wackadoodle leftist wont support a moderate.

Big tent my ass
That's false. While it is true that many very liberal voters will not vote for a moderate, moderate Democrats will support Bernie Sanders.
Biden supporters and Warren supporters have no problem voting for Bernie against Trump because they hate Trump.
That's why Bernie is going to make Donald Trump a one-term president.
According to all the polls it IS FACT.
You pretending the left is unified is funny.
I was listening to a short interview with Bernie Sanders yesterday, and the interviewer asked him how he was going to come up with the $60 TRILLION over ten years that he has promised out.

Anyway, to make a long story short, his answer was something less than clear or compelling. It did include raising taxes on Those Evil Corporations. As with some other Democrats, Sanders appears to be stuck in the 60's, before we were operating in a hyper-competitive global economy. Anyway, that stuff is for a different thread.

Taking a general look at the polls, and a look at the current crop of Democratic candidates, and the base of the Democratic party, those of us who aren't exactly fans of Trump or Trumpism might be getting a little nervous right about now. The Democratic party pretty much lost its shit when Trump won (that's also for another thread) and it does not appear to have located its shit in the interim.

The potential effects of Trump's actions in the subsequent four years pale in comparison (probably) to what happens in our Supreme Court and lower courts. I probably don't have to expand on that. But that's looming out there, pretty clearly.

These are serious times. If the Democrat party doesn't shit-can its loonier elements pretty quickly and clearly, it's possible that this November ain't gonna be good for non-Trumpsters.

There's today's rant. You're nuts for getting this far.

The term is “Democratic Party”.


As the hated opposition is the "Republicanic" party.

It's the Soviet Stalinist Democrat Party.

You thugs aren't "democratics," you're "democrats."
I was listening to a short interview with Bernie Sanders yesterday, and the interviewer asked him how he was going to come up with the $60 TRILLION over ten years that he has promised out.

Anyway, to make a long story short, his answer was something less than clear or compelling. It did include raising taxes on Those Evil Corporations. As with some other Democrats, Sanders appears to be stuck in the 60's, before we were operating in a hyper-competitive global economy. Anyway, that stuff is for a different thread.

Taking a general look at the polls, and a look at the current crop of Democratic candidates, and the base of the Democratic party, those of us who aren't exactly fans of Trump or Trumpism might be getting a little nervous right about now. The Democratic party pretty much lost its shit when Trump won (that's also for another thread) and it does not appear to have located its shit in the interim.

The potential effects of Trump's actions in the subsequent four years pale in comparison (probably) to what happens in our Supreme Court and lower courts. I probably don't have to expand on that. But that's looming out there, pretty clearly.

These are serious times. If the Democrat party doesn't shit-can its loonier elements pretty quickly and clearly, it's possible that this November ain't gonna be good for non-Trumpsters.

There's today's rant. You're nuts for getting this far.
You're asking Democrats to reject Bernie again, even though rejecting him led to Donald Trump becoming president in 2016. I don't think so.
We're going with Bernie and he will defeat Donald Trump.
Was remembering Sara Palin, & how well liked she was by her party, she spoke just like Trump, just saying what ever came off the top of her head. where is she now? & feel the same way about Bernie, What a total mess our political system is.
I often wonder how many smart, honest, innovative people think about entering politics and decide against it because it's such a horror show on so many levels.
Was remembering Sara Palin, & how well liked she was by her party, she spoke just like Trump, just saying what ever came off the top of her head. where is she now? & feel the same way about Bernie, What a total mess our political system is.
I often wonder how many smart, honest, innovative people think about entering politics and decide against it because it's such a horror show on so many levels.
Judging by who has been Presidential candidates the past few runs... I would surely hope so
I mean FFS... Biden??? Hillary?? Sanders??? .... Trump??
So you're voting for a Democrat then. (Pork) (pig)

(Pork) (pig)

Both parties love their (Pork) and both sides are (pig)s.
It wasn't long ago that I would have told you that if things ever got this fucked up and both parties had completely lost their shit like this, a strong and viable third party would have emerged.

Wrong. Clearly we just don't care enough.

Ahh.... Great point..... I have some thoughts on this.
When it comes to household interest in the political process you are quite right....the average household is far too distracted by Dancing with the Stars and Tom Brady's dispute with Roger Goodell. I strongly believe that the elements for a third party are there and not the AOC brand either...but a middle of the road party composed of sane, compromising and reasonable people from all walks and avenues of life. I think the problem is that the money support has been neatly cleaved into to lumps that are definitively controlled by the two parties. For a while I though Pelosi and company were going to get steam rolled by the AOC branch of the party....but no the old Sea Hag still has sharp claws and she put the upstarts back in their place....THAT WAS NOT EASY.....
So the old party is still hanging onto control of the money and the influence without which no upstart party can survive I'm afraid. The only remedy would be to rally support from the small people in large numbers. Similar to what Bernie has done....the Dems really don't see Bernie as a Dem...that's why they keep stabbing him in the back when he starts to get off the ground. If he's smart he'll run as a write in this time if they screw him again.
Hey It worked for Murkowski. Don't get me wrong...I despise Bernie's politics but I admire his stamina and his
Trueness to his own positions. Some of the DC Troglodytes could take a lesson from him on that.

I think that's at the root of it. A small number of maniacs who control the parties also then control the system. The rest of the country either (a) doesn't care enough or (b) doesn't want to join the shit show, and just stays out of it. They may vote for their party on a regular basis, but they're not engaged in the insane mechanics of it.

I no longer hold out much hope for a viable third party, so I'll just hope that some sanity will return. Ya never know.

Mac, I have a reasonable question I would like you to consider, and before shrugging it off, please read it carefully-------->

Most all conservatives and GOP have put forth a synopsis of what happened, and you also have asked what if it is correct what they said, about the start of this Russian collusion/delusion. For the most part as of this writing, more and more revelations are appearing that conservatives were on the correct track, even as the Democrats tried to insist none that happened and laughed, only to so far, be proven wrong.

IF, and yes that is an IF the rest of the story is true, you and I both know that Biden is a post toasty politically as of the Durham release if it is, and this no doubt will happen AFTER the Democrats Super Tuesday; meaning that even if Biden is in the lead, the number 2 contender will instantly take his place.

What will the Democrats do?

It is my humble contention (and at the very least Conservatives who support the fact that the Obama/Biden administration were the father and mother to the collusion/delusion) that if the revelations pull down a large part of the DNC, the Democrats will nominate Bernie for 2 reasons-------->

1. The young and every socialist in America voting will give them a punchers chance.

2. If and when they lose, they can blame it on Bernie and the Socialists, and Obama would parrot that also.

But what if the revelations do not pull down the DNC? What if the facts only encompass the former administration, and a few others so as the rest of the DNC can claim ignorance on the matter while showing outrage at what was pulled off, keeping them within striking distance of Trump?

Then it is my supposition that-------------> Their standard bearer is not at the current time running. They will invoke some sort of "special measures" for the good of the party, and the country. They will choose someone seen as a moderate, and may in fact choose some sort of Republican as his/her Vice-Presidential running mate. (maybe a stretch to far, but with special measures invoked, anything is possible)

It is my belief that the GOP and Trump actually have something, as if they did not, they would not be riding this horse so long. At some point they know they have to deliver, or their base will do what the Democratic base did and deflate.

We must all understand that contrary to popular belief, Trump and friends knew exactly what Mueller had, so there was no reason to deflect. They also have seen what evidence the Democrats had/have on the impeachment, so no reason to continue on with a big lie that could blow up in their face. Mac, they got something!

So, what are the Democrats going to do when it drops? It may actually be the BEST thing for the Democrats IF they can point to only a select few people like Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and Mcabe.


Because that will then give the Democratic center the ability for at least this cycle by using special measure because of the revelations, the ability to forth a candidate that might actually be able to beat Trump, without having to show themselves moving Left to kiss the a**es of the radicals in the party, creating soundbites for the GOP to paint them negatively!

Weld is a melt-brained stumble bum who is never absent from cocktail hour. Should he ever allow his alcohol level to dip below 2.0
It's possible he could spell the word treason but doubtful that he would understand the more serious aspects of the concept. He'll probably get a few thousand votes from cultist voters barring any global catastrophe or the possibility that someone may ignite a cigarette lighter within a twenty meter radius of one of his exhaled breaths.

It's always great when the socialist try to promise more free shit when we have already run out of money. It's as if it was the 1950s...

In any case, if you want to accelerate quickly to the purge night, Bernie is the choice.

The Federalist Jonathan Tobin makes a persuasive case that Bernie Sanders bought the myth that capitalist greed prompted Brooklyn Dodgers owner Walter O’Malley to move the team to Los Angeles, breaking Flatbush hearts forever. That myth in turn was one of the factors that put young Bernie on the road to becoming the old crank he is today.
Anyway, to make a long story short, his answer was something less than clear or compelling.

Shocking. Do any of today's politicians, regardless of party, have clear, detailed answers for how they plan on financing their fairy tale BS promises?

It did include raising taxes on Those Evil Corporations. As with some other Democrats, Sanders appears to be stuck in the 60's, before we were operating in a hyper-competitive global economy.

And that hyper-competitive global economy has done gangbusters for growing stuff, such as a unrepentant class divide never before seen in this country. Before you know it, those that have benefited the most from said economy might just start buying up positions of power in public office to keep it that way forever. I can't say whether that's the exact cause or motivation for Democrat's hard on for levying new taxes upon certain corporations that are making astronomically unprecidented profits yet seem to avoid paying them altogether, but I could certainly understand if that's pretty close to the mark due to the effect. 'To big to fail' is entirely bullshit. But that's stuff for another thread too.

Taking a general look at the polls, and a look at the current crop of Democratic candidates, and the base of the Democratic party, those of us who aren't exactly fans of Trump or Trumpism might be getting a little nervous right about now.

Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) is an empty suit, he doesn't faze me beyond being an annoyingly bad person. A compromised tool of the top tier corporatocracy that's just lining his pockets with our nation's dollars right along with the rest of them. When the 1%ers no longer have a use for him, he'll go away. The people that support his blatant corruption and refusal to play by the rules have to live with themselves. Karma is a wheel.

Democrats could win elections if they motivate enough voter turnout with the health care issue since the Republicans sit on their hands about it. They R's don't really want to solve it, but they go along with the game to win elections. That's really all the Democrats have. Their identity politics bullshit will ultimately go nowhere. People don't like being constantly shamed into changing behavior ingrained into us since societies began.

These are serious times. If the Democrat party doesn't shit-can its loonier elements pretty quickly and clearly, it's possible that this November ain't gonna be good for non-Trumpsters.

Democrat loons will always be with us. When they start getting violent, and I mean really violent, the real implosion of the nation will commence. When Democrats are the majority, they have an annoying habit of trying to play by the rules. Republican majorities are shitting on our constitution right now. No one respects the system or each other anymore. This is simply the calm before the storm. Buckle up.
Sanders is to the Dems like an old Syphilitic whore talking a young man into fucking her.

The young man knows better with his head, but is ruled by his dick instead.

The Dems are going to royally screw themselves this year and they just cant help it.

I just hope that Nancy tries to impeach Trump again; classic!
Anyway, to make a long story short, his answer was something less than clear or compelling.

Shocking. Do any of today's politicians, regardless of party, have clear, detailed answers for how they plan on financing their fairy tale BS promises?
Oh they do. His likely pick for Treasury Secretary is a proponent of MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) with is nothing more than the old Chartalism. They think they can just print as much money as they need. Though Humans have been coining money for 5,000 years, they apparently think they are the first ones to have the "novel" idea that if you want more, just print it up!
It did include raising taxes on Those Evil Corporations. As with some other Democrats, Sanders appears to be stuck in the 60's, before we were operating in a hyper-competitive global economy.
Like a lot of angry Brooklyners of that long ago bygone era, he became an angry anti-capitalist when the Dodgers moved from Brooklyn to LA.
... And that hyper-competitive global economy has done gangbusters for growing stuff, such as a unrepentant class divide never before seen in this country. Before you know it, those that have benefited the most from said economy might just start buying up positions of power in public office to keep it that way forever. I can't say whether that's the exact cause or motivation for Democrat's hard on for levying new taxes upon certain corporations that are making astronomically unprecidented profits yet seem to avoid paying them altogether, but I could certainly understand if that's pretty close to the mark due to the effect. 'To big to fail' is entirely bullshit. But that's stuff for another thread too.
The goal of the Socialists is always the same, take complete control of the means of production and then control society by distributing it

Taking a general look at the polls, and a look at the current crop of Democratic candidates, and the base of the Democratic party, those of us who aren't exactly fans of Trump or Trumpism might be getting a little nervous right about now.
Yup. Trump took 30 states last time, might take 35 this time.

These are serious times. If the Democrat party doesn't shit-can its loonier elements pretty quickly and clearly, it's possible that this November ain't gonna be good for non-Trumpsters.

Democrat loons will always be with us. When they start getting violent, and I mean really violent, the real implosion of the nation will commence. When Democrats are the majority, they have an annoying habit of trying to play by the rules. Republican majorities are shitting on our constitution right now. No one respects the system or each other anymore. This is simply the calm before the storm. Buckle up.

All that is going to happen is that Trump is going to get re-elected.
Continue to fill the Judiciary with judges dedicated to restoring the Constitutional Separation of Powers the secures our Liberty, keep our enemies guessing, keep making great trade deals, and continue to streamline the bloated Administrative State.

All that is going to happen is that Trump is going to get re-elected.
Continue to fill the Judiciary with judges dedicated to restoring the Constitutional Separation of Powers the secures our Liberty, keep our enemies guessing, keep making great trade deals, and continue to streamline the bloated Administrative State.

Respectfully, what the hell do you know? You ignore any transgressions from the party you are already aligned with. You chose your party and make the other one your personal bogeyman. You want everybody to believe it's going to be business as usual and expect everybody to 'take your word for it'. How about no.

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