Bernie Sanders Took A Walk Through Freddie Gray’s Neighborhood. Here’s What Residents Think About It

“A lot of people have came to Baltimore and walked through Sandtown within the last eight months, but that doesn’t make a difference. People will still be poor in Sandtown when Bernie leaves," Rose said.

Bernie Sanders Took A Walk Through Freddie Gray’s Neighborhood. Here’s What Residents Think About It.

Of course they will. If you're sitting around waiting for the government to fix your problems you're going to be sitting around the rest of your life. Change starts with the people in the community. They're the ones who need to make the change for the better and start improving their community. It won't come from D.C. or Annapolis.

Reminds me of "Johnny Dangerously"

"The lower east side. This really sucks." :)
Here in the US there are two base problems - lack of education and a lack of ownership in the community.

Both require a willingness to participate to the point of pain and sweat, and I honestly don't know if that can be taught outside the home, but even the lazy and the stupid can find something productive to do, given the right incentives and assistance that understands the parable of teaching a man to fish over giving him a meal.
Are you saying that the lack of ownership is from not buying the right auto?

No. I'm saying that people who own their homes and businesses tend to take better care of them than the folks who rent.
Investment must be taught and worked for - it can't be 'given'.
“A lot of people have came to Baltimore and walked through Sandtown within the last eight months, but that doesn’t make a difference. People will still be poor in Sandtown when Bernie leaves," Rose said.

Bernie Sanders Took A Walk Through Freddie Gray’s Neighborhood. Here’s What Residents Think About It.

Of course they will. If you're sitting around waiting for the government to fix your problems you're going to be sitting around the rest of your life. Change starts with the people in the community. They're the ones who need to make the change for the better and start improving their community. It won't come from D.C. or Annapolis.

a lot of people, 99% black and democrat died because they were dependent on waiting for their checks and big gov. to help them out.
For a better understanding of the dynamics at play......with a particular focus on Baltimore.....please read the following.

Study: Children's life trajectories largely determined by family they are born into

The problem is GENERATIONAL and has roots in a policy of division which has been sanctioned by the Supreme Court for decades.

The problem is generational but has nothing to do with the Supreme Court which has bent over backwards to make up for discrimination. Affirmative action, supervision of voting precincts which is still in effect, drawing,out voting districts to favor blacks, preferential hiring as in quotas, free educational grants for single mothers with children. That argument is patently false.

It is hard to comment on a thirty year study after reading only six paragraphs but one conclusion is obvious. Whatever is being done in the last thirty years to address the problem is a total failure. So democrats promoting their sensibilities for the downtrodden is a complete,sham. One has to wonder if anyone who spent thirty years studying something didn't let their affection for the subjects cloud their scientific judgement. We have no such study that I know of of thirty years of research before the age of welfare to compare it to. The study does seem to insinuate that the family structure has survived more with whites than with blacks. Such a superficial reading of the study does not provide a correlation between welfare availability and employment which would be crucial. Do households headed by women with children have a major financial advantage over a normal family with husband household? How much do not only bad schools but bad curriculum affect job possibilities. While entirely not PC, could their be a clash between cultures with respect to the work ethic? It goes on and on. I am sure a study like,this will be lauded as support for white,privilege but that theory is not,supported by the success of Asian immigrants.

I am committed to everyone having the same opportunity to succeed. If your family does not encourage you or you don't on your own take advantage of that opportunity, well the rest of the country is not to blame for that. Ben Carson, Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Geraldo, Michael Jordan, and so many more show that success is a matter of will and perseverance, not circumstance.

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