Bernie Sanders: We Will Raise Taxes On Anyone Making Over $29,000 To Fund Government Health Care

Well we don’t agree on much Dave...but yes...the idiots that took out the loans are to blame and Clinton administration took out the safeguards on the insurance on the loans.

Those who took out the loans bear some blame as do the bankers. They are suppose to be the experts you go to for advice. The bankers did what was best for them, not their client.

The people who took out the loans signed the papers, and didn't know WTF they were signing. If you are going to make the biggest investment most Americans will make in their lives, and don't understand what you're doing, an extra couple hundred bucks for a lawyer or financial assistant isn't going to kill you.

Many did not have an extra couple hundred of bucks. Isn't it kinda sad though the idea of having to hire a lawyer to protect yourself from the bankers?

If they didn't have the extra couple hundred dollars, then they didn't have enough money to own a house to begin with. That was the problem, like I stated before, they got an ARM loan barely making payments from paycheck to paycheck. You can't do that when you own a home. What happens if the sewer lines clog and they need to be replaced? What happens if the roof starts leaking? You can't go into home ownership without plenty of backup money.

Millions have indeed done so. I did.

Agreed. But irresponsible people won't do that. It's why in the past, those people never got home loans before.

Years ago, you had to demonstrate you were responsible enough to borrow money in the past, and able to repay it. You had to show you had enough money to live on, and still be able to save enough money for a down payment on a house.

I always had excellent credit, but when I went to purchase my home, they gave me hell. Yes, it was rental property and a home, but still, even with my credit, they didn't want to give me the loans. It took over three months of going back and forth before it went through.
So you think if there is government takeover of healthcare you'll still be paying premiums for private insurance?

And you're questioning my intelligence?

No, dumbass. I'm saying your "offset" won't exist because the government can't even budget a free lunch.

Jesus Christ do I need to spell things out in crayon for you or what?

Do seniors like and support Medicare?

They really don't have any viable alternatives to compare it to, not to mention they've already paid for it (without being given a choice as to whether or not they wanted to).

Perhaps if the Medicare system were optional from the get go your question might have more relevance.

My question is valid. Try and cancel it.

LOL, yeah you endorsing yourself makes it so much more relevant. :rolleyes:

That doesn't address the point.
There is nothing corrupt about selling a product. If you want to sell me your used car, and I just trust that it's never been in an accident or had major problems, is that your fault or mine? It's mine. What I should do is figure out how to get a car fax, and take it to a mechanic to look it over and tell me what's up with it.

If you don't reveal things you know about the car that you know is a problem, that is not OK.

No it's not. Not if you don't ask.

Trust me, I seen what the housing bubble did to my suburb. I know what kind of people got those loans. For them, it was a free pass out of the projects or ghetto. They didn't know what was up because they didn't care. All they knew is sign these papers, and you get a house in the suburbs.

They were irresponsible people from the get go. They didn't care about their credit because they either never had credit before, or it was terrible. They had nothing to protect. O% down, and so what if the bank comes back in a couple of years to take your house away? You only end up right back where you started. It was a paid vacation from the ghetto for a couple years.

They didn't pay on their house because they never had any intention of doing so.

Many of the people in these neighborhoods could have stayed in and paid for these homes but the same banks that misled them refused to refinance.

Now those homes sit boarded up. Does that really make sense?

Absolutely not. That's why you should never cater to these people. If government stayed out of it, and left banks to make their own lending rules, those people would have never had the opportunity to buy a home in the first place. Yes, they would have continued to cry and charge racism, but in the end, it would have served them better.

The government got involved by trying to lure those people to buy houses for political advantage. What they really ended up doing is screwing those people.

Minorities' Home Ownership Booms Under Clinton but Still Lags Whites'

The banks were indeed also culpable for what went on. See, I don't try and hide the government's involvement here unlike you and others do with the banks.

So how did we address the mess? We kicked people out of their houses, sometimes illegally, sometimes people who could have stayed but then gave banks billions.

The only way the banks would be wrong is if they lied to the customer. In other words, the person getting the loan ask questions like what if the interest rate goes up 1%? Is the conversion from an ARM to a fixed rate mortgage guaranteed in a year? Now if they lied to the customer, then they should assume some responsibility.
Those who took out the loans bear some blame as do the bankers. They are suppose to be the experts you go to for advice. The bankers did what was best for them, not their client.

The people who took out the loans signed the papers, and didn't know WTF they were signing. If you are going to make the biggest investment most Americans will make in their lives, and don't understand what you're doing, an extra couple hundred bucks for a lawyer or financial assistant isn't going to kill you.

Many did not have an extra couple hundred of bucks. Isn't it kinda sad though the idea of having to hire a lawyer to protect yourself from the bankers?

If they didn't have the extra couple hundred dollars, then they didn't have enough money to own a house to begin with. That was the problem, like I stated before, they got an ARM loan barely making payments from paycheck to paycheck. You can't do that when you own a home. What happens if the sewer lines clog and they need to be replaced? What happens if the roof starts leaking? You can't go into home ownership without plenty of backup money.

Millions have indeed done so. I did.

Agreed. But irresponsible people won't do that. It's why in the past, those people never got home loans before.

Not all were irresponsible. Many would have made it if their loans had simply been refinanced to the lower fixed rates.

Years ago, you had to demonstrate you were responsible enough to borrow money in the past, and able to repay it. You had to show you had enough money to live on, and still be able to save enough money for a down payment on a house.

I bought my first house in 1986. Working two minimum wage jobs and had zero down. My ex still lives in that house.

I always had excellent credit, but when I went to purchase my home, they gave me hell. Yes, it was rental property and a home, but still, even with my credit, they didn't want to give me the loans. It took over three months of going back and forth before it went through.

Maybe it was a certain vibe......I don't know.
Put your healthcare in the hands of government bueracrats that don't give a shit about you, whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups. It will also cause your taxes to sky rocket. What could possible go wrong?
If you don't reveal things you know about the car that you know is a problem, that is not OK.

No it's not. Not if you don't ask.

Trust me, I seen what the housing bubble did to my suburb. I know what kind of people got those loans. For them, it was a free pass out of the projects or ghetto. They didn't know what was up because they didn't care. All they knew is sign these papers, and you get a house in the suburbs.

They were irresponsible people from the get go. They didn't care about their credit because they either never had credit before, or it was terrible. They had nothing to protect. O% down, and so what if the bank comes back in a couple of years to take your house away? You only end up right back where you started. It was a paid vacation from the ghetto for a couple years.

They didn't pay on their house because they never had any intention of doing so.

Many of the people in these neighborhoods could have stayed in and paid for these homes but the same banks that misled them refused to refinance.

Now those homes sit boarded up. Does that really make sense?

Absolutely not. That's why you should never cater to these people. If government stayed out of it, and left banks to make their own lending rules, those people would have never had the opportunity to buy a home in the first place. Yes, they would have continued to cry and charge racism, but in the end, it would have served them better.

The government got involved by trying to lure those people to buy houses for political advantage. What they really ended up doing is screwing those people.

Minorities' Home Ownership Booms Under Clinton but Still Lags Whites'

The banks were indeed also culpable for what went on. See, I don't try and hide the government's involvement here unlike you and others do with the banks.

So how did we address the mess? We kicked people out of their houses, sometimes illegally, sometimes people who could have stayed but then gave banks billions.

The only way the banks would be wrong is if they lied to the customer. In other words, the person getting the loan ask questions like what if the interest rate goes up 1%? Is the conversion from an ARM to a fixed rate mortgage guaranteed in a year? Now if they lied to the customer, then they should assume some responsibility.

It's funny. You condemn the greed when it comes to your insulin but when you see the greed supporting your politics you defend it.

There is a name for that.
Put your healthcare in the hands of government bueracrats that don't give a shit about you, whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups. It will also cause your taxes to sky rocket. What could possible go wrong?

Why should it cause taxes to skyrocket? Are we paying for things now?

If we don't have to raise taxes to pay for bombs and bail outs, why do we for health care?

What do families making $29K pay in taxes now?

More Republican bullshit in action.

What do families making $29k a year pay in premiums, co-pays, coinsurance & deductibles today?

A family of four with a wage earner working full time might get 75% of his premiums covered by his employer. Say that policy cost $1200 a month, $2,000 deductible, with office visits , precriptions, etc typical.

That family will pay $3600.00 a year its share of the premiums, could be $1000 in deductables and 400 hundred in copays. That is $5000. As as any tax increase is less that $5K, they are ahead with medicare for all.

In reality their tax increase would be far less.

This is what you lying assfucks don't get.

Plus, no more sweating out this time of year to see what kind of policy you will get next year, no more worrying what the new premium cost will be, worrying if your doctor is in the network.

The idea you Trumpettes keep whiling is proof you are dumber than shit & just bitching because it is a Democrat idea.

You'd rather pay more out of pocket & fight with the insurance companies

But het, you voted for Trump & I guess that makes you that fucking stupid.
We know Dave. You love the government. Too many people like you is the problem.
Dem policies are so awesome and popular they have to punish people with taxes and threaten them with laws to force people to OBEY!
Jesus fuck,. God forbid we have laws & God forbid we pay for what we spend.

No wonder you love these skyrocketing deficits. Is this why you voted for Trump?
Which Democrat is calling for reducing the deficit?
I’ll wait.
All of them. When they talk abut rolling back Trump's gift to the wealthy and well off corporations.

Why are you supporting a President who is skyrocketing the deficit
Every Democrat wants to increase the deficit, some up to 4X of what it is now.

Todays budget was created by Pelosi and the squad. How’s that going?

So since you’re so concerned about the deficit, why do you support Democrats?

Lying fuck.

Today's budget? What budget are we under now?

If you want to see today's budget, you best be calling Moscow Mitch & ask him why he did not pass what the House passed,

'I love it when you ignorant fucks make these posts that highlight just how uninformed you are.

Clinton balanced the budget.

Bush took that to the worst recession in 80 years. An economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 k=obs a month & trillion plus deficits

Obama brough us back by slashing deficits.

Trump tells you he will quickly end deficits & end debt. You are so fucking stupid you believe hgm & he has skyrocketed the deficit.

What do families making $29K pay in taxes now?

More Republican bullshit in action.

What do families making $29k a year pay in premiums, co-pays, coinsurance & deductibles today?

A family of four with a wage earner working full time might get 75% of his premiums covered by his employer. Say that policy cost $1200 a month, $2,000 deductible, with office visits , precriptions, etc typical.

That family will pay $3600.00 a year its share of the premiums, could be $1000 in deductables and 400 hundred in copays. That is $5000. As as any tax increase is less that $5K, they are ahead with medicare for all.

In reality their tax increase would be far less.

This is what you lying assfucks don't get.

Plus, no more sweating out this time of year to see what kind of policy you will get next year, no more worrying what the new premium cost will be, worrying if your doctor is in the network.

The idea you Trumpettes keep whiling is proof you are dumber than shit & just bitching because it is a Democrat idea.

You'd rather pay more out of pocket & fight with the insurance companies

But het, you voted for Trump & I guess that makes you that fucking stupid.
We know Dave. You love the government. Too many people like you is the problem.

Sometimes the government is the answer because you can;t trust corporate America to do the right thing.

Medicare is more efficient that private insurance.
Put your healthcare in the hands of government bueracrats that don't give a shit about you, whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups. It will also cause your taxes to sky rocket. What could possible go wrong?

Another ignorant fucking Trumpette.

The government is the payer,. YOU choose where to get your care from PRIVATE doctors in PRIVATE institutions.
People pay a ton for health care now. People seem to forget that. So if it costs you $650 a month now or $450 in higher taxes you are ahead.

There is no room for logic here. Please see yourself out so that the circle-jerk of ignorance may proceed.

That isn't logical...those aren't the numbers. Newsflash...the government doesn't run things efficiently. In short, Democrats are gullible, useful idiots.
It would not do anything to reduce the huge deductibles or the cost of prescriptions. Why the hell would anyone want the government to control their healthcare?

Those that support this live in a fantasy world where the government is a loving father figure. They are ignorant of world history and most are lazy on top of being misinformed.

The vast majority of first world countries have universal health care.

If you are still unaware of this do not preach to others about world history.

I am very aware of this. I am also aware that we have the best(most advanced) health care in the world.
There is no room for logic here. Please see yourself out so that the circle-jerk of ignorance may proceed.

That isn't logical...those aren't the numbers. Newsflash...the government doesn't run things efficiently. In short, Democrats are gullible, useful idiots.
It would not do anything to reduce the huge deductibles or the cost of prescriptions. Why the hell would anyone want the government to control their healthcare?

Those that support this live in a fantasy world where the government is a loving father figure. They are ignorant of world history and most are lazy on top of being misinformed.

The vast majority of first world countries have universal health care.

If you are still unaware of this do not preach to others about world history.

I am very aware of this. I am also aware that we have the best(most advanced) health care in the world.
If you can afford it.

What do families making $29K pay in taxes now?

More Republican bullshit in action.

What do families making $29k a year pay in premiums, co-pays, coinsurance & deductibles today?

A family of four with a wage earner working full time might get 75% of his premiums covered by his employer. Say that policy cost $1200 a month, $2,000 deductible, with office visits , precriptions, etc typical.

That family will pay $3600.00 a year its share of the premiums, could be $1000 in deductables and 400 hundred in copays. That is $5000. As as any tax increase is less that $5K, they are ahead with medicare for all.

In reality their tax increase would be far less.

This is what you lying assfucks don't get.

Plus, no more sweating out this time of year to see what kind of policy you will get next year, no more worrying what the new premium cost will be, worrying if your doctor is in the network.

The idea you Trumpettes keep whiling is proof you are dumber than shit & just bitching because it is a Democrat idea.

You'd rather pay more out of pocket & fight with the insurance companies

But het, you voted for Trump & I guess that makes you that fucking stupid.
We know Dave. You love the government. Too many people like you is the problem.

Sometimes the government is the answer because you can;t trust corporate America to do the right thing.

Medicare is more efficient that private insurance.

Sure they are.

$60 Billion Medicare Funds Improperly Paid, Report Finds
That isn't logical...those aren't the numbers. Newsflash...the government doesn't run things efficiently. In short, Democrats are gullible, useful idiots.
It would not do anything to reduce the huge deductibles or the cost of prescriptions. Why the hell would anyone want the government to control their healthcare?

Those that support this live in a fantasy world where the government is a loving father figure. They are ignorant of world history and most are lazy on top of being misinformed.

The vast majority of first world countries have universal health care.

If you are still unaware of this do not preach to others about world history.

I am very aware of this. I am also aware that we have the best(most advanced) health care in the world.
If you can afford it.

Yeah, otherwise you get no healthcare...oh wait, that isn't true at all. Illegals come here to get free healthcare. Any guy under the bridge can walk into the same hospital those of us are paying for and get free healthcare. We have Medicaid. Sign up. We have Medicare for those old enough. For younger and/healthier folks, they can choose catastrophic healthcare insurance with very reasonable premiums. Obamacare got rid of those because they knew that would be the choice of many. Changes can be made, but UHC is the WRONG solution.

What do families making $29K pay in taxes now?

More Republican bullshit in action.

What do families making $29k a year pay in premiums, co-pays, coinsurance & deductibles today?

A family of four with a wage earner working full time might get 75% of his premiums covered by his employer. Say that policy cost $1200 a month, $2,000 deductible, with office visits , precriptions, etc typical.

That family will pay $3600.00 a year its share of the premiums, could be $1000 in deductables and 400 hundred in copays. That is $5000. As as any tax increase is less that $5K, they are ahead with medicare for all.

In reality their tax increase would be far less.

This is what you lying assfucks don't get.

Plus, no more sweating out this time of year to see what kind of policy you will get next year, no more worrying what the new premium cost will be, worrying if your doctor is in the network.

The idea you Trumpettes keep whiling is proof you are dumber than shit & just bitching because it is a Democrat idea.

You'd rather pay more out of pocket & fight with the insurance companies

But het, you voted for Trump & I guess that makes you that fucking stupid.
We know Dave. You love the government. Too many people like you is the problem.

Sometimes the government is the answer because you can;t trust corporate America to do the right thing.

Medicare is more efficient that private insurance.
How’s the government doing on the war on poverty?
Dem policies are so awesome and popular they have to punish people with taxes and threaten them with laws to force people to OBEY!
Jesus fuck,. God forbid we have laws & God forbid we pay for what we spend.

No wonder you love these skyrocketing deficits. Is this why you voted for Trump?
Which Democrat is calling for reducing the deficit?
I’ll wait.
All of them. When they talk abut rolling back Trump's gift to the wealthy and well off corporations.

Why are you supporting a President who is skyrocketing the deficit
Every Democrat wants to increase the deficit, some up to 4X of what it is now.

Todays budget was created by Pelosi and the squad. How’s that going?

So since you’re so concerned about the deficit, why do you support Democrats?

Lying fuck.

Today's budget? What budget are we under now?

If you want to see today's budget, you best be calling Moscow Mitch & ask him why he did not pass what the House passed,

'I love it when you ignorant fucks make these posts that highlight just how uninformed you are.

Clinton balanced the budget.

Bush took that to the worst recession in 80 years. An economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 k=obs a month & trillion plus deficits

Obama brough us back by slashing deficits.

Trump tells you he will quickly end deficits & end debt. You are so fucking stupid you believe hgm & he has skyrocketed the deficit.
Honestly, what color is the sky on your planet?
Bankers totally mislead people on ARM's. A few were at least fined. Should be know what they are getting into? They should but they should also be able to trust the banker or investment broker to not be corrupt.

Borrows knew they would be in trouble when the balloon payments came. Lenders told them they could just remortgage at that time but when that time rolled around, home values had decreased.
Well we don’t agree on much Dave...but yes...the idiots that took out the loans are to blame and Clinton administration took out the safeguards on the insurance on the loans.

Those who took out the loans bear some blame as do the bankers. They are suppose to be the experts you go to for advice. The bankers did what was best for them, not their client.
Banking industry is NOT there to advise you. They are there to fuck you dry.

That isn't the way it should be.
But it’s the way it is and always has been going back to the DeMedici’s and Renaissance Europe.
Jesus fuck,. God forbid we have laws & God forbid we pay for what we spend.

No wonder you love these skyrocketing deficits. Is this why you voted for Trump?
Which Democrat is calling for reducing the deficit?
I’ll wait.
All of them. When they talk abut rolling back Trump's gift to the wealthy and well off corporations.

Why are you supporting a President who is skyrocketing the deficit
Every Democrat wants to increase the deficit, some up to 4X of what it is now.

Todays budget was created by Pelosi and the squad. How’s that going?

So since you’re so concerned about the deficit, why do you support Democrats?

Lying fuck.

Today's budget? What budget are we under now?

If you want to see today's budget, you best be calling Moscow Mitch & ask him why he did not pass what the House passed,

'I love it when you ignorant fucks make these posts that highlight just how uninformed you are.

Clinton balanced the budget.

Bush took that to the worst recession in 80 years. An economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 k=obs a month & trillion plus deficits

Obama brough us back by slashing deficits.

Trump tells you he will quickly end deficits & end debt. You are so fucking stupid you believe hgm & he has skyrocketed the deficit.
Honestly, what color is the sky on your planet?
Cloudy right now. What planet do you live where there are no statistics kept.

I know you live under a brown sky up there in Trump's ass.

If you think what I posted is wrong prove it or shut the fuck up, Trump Boy

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