Bernie Sanders will guarantee a Democratic contested convention

A drumpf supporter who can't handle 3 paragraphs. I would like to say I'm surprised...but I'm not.
A drumpf supporter who can't handle 3 paragraphs. I would like to say I'm surprised...but I'm not.
I could handle 3 paragraphs easy, but your inane ideas are a waste of my time. So if you want to be read, keep it short but you already learned that, so very good, gold star 4 U.
A drumpf supporter who can't handle 3 paragraphs. I would like to say I'm surprised...but I'm not.
I could handle 3 paragraphs easy, but your inane ideas are a waste of my time. So if you want to be read, keep it short but you already learned that, so very good, gold star 4 U.

Just make sure you're here election night. Can't wait to rub your nose in it.
Short enough for your AADD?
"Going into Saturday’s caucuses, Clinton led rival Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont by 268 pledged delegates, 1,769 to 1,501. She also had the edge among superdelegates, 547 to 46. A candidate needs 2,383 delegates to secure the Democratic presidential nomination, meaning Clinton is just 67 away from clinching"

Election 2016: Hillary Clinton Poised To Clinch Democratic Nomination; Bernie Sanders Vowing To Fight To The Finish
So why will Sanders still be there after the supposed clinch? Sanders is going to challenge Hillary like no Presidential candidate has ever been challenged. you have any clue of what your rights are as a candidate? If George Pitaki wanted to continue flying around the nation, spending 300-400 bucks a night for hotel rooms for him and his staff, booking spaces, lobbying groups to host him; he could still do it with zero percent of the vote. No rule makes a candidate drop out Costs and the threat of wholesale embarassment are the two driving factors that force a drop-out most often. Also the strain on the family plays a role most often.

Sanders, to his credit, is running an insurgent campaign pitching himself as being different from Clinton. And it has captured the imagination of those who are not jaded politically into realizing that, when you have zero chance of winning, you are liberated to run a fantasy campaign. If he were a front-runner, you'd hear largely the same speech that Clinton gives. You can promise free college to everyone and that you'll pass laws to limit executive salaries and a total withdraw of troops from around the world since you know there is no chance you are going to be held to that since you won't have the job.

Sanders will have no standing to challenge her. Either at the convention or in the courts. He knew the rules going in; how super delegates are awarded. He didn't get robbed; he got beat.
"Going into Saturday’s caucuses, Clinton led rival Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont by 268 pledged delegates, 1,769 to 1,501. She also had the edge among superdelegates, 547 to 46. A candidate needs 2,383 delegates to secure the Democratic presidential nomination, meaning Clinton is just 67 away from clinching"

Election 2016: Hillary Clinton Poised To Clinch Democratic Nomination; Bernie Sanders Vowing To Fight To The Finish
So why will Sanders still be there after the supposed clinch? Sanders is going to challenge Hillary like no Presidential candidate has ever been challenged. you have any clue of what your rights are as a candidate? If George Pitaki wanted to continue flying around the nation, spending 300-400 bucks a night for hotel rooms for him and his staff, booking spaces, lobbying groups to host him; he could still do it with zero percent of the vote. No rule makes a candidate drop out Costs and the threat of wholesale embarassment are the two driving factors that force a drop-out most often. Also the strain on the family plays a role most often.

Sanders, to his credit, is running an insurgent campaign pitching himself as being different from Clinton. And it has captured the imagination of those who are not jaded politically into realizing that, when you have zero chance of winning, you are liberated to run a fantasy campaign. If he were a front-runner, you'd hear largely the same speech that Clinton gives. You can promise free college to everyone and that you'll pass laws to limit executive salaries and a total withdraw of troops from around the world since you know there is no chance you are going to be held to that since you won't have the job.

Sanders will have no standing to challenge her. Either at the convention or in the courts. He knew the rules going in; how super delegates are awarded. He didn't get robbed; he got beat.

24 million words or less please, I can't read more than two sentences because of my ADD

Sanders lost in the pledged delegate count.
Sanders did not get more votes, in fact he lost by over 3 million.
Sanders has not been able to sway super delegates to his cause.

He has no argument to make. He lost plain and simple.

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