Bernie: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

For one simple reason. The increase was always small enough that it didn't matter. Here's a reality you obviously are either ignorant of or are strenuously avoiding. Over half American workers earn $20/hour or less. Do you have that firmly fixed in your mind? Good. Now, the current rage is to increase the MW to $15/hour. Put those two together for a moment and actually think, not feel, about it. Every person who now makes $20/hour is making significantly more than MW. Raise it to $15/hour and what do you think they will do? That's right, they will demand a raise for themselves, because everyone who was making between MW and $15/hour just got a raise and they're suddenly making just a little over MW. Now, do you REALLY think (again, not feel, because your feelings are irrelevant) that the economy can sustain over half the work force simultaneously getting or demanding big raises or they'll leave without prices going up? If you do, there's little hope for you.

Oh my god, raises? People could support themselves without the government? That would be aweful comrade.
And what do you think would happen to the economy? Companies don't make enough money to give 62% of their workers a big raise. Bye-bye jobs. Is it better to have a low paying job or no job at all?

Well we have cities doing it now. So far no gloom and doom.
Cities where the cost of living is already high enough that $15/hour won't make much of a dent. Do it nation wide and there's a big cost.

Well national increases haven't had a big cost and these big city increases haven't either. I see little reason to believe in that gloom and doom.

What you're really saying is, "I don't like it, so it didn't happen!" Except it did, and no amount of denial won't change that.
The workers at Walmart are happier and the lines are moving faster.
If I see a long line I no longer sigh and leave.
Walmart makes more money with happier workers.
And nothing in that babbling counters anything I have said comrade.

It wasn't babble. It was simply far beyond your tragically limited abilities to comprehend the obvious and simple.

And you remain confused. YOU are the communist, after all.

Why DO you detest capitalism?

Try to step up your work product. You're so slovenly that you are losing the interest of all us intelligent folks.

You are the one supporting government dependence comrade.

No no. that's just your dishonest and baseless and pretty stupid claim. It is, of course, coming from you, false.
Well paying so little leads to more gov dependence. You are in support of paying employees nothing. So yes you are a commie.

No one is buying your syllogism, turd brain. Minimum wage has never been enough for a family to live on, so why is it only now that it's causing "more gov dependence?" The only thing that causes gov dependence is government handing out checks.

Because now we have too many of those jobs. We have 64 million low wage earners. Low wage jobs are all many can find.
Oh my god, raises? People could support themselves without the government? That would be aweful comrade.
And what do you think would happen to the economy? Companies don't make enough money to give 62% of their workers a big raise. Bye-bye jobs. Is it better to have a low paying job or no job at all?

Well we have cities doing it now. So far no gloom and doom.
Cities where the cost of living is already high enough that $15/hour won't make much of a dent. Do it nation wide and there's a big cost.

Well national increases haven't had a big cost and these big city increases haven't either. I see little reason to believe in that gloom and doom.

National increase have been much smaller than the 100% increase you're proposing. They have generally been on the order of 10%-15%. And they have been applied at a rate slower than the rate of inflation.

As for the big city increases, I've read they are making a big dent.

Sorry you have no real evidence they have ever been a problem.
Some jobs are only worth 6-7 an hour, like flipping burgers or stocking shelves etc.

That isn't a link supporting your claim.
That's common sense, no link needed...

We have increased min wage and that has never happened. So you are just wrong.

You dumbasses keep telling us this, despite the proof that it DOES happen. So I have to think the real problem is just that you refuse to believe it, no matter what the evidence, and you think if you shout your lies loud enough and long enough, other people will believe them.

Minimum Wage Leads to Benefit Cuts, Unemployment

Yes, Minimum Wages Still Increase Unemployment

I don't see any proof there it has happened. Seattle is fine.
Yes they are. The government is providing for their employees. My tax dollars subsidize the Waltons who make billions.

No, you are blatantly lying.

SNAP is given to people who make low wages and have passels of children. Walmart is not impregnating women nor is it prohibiting people from finishing high school. It merely offers and a job that requires no skill, which the lowest segments of society are drawn to.

And without that job the Waltons make nothing. So they should be providing for their employees, not the tax payer.

They provide their employees what their labor is worth. They're not obligated to provide anything else.

If you don't want to give people tax money, then stop. But that's a separate issue.

The labor makes them billions so it seems to be worth quite a lot. It makes me nothing so my tax dollars should not subsidize it.

Nice try, but no. If we use your metric of "let's look at all of it at ONCE!" then the labor also COSTS them billions. Doesn't mean the individual unskilled worker is worth any more per hour than he's getting.

Again, if you don't want your tax dollars subsidizing the individuals who get welfare, then vote to stop welfare. Don't bitch about the people actually doing something to help the poor instead of just shuffling them off on a government bureaucracy to send them a check. Your fantasies that someone magically "owes" an uneducated person on welfare a jump from nothing to above the poverty level mean nothing to me.

Vote to stop welfare? That would kill our economy.
A min wage increase has never lead to increased unemployment. Nice scare tactic comrade.
For one simple reason. The increase was always small enough that it didn't matter. Here's a reality you obviously are either ignorant of or are strenuously avoiding. Over half American workers earn $20/hour or less. Do you have that firmly fixed in your mind? Good. Now, the current rage is to increase the MW to $15/hour. Put those two together for a moment and actually think, not feel, about it. Every person who now makes $20/hour is making significantly more than MW. Raise it to $15/hour and what do you think they will do? That's right, they will demand a raise for themselves, because everyone who was making between MW and $15/hour just got a raise and they're suddenly making just a little over MW. Now, do you REALLY think (again, not feel, because your feelings are irrelevant) that the economy can sustain over half the work force simultaneously getting or demanding big raises or they'll leave without prices going up? If you do, there's little hope for you.

Oh my god, raises? People could support themselves without the government? That would be aweful comrade.
And what do you think would happen to the economy? Companies don't make enough money to give 62% of their workers a big raise. Bye-bye jobs. Is it better to have a low paying job or no job at all?

Well we have cities doing it now. So far no gloom and doom.

Oh, please. "We changed it yesterday, and everything's fine today! Everyone knows economics change on a dime!" Tell us more about your economic ignorance.

Ah sorry but your scare tactics have no factual backing.

171 pages of comments; you'd think the Prog losers keeping this laughable thread alive would admit by now Sanders will never be the Democrat Party nominee
Well thank God we have a former Walmart Board of Directors member for 6 years running for President to address all this income inequality that has gotten MUCH WORSE under Progressive governance!!
It wasn't babble. It was simply far beyond your tragically limited abilities to comprehend the obvious and simple.

And you remain confused. YOU are the communist, after all.

Why DO you detest capitalism?

Try to step up your work product. You're so slovenly that you are losing the interest of all us intelligent folks.

You are the one supporting government dependence comrade.

No no. that's just your dishonest and baseless and pretty stupid claim. It is, of course, coming from you, false.
Well paying so little leads to more gov dependence. You are in support of paying employees nothing. So yes you are a commie.

No one is buying your syllogism, turd brain. Minimum wage has never been enough for a family to live on, so why is it only now that it's causing "more gov dependence?" The only thing that causes gov dependence is government handing out checks.

Because now we have too many of those jobs. We have 64 million low wage earners. Low wage jobs are all many can find.

Wrong. But there are many who do have relatively low wages or are seeking jobs that pay such wages. They try despite the massive competition from millions of illegal aliens who shouldn't be here in the first place.
You are the one supporting government dependence comrade.

No no. that's just your dishonest and baseless and pretty stupid claim. It is, of course, coming from you, false.
Well paying so little leads to more gov dependence. You are in support of paying employees nothing. So yes you are a commie.

No one is buying your syllogism, turd brain. Minimum wage has never been enough for a family to live on, so why is it only now that it's causing "more gov dependence?" The only thing that causes gov dependence is government handing out checks.

Because now we have too many of those jobs. We have 64 million low wage earners. Low wage jobs are all many can find.

Wrong. But there are many who do have relatively low wages or are seeking jobs that pay such wages. They try despite the massive competition from millions of illegal aliens who shouldn't be here in the first place.

good point; try asking a left-wing idiot like Brain357 here how granting legal status to 12 million or so mostly Hispanic illegals will be a good thing for the Black community and see what the laughable response will be
You are the one supporting government dependence comrade.

No no. that's just your dishonest and baseless and pretty stupid claim. It is, of course, coming from you, false.
Well paying so little leads to more gov dependence. You are in support of paying employees nothing. So yes you are a commie.

No one is buying your syllogism, turd brain. Minimum wage has never been enough for a family to live on, so why is it only now that it's causing "more gov dependence?" The only thing that causes gov dependence is government handing out checks.

Because now we have too many of those jobs. We have 64 million low wage earners. Low wage jobs are all many can find.

Wrong. But there are many who do have relatively low wages or are seeking jobs that pay such wages. They try despite the massive competition from millions of illegal aliens who shouldn't be here in the first place.

Wages are stagnant, better jobs aren't out there.
No no. that's just your dishonest and baseless and pretty stupid claim. It is, of course, coming from you, false.
Well paying so little leads to more gov dependence. You are in support of paying employees nothing. So yes you are a commie.

No one is buying your syllogism, turd brain. Minimum wage has never been enough for a family to live on, so why is it only now that it's causing "more gov dependence?" The only thing that causes gov dependence is government handing out checks.

Because now we have too many of those jobs. We have 64 million low wage earners. Low wage jobs are all many can find.

Wrong. But there are many who do have relatively low wages or are seeking jobs that pay such wages. They try despite the massive competition from millions of illegal aliens who shouldn't be here in the first place.

good point; try asking a left-wing idiot like Brain357 here how granting legal status to 12 million or so mostly Hispanic illegals will be a good thing for the Black community and see what the laughable response will be

I'm an independent. I would deport them and stop bringing in legal workers from other countries.
No no. that's just your dishonest and baseless and pretty stupid claim. It is, of course, coming from you, false.
Well paying so little leads to more gov dependence. You are in support of paying employees nothing. So yes you are a commie.

No one is buying your syllogism, turd brain. Minimum wage has never been enough for a family to live on, so why is it only now that it's causing "more gov dependence?" The only thing that causes gov dependence is government handing out checks.

Because now we have too many of those jobs. We have 64 million low wage earners. Low wage jobs are all many can find.

Wrong. But there are many who do have relatively low wages or are seeking jobs that pay such wages. They try despite the massive competition from millions of illegal aliens who shouldn't be here in the first place.

Wages are stagnant, better jobs aren't out there.

Wages are stagnant because immigration from third world countries, both legal and illegal, is driving them down.
Well paying so little leads to more gov dependence. You are in support of paying employees nothing. So yes you are a commie.

No one is buying your syllogism, turd brain. Minimum wage has never been enough for a family to live on, so why is it only now that it's causing "more gov dependence?" The only thing that causes gov dependence is government handing out checks.

Because now we have too many of those jobs. We have 64 million low wage earners. Low wage jobs are all many can find.

Wrong. But there are many who do have relatively low wages or are seeking jobs that pay such wages. They try despite the massive competition from millions of illegal aliens who shouldn't be here in the first place.

Wages are stagnant, better jobs aren't out there.

Wages are stagnant because immigration from third world countries, both legal and illegal, is driving them down.

It's not helping. But whatever the reason the fact remains better jobs aren't out there.
No one is buying your syllogism, turd brain. Minimum wage has never been enough for a family to live on, so why is it only now that it's causing "more gov dependence?" The only thing that causes gov dependence is government handing out checks.

Because now we have too many of those jobs. We have 64 million low wage earners. Low wage jobs are all many can find.

Wrong. But there are many who do have relatively low wages or are seeking jobs that pay such wages. They try despite the massive competition from millions of illegal aliens who shouldn't be here in the first place.

Wages are stagnant, better jobs aren't out there.

Wages are stagnant because immigration from third world countries, both legal and illegal, is driving them down.

It's not helping. But whatever the reason the fact remains better jobs aren't out there.
Your bleeding heart is getting in the way of common sense...
Because now we have too many of those jobs. We have 64 million low wage earners. Low wage jobs are all many can find.

Wrong. But there are many who do have relatively low wages or are seeking jobs that pay such wages. They try despite the massive competition from millions of illegal aliens who shouldn't be here in the first place.

Wages are stagnant, better jobs aren't out there.

Wages are stagnant because immigration from third world countries, both legal and illegal, is driving them down.

It's not helping. But whatever the reason the fact remains better jobs aren't out there.
Your bleeding heart is getting in the way of common sense...

If there are stagnant wages then there aren't great jobs out there waiting to be filled.
Wrong. But there are many who do have relatively low wages or are seeking jobs that pay such wages. They try despite the massive competition from millions of illegal aliens who shouldn't be here in the first place.

Wages are stagnant, better jobs aren't out there.

Wages are stagnant because immigration from third world countries, both legal and illegal, is driving them down.

It's not helping. But whatever the reason the fact remains better jobs aren't out there.
Your bleeding heart is getting in the way of common sense...

If there are stagnant wages then there aren't great jobs out there waiting to be filled.
Anyone that really wants a good job can find one, everything else are just excuses...

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