Bernie Wants to Toss People in Prison for Not Violating the Law

I don't know about throwing them in jail, suing them isn't a half bad idea. The fossil fuel industry has systematically lied to the public much like the tobacco industry did.

Anyway, for those curious here is a read:

It’s Time to Try Fossil-Fuel Executives for Crimes Against Humanity

Have fun.
Fossil fuels have systematically allowed you to be a lazy piece of shit winter and summer to sit on your pc bitching about the fucking temperature.

You better hope Bernie doesn’t win because if fossil fuels go away you die.

I use less, I have solar and just like the fossil fuel industry part of it was subsidized as it should be.
Fossil fuels aren’t subsidized you moron. Solar and wind sure as hell are. But you already know that. It was on your taxes.

Fossil fuels are also subsidized.

Fossil fuels are underpriced by a whopping $5.2 trillion
No they aren’t. They can deduct exploration and production expenses just like anyone else.

And aren’t they taxed at the point of sale (you) by about 25% of your cost per gallon?

Maybe you can explain how a gallon of gas can go from $4 a gallon down to $2 but the government still gets 43 cents no matter the sales price.
Government makes more money off a gallon of gas than the oil company does.
I don't know about throwing them in jail, suing them isn't a half bad idea. The fossil fuel industry has systematically lied to the public much like the tobacco industry did.

Anyway, for those curious here is a read:

It’s Time to Try Fossil-Fuel Executives for Crimes Against Humanity

Have fun.
I guess it's worth noting that if they all went out of business, we'd be back to horses & buggies.
Anyone know how to make a saddle out of saggy pants and dreams of saving the planet?
You have never bought water or soda in a plastic bottle? Do you own a Tesla?

I rarely do. I do not own a Tesla but I'm working up to it. As I said before I did put solar on my house, possibly thinking of a backup battery however I'm not so sure how helpful they really are and I telecommute.

So only the well off can afford a car that's environmentally friendly?

For now though the Model 3 is much more affordable than the previous Tesla models. Anyway, CD playes when they first came out only the rich could afford them, it's new.

I'll bet you buy far more plastic bottles than you're willing to admit. You also buy thousands of other products made from plastic. Almost everything you buy in the grocery store comes wrapped in plastic.

No, I really stay away from disposable plastic bottles as much as I can. Yes, I do buy things made from plastic, what is you point? At this time I don't have much of a choice and I do as much as I ask others to do, reduce.
You will never have much of a choice because plastic is far superior to any proposed alternative. Do you want the grocery store to go back to selling milk in paper cartons? Those are unsanitary and they still require fossil fuels to manufacture. Plastic is the material of choice for some very good economic reasons.

Is it? For produce one can buy local, something I do need to do more.

I don't buy a lot of milk and I usually don't eat meat at home, only when I go out.

You do know that many fossil fuels used in manufacturing can be replaced, right?

Anyway, you're kind of using the no true scotsman fallacy, unless someone lives their life using only 100% renewable energy they are failing and that's just not the case.

For example, you're probably buying products from China and even though Trump doesn't want you to, you will and not even know about it. You probably can't even confirm if what you buy isn't made by Mexican laborers here in the United States.
The produce you buy locally is grown with a whole lot of diesel fuel -- because that's what farm implements run on.
Both need oil to keep the wheels from rusting. Anyone know where to get some pig fat in Chicago?
Nowhere near AS MUCH oil as to make gasoline and do automobile oil changes.
While true it still makes you wonder how these climate lunatics think they are going to keep the wind turbines spinning with no oil.

Whale oil.
Nice. All we need to do is build some sailing ships and go whale hunting.

Feels like the 1800’s already.
While true it still makes you wonder how these climate lunatics think they are going to keep the wind turbines spinning with no oil.
Even if they could, all the non-fossil fuel so-called "clean" energy sources combined, could only produce a fraction of what is needed.
It’s a good thing for them I’m not in charge. I would already have cut off Sanders electricity.
Question: what did socialist countries use for light before candles.

Answer: Electricity

The fossil fuel industry had nothing to do with it. I knew it was a con the day I first heard about it.
Yet Leftards covet their plastics and fossil fuel transportation.

If you mean reusable bottles and Teslas, sure.
Your phone is 99% plastic, Dufus.
More like 60%. There's plenty of glass and metal in it. Of course, you need fossil fuels to make both of the later materials.

You need energy, not necessarily fossil fuels.
How do you make steel without coke? How do you make glass without natural gas?
Yet Leftards covet their plastics and fossil fuel transportation.

If you mean reusable bottles and Teslas, sure.
Your phone is 99% plastic, Dufus.
More like 60%. There's plenty of glass and metal in it. Of course, you need fossil fuels to make both of the later materials.

You need energy, not necessarily fossil fuels.
How do you make steel without coke? How do you make glass without natural gas?
The Left think everything just magically appears at stores.
Very few of us would. Not like the cities have any horses, feed or many people that know how to use them.
Guess they'd be riding bicycles and skateboards.

And not one of them would do that. They are so concerned about climate change that they nominated a woman for Speaker that lives all the way on the other side of the country. What do they think her airplane uses, hamsters in wheels?

They're all a bunch of hypocrites.
I don't know about throwing them in jail, suing them isn't a half bad idea. The fossil fuel industry has systematically lied to the public much like the tobacco industry did.

Anyway, for those curious here is a read:

It’s Time to Try Fossil-Fuel Executives for Crimes Against Humanity

Have fun.
I guess it's worth noting that if they all went out of business, we'd be back to horses & buggies.
Very few of us would. Not like the cities have any horses, feed or many people that know how to use them.

Even if they did, the next thing the left would be complaining about is all the horse crap on the streets. Then on the other hand, they don't seem to do much about all the human crap in SF. Instead, they pass out maps to get around it.
Very few of us would. Not like the cities have any horses, feed or many people that know how to use them.
Guess they'd be riding bicycles and skateboards.

And not one of them would do that. They are so concerned about climate change that they nominated a woman for Speaker that lives all the way on the other side of the country. What do they think her airplane uses, hamsters in wheels?

They're all a bunch of hypocrites.
Look at the huge mansion Obama just bought. On the ocean no less. They don’t believe in their manmade climate myth anymore than I do.
It’s a good thing for them I’m not in charge. I would already have cut off Sanders electricity.
And put him on the do not fly list.
Which wouldn’t do any good because he flies private like the hypocrite he is.
What a good socialist Bernie is.
Tossing people in prison for not violating the law makes Stalin proud.

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Everyday I have a clearer understanding how the left machine operates. They hold conservatives to a far, I say FAR higher standard than their own. I believe this is partially due to low expectations of their own, because deep down inside they recognize their own are emotionally unstable. Point being, if Trump would have said this he'd be declared "Proof of Gastapo, thinks he's King, yadda yadda". But since it's Bernie it will go unreported.

To the leftists who think I'm wrong, grow some fucking balls, because you're intellectually dishonest.
Very few of us would. Not like the cities have any horses, feed or many people that know how to use them.
Guess they'd be riding bicycles and skateboards.

And not one of them would do that. They are so concerned about climate change that they nominated a woman for Speaker that lives all the way on the other side of the country. What do they think her airplane uses, hamsters in wheels?

They're all a bunch of hypocrites.
Look at the huge mansion Obama just bought. On the ocean no less. They don’t believe in their manmade climate myth anymore than I do.

It's rare to get hurricanes up there, and I don't wish bad on anybody. But I would laugh like all hell if they got one this year.

It really doesn't matter though. We only have 11 years of survival on this planet anyway. So live it up Hussein!!!

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