Bernie Wants to Toss People in Prison for Not Violating the Law

Nothing was said about wood heating homes. You said that fossil fuels were not subsidized. I simply provided a link showing that they are.

There are some states who want to ban burning wood as a means to heat your home.

Really? Got a link for those states? Wood burning stoves were pretty much a staple in the homes I grew up in. And, I lived in Montana, Wyoming and Colorado as a kid.

It's common knowledge for those who follow the news.
EPA's Wood-Burning Stove Ban Has Chilling Consequences For Many Rural People

Hate to tell you, but that article is from 2014. And, with all the regulations Trump got rid of, I'd be willing to bet they are in use again.

Here's a website that is a bit more current. And, while in some states they may issue a red burn warning, it means that if you have a stove that isn't EPA certified, when the red warning is in effect (usually during air inversions), you can't use your stove below 7,000 feet in 7 areas around Denver, unless it's EPA certified. But, if there is no ban in effect, you can use your stove.

Ordinances and Regulations for Wood-Burning Appliances | US EPA

I trust the EPA website more than I trust your opinion piece from Forbes that is over 5 years old.

So you can thank Trump.....

Didn't say anything one way or the other. Just wanted to post the correct information.
want to save the planet stop forcing people to by being punitive and start awarding them for contributing

had a small town in my state that wanted to do its part so it started a voluntary recycling effort asked the residences to sign up and they gave them bins to put the recyclables in
there wasn't enough that signed up to justify the manpower and gas used to pick up those recyclables so they held a city council meeting to discuss and vote for forced recycling and a member of the town council proposed instead of forcing people why don't we incentive them by giving them a 10% reduction on their water bill for participating they are now at 99% participation and the money they are making on their recyclables more than made up for the 10% deduction on water bills

Interesting. When John Kasich became our Governor, he got our state out of the red by not giving money to needed communities; ours was one of them. Our city cut everything to the bone including layoffs of city workers.

When they discontinued the recycling program, it was because we were paying 80K a year to recycle. I always thought that what we contributed would at least break even with the cost of picking the stuff up and taking to various recycling plants.

They resumed the recycling program once again, and it's really an expense we can't afford.
My guess is that Bernie is driven around in a big fucking SUV and does not bike around everywhere.
want to save the planet stop forcing people to by being punitive and start awarding them for contributing

had a small town in my state that wanted to do its part so it started a voluntary recycling effort asked the residences to sign up and they gave them bins to put the recyclables in
there wasn't enough that signed up to justify the manpower and gas used to pick up those recyclables so they held a city council meeting to discuss and vote for forced recycling and a member of the town council proposed instead of forcing people why don't we incentive them by giving them a 10% reduction on their water bill for participating they are now at 99% participation and the money they are making on their recyclables more than made up for the 10% deduction on water bills

Interesting. When John Kasich became our Governor, he got our state out of the red by not giving money to needed communities; ours was one of them. Our city cut everything to the bone including layoffs of city workers.

When they discontinued the recycling program, it was because we were paying 80K a year to recycle. I always thought that what we contributed would at least break even with the cost of picking the stuff up and taking to various recycling plants.

They resumed the recycling program once again, and it's really an expense we can't afford.

But it makes them "feel" better.
I don't know about throwing them in jail, suing them isn't a half bad idea. The fossil fuel industry has systematically lied to the public much like the tobacco industry did.

Anyway, for those curious here is a read:

It’s Time to Try Fossil-Fuel Executives for Crimes Against Humanity

Have fun.
so when should I expect you to hand over your car
you sure in the hell don't want to continue contributing to their criminality now do you
hell best you just stop living because every dam thing you consume the oil companies have ties to from the food you eat to the house you live in

Not handing over my car. The fossil fuel industry created a cottage industry of denialism that has retarded our efforts to combat climate change because people like you vote for idiots who accept their money.

When people on the left can prove climate change is mad made, then we'll discuss doing something about it. But the climate has been changing since God made the place, and everything we use comes from the very same planet.
Your phone is 99% plastic, Dufus.

It is and I keep it for as long as I can. I don't think it's possible to completely reduce our carbon footprint, however we need to reduce, we don't have much of a choice.

Why do we not have much of a choice? I think our choices are pretty clear.

I was lucky enough to tour a recycling facility about two years ago and it was eye opening. The sheer amount of waste being sent there from just the surrounding area was embarrassing in my opinion, and a pretty good percentage of it was still slated for a landfill due to contamination. This was just one facility in a relatively rural area of Oregon and so if you try to picture that same scene but probably larger and scattered across the US in every major city and cities in-between we generate a lot of waste that mostly goes to landfills. I think there has to be a way that we can try to make a personal choice to help reduce what we throw away in my opinion. I don't think there needs to be a political agenda or political angle to it, it's just being responsible stewards of a place that we are blessed to live in.

Back in the 60's and perhaps early 70's, we used to return bottles for a refund of the charge they assessed to us upon the purchase of the product. We returned everything: milk bottles, orange juice bottles, pop, beer, you name it, and it was returnable.

So yes, we can do that, but I think most would object to hauling twenty pounds of bottles back to the store every week.

Most adults might bitch about hauling bottles back to the store, but I know that as a kid, collecting bottles and selling them back to the store was how I made pocket money.

Those were the days. We used to knock on doors of people on the street to see if we could do the same.
I use less, I have solar and just like the fossil fuel industry part of it was subsidized as it should be.
Fossil fuels aren’t subsidized you moron. Solar and wind sure as hell are. But you already know that. It was on your taxes.

Fossil fuels are also subsidized.

Fossil fuels are underpriced by a whopping $5.2 trillion
That's Marxist propaganda. Do you imagine that using wood to heat our homes would cause less damage to the environment?

Nothing was said about wood heating homes. You said that fossil fuels were not subsidized. I simply provided a link showing that they are.

There are some states who want to ban burning wood as a means to heat your home.

And even cook.

EPA’s next target in fight against climate change: cooking stoves
Fossil fuels aren’t subsidized you moron. Solar and wind sure as hell are. But you already know that. It was on your taxes.

Fossil fuels are also subsidized.

Fossil fuels are underpriced by a whopping $5.2 trillion
That's Marxist propaganda. Do you imagine that using wood to heat our homes would cause less damage to the environment?

Nothing was said about wood heating homes. You said that fossil fuels were not subsidized. I simply provided a link showing that they are.

There are some states who want to ban burning wood as a means to heat your home.

And even cook.

EPA’s next target in fight against climate change: cooking stoves
In LA where your car idles for an hour in traffic while you go to the grocery store 4 blocks away they go after lawn mowers.
That's Marxist propaganda. Do you imagine that using wood to heat our homes would cause less damage to the environment?

Nothing was said about wood heating homes. You said that fossil fuels were not subsidized. I simply provided a link showing that they are.

There are some states who want to ban burning wood as a means to heat your home.

And even cook.

EPA’s next target in fight against climate change: cooking stoves
In LA where your car idles for an hour in traffic while you go to the grocery store 4 blocks away they go after lawn mowers.

I thought about that a few years ago. I think if I were Trump, to get reelected, I would promote going to a four day work week.

Think about it: you're already at work for eight hours. Why not make it ten hours so we could get a three day weekend every weekend?

I know people at the companies I deliver to that are on that schedule love it. Not one complaint. The left would probably approve of it too since that's one less day of cars going back and forth to work, sitting in rush hour, wasting gasoline. With schools going to four day weeks as well, think of all the busses that wouldn't be running one day per week.

Not only would it save on fuel, but likely the prices would decrease as well, and I think we would all end up happier. For instance this Labor day, we would have a four day weekend instead of a three.
I don't know about throwing them in jail, suing them isn't a half bad idea. The fossil fuel industry has systematically lied to the public much like the tobacco industry did.

Anyway, for those curious here is a read:

It’s Time to Try Fossil-Fuel Executives for Crimes Against Humanity

Have fun.
Good to hear from you Fascists.

You really going to push the idea no one has a clue of fossil fuel use?

You have to attend a university to learn to be that stupid.

Yeah, all of you idiots don't believe in climate change thanks mostly to the fossil fuel industry.

If I stop using fossil fuels, the climate will never change? Nice!!
I don't know about throwing them in jail, suing them isn't a half bad idea. The fossil fuel industry has systematically lied to the public much like the tobacco industry did.

Anyway, for those curious here is a read:

It’s Time to Try Fossil-Fuel Executives for Crimes Against Humanity

Have fun.
Fossil fuels have systematically allowed you to be a lazy piece of shit winter and summer to sit on your pc bitching about the fucking temperature.

You better hope Bernie doesn’t win because if fossil fuels go away you die.

I use less, I have solar and just like the fossil fuel industry part of it was subsidized as it should be.
Fossil fuels aren’t subsidized you moron. Solar and wind sure as hell are. But you already know that. It was on your taxes.

Fossil fuels are also subsidized.

Fossil fuels are underpriced by a whopping $5.2 trillion

Fossil fuel companies receive a significant quantity of what we might think of as conventional subsidies — government funding to reduce the retail price of fuel. The IMF describes these as “pre-tax” subsidies, and they amount to roughly $500 billion a year.

Making fuel cheaper for poor people......let's not count that as a subsidy to the fuel companies.

But the vast majority of the IMF’s subsidy tally comes from failing to price greenhouse gas emissions, a.k.a. “post-tax subsidies.” In essence, the world’s carbon polluters are dumping their waste into the atmosphere for free.

We don't capture the CO2 from our burning of fuels. Not a subsidy.

I didn't see a lot of real subsidy info in that silly article.

But thanks for the laughs.
I don't know about throwing them in jail, suing them isn't a half bad idea. The fossil fuel industry has systematically lied to the public much like the tobacco industry did.

Anyway, for those curious here is a read:

It’s Time to Try Fossil-Fuel Executives for Crimes Against Humanity

Have fun.
Good to hear from you Fascists.

You really going to push the idea no one has a clue of fossil fuel use?

You have to attend a university to learn to be that stupid.

Yeah, all of you idiots don't believe in climate change thanks mostly to the fossil fuel industry.
Me, I don't believe in AGW thanks to the global warming industry.

psst, you got all your info from the fossil fuel industry and you probably don't even know it.
Don't project your cult-like behavior on everyone else.
What a good socialist Bernie is.
Tossing people in prison for not violating the law makes Stalin proud.

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It said that they should be criminally prosecuted, and that can mean anything from fines, all the way up to and including, jail time. But, chances of them doing any jail time is pretty slim. Chances are, all they would get is a fine.

But, nice hyperbole. Trump taught you well.
Oh, so you want to FINE people -- take money from them with the threat of government violence -- for Wrongthink.

Yeah, that's not fascist at all.
I don't know about throwing them in jail, suing them isn't a half bad idea. The fossil fuel industry has systematically lied to the public much like the tobacco industry did.

Anyway, for those curious here is a read:

It’s Time to Try Fossil-Fuel Executives for Crimes Against Humanity

Have fun.
Good to hear from you Fascists.

You really going to push the idea no one has a clue of fossil fuel use?

You have to attend a university to learn to be that stupid.

Yeah, all of you idiots don't believe in climate change thanks mostly to the fossil fuel industry.
Nobody denies the climate changes...
As for your AGW, there is no proof. Sue people over a subjective belief?
Just ask Obama, he thinks rising oceans is a myth. He just bought a huge mansion on the beach.
Don't you remember? He commanded them to stop rising. So it's safe now.
I don't know about throwing them in jail, suing them isn't a half bad idea. The fossil fuel industry has systematically lied to the public much like the tobacco industry did.

Anyway, for those curious here is a read:

It’s Time to Try Fossil-Fuel Executives for Crimes Against Humanity

Have fun.
Good to hear from you Fascists.

You really going to push the idea no one has a clue of fossil fuel use?

You have to attend a university to learn to be that stupid.
They want us to believe they drive cars and buy products made of plastic only because oil executives tricked them into it.
who needs oil ride the bus.jpg
I think sometimes people forget, or just frankly don't know, the thousands of products that we own, use, interact with, and see everyday that are made from fossil fuels such as petroleum. The gas in our cars and tractors and planes and power plants and other big visible machines are the things most associated with fossil fuels to most people but just simply go to a grocery store and down every aisle are hundreds upon hundreds, thousands really, of products that are made from fossil fuels. As dirty as they are we can't just simply pretend that our country can just stop using fossil fuels overnight or even over one presidential term. It will take a lot of time, effort, money, alternatives, will power, thought, sacrifices, and calm in order to convert completely away from fossil fuels. It's worth the effort, but we really also need to be realistic about the process in my opinion.
Every time some leftwing idiot buys some bottled water on the way to protest againts big oil, he's consuming fossil fuels.
run out of gas.jpg
I think sometimes people forget, or just frankly don't know, the thousands of products that we own, use, interact with, and see everyday that are made from fossil fuels such as petroleum. The gas in our cars and tractors and planes and power plants and other big visible machines are the things most associated with fossil fuels to most people but just simply go to a grocery store and down every aisle are hundreds upon hundreds, thousands really, of products that are made from fossil fuels. As dirty as they are we can't just simply pretend that our country can just stop using fossil fuels overnight or even over one presidential term. It will take a lot of time, effort, money, alternatives, will power, thought, sacrifices, and calm in order to convert completely away from fossil fuels. It's worth the effort, but we really also need to be realistic about the process in my opinion.
Every time some leftwing idiot buys some bottled water on the way to protest againts big oil, he's consuming fossil fuels.

Many of the products made from fossil fuels are created out of a sense of convenience and could easily be replaced by alternatives, however, I'm not optimistic that too many people would be willing to sacrifice some convenience for a better planet unfortunately.
Then get off your plastics phone and computer, recycle them, and post here via snail mail.

Delivered by fossil fuel vehicles of course.

I'm not advocating for a total dismissal of fossil fuels. I'm just simply saying that many of the products we buy are purely for convenience and could be replaced with other items that last longer and are more Earth friendly in the long run. Much of the plastic packaging for products for example is for single use.
Bernie has 3 homes, Obama and the Clintons and Gore own several mansions.

And you want ME to turn my thermostat to 82?

I don't know about throwing them in jail, suing them isn't a half bad idea. The fossil fuel industry has systematically lied to the public much like the tobacco industry did.

Anyway, for those curious here is a read:

It’s Time to Try Fossil-Fuel Executives for Crimes Against Humanity

Have fun.
I guess it's worth noting that if they all went out of business, we'd be back to horses & buggies.
Very few of us would. Not like the cities have any horses, feed or many people that know how to use them.

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