Bernie, Warren, or Kamala should be the next president

Lol well gee if someone remains a lawyer for 20 years it’s because she won plenty of cases. My god she was a high level prosecutor and you pretend that doesn’t matter. That’s just stupid.

Being an attorney doesn't give you one ounce of experience toward being President of the United States. Neither does being a Senator or Representative. Being a governor does give you experience.

It is not an accident or happenstance that the position of President of the United States is the EXECUTIVE branch. President Donald Trump has decades of executive experience as a highly successful executive for many decades along with dealing with world leaders all around the globe.

As you know, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, was very open and told everyone that he was not qualified to be president. Why did you not listen?

trump a "highly successful" executive?

Barf alert.

Your desperation is duly noted! :D

What's this desperation that you post of? The desperation to claim trump is a highly successful executive...If it wasn't for Fred Trump, Saudi Billionaires and a couple of Russian Oligarchs trump would have been bancrupt decades ago.

Hey, every successful businessman or any successful person had help along the way. In fact, Obama made this very clear, "If you've got a business—you didn't build that"

Of course Trump is highly successful. To claim otherwise is just foolish.

Fred gave him start up money. So what. Look at all the lottery winners, pro athletes and celebrities that have made millions and are broke. Look at all the "trust fund" kids who amount to nothing. Getting an inheritance or coming into some cash is no guarantee to success.

Bankruptcy? It is a legal tool. Millions of individuals and plenty of business and even municipalities have had to use it to reorganize. Sometimes it is necessary.

When I was a kid, I remember when it was in fashion to actually look up to people like Lincoln, Grant and others as people to admire for overcoming their failures. I was even told by my a baseball coach that the experience you get from failing is valuable, and both a learning and character building experience.

Things have definitely changed.
Harris would definitely make a better US President than Trump.
However,Warren is my favorite; she’s also an accomplished attorney, especially for consumers, who get screwed a lot in USA compared with EU.
Plus, the rich should be taxed much more. They should appreciated their good fortune compared to 99% of the US population, and 99.5% of worldwide people.

Anyone but Trump. His madness must stop.

Why do you want this "madness" to stop?

Job Openings Ripped Higher in January, Outnumbering the Unemployed by 1 Million
15 March 2019

American employers posted nearly 7.6 million open jobs in January, one million more jobs than the U.S. has officially unemployed people.
That nearly matched the record high set in November and confirmed the very strong jobs numbers reported in January, when payrolls reportedly grew by 311,000.

Friday’s report also revised December upward, with 7.479 million openings compared to the initial report of 7.335 million.

Although trade disputes were predicted to weigh on employment, the data show no signs of tariff induced strain. Openings are up 21.7 percent compared with a year ago when the Trump administration began announcing tariffs. Openings began to outpace the unemployed last spring, for the first time in the 18 years the data has been tracked.

The report, known as the Job Openings and Labor Turnover survey, or JOLTS, also showed that layoffs declined, a reassuring sign that tariffs imposed by the U.S. and retaliatory tariffs from China are not weighing on American worker

The Labor Department said Friday that hiring also rose and the number of people quitting their jobs picked up. Quits are a sign of a healthy economy, because people typically leave a job for another, usually higher-paying, one. “Take this job and shove it,” as the song says.
Job Openings Ripped Higher in January, Outnumbering the Unemployed by 1 Million | Breitbart
Harris would definitely make a better US President than Trump.
However,Warren is my favorite; she’s also an accomplished attorney, especially for consumers, who get screwed a lot in USA compared with EU.
Plus, the rich should be taxed much more. They should appreciated their good fortune compared to 99% of the US population, and 99.5% of worldwide people.

Anyone but Trump. His madness must stop.

Why do you want this "madness" to stop?

Job Openings Ripped Higher in January, Outnumbering the Unemployed by 1 Million
15 March 2019

American employers posted nearly 7.6 million open jobs in January, one million more jobs than the U.S. has officially unemployed people.

That nearly matched the record high set in November and confirmed the very strong jobs numbers reported in January, when payrolls reportedly grew by 311,000.

Friday’s report also revised December upward, with 7.479 million openings compared to the initial report of 7.335 million.

Although trade disputes were predicted to weigh on employment, the data show no signs of tariff induced strain. Openings are up 21.7 percent compared with a year ago when the Trump administration began announcing tariffs. Openings began to outpace the unemployed last spring, for the first time in the 18 years the data has been tracked.

The report, known as the Job Openings and Labor Turnover survey, or JOLTS, also showed that layoffs declined, a reassuring sign that tariffs imposed by the U.S. and retaliatory tariffs from China are not weighing on American worker

The Labor Department said Friday that hiring also rose and the number of people quitting their jobs picked up. Quits are a sign of a healthy economy, because people typically leave a job for another, usually higher-paying, one. “Take this job and shove it,” as the song says.
Job Openings Ripped Higher in January, Outnumbering the Unemployed by 1 Million | Breitbart
First of all, economic growth after major downturns (2008) take a long time to recover. Years! USA economy was in upturn mode when Obama left office. Trump may ruin it before 2020.
Second, it’s not all about money!
Overall equity, respect & happiness (among all people) is most important. And intelligent foreign policy; not kissing Putin’s or Kim’s ass.
That’s where Trump fails badly.
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

Pocahontas is out already - she just doesn't know it.

Harris, who slept her way up the political ladder, can't possibly sleep with enough key people to win the election, especially if Democrats keep their promise of eliminating Electoral College and go 'Popular vote' :p

And Bernie is definitely the safest bet ....just don't threaten his candidacy of piss him off or else one of his supporters will show up while you're practicing softball and shoot your ass.

Hillary is still the 'dark horse'. Bernie has 'PTSD' now - even though he is leading, when someone says, 'Hey, look there's Hillary' he automatically BENDS OVER.

For the last month, I have been visiting old graveyards in Wisconsin and Iowa and writing down names To use in November 2020, The tards will never know what hit them til well after Trump starts is second term.
No Bernie and no warren.

I don't like either one.

Swalwell is a good choice. I like Harris because of her law and order background.
Castro would be good.

Democrats have choices. Lets look at a little younger.
swalwell wants to nuke anyone with a gun. I don't think he'd make it.
For the last month, I have been visiting old graveyards in Wisconsin and Iowa and writing down names To use in November 2020, The tards will never know what hit them til well after Trump starts is second term.
I can't believe you are still showing that altered photo.


This is what it looked like before some juvenile photo shopped it.


Now this on the other hand:


and this one:


Are probably pretty good evidence Trump sometimes forgets his "Depends".
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

President of a small city zoo perhaps.

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