Bernie, Warren, or Kamala should be the next president

Three GREAT Democrat presidential candidates!

And there IS an election coming up in Venezuela.

But.....are Venezuelans ready for a gigantic leap toward the left?
Lol well gee if someone remains a lawyer for 20 years it’s because she won plenty of cases. My god she was a high level prosecutor and you pretend that doesn’t matter. That’s just stupid.

Being an attorney doesn't give you one ounce of experience toward being President of the United States. Neither does being a Senator or Representative. Being a governor does give you experience.

It is not an accident or happenstance that the position of President of the United States is the EXECUTIVE branch. President Donald Trump has decades of executive experience as a highly successful executive for many decades along with dealing with world leaders all around the globe.

As you know, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, was very open and told everyone that he was not qualified to be president. Why did you not listen?

trump a "highly successful" executive?

Barf alert.
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

I'm voting Libertarian if any one of those three are the nominee.
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

Kamala Harris a Blue Dog Democrat is the only one that is capable of winning the Presidency. If Democrats aren't smart and put up Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, you'll get another 4 years of Donald Trump.

Democrats didn't even vote for Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton beat him worse than she did Trump by a whopping 3,775,437 Democrat primary popular votes. In comparison Obama beat Hillary in 2008 by a mere 41,622 democrat primary popular votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

So if someone charges out the gate and starts promising you things that are to good to be true, like a free college education, dump them immediately.

It's a blue dog wave, you should stick with the type of Democrat that has been winning. I would also strongly suggest that it is a woman, as 2020 will be the 100th anniversary of women winning the right to vote in this country.


Kamala is a "blue dog democrat"....Oh brother!


Yes Kamala Harris is a blue dog Democrat, and is very capable of kicking Trump's dumb ass. Blue dogs are who have been winning all these districts in REPUBLICAN STRONGHOLDS and why Democrats just took over the house. Next up will be the Senate.

They're not liberal democrats, they're more moderate Democrats that can appeal to voters on the opposite side of the isle. This country is center, it always has been.


Yes Kamala Harris is a blue dog Democrat

View attachment 241713


That's definitely the WRONG definition. Blue Dogs are moderate democrats not necessarily from the South. JFK wasn't a southerner, Bill Clinton wasn't a southerner, but they are considered blue dog democrats. Beauweavals are considered blue dog Democrats who came out of the South.
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

Kamala Harris a Blue Dog Democrat is the only one that is capable of winning the Presidency. If Democrats aren't smart and put up Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, you'll get another 4 years of Donald Trump.

Democrats didn't even vote for Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton beat him worse than she did Trump by a whopping 3,775,437 Democrat primary popular votes. In comparison Obama beat Hillary in 2008 by a mere 41,622 democrat primary popular votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

So if someone charges out the gate and starts promising you things that are to good to be true, like a free college education, dump them immediately.

It's a blue dog wave, you should stick with the type of Democrat that has been winning. I would also strongly suggest that it is a woman, as 2020 will be the 100th anniversary of women winning the right to vote in this country.


Kamala is a "blue dog democrat"....Oh brother!


Yes Kamala Harris is a blue dog Democrat, and is very capable of kicking Trump's dumb ass. Blue dogs are who have been winning all these districts in REPUBLICAN STRONGHOLDS and why Democrats just took over the house. Next up will be the Senate.

They're not liberal democrats, they're more moderate Democrats that can appeal to voters on the opposite side of the isle. This country is center, it always has been.

Kamala Harris has way too much baggage. She has tried to deflect it but she's stuck.

Talking in platitudes won't get you anywhere on this board. Provide a credible verifiable link to what baggage you claim that Kamala Harris is carrying.
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

Kamala Harris a Blue Dog Democrat is the only one that is capable of winning the Presidency. If Democrats aren't smart and put up Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, you'll get another 4 years of Donald Trump.

Democrats didn't even vote for Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton beat him worse than she did Trump by a whopping 3,775,437 Democrat primary popular votes. In comparison Obama beat Hillary in 2008 by a mere 41,622 democrat primary popular votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

So if someone charges out the gate and starts promising you things that are to good to be true, like a free college education, dump them immediately.

It's a blue dog wave, you should stick with the type of Democrat that has been winning. I would also strongly suggest that it is a woman, as 2020 will be the 100th anniversary of women winning the right to vote in this country.


Kamala is a "blue dog democrat"....Oh brother!


Yes Kamala Harris is a blue dog Democrat, and is very capable of kicking Trump's dumb ass. Blue dogs are who have been winning all these districts in REPUBLICAN STRONGHOLDS and why Democrats just took over the house. Next up will be the Senate.

They're not liberal democrats, they're more moderate Democrats that can appeal to voters on the opposite side of the isle. This country is center, it always has been.

Kamala Harris has way too much baggage. She has tried to deflect it but she's stuck.

Talking in platitudes won't get you anywhere on this board. Provide a credible verifiable link to what baggage you claim that Kamala Harris is carrying.
The biggest steamer trunk of baggage is California. ]
Lol I love how you just pretend it doesn’t matter Trump didn’t accomplish jack shit but he was still qualified.

LMAO right Trump just became a billionaire, defeated Hillary, the entire Dem party, and MSM. :auiqs.jpg:
But don’t you see the stupidity in thinking this woman being a lawyer for 20 years and has served in every level of government means she hasn’t accomplished something? And bitch please, If daddy didn’t give Trump millions of dollars to start so many failing businesses he would be working fast food right now.

Still waiting for you to tell us what she accomplished as a lawyer in her 20 years. Its pretty clear you can't list any major career accomplishments. Did she become a partner at a top law firm if so how? Did she argue and win a big case before the SCOTUS? I mean come on there must be something in her career besides ambulance chasing and working on the government dole.
Lol well gee if someone remains a lawyer for 20 years it’s because she won plenty of cases. My god she was a high level prosecutor and you pretend that doesn’t matter. That’s just stupid.

Its sad that she has you for an advocate. You know nothing about the woman.

CNN is covering Kamala Harris, and they're actually going to televise a town hall she is doing. You Bernie Sanders supporters, he won't be back, there is no way in Hell the DNC is going to let him run on their ticket again. Elizabeth Warren is just the female version of Bernie Sanders, she is too far left to win the Presidency. You would get another 4 years of the Ass Clown.
CNN to host Iowa town hall with Kamala Harris - CNNPolitics

Click this link to redirect to another post on this thread for an explanation of why Sander's nor Warren would have a snowballs chance of winning the Presidency.
Bernie, Warren, or Kamala should be the next president

It's early yet, we don't know who is jumping into this race but it's clear that the eyeballs right now are all on Kamala Harris.


And here's her wiki pedia bio
Kamala Harris - Wikipedia
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No one from California can be elected to a national office. California is simply too trashed. An opponent will replay Harris' nonsense from the Kavanaugh hearing. Then, Harris will have to answer for being a senator for only a few days before running for president.

Kamala Harris does not have a prayer. Being a WOC will not take her that far.
No Bernie and no warren.

I don't like either one.

Swalwell is a good choice. I like Harris because of her law and order background.
Castro would be good.

Democrats have choices. Lets look at a little younger.

Yes, they have plenty of choices.....all of them bad.
No Bernie and no warren.

I don't like either one.

Swalwell is a good choice. I like Harris because of her law and order background.
Castro would be good.

Democrats have choices. Lets look at a little younger.

Of those 3, Harris!!!!

Didn't like her announcement the other morning. I hope she does better in the future.

Are we talking the moron from California ?

Please....please run her.

I think Warren is too polarizing. I think it's likely that she would be a mistake, just like Hillary was.

Bernie is too old, but he was really good at energizing the base. Republicans are very consistent showing up at the voting booths, but Democrats need to be energized with someone they like - not with someone they can tolerate like Hillary.

I think Harris is easily the best option so far. I think she has enough charisma that she can energize the base, kind of like Obama or Bernie would have, without being too polarizing.

Nothing energizes the left like essentially free stuff (that others pay for).

Harris will be very popular in that regard.
LMAO right Trump just became a billionaire, defeated Hillary, the entire Dem party, and MSM. :auiqs.jpg:
But don’t you see the stupidity in thinking this woman being a lawyer for 20 years and has served in every level of government means she hasn’t accomplished something? And bitch please, If daddy didn’t give Trump millions of dollars to start so many failing businesses he would be working fast food right now.

Still waiting for you to tell us what she accomplished as a lawyer in her 20 years. Its pretty clear you can't list any major career accomplishments. Did she become a partner at a top law firm if so how? Did she argue and win a big case before the SCOTUS? I mean come on there must be something in her career besides ambulance chasing and working on the government dole.
Lol well gee if someone remains a lawyer for 20 years it’s because she won plenty of cases. My god she was a high level prosecutor and you pretend that doesn’t matter. That’s just stupid.

Its sad that she has you for an advocate. You know nothing about the woman.

CNN is covering Kamala Harris, and they're actually going to televise a town hall she is doing. You Bernie Sanders supporters, he won't be back, there is no way in Hell the DNC is going to let him run on their ticket again. Elizabeth Warren is just the female version of Bernie Sanders, she is too far left to win the Presidency. You would get another 4 years of the Ass Clown.
CNN to host Iowa town hall with Kamala Harris - CNNPolitics

Click this link to redirect to another post on this thread for an explanation of why Sander's nor Warren would have a snowballs chance of winning the Presidency.
Bernie, Warren, or Kamala should be the next president

It's early yet, we don't know who is jumping into this race but it's clear that the eyeballs right now are all on Kamala Harris.


And here's her wiki pedia bio
Kamala Harris - Wikipedia

Please please oh prety please run her.
No Bernie and no warren.

I don't like either one.

Swalwell is a good choice. I like Harris because of her law and order background.
Castro would be good.

Democrats have choices. Lets look at a little younger.

Of those 3, Harris!!!!

Didn't like her announcement the other morning. I hope she does better in the future.

Are we talking the moron from California ?

Please....please run her.

I think Warren is too polarizing. I think it's likely that she would be a mistake, just like Hillary was.

Bernie is too old, but he was really good at energizing the base. Republicans are very consistent showing up at the voting booths, but Democrats need to be energized with someone they like - not with someone they can tolerate like Hillary.

I think Harris is easily the best option so far. I think she has enough charisma that she can energize the base, kind of like Obama or Bernie would have, without being too polarizing.

Nothing energizes the left like essentially free stuff (that others pay for).

Harris will be very popular in that regard.
Kamala will be telling black Americans that she will be taking their stuff and give it to illegals because they need stuff.
Bernie, Warren, or Kamala should be the next president

None of the above, all are too liberal.. But also, no more Trump.
Centralist are the largest demographic. Larger than Conservative or Liberals. So, I hope a centralist rises out of all the president wannabes.
Bernie, Warren, or Kamala should be the next president

None of the above, all are too liberal.. But also, no more Trump.
Centralist are the largest demographic. Larger than Conservative or Liberals. So, I hope a centralist rises out of all the president wannabes.

The left is never going to allow a centrist to gain the nomination.

You don't elect people like Warren and Ocasio-Cortez and expect to have any kind of centrist presence.
Bernie, Warren, or Kamala should be the next president

None of the above, all are too liberal.. But also, no more Trump.
Centralist are the largest demographic. Larger than Conservative or Liberals. So, I hope a centralist rises out of all the president wannabes.

If u get on the ballot in the GE, you have a coin flip of a chance of winning the Oval. To get on the ballot, you need the most delegates. To win the most delegates, in the DNC you need to either win the most states or win big in the largest states. Most of their contests are proportional allotments so it stands to reason that the candidates from the delegate rich states will do the best in those circumstances. Like in 2016, HRC won the California primary. Sanders still walked away with over 200 delegates. Harris should do well out there and Beto (if he runs) should do well in Texas.

Iowa and NH are always critical but even more so this year. Early momentum is going to matter so much
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

Kamala Harris a Blue Dog Democrat is the only one that is capable of winning the Presidency. If Democrats aren't smart and put up Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, you'll get another 4 years of Donald Trump.

Democrats didn't even vote for Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton beat him worse than she did Trump by a whopping 3,775,437 Democrat primary popular votes. In comparison Obama beat Hillary in 2008 by a mere 41,622 democrat primary popular votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

So if someone charges out the gate and starts promising you things that are to good to be true, like a free college education, dump them immediately.

It's a blue dog wave, you should stick with the type of Democrat that has been winning. I would also strongly suggest that it is a woman, as 2020 will be the 100th anniversary of women winning the right to vote in this country.


Kamala is a "blue dog democrat"....Oh brother!


Yes Kamala Harris is a blue dog Democrat, and is very capable of kicking Trump's dumb ass. Blue dogs are who have been winning all these districts in REPUBLICAN STRONGHOLDS and why Democrats just took over the house. Next up will be the Senate.

They're not liberal democrats, they're more moderate Democrats that can appeal to voters on the opposite side of the isle. This country is center, it always has been.


Yes Kamala Harris is a blue dog Democrat

View attachment 241713


That's definitely the WRONG definition. Blue Dogs are moderate democrats not necessarily from the South. JFK wasn't a southerner, Bill Clinton wasn't a southerner, but they are considered blue dog democrats. Beauweavals are considered blue dog Democrats who came out of the South.

Blue Dogs are moderate democrats not necessarily from the South.

You think Kamala is moderate? LOL!

Bill Clinton wasn't a southerner

Arkansas isn't south?

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