Bernie, Warren, or Kamala should be the next president

So coming from a liberal, you’re saying the inner city kids who can’t afford to go to college are less intelligent. Every time you post, you dig a deeper hole. Pretty damn funny.

If by "inner city kids" you mean black, then yes, they are less intelligent. Not a popular thing to say but it is, as you know, true.
Lol I love how you just pretend it doesn’t matter Trump didn’t accomplish jack shit but he was still qualified.

LMAO right Trump just became a billionaire, defeated Hillary, the entire Dem party, and MSM. :auiqs.jpg:
But don’t you see the stupidity in thinking this woman being a lawyer for 20 years and has served in every level of government means she hasn’t accomplished something? And bitch please, If daddy didn’t give Trump millions of dollars to start so many failing businesses he would be working fast food right now.
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

1) What would Bernie/Warren/Harris do to get the economy going?

2) How would Bernie/Warren/Harris balance the budget?

3) How would Bernie/Warren/Harris reduce the federal debt?

4) What would Bernie/Warren/Harris do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

5) What would Bernie/Warren/Harrisdo about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

6) What changes or improvements would Bernie/Warren/Harris make to Medicare?

7) What changes or improvements would Bernie/Warren/Harris make to Social Security?

8) What reforms would Bernie/Warren/Harris make to our immigration policy?

9) What changes would Bernie/Warren/Harris make to the financial services industry?

10) What would Bernie/Warren/Harris do about ISIS?

11) What would Bernie/Warren/Harris do about Putin?

All too often, I see rubes saying they support someone, and then it turns out they don't know fuck-all about the person.

For example, just recently some "libertarians" on this forum claimed they liked Tulsi Gabbard without having the slightest clue she is as socialist as Bernie and AOC!
1) Refucing the tax burden on the poor and middle class which would increase comsumer spending and thus stimulate the economy. Raising the minimum wage to a modest level would do the same thing.

2) Caredul tax policy. I’m not qualified to know what that would need to be specifically, but it can be done. Obama successfully reduced the deficit by 2/3.

3) A good tax policy would go a long way, but reducing the federal debt just isn’t obtainable for one sitting president to do. That shit will take decades of consistent policy enforcement.

4) Re-establishing the deal they had before. A deal that multiple nations sponsored. It wasn’t perfect, but it’s not like we can just expect Iran to roll over and do what we want it to do. It doesn’t work like that.

5) Lol probably nothing can be done about their nuclear weapons program. I don’t think this is in the scope of the American President. The best diplomacy we can count on is their relationship with SK.

6) Medicare for all would be great, but implementing such a policy would prove very difficult with republican opposition. They could also make smaller changes within the program like making it legal for the government to negotiate lower prices with private industry.

7) Adequately fund social security. Lower the age of qualification.

8) Our immigration policy prior to Trump was fine on its own. The fact of the matter is that the US has become less attractive for illegal immigration since 2008. The numbers are declining. There is no crisis.

9) It’s in need of serious regulation to prevent another “too big to fail” scenario.

10) Hard to say what they would do about ISIS outside of large scale change in approach. There’s nothing that they would come up with that would revolutionize and improve the effectiveness of the fight. Personally, I think the neighboring enemy nations need to take out their own trash.

11) Putin? Basically nothing lol. Putin holds too many cards to feel intimidated by the US. None of those candidates would take his shit like Trump does, but that doesn’t mean it would matter. Putin does whatever he wants.

Large scale farce, all eleven jokes. Keep up the good work!

Lol I love how you just pretend it doesn’t matter Trump didn’t accomplish jack shit but he was still qualified.

LMAO right Trump just became a billionaire, defeated Hillary, the entire Dem party, and MSM. :auiqs.jpg:
But don’t you see the stupidity in thinking this woman being a lawyer for 20 years and has served in every level of government means she hasn’t accomplished something? And bitch please, If daddy didn’t give Trump millions of dollars to start so many failing businesses he would be working fast food right now.
No Bernie and no warren.

I don't like either one.

Swalwell is a good choice. I like Harris because of her law and order background.
Castro would be good.

Democrats have choices. Lets look at a little younger.
Swallwell is the biggest idiot in Congress. Trump would tear him into little itty bity pieces.
Lol I love how you just pretend it doesn’t matter Trump didn’t accomplish jack shit but he was still qualified.

LMAO right Trump just became a billionaire, defeated Hillary, the entire Dem party, and MSM. :auiqs.jpg:
But don’t you see the stupidity in thinking this woman being a lawyer for 20 years and has served in every level of government means she hasn’t accomplished something? And bitch please, If daddy didn’t give Trump millions of dollars to start so many failing businesses he would be working fast food right now.

Still waiting for you to tell us what she accomplished as a lawyer in her 20 years. Its pretty clear you can't list any major career accomplishments. Did she become a partner at a top law firm if so how? Did she argue and win a big case before the SCOTUS? I mean come on there must be something in her career besides ambulance chasing and working on the government dole.
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

Kamala Harris a Blue Dog Democrat is the only one that is capable of winning the Presidency. If Democrats aren't smart and put up Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, you'll get another 4 years of Donald Trump.

Democrats didn't even vote for Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton beat him worse than she did Trump by a whopping 3,775,437 Democrat primary popular votes. In comparison Obama beat Hillary in 2008 by a mere 41,622 democrat primary popular votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

So if someone charges out the gate and starts promising you things that are to good to be true, like a free college education, dump them immediately.

It's a blue dog wave, you should stick with the type of Democrat that has been winning. I would also strongly suggest that it is a woman, as 2020 will be the 100th anniversary of women winning the right to vote in this country.


Kamala is a "blue dog democrat"....Oh brother!


Yes Kamala Harris is a blue dog Democrat, and is very capable of kicking Trump's dumb ass. Blue dogs are who have been winning all these districts in REPUBLICAN STRONGHOLDS and why Democrats just took over the house. Next up will be the Senate.

They're not liberal democrats, they're more moderate Democrats that can appeal to voters on the opposite side of the isle. This country is center, it always has been.

Kamala Harris has way too much baggage. She has tried to deflect it but she's stuck.
Lol I love how you just pretend it doesn’t matter Trump didn’t accomplish jack shit but he was still qualified.

LMAO right Trump just became a billionaire, defeated Hillary, the entire Dem party, and MSM. :auiqs.jpg:
But don’t you see the stupidity in thinking this woman being a lawyer for 20 years and has served in every level of government means she hasn’t accomplished something? And bitch please, If daddy didn’t give Trump millions of dollars to start so many failing businesses he would be working fast food right now.

Still waiting for you to tell us what she accomplished as a lawyer in her 20 years. Its pretty clear you can't list any major career accomplishments. Did she become a partner at a top law firm if so how? Did she argue and win a big case before the SCOTUS? I mean come on there must be something in her career besides ambulance chasing and working on the government dole.
Lol well gee if someone remains a lawyer for 20 years it’s because she won plenty of cases. My god she was a high level prosecutor and you pretend that doesn’t matter. That’s just stupid.
No Bernie and no warren.

I don't like either one.

Swalwell is a good choice. I like Harris because of her law and order background.
Castro would be good.

Democrats have choices. Lets look at a little younger.
No shame in going younger than those two, but their platform is ultimately what matters. Bernie is also authentic regardless of what one may think about his policies.
He's an authentic idiot.
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

Kamala Harris a Blue Dog Democrat is the only one that is capable of winning the Presidency. If Democrats aren't smart and put up Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, you'll get another 4 years of Donald Trump.

Democrats didn't even vote for Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton beat him worse than she did Trump by a whopping 3,775,437 Democrat primary popular votes. In comparison Obama beat Hillary in 2008 by a mere 41,622 democrat primary popular votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

So if someone charges out the gate and starts promising you things that are to good to be true, like a free college education, dump them immediately.

It's a blue dog wave, you should stick with the type of Democrat that has been winning. I would also strongly suggest that it is a woman, as 2020 will be the 100th anniversary of women winning the right to vote in this country.


Kamala is a "blue dog democrat"....Oh brother!


Yes Kamala Harris is a blue dog Democrat, and is very capable of kicking Trump's dumb ass. Blue dogs are who have been winning all these districts in REPUBLICAN STRONGHOLDS and why Democrats just took over the house. Next up will be the Senate.

They're not liberal democrats, they're more moderate Democrats that can appeal to voters on the opposite side of the isle. This country is center, it always has been.

No she's not.....She's a Fornicalia moonbat of the highest order.
Lol I love how you just pretend it doesn’t matter Trump didn’t accomplish jack shit but he was still qualified.

LMAO right Trump just became a billionaire, defeated Hillary, the entire Dem party, and MSM. :auiqs.jpg:
But don’t you see the stupidity in thinking this woman being a lawyer for 20 years and has served in every level of government means she hasn’t accomplished something? And bitch please, If daddy didn’t give Trump millions of dollars to start so many failing businesses he would be working fast food right now.

Still waiting for you to tell us what she accomplished as a lawyer in her 20 years. Its pretty clear you can't list any major career accomplishments. Did she become a partner at a top law firm if so how? Did she argue and win a big case before the SCOTUS? I mean come on there must be something in her career besides ambulance chasing and working on the government dole.
Lol well gee if someone remains a lawyer for 20 years it’s because she won plenty of cases. My god she was a high level prosecutor and you pretend that doesn’t matter. That’s just stupid.

Its sad that she has you for an advocate. You know nothing about the woman.
Probably is just my idea, but I don’t see how it wouldn’t be feasible. I think either way they would approach social security policy as being more beneficial to the people who receive it. Admittedly, I can’t explain what policy would work because I don’t know much about it, but I trust the judgement of economists who would be optimistic about improving it. We already know republicans cut spending to SS. That should be reversed

Please show us your reliable source and working link proving your false allegation that Republicans cut spending to SS.

Social Security is a giant Ponzi Scheme. Every dollar going out depends on an equal dollar coming from withholding taxes. The problem is that we don't have enough money coming in to meet our future obligations.
Lol well gee if someone remains a lawyer for 20 years it’s because she won plenty of cases. My god she was a high level prosecutor and you pretend that doesn’t matter. That’s just stupid.

Being an attorney doesn't give you one ounce of experience toward being President of the United States. Neither does being a Senator or Representative. Being a governor does give you experience.

It is not an accident or happenstance that the position of President of the United States is the EXECUTIVE branch. President Donald Trump has decades of executive experience as a highly successful executive for many decades along with dealing with world leaders all around the globe.

As you know, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, was very open and told everyone that he was not qualified to be president. Why did you not listen?
Lol well gee if someone remains a lawyer for 20 years it’s because she won plenty of cases. My god she was a high level prosecutor and you pretend that doesn’t matter. That’s just stupid.

Being an attorney doesn't give you one ounce of experience toward being President of the United States. Neither does being a Senator or Representative. Being a governor does give you experience.

It is not an accident or happenstance that the position of President of the United States is the EXECUTIVE branch. President Donald Trump has decades of executive experience as a highly successful executive for many decades along with dealing with world leaders all around the globe.

As you know, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, was very open and told everyone that he was not qualified to be president. Why did you not listen?
Not only is she an attorney but she is also a senator. She has worked at every level of the government even if she wasn’t a governor. You can keep pretending all of that doesn’t matter but we both know it does. It’s not like you were outraged a fat guy with no government experience whatsoever became president. We are definitely seeing that inexperience.

Obama definitely was qualified. He was a Harvard Law professsor. He did a pretty decent job as president even if it wasn’t perfect.
Lol I love how you just pretend it doesn’t matter Trump didn’t accomplish jack shit but he was still qualified.

LMAO right Trump just became a billionaire, defeated Hillary, the entire Dem party, and MSM. :auiqs.jpg:
But don’t you see the stupidity in thinking this woman being a lawyer for 20 years and has served in every level of government means she hasn’t accomplished something? And bitch please, If daddy didn’t give Trump millions of dollars to start so many failing businesses he would be working fast food right now.

Still waiting for you to tell us what she accomplished as a lawyer in her 20 years. Its pretty clear you can't list any major career accomplishments. Did she become a partner at a top law firm if so how? Did she argue and win a big case before the SCOTUS? I mean come on there must be something in her career besides ambulance chasing and working on the government dole.
Lol well gee if someone remains a lawyer for 20 years it’s because she won plenty of cases. My god she was a high level prosecutor and you pretend that doesn’t matter. That’s just stupid.

Its sad that she has you for an advocate. You know nothing about the woman.
Lol I’ve told you plenty about her. You know nothing about her but assume she is unqualified. You see how dumb that sounds right?

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