Bernie, Warren, or Kamala should be the next president

You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

Kamala Harris a Blue Dog Democrat is the only one that is capable of winning the Presidency. If Democrats aren't smart and put up Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, you'll get another 4 years of Donald Trump.

Democrats didn't even vote for Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton beat him worse than she did Trump by a whopping 3,775,437 Democrat primary popular votes. In comparison Obama beat Hillary in 2008 by a mere 41,622 democrat primary popular votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

So if someone charges out the gate and starts promising you things that are to good to be true, like a free college education, dump them immediately.

It's a blue dog wave, you should stick with the type of Democrat that has been winning. I would also strongly suggest that it is a woman, as 2020 will be the 100th anniversary of women winning the right to vote in this country.


Kamala is a "blue dog democrat"....Oh brother!

You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

Not sure I agree with much of the above, and gauging at this point in time who has a chance of beating Trump in 2020 is a fool's errand anyway. Not least, all the Trumpletons' howling notwithstanding, there is no evidence that Warren ever got preferential treatment thanks to her Native American heritage.

But then...

Funny x 12
Chuz Life
Bootney Lee Farnsworth
Dale Smith
The Breeze
Dont Taz Me Bro

... you've found a very fine way to gauge the intellectually helpless, as self-selected by their use of their favorite "weapon", the funny button.
I’m not suggesting Warren got preferential treatment from it. I’m just saying it’s a stupid thing to for republicans to harp on. It’s so desperate. And yeah, the “funny” emoticons is all they have when they have nothing to argue with.
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

1) What would Bernie/Warren/Harris do to get the economy going?

2) How would Bernie/Warren/Harris balance the budget?

3) How would Bernie/Warren/Harris reduce the federal debt?

4) What would Bernie/Warren/Harris do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

5) What would Bernie/Warren/Harrisdo about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

6) What changes or improvements would Bernie/Warren/Harris make to Medicare?

7) What changes or improvements would Bernie/Warren/Harris make to Social Security?

8) What reforms would Bernie/Warren/Harris make to our immigration policy?

9) What changes would Bernie/Warren/Harris make to the financial services industry?

10) What would Bernie/Warren/Harris do about ISIS?

11) What would Bernie/Warren/Harris do about Putin?

All too often, I see rubes saying they support someone, and then it turns out they don't know fuck-all about the person.

For example, just recently some "libertarians" on this forum claimed they liked Tulsi Gabbard without having the slightest clue she is as socialist as Bernie and AOC!
'Bernie, Warren, or Kamala should be the next president'

Hillary is going to enter the race and screw them all .... HARD!

It's the 'It's My Turn' III' Tour. :p
'Bernie, Warren, or Kamala should be the next president'

Hillary is going to enter the race and screw them all .... HARD!

It's the 'It's My Turn' III' Tour. :p
Dude...your daily masturbation over Hillary is becoming a serious addiction. You need to see a doctor.
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.
Bernie, Warren, or Kamala should be the next president

I agree. I hear there will be an opening soon in Venezuela.
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

Some of your OP sounds believable. Except the part where you had a friend in college.
Well, I’m sorry you are jealous you regret not being smart enough to go to college.

Going to college has nothing to do with being smart.
Lol of course it does. Is it the only measure of intelligence? No. No one is saying that.

So coming from a liberal, you’re saying the inner city kids who can’t afford to go to college are less intelligent. Every time you post, you dig a deeper hole. Pretty damn funny.
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

1) What would Bernie/Warren/Harris do to get the economy going?

2) How would Bernie/Warren/Harris balance the budget?

3) How would Bernie/Warren/Harris reduce the federal debt?

4) What would Bernie/Warren/Harris do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

5) What would Bernie/Warren/Harrisdo about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

6) What changes or improvements would Bernie/Warren/Harris make to Medicare?

7) What changes or improvements would Bernie/Warren/Harris make to Social Security?

8) What reforms would Bernie/Warren/Harris make to our immigration policy?

9) What changes would Bernie/Warren/Harris make to the financial services industry?

10) What would Bernie/Warren/Harris do about ISIS?

11) What would Bernie/Warren/Harris do about Putin?

All too often, I see rubes saying they support someone, and then it turns out they don't know fuck-all about the person.

For example, just recently some "libertarians" on this forum claimed they liked Tulsi Gabbard without having the slightest clue she is as socialist as Bernie and AOC!
1) Refucing the tax burden on the poor and middle class which would increase comsumer spending and thus stimulate the economy. Raising the minimum wage to a modest level would do the same thing.

2) Caredul tax policy. I’m not qualified to know what that would need to be specifically, but it can be done. Obama successfully reduced the deficit by 2/3.

3) A good tax policy would go a long way, but reducing the federal debt just isn’t obtainable for one sitting president to do. That shit will take decades of consistent policy enforcement.

4) Re-establishing the deal they had before. A deal that multiple nations sponsored. It wasn’t perfect, but it’s not like we can just expect Iran to roll over and do what we want it to do. It doesn’t work like that.

5) Lol probably nothing can be done about their nuclear weapons program. I don’t think this is in the scope of the American President. The best diplomacy we can count on is their relationship with SK.

6) Medicare for all would be great, but implementing such a policy would prove very difficult with republican opposition. They could also make smaller changes within the program like making it legal for the government to negotiate lower prices with private industry.

7) Adequately fund social security. Lower the age of qualification.

8) Our immigration policy prior to Trump was fine on its own. The fact of the matter is that the US has become less attractive for illegal immigration since 2008. The numbers are declining. There is no crisis.

9) It’s in need of serious regulation to prevent another “too big to fail” scenario.

10) Hard to say what they would do about ISIS outside of large scale change in approach. There’s nothing that they would come up with that would revolutionize and improve the effectiveness of the fight. Personally, I think the neighboring enemy nations need to take out their own trash.

11) Putin? Basically nothing lol. Putin holds too many cards to feel intimidated by the US. None of those candidates would take his shit like Trump does, but that doesn’t mean it would matter. Putin does whatever he wants.
All too often, I see rubes saying they support someone, and then it turns out they don't know fuck-all about the person.

For example, just recently some "libertarians" on this forum claimed they liked Tulsi Gabbard without having the slightest clue she is as socialist as Bernie and AOC![/QUOTE]

You can say that about any candidate but someone will be declared the winner

You can stay at home and pout that your guy or gal didn't win

Just remember there are consequences for staying home

I can remember listening to a radio call in show and a black woman called in and she was saying Hillary has done nothing for me and said she was a Bernie supporter

what was the interesting part for me what her strong references to what's in it for me

The primaries are fun and interesting but in the end there is the big show

and we cannot lose site of that

As the movie goes

There can only be one
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You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

Some of your OP sounds believable. Except the part where you had a friend in college.
Well, I’m sorry you are jealous you regret not being smart enough to go to college.

Going to college has nothing to do with being smart.
Lol of course it does. Is it the only measure of intelligence? No. No one is saying that.

So coming from a liberal, you’re saying the inner city kids who can’t afford to go to college are less intelligent. Every time you post, you dig a deeper hole. Pretty damn funny.
Lol you idiot i didn’t say anything close to that.
11) Putin? Basically nothing lol. Putin holds too many cards to feel intimidated by the US. None of those candidates would take his shit like Trump does, but that doesn’t mean it would matter. Putin does whatever he wants.[/QUOTE]

well he already won and will sit back with fond memories of what he has done for the rest of his life
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

By all means share with us their qualifications for the job. :auiqs.jpg:
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

By all means share with us their qualifications for the job. :auiqs.jpg:
Well, they’re much smarter than republicans. That alone is enough outside of saying how experienced they are.
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

By all means share with us their qualifications for the job. :auiqs.jpg:
Well, they’re much smarter than republicans. That alone is enough outside of saying how experienced they are.

Is that why Kamala failed the bar exam, because she's so smart?
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

By all means share with us their qualifications for the job. :auiqs.jpg:
Well, they’re much smarter than republicans. That alone is enough outside of saying how experienced they are.

LMAO still waiting for you to provide their qualifications, I predict crickets. Run away and hide.
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

By all means share with us their qualifications for the job. :auiqs.jpg:
Well, they’re much smarter than republicans. That alone is enough outside of saying how experienced they are.

Is that why Kamala failed the bar exam, because she's so smart?

Every time I challenge Dem's to show us their candidate qualifications they shit themselves.
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

By all means share with us their qualifications for the job. :auiqs.jpg:
Well, they’re much smarter than republicans. That alone is enough outside of saying how experienced they are.

Is that why Kamala failed the bar exam, because she's so smart?
You mean the actual exam she passed because otherwise she wouldn’t be a lawyer? Lol don’t pretend your dumbass could pass it.
You know, when Warren said she was part Native American it became the go-to fodder from the right which really was stupid. It would have been better had she not ever said this, but it is such a lame thing to harp on considering there was truth to it. Is that really the best republicans have on this woman? It’s so stupid. I went to a college where Native Americans receive free tuition and my very white friend took advantage of it because he was 1/32 native. Should my college of gone that low as bar? No. Was my friend gaming the system? Yes. However, the man was part native either way. What are you going to do? I question Warren’s authenticity in other subjects sometimes, but I’m sure she would have a solid progressive platform.

You really can’t go wrong with Bernie besides his age being a reasonable complaint. He has the highest favorability rating out of anyone in Congress so he would have a decent chance at beating Trump. Considering O’Rourke almost succeeded in making Texas blue, it really is worth considering.

Kamala is probably my favorite right now, primarily because she is an accomplished attorney. The best people to run for President are either lawyers or experts in public policy in some other way. Her reliably progressive platform would do a lot of good because she understands how public policy works. She also doesn’t take anyone’s shit which is something democrats are generally terrible at doing. The democrat party needs more teeth these days. It’s bad enough the DNC is so corrupt.

By all means share with us their qualifications for the job. :auiqs.jpg:
Well, they’re much smarter than republicans. That alone is enough outside of saying how experienced they are.

LMAO still waiting for you to provide their qualifications, I predict crickets. Run away and hide.
I already did you doofus. I said Kamala is an experienced attorney. Bernie has a long history of public policy achievement like his bipartisan veterans bill and Warren’s success with creating a consumer protection bureau.

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