Bernie with reporter at cafe: "Let's not make people overly nervous about socialism, i'm picking up mantle from FDR, economic rights are human rights"

advocates of supply side capitalism like TN Harley, who thunder with certitude that socialism is evil, will change course after i'm finished making the case in this thread

TNHarley will fall, bow at my feet, and say: "yes, basquebromance, you and Bernie are right, socialism is the way!"
You are wrong, fucking Commie! And Reagan rightly had you Bolsheviks pegged!
They sat there for 6 hours waiting for someone to pay their bill.
Yes, I'm a Marxist—Leninist, but I also support all existing forms of socialism, even if it's not my ideal version of it, because socialism is inherently better than capitalism. When challenged on his policies, Bernie erupted. watch the interview

That interview was done during the last presidential campaign, the voters rejected the bern. LMAO


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