Bernie's "Billionaires Shouldn’t Exist" line doesn't go far enough, my friends! Walmart could be nationalized. Or turned into giant worker-cooperative

The greatest insult is providing facts and not relying on what lies between your ears.
too bad the facts from the GOP base are always total BS garbage anti American hateful divisive propaganda from proven scumbags.....
Walmart should be nationalized and turned into a cooperative? 😧

Walmart is already being whittled down by theft and is closing many of it's stores. Why invite the government to join in the looting?? I say nature prevail and let Walmart close some of its stores and other competition move in....and I am ALL for them having armed security guards like they have where I work as long as they don't harass or make people uncomfortable while shopping there. If Walmart was too stupid to take realistic measures against theft then I say let the free market swallow them up. Quite honestly I'm sick of Walmart being so big.
More opinion from you
the proof is that none of your crap propaganda charges against anyone go anywhere in a court of law. If you bring it up in the Court of law as fact, that is a crime. there is no election fraud There is no vaccine fraud There is no pedophilia epidemic going on. all absolute crap made up with absolutely no evidence. Do you want a diagram, Super Duper? Don't try talking in polite society anywhere in the world with this crap either....
yeah, who needs infrastructure or cheap college and training? banana republic is the way to go!
The so-called "infrastructure bill" only spent 5% on actual infrastructure.

The government has spent trillions on higher education. When is it going to become cheap?
The so-called "infrastructure bill" only spent 5% on actual infrastructure.

The government has spent trillions on higher education. When is it going to become cheap?
When Democrats get real power with 60 votes in the Senate and can make the mega Rich pay their fair share and we invest in America again. And your fact is crap of course. Even that would be the most we've spent on infrastructure since before Reagan and the destruction of America as we knew it....
Who is using all caps, chimp? Sanders is not against people being wealthy. Maybe read a little instead of acting like a chimp.
Don't care, Sanders is not the boss of how much wealth people can have. His intentional attempts to divide Americans and foment dissent while demonizing billionaires is pathetic. That sheeple follow him is sad really.
It means your president is an idiot.
maybe it has something to do with his stuttering problem he overcame by himself as a child. You should try and develop a sense of humor and some humanity along with your pure crap hateful anti American BS propaganda, Super Duper....
Don't care, Sanders is not the boss of how much wealth people can have. His intentional attempts to divide Americans and foment dissent while demonizing billionaires is pathetic. That sheeple follow him is sad really.
Demonizing my ****. You don't care so you're just going to go on lying about everyone. Great job! Super Dupe. Keep voting for greedy idiot lying scumbags.....
The so-called "infrastructure bill" only spent 5% on actual infrastructure.

The government has spent trillions on higher education. When is it going to become cheap?
Actually, He is pretty brilliant with a bit of a stutter and a bunch of lovable gaffes.... and Fortune magazine says you are totally full of it. It's almost all infrastructure of one kind or another Try reading something factual for a change.....
When Democrats get real power with 60 votes in the Senate and can make the mega Rich pay their fair share and we invest in America again. And your fact is crap of course. Even that would be the most we've spent on infrastructure since before Reagan and the destruction of America as we knew it....
So you admit the so-called "infrastructure bill" was a scam.

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