Bernie's "Billionaires Shouldn’t Exist" line doesn't go far enough, my friends! Walmart could be nationalized. Or turned into giant worker-cooperative

Actually, He is pretty brilliant with a bit of a stutter and a bunch of lovable gaffes.... and Fortune magazine says you are totally full of it. It's almost all infrastructure of one kind or another Try reading something factual for a change.....

Infrastructure as many people think of it—construction or improvement of bridges, highways, roads, ports, waterways, and airports—accounts for only $157 billion, or 7%, of the plan’s estimated cost. That’s apparently what Vought was referring to. The definition of infrastructure can reasonably be expanded to include upgrading wastewater and drinking water systems, expanding high-speed broadband Internet service to 100% of the nation, modernizing the electric grid, and improving infrastructure resilience. That brings the total to $518 billion, or 24% of the plan’s total cost.
Providing everyone with wireless is not infrastructure. It's welfare. "modernizing the electric grid" is part of their "green energy boondoggle," which isn't infrastructure. What the fuct doesn't "improving infrasctucture resliance" even mean?
Demonizing my ****. You don't care so you're just going to go on lying about everyone. Great job! Super Dupe. Keep voting for greedy idiot lying scumbags.....
^^^ sheeple alert! Told to blindly hate billionaires and obeys. Baaaaaahh.

Do you hate Bill Gates and his philanthropy? Do you know what that word means? If idiots in government took all his wealth government would piss it away on stupid shit in short order and it would be gone.
Hateful crap is assaulting people for attending Trump rallies.
maybe it has something to do with the fact that hate crimes have gone up 20 to 30% since Trump started..,, attacks against black Jews gays Muslims and Asians, and the violence by the right wing more than doubles whenever Trump has a rally. Violence goes up 229%..... And that isn't violence against the Trumpers. except possibly in self defense. you are totally clueless. and what you are saying is once again cherry picked very rare crap propaganda repeated endlessly by your scumbag lying pundits...
Infrastructure as many people think of it—construction or improvement of bridges, highways, roads, ports, waterways, and airports—accounts for only $157 billion, or 7%, of the plan’s estimated cost. That’s apparently what Vought was referring to. The definition of infrastructure can reasonably be expanded to include upgrading wastewater and drinking water systems, expanding high-speed broadband Internet service to 100% of the nation, modernizing the electric grid, and improving infrastructure resilience. That brings the total to $518 billion, or 24% of the plan’s total cost.
Providing everyone with wireless is not infrastructure. It's welfare. "modernizing the electric grid" is part of their "green energy boondoggle," which isn't infrastructure. What the fuct doesn't "improving infrasctucture resliance" even mean?
it means investing in infrastructure which will cut electrical and other power sources use. read it again for God's sake you stupid dupe of the greedy idiot lying rich... there is no material thicker than brainwashed GOP ignoramus skull.... of course the Internet is infrastructure you stupid fool. I Carrumba..... Oops brain washed functional stupid fool.... I know, let's blame it on the poor and give the rich another tax break LOL...
^^^ sheeple alert! Told to blindly hate billionaires and obeys. Baaaaaahh.

Do you hate Bill Gates and his philanthropy? Do you know what that word means? If idiots in government took all his wealth government would piss it away on stupid shit in short order and it would be gone.
Yes, he is a good Democrat and worries about the country for crying out loud, as opposed to your stupid greedy idiot lying scumbag GOP Conmen Mega Rich..... I know, let's have another tax cut for the rich. your incredible disrespect for American public servants is noted. let's leave it up to our wonderful friends the corporations and Wall Street and big money big health big Pharma and give them a a corrupt deregulation so we can have another bubble and bust recession or depression like every time the GOP gets the time to do it. enjoy the banks going belly up thanks to that right now. if you had a brain you'd be dangerous oooops....
Don't care, Sanders is not the boss of how much wealth people can have. His intentional attempts to divide Americans and foment dissent while demonizing billionaires is pathetic. That sheeple follow him is sad really.
It's obvious you don't care. Meanwhile you and the rest of the 95% are getting ripped off because of dummies like yourself who have no conception of what a billion is.
maybe it has something to do with the fact that hate crimes have gone up 20 to 30% since Trump started..,, attacks against black Jews gays Muslims and Asians, and the violence by the right wing more than doubles whenever Trump has a rally. Violence goes up 229%..... And that isn't violence against the Trumpers. except possibly in self defense. you are totally clueless. and what you are saying is once again cherry picked very rare crap propaganda repeated endlessly by your scumbag lying pundits...
bullshit. Violence goes up at Trump rallies because the left wing terrorists show up to hurl eggs and rocks at conservatives. You deny or justify violence from the Left.
it means investing in infrastructure which will cut electrical and other power sources use.
That isn't what it means.

read it again for God's sake you stupid dupe of the greedy idiot lying rich... there is no material thicker than brainwashed GOP ignoramus skull.... of course the Internet is infrastructure you stupid fool.

The modem in your house is not infrastructure.

I Carrumba..... Oops brain washed functional stupid fool.... I know, let's blame it on the poor and give the rich another tax break LOL...

Look at the fool who believes the labels Dims put on their Bills are honest.
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unfettered capitalism destroys anything that gets in its way in the pursuit of profits, including the environment, democracy and human rights.

people who work hard and create businesses should be rich, but the concept of some being billionaires offends me deeply when a half-million Americans are homeless and 85 million of them cannot afford to buy health insurance

The main thing is, government should decide who gets what. We the people can't be trusted to spend our money as we see fit.
The main thing is, government should decide who gets what. We the people can't be trusted to spend our money as we see fit.
no but we need to tax the rich and corporations in many in many cases much more like their fair share and invest in Americans again And america, after 40 years of stupid Reaganist BS...
no but we need to tax the rich and corporations in many in many cases much more like their fair share and invest in Americans again And america, after 40 years of stupid Reaganist BS...
No, we need to take all your money, and any money your family has squirreled away, and give to me.

No, we need to take all your money, and any money your family has squirreled away, and give to me.

we were never what you would call rich thank you very much, brane washed functional moron. what are you, a billionaire Just having a hard time the moment? absolute idiocy...
The main thing is, government should decide who gets what. We the people can't be trusted to spend our money as we see fit.
No, government should not decide who gets what. That's a thoroughly marxist idea.
bullshit. Violence goes up at Trump rallies because the left wing terrorists show up to hurl eggs and rocks at conservatives. You deny or justify violence from the Left.
that is absolutely idiotic. Why don't you go beat up a few trans? you'll feel a lot better.

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