Bernie's "Billionaires Shouldn’t Exist" line doesn't go far enough, my friends! Walmart could be nationalized. Or turned into giant worker-cooperative

Anyone who approves of what he said he was going to do is a moron.
any actual arguments or just stupid name calling,
Bernie supporters are truly sheep to put up with his bullshit hypocrisy. They think Donald Trump is taking from them yet Bernie Sanders is not???
Have you ever considered talking about politics and policies, or are you only interested in BS gossip and envy? the lying scumbag GOP is all about stealing from regular people and giving it away to the rich and cutting programs that would help...
Charter schools are not “better” than public schools. The significant body of research on charters shows they generally do no better and often do worse than traditional public schools. Charter schools are not a “pathway out of poverty.” There’s no evidence charters produce better long-term outcomes for students.
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Do charter schools get better academic results than public schools?
billionaires will soon figure out a way to make us pay for the air we breathe and then they'll become trillionaires!
actually they had the Great Society and a living wage and more blacks in college and highly educated sons and daughters of the GI Bill. Now they are stupid and you people lead the way. it's not your fault. the silent majority is now the loudmouth majority
The Gay Mafia ( LGBTQPN / SEIU Union / BLM / Black Bloc CPUSA WGA Loudmouths
any actual arguments or just stupid name calling,

Have you ever considered talking about politics and policies, or are you only interested in BS gossip and envy? the lying scumbag GOP is all about stealing from regular people and giving it away to the rich and cutting programs that would help...
Have you ever considered providing facts and data to back up assertions?
Or we might actually tax the rich more like their fair share so we can have cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations a living wage daycare Etcetera Etcetera like every other modern country so we can continue to compete... We are turning into a banana republic under the GOP giveaway to the rich policies of the last 40 years.... your comments are crap propaganda and make no sense in the real world.... try not voting for greedy liars someday....

Socialist simp spews socialist swill.

Fuck off and Die.
you should learn the other side's perspective. know your enemy
Bad-Cop, Good-Cop Scenario

What "other side"? Leftists are agents provocateurs of the Right Wing they were born in. The cradle of their ideology is the university, which was specifically designed for richkids living off an allowance.

Notice that the Right-Wing talk-show gurus' main point is "Look what the Left just did!" After drumming that in, they'll throw a pro-Conservative talking point in with the anti-Liberal stew, as if that is the real and only alternative.

For example, after rattling off incidents of the disgusting Groom Boom in our schools, they'll sneak in an attack on the irrelevant teachers' unions to further their goal of leaving workers dependent on the generosity of GreedHead businessmen.
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This is so key.

The govt. ( and idiots like the op) never talk about RAISING everyone UP to a certain level. They ALWAYS talk about bringing everyone DOWN to a common denominator!!! Bernie just wants all the billionaires brought DOWN so the govt can confiscate the money and waste it on bullshit and line their own pockets.
You're Not Against Pork If You're Against a Menu

Income-tax forms should allow the taxpayer to determine which government Departments his money should be allocated to.

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