Bernie's "Billionaires Shouldn’t Exist" line doesn't go far enough, my friends! Walmart could be nationalized. Or turned into giant worker-cooperative

that's what you get after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and total BS, the worst homelessness, inequality and upward mobility anywhere ever in the modern world by far. great job Super Dupe! and you morons blaming the victims OMG.
thank goodness the democrat party has fixed all that...right
Let me tell you about my friends Susan and Devin

Susan is sick of going hungry, sick of eating instant noodles morning, noon, and night. She’s tired of falling further and further behind on her bills, tired of being a freeloader in her own home. With no cash coming in, the whole family is in hock to Susan’s absentee landlord, her great-grandmother, who charges each of her tenants a modest rent to cover the property taxes and supplement her Social Security check. Susan’s uncle has been scraping together just enough to pay the utilities with his slim earnings from the occasional side job fixing cars in the backyard. The whole household depends on Susan and Devin’s food stamp benefits in order to eat. So as Susan goes about the work of caring for her baby and searching for a job, she is also learning another skill—the art of surviving on virtually nothing.

Why would she have a baby if can't feed herself?

He used to say millionaires shouldnt exist. Then he became one.
Senator Harley, would you co-sponsor my bill to make sure that single mothers would pay no more than 7 percent of their income on child care? let's see if you have a heart. the bill would be paid for through a wealth tax on billionaires
he wrote a couple of popular books and many speeches like all the other Democrats who got rich. Republicans not so damn simple LOL..... I don't mind you having a couple of billion but when they have 150 billion dollars, it's a really unfair GOP tax system like the last 40 years.
what’s unfair about the tax system?

yes republicans, conservatives, don’t get rich simply selling propaganda novels to their base, they get rich through hard work, building business, selling products and services consumers want.
the hyper-rich are like heroin addicts. They’re never satisfied with what they have. They need a new fix. More, more and more, no matter what the consequences of their greed. Only where ‘heroin addicts end up dead or in jail… greed addicts never end up in jail. Instead of destroying themselves, they destroy our communities, our institutions, our society
OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma has been granted a patent for opioid-addiction treatment. But should they be allowed to profit from their own mess?

this is like the big bank bailout in 2008. are we shocked by this? of course not!

under Bernie's wealth tax, over 10 years, the Waltons (owners of Walmart) would pay 80 billion dollars more, Bezos would pay 40 billion dollars, and Zuckerberg would pay 20 billion
I also forgot to mention that FDR instituted a 90% windfall tax, we're only pushing for 50%. As you all know, FDR's economy was enormously well.
How does it happen that, despite spending almost twice per capita on health care as the people of other industrialized nations, our life expectancy is LOWER and getting worse?
Billionaires are a product of a broken system that concentrates wealth and power in the hands of a few. As Bernie Sanders rightly said, income over $1 billion should be taxed at 100%. We need a more just society that values the well-being of all, not just the few.
60 thousand Americans die each year from lack of health care while health care CEO's make 60 billion in profits

how crazy is that?

5 health insurance CEOs made more than $20 million in 2022:
• Joseph Zubretsky, Molina: $22,131,256
• Karen Lynch, CVS: $21,317,055
• David Cordani, Cigna: $20,965,504
• Gail Boudreux, Anthem: $20,931,081
• Andrew Witty, United: $20,865,106

A slap in the face to patients.
I am reading “It’s OK To Be Angry About Capitalism” by Bernie Sanders. It’s a captivating yet depressing read. “Young lady in Iowa graduated from dental school with over $400,000 in student debt”
"As a US senator I confront corporate greed every single day, I confront injustice, I confront massive levels of income and wealth inequality. I see tens of thousands of people dying unnecessarily because of our dysfunctional healthcare system. I see kids not getting the education they need, or can afford. And I see a planet in danger of massive, massive crises because of climate change, because of the greed of the fossil-fuel industry. I see corporate power exercised in a way that is incredibly destructive to the people of the United States and, in fact, much of the world. Do you believe in an afterlife?" - Bernie in the Financial Times

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